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Just back from Med cruise - a few observations


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Hi girls,


You were a wealth of information for me before I left on my 2 week Western Med cruise, so I thought I'd share some observations I had.


I CANNOT STATE THIS ENOUGH - WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES. I don't just mean comfortable, I mean your white running shoes that everyone poo poos. I wished I'd had my Nike running shoes. I brought 2 pairs of excursion shoes and my feet killed me sometimes. One was a Sketchers pair and the other was Naturalizer. I thought these were the most comfortable shoes I'd ever worn - until I was walking around for 8 hours a day. These were meant to be worn without socks. Never again. Next time I am wearing running shoes WITH SOCKS. FORGET ABOUT FASHION and blending in with the locals, it's not worth the discomfort. The locals aren't on their feet for 10 hour days. I cannot stress this enough. Next time I'll be wearing some ugly utilitarian shoes.


Packing and overpacking. I brought 6 pairs of shoes and really wore them all. 2 excursions, 2 sandals for nights, one pair of flip flops that doubled as slippers and a silver ballet flat. Wore them all. But I brought too much clothes. I wore most of it at least once, but my aim was to wear everything twice and I didn't. I think you should have to wear things twice for it to make sense on a 2 week cruise. But I got sick for a few days and ordered room service, so didn't go to the main dining room every night.


Wear a hat!! The sun can be a killer. Bring a raincoat - we had lots of rain too and I was wishing I had a proper raincoat instead of the silly nylon thing I brought. Ended up getting a horrid cold.


Insofar as dressing in Europe, I saw everthing in all 10 ports. Nothing would have looked out of place. There are too many tourists for it to make any difference at all. If you are worried about shorts and white running shoes - don't be.


I guess if there is any advice I can give - pack lighter and WEAR COMFORTABLE EXCURSION SHOES.


Did I mention comfy shoes? With socks?

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That is the advice I always give; we had a marvellous time on our Med. cruise last summer (photos and review in the links below) and we both wore our white tennis shoes which have great support and good quality white socks. I wore a long sleeve shirt with SPF 50 or used a sun umbrella because I have fair skin. We had a great time and didn't care that we looked like tourists because that's exactly what we are when we are travelling. Hats a necessity, umbreallas so useful in sun and shade and yes, comfortable footware that is already broken in.

Sorry you got sick on your cruise; hopefully it didn't detract too much from your trip.

Good advice -- thanks for sharing.


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I don't wear white trainers with (or without) socks unless I'm working out...even at home...so I would never wear them while traveling. I wore a wonderful pair of Born sandals on our Med cruise and was perfectly comfortable and cool (in August). They worked with shorts, capris, and skirts and I wore them for 8-10 hours a day every day for 14 days...without socks. I think that more important than the kind of shoes you wear is to make sure that your shoes are broken in and ready to hold up to long days on your feet. In other words, road test them hard before you pack them.


We were fortunate that we only saw rain for one afternoon in Venice...DH and I had travel rain ponchos which worked out well.


I absolutely agree on the hat...and sunscreen. The sun was fierce...especially further south.


Sorry you caught a cold...it sucks being sick on vacation!

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I've never worn running shoes except for working out either, but I was wishing I had them with me. I think it was the duration - 10 ports of call with only one sea day in between and walking literally for 5 - 8 hours a day for 10 days was brutal. It's not that the shoes weren't broken in - I didn't get blisters or anything, I just needed more arch and overall support. The balls of my feet and my calves were aching. DH had a pair of Ecco walking shoes and never had any issues at all. I envied him those shoes but I couldn't find anything like that in size 5. It's really hard to get good shoes in size 5. Fashionable shoes are easy to find, but a quality walking shoe is next to impossible where I live.

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leela14, I think your advice is RIGHT ON.


I was in the Med last October--at it was WARM. They were having a very long summer last fall. I took my Mephisto All-Rounder's--and boy, they SAVED my feet!

I saw plenty of Italian women in their spiked heels on cobblestones...but most likley they aren't keeping a grueling pace like we were on one day excursions throughout the tourist areas.


And, there were TONS of tourists. Believe me...if you are wearing 'American' clothing--no one notices. This is because most of the people you are going to be around, if you are in touristy places (The Coliseum, The Vatican, Florence, Pisa, Naples, etc)-are....ta-da...TOURISTS!! :rolleyes:


One day, on the commuter train to Rome from port, I did count how many Italians wore white tennis shoes. There were plenty. Lots of locals wear Puma and Adidas. I even saw them in the non-touristy areas, I saw them with locals on the train, I saw them near the 'student' areas.


I read too many 'wear fashionable clothing' posts than I can count before we left on our trip.

But believe me, whether you wear jeans, nicer slacks or a comfortable skirt, you're going to look okay.


The Italians will know you are tourist--even if you wore 100% Italian clothing. When you whip out your guide book or map---or speak to them, they're going to know.


Just go and be comfy. :D

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I have never owned Skeechers before but my D swears they are the most comfortable shoe in the world. I just bought a pair yesterday when 2 women saw me trying them on and voluntarily raved about them. One of the women said she just returned from Europe where she had taken 2 pair of them and walked for 8 or 10 hrs a day. Is there another shoe called Sketchers that are different?

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I have never owned Skeechers before but my D swears they are the most comfortable shoe in the world. I just bought a pair yesterday when 2 women saw me trying them on and voluntarily raved about them. One of the women said she just returned from Europe where she had taken 2 pair of them and walked for 8 or 10 hrs a day. Is there another shoe called Sketchers that are different?


I have a pair of sketchers that I have taken the last two years in Europe and I wore them everyday. We usually walk 10 - 20 miles a day in Europe (wear a counter) and I have not had any problems with the sketchers. Sometimes when I switch off to sandles or heels I end up with blisters! But the sketchers are great!

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I've always had trouble walking long distances, DH says it's cause my feet are too small. :p My feet tend to get sore easily. For my entire working life (20 years I guess) I've worn 3 inch heels, so maybe I've done my feet in over the years and now they are shot, I'm not sure. I'm 45 and any time I walk more than 2-3 hours I just die - my feet that is.


But when I say we walk - I MEAN WE WALK. No stops for coffee, no breaks at all. My DH is really athletic and can go forever, he's like a machine. I try to keep up, but by the time I realize I can't, it's usually too late.


Insofar as Sketchers are concerned - they do have different makes. The have one called Cali-Gear which is kind of like Crocs and I've never tried them - they look really cheap and cheesy. The also have some that are a bit cheaper that just have flat insoles - no support at all. They usually look like Keds. Then they have the ones they are famous for that are prettied up running shoes with a very good outsole and insole. The insoles usually have great arch support. Those are the ones I wear. But my feet still ached after about 3 hours or nonstop fast paced walking. I can do 3 in them just fine.


Maybe I couldn't do more than 3 hours in anything, maybe that's just where my poor old feet are at now.

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Thank you, Leela14, for your advice. I've been agonizing about what kind of walking shoes to take on our upcoming Maasdam cruise with 23 ports and extensive walking. Now I know for sure I'm taking my almost new Rockport white exercise shoes ... and white socks!!


I'm older than you, and after having fallen arches, plantar fasciitis, and less padding in the bottom of my feet, I say "fashion be d-----!


Thank you for sharing this with all of us. My one pair of heels (1-inch heels) will be reserved for the elegant formal nights on board.


Bon voyage, ya'll !


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Heading to the Med this summer and will be taking a variety of shoes. I think I'll be OK if I rotate what type of shoe I wear. I currently work at a major theme park, and often spend 6+ hours on my feet in the Florida heat IN HEELS! Mind you, they are sensible square heels, not stilettos. And yes. I'm sure my poor feet will quit working at some point.


The things we do for fashion...!



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Hi girls,

You were a wealth of information for me before I left on my 2 week Western Med cruise, so I thought I'd share some observations I had.


I CANNOT STATE THIS ENOUGH - WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES. I don't just mean comfortable, I mean your white running shoes that everyone poo poos. I wished I'd had my Nike running shoes.


No matter what the color (I have 3 pair and none are white :) ) I would never wear my running shoes for anything other than running and at the gym. I do understand the importance of comfortable shoes...and I will take proper ones. But running/athletic shoes, for me, are simply not an option for travel.


Thanks for all the tips!

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Hi Leela:) thanks for the information.


Whenever I am able to book my first Med cruise I will make

sure to pack good walking shoes. I have never been able

to do that itinerary so it is on my wish list.


As for running shoes, I don't own any:eek: so I would be shopping

for a supportive walking shoe. And I know they make plenty

in darker colors too;)

I own sneakers but I know they are not a "running shoe".


I like the photo of those brown ones posted on here earlier

in this thread:)

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No matter what the color (I have 3 pair and none are white :) ) I would never wear my running shoes for anything other than running and at the gym. I do understand the importance of comfortable shoes...and I will take proper ones. But running/athletic shoes, for me, are simply not an option for travel.


Thanks for all the tips!


I agree, I won't wear my running shoes at the local mall, so I certainly am not taking them to Europe. I have some great "European" shoes including my black sketchers, I have a pair of Keen in the New Amsterdam style. I love those shoes so much that I actually wore them recently in a mini marathon instead of my running shoes that were giving me a blister!


When I tell people to break in their shoes I mean break them in not just walk around the house for an hour. Put them on for a weekend and only take them off to sleep. And walk, walk, walk in them. If you can't wear them for a weekend don't take them with you.

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Heading to the Med this summer and will be taking a variety of shoes. I think I'll be OK if I rotate what type of shoe I wear. I currently work at a major theme park, and often spend 6+ hours on my feet in the Florida heat IN HEELS! Mind you, they are sensible square heels, not stilettos. And yes. I'm sure my poor feet will quit working at some point.


The things we do for fashion...!




Do you do alot of climbing in your heels? Lots of climbing stairs and such in Italy excursions, as well as rocky pavement and roads.

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Heading to the Med this summer and will be taking a variety of shoes. I think I'll be OK if I rotate what type of shoe I wear. I currently work at a major theme park, and often spend 6+ hours on my feet in the Florida heat IN HEELS! Mind you, they are sensible square heels, not stilettos. And yes. I'm sure my poor feet will quit working at some point.


The things we do for fashion...!




Hi, do you work for the famous Mouse?:D

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From LoisR--Hi, do you work for the famous Mouse?:D


...I might...


And from wanttocruiseagain--Do you do alot of climbing in your heels? Lots of climbing stairs and such in Italy excursions, as well as rocky pavement and roads.


...Absolutely! That famous Mouse loves to make very authentic architecture in his theme parks, so I am constantly climbing stairs, walking over wooden bridges, crossing cobblestone streets--all day long! Sometimes even in the rain. Yes--with heels. I have no doubt I could wear my work shoes to Italy and be just fine. I won't, mind you. I'll be taking something a little more sensible, and cuter. :)



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No matter what the color (I have 3 pair and none are white :) ) I would never wear my running shoes for anything other than running and at the gym. I do understand the importance of comfortable shoes...and I will take proper ones. But running/athletic shoes, for me, are simply not an option for travel.



I'm with you! Running shoes/ trainers/sneakers are for the gym.


For me, fashion and comfort are not exclusive of one another.


Maybe living in NYC gets me used to the idea, since we walk a lot here. Tonight, we went to the ballet and our taxi had to let us out about a quarter mile from Lincoln Center because the street was suddenly blocked off. So I walked it in 3" heels with no problem because I always buy high quality, comfortable shoes. Of course, I wouldn't plan on wearing them all day, but for up to about a mile they'd be fine.



I agree that rotating shoes on a daily basis adds to the comfort factor and is better for your shoes as well. I always bring at least 2, if not 3 pairs of shoes/sandals that I can walk in for hours.

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We did a 14 night Med last November. I found a pair of Clarks shoes that were amazing. They were basic brown, but stylish, so they worked with jeans and khakis (for the evening). They had great support and were slip-ons which made it perfect for ease in the airports.


Probably not the best for summer clothes, but I've heard that Clarks makes some amazing sandals that people have climbed all over Italy in. You might check them out! I looked into Clarks after people raved about the sandals.


Everyone is correct with the amount of walking that is done on Med cruises. They are definitely "working cruises". I loved every bit of it, but was so glad I found some good shoes.

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so far for me traveling in italy an paris for a month the most comfy for all day are my sandals with a thick rubber sole... feet don't get hot and i can walk forever.. at leeast it seems thats what i

am doing... i see lots of tennis shoes..white, silver, gold,,the en are also wearing the silver and gold tennis shoes the silver and gold ones mostly on the locals.. you can tell the locals,, they are walkiing dogs..lol calvin klein , addidas and nike...the most crowded shops on champs elysee

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We did a 14 night Med last November. I found a pair of Clarks shoes that were amazing. They were basic brown, but stylish, so they worked with jeans and khakis (for the evening). They had great support and were slip-ons which made it perfect for ease in the airports.


Probably not the best for summer clothes, but I've heard that Clarks makes some amazing sandals that people have climbed all over Italy in. You might check them out! I looked into Clarks after people raved about the sandals.


Everyone is correct with the amount of walking that is done on Med cruises. They are definitely "working cruises". I loved every bit of it, but was so glad I found some good shoes.


I usually walk the 1.8 miles to and from work everyday (3.6 total) in my Clarks sandals in the summer, and they are WONDERFUL. I did need to break them in though. I have them in both white and black... in fact, these were the ONLY two pairs of shoes I packed for Hawaii last November for our honeymoon. (We were on NCL so they could go straight to dinner with a cute skirt or dress, we didn't do a formal night). We walked quite a bit in the ports, too.


Made packing a breeze since I wore "fashion" althletic shoes on the plane, and only had to pack 2 pairs of sandals.. my husband was pleased! :D


Here's the link: http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/17518451/c/14.html


Also, in keeping with the thread, I'm currently looking for another pair of fashionable athletic shoes to wear when we go to Europe in November... something like a Puma maybe, or the other picture that someone posted.


I find that type of shoe very comfortable, yet not forsaking fashion and fitting in with locals. JMO.

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I don't wear sneakers except to work out but I did buy 2 pairs of Born flip flops that are very comfortable with thick soles. Think I will be ok? They are thick soled and have lots of support. I always wear flip flops/sandals. Even to work to chase around 6 year olds all day!:D

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