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I live in Copenhagen - can give advice

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DanishViking -


Emerald Princess - per our document it states regarding embarkation.





Do you know what pier will it be in?



Thank you very much for all your helps and answers.


I'm not Danish Viking, but we're supposed to dock there, too (according to cruise line, but NOT the port site, so who knows - maybe that's just a generic location the cruise lines use!). I'm planning to call the port and/or cruise line closer to our departure date to find out where we'll dock, as I'm definitely planning to go back out after we check into the ship. (We don't leave until 10 at night, so I only have to be back on board for the lifeboat drill.) However, I'm betting the port site is right, not the cruise line's info - but docking location can always change, so you never REALLY know. I've plotted a course for both locations!


Anyway, your docking location, per what you stated, is apparently Frihavn/Frihavnen, which translates to Freeport, so that's the northern docking area. Go to google maps (https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en) and then put in Orientkaj, Copenhagen, Denmark to see it on a map. You'll see a little bus icon close by; that's the 26 that runs M - F. If you click on the bus, it will give you more info. If, like me, you'll be there on the weekend and want to get from ship to central Copenhagen, you'll need to walk to get yourself to the Nordhavn train station (kind of like a commuter train - red, elevated) near by and then transfer to something else.


Google Maps has a little man in orange by the enlargement button that you can drag to the location of your choice to see a picture of the location. I'm having a great time dragging him all around Copenhagen, taking in the views. It helps me narrow down what's most scenic (I'm a photographer) and gives me an orientation to where I'll be. In the case of Orientkaj, you'll probably just see a lot of water and some cranes, but I find it fun to explore this way! I took the man south to Kastellet, for example - gorgeous!

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Ok, I tried this site but can not find an option for English. Am I missing something???


Oh, I just hit the bar that asks if I want Google to translate it (yes) and go from there. I think you can also hit the "Tourism" bar on the web site and it automatically changes to English. I think there might be a way to pull up the web site's actual translation to English instead of Google's, but if so, I'm not seeing it. (Some sites have little country flags in the corner.) In any case, you want to go to the rejseplanen section, bottom right, and enter your journey. It certainly helps to know the Danish names, which isn't always easy, but I've gotten pretty good at it. You'll need to enter times using the 24 hour clock (i.e., 14:00 for 2PM) and correct date, as some buses don't run on the weekend and some don't run all day. For example, the 11A is a great bus/trolley for tourists, but it doesn't start running until 11 on Saturdays, so I can't use it. (Sigh!) Once you put in the info, movia.dk will give you options for travel, including how far you have to walk to the bus stop, I think directions on how to walk there, how often bus comes, etc. - but you have to keep drilling down for that. You can print the instructions, although the maps are a little dicey. You can also get street views, too, I believe. You can also look up how many stops there are in-between where you get on and where you need to get off, which should be helpful.


Hope that helps. If you have a specific route you're interested in (for example, Langelinie to Amelienborg, for example (though a bad one - think they're pretty close!!) maybe I can help.

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@ bw333


The bus both accept coins and notes in danish and i have been told by a man working at Movia (i called their costumers service a few years ago) that bus 26 is the only one accepting EURO notes and probably also USD but he was not sure about that one.

But the bus driver will only accept notes and he will give you back in DKK.



A single bus ticket costs 24 DKK




@ Coolcruise02



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We're going to Bornholm. There's a street called Langelinie in Roenne. Would you know what that translates to in English? It seems to be such a common street name, and now I'm curious! I thought perhaps it had to do with a harbor, but in Roenne, the street is really nowhere near the harbor, so I guess not!


Langelinie simply means "long line", a name given to the qay because of the long straight line it forms.


Regarding street names of Rønne, you will find that many street names in Rønne are remarkably similar to street names in Copenhagen, also when we speak about unusual steet names. Rønne has a Laksegade, Vimmelskaftet, Rosengade, Skindergade, Borgergade, Krystalgade and Silkegade. These names are undoubtedly copied from Copenhagen street names. In the beginning of the 1800's, all towns in Denmark had to give all streets names (many streets already had names but not all), and some towns simply copied Copenhagen street names for some of the streets. Rønne was especially good at copying, at least, so I was told!

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Oh, that's interesting! I did see Krystalgade in both cities, and maybe one or two other streets which were common to both Roenne (yes, lazy thieves!) and Copenhagen.


I also keep seeing Alexander Nevsky cathedrals in the Baltics, and wondered about that. I DID finally google him to see why he had so many cathedrals named after him!


Anyway, thank you!


I now have another question (well, 2) I need to ask. In another post (in the Princess cruises section or something) someone said you could buy klippekort and clip 3 at the airport for 2 people to get into central CPH. Is this correct, or do you have to clip 6? I'm sure you've answered this before, and I DO apologize, but just wanted to make sure I knew what to do in case we get klippekorts instead of the 24 hour ticket. You have such a crazy bus system with all those zones, flexibility, etc. that now I'm not sure I know as much as I thought I did! Also, I keep looking for info on the harbor buses - where they go, how often, etc. Movia.dk doesn't seem to have anything. I know where the stops are, at least the 3 I'm interested in, but I don't know if there are different routes or how that works, and if I can take one at 8AM on a Saturday (as an example). Would you happen to know? Tak in advance if you do!

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Oh, that's interesting! I did see Krystalgade in both cities, and maybe one or two other streets which were common to both Roenne (yes, lazy thieves!) and Copenhagen.


I also keep seeing Alexander Nevsky cathedrals in the Baltics, and wondered about that. I DID finally google him to see why he had so many cathedrals named after him!


Anyway, thank you!


I now have another question (well, 2) I need to ask. In another post (in the Princess cruises section or something) someone said you could buy klippekort and clip 3 at the airport for 2 people to get into central CPH. Is this correct, or do you have to clip 6? I'm sure you've answered this before, and I DO apologize, but just wanted to make sure I knew what to do in case we get klippekorts instead of the 24 hour ticket. You have such a crazy bus system with all those zones, flexibility, etc. that now I'm not sure I know as much as I thought I did! Also, I keep looking for info on the harbor buses - where they go, how often, etc. Movia.dk doesn't seem to have anything. I know where the stops are, at least the 3 I'm interested in, but I don't know if there are different routes or how that works, and if I can take one at 8AM on a Saturday (as an example). Would you happen to know? Tak in advance if you do!


The smallest denomination klippekort is a 2 zone card. Each stamping is worth 2 zones, thus, if you buy a 2 zone card, you can travel 2 people 3 zones by stamping the card 3 times. That's because 2x3 is 6 and so is 3x2! You are allowed to share the cards and stamping as long as the total amount of zones you have paid for is equal to the number of zones you travel multiplied by the number of persons in your party. Alternatively, you can by a 3 zone card and stamp it twice, but a 2 zone card os more flexible as it allows you to do 2 zone trips as well without overpaying. (hope it was clear)

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I'm not Danish Viking, but we're supposed to dock there, too (according to cruise line, but NOT the port site, so who knows - maybe that's just a generic location the cruise lines use!). I'm planning to call the port and/or cruise line closer to our departure date to find out where we'll dock, as I'm definitely planning to go back out after we check into the ship. (We don't leave until 10 at night, so I only have to be back on board for the lifeboat drill.) However, I'm betting the port site is right, not the cruise line's info - but docking location can always change, so you never REALLY know. I've plotted a course for both locations!


Anyway, your docking location, per what you stated, is apparently Frihavn/Frihavnen, which translates to Freeport, so that's the northern docking area. Go to google maps (https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en) and then put in Orientkaj, Copenhagen, Denmark to see it on a map. You'll see a little bus icon close by; that's the 26 that runs M - F. If you click on the bus, it will give you more info. If, like me, you'll be there on the weekend and want to get from ship to central Copenhagen, you'll need to walk to get yourself to the Nordhavn train station (kind of like a commuter train - red, elevated) near by and then transfer to something else.


Google Maps has a little man in orange by the enlargement button that you can drag to the location of your choice to see a picture of the location. I'm having a great time dragging him all around Copenhagen, taking in the views. It helps me narrow down what's most scenic (I'm a photographer) and gives me an orientation to where I'll be. In the case of Orientkaj, you'll probably just see a lot of water and some cranes, but I find it fun to explore this way! I took the man south to Kastellet, for example - gorgeous!


Thanks roothy123 for great tips.


We will be on 8/8 sailing but will be in Copenhagen a few days before. With your tips I will check the rest at later on.


Please post once you return from your cruise.


Happy Cruising.

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The smallest denomination klippekort is a 2 zone card. Each stamping is worth 2 zones, thus, if you buy a 2 zone card, you can travel 2 people 3 zones by stamping the card 3 times. That's because 2x3 is 6 and so is 3x2! You are allowed to share the cards and stamping as long as the total amount of zones you have paid for is equal to the number of zones you travel multiplied by the number of persons in your party. Alternatively, you can by a 3 zone card and stamp it twice, but a 2 zone card os more flexible as it allows you to do 2 zone trips as well without overpaying. (hope it was clear)


Thank you. I think I get it, and I'll definitely buy the 2 zone klippekort if I don't buy the 24 hour tickets. Once at the hotel, if the 2 of us go out and use a bus and S-tog train to get to one destination, taking no more than one hour, we punch twice, right? I believe there's no one-zone trip, right? What about the harbor buses? Would you happen to know if the two of us can get on and off and back on another (within an hour) with 2 clips? I'm trying to figure out whether to buy the 24-hour ticket or not, or possibly get one 24-hour ticket and one set of klippekort! I can do a lot of walking, but my husband might need to ride a bit, so I don't want to underbuy, as 24DKK per individual trip can add up fast!

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Hello, we arrive 7 AM July 29 aboard Regent at Langilinie terminal. Our hotel is the Marriott and we fly home the next morning. I have a few quick questions. We do not plan to use public transportation.


1. are taxis available at the port?

2. can we walk to dinner in Tivoli?

3. what are the must sees for us in one day?


If anyone else is on the thread and cares to share a taxi please let me know. Many thanks,


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I'm staying at the Marriott and have researched a bit, so I can answer #2. From what I can tell, it's maybe 5 blocks, or a third mile, to Tivoli. Google Maps says it is 10 minutes of walking, but I don't think that's to the main gate. There is construction right now on one of the major streets by the Marriott, so I would ask the hotel about the best route to get there.


As to what to do, you may just want to take one of the Stromma harbor boats (unless, of course, you don't like or can't easily get in and out of one!) from point to point, getting on and off wherever you want to and exploring a little more. (Obviously any boat will only get you so far in Copenhagen, but with the compactness of the central city, walking isn't that hard if you have a good map). The Stromma boats (but not the others you'll see) stop at the Marriott, and allow on/offs so that might be an option. There's a Tourist Information center just northwest of Tivoli which should help you a lot. I'm not a museum/art gallery person, but if you are, just a little farther away from Tivoli there's a major art museum (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotec), National Museum, and Dansk Design Center. Other things like Rosenborg Castle (crown jewels and nice gardens), Nyhavn, Stroget if you're a shopper, etc. are farther away.

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Hi, we were in Copenhagen just in June & when we docked at Langlinie at end of cruise, the taxis were lined up starting before 7am. There were single ones as well as larger ones & someone was in charge so when we asked for a large van to transport 4 of us & our luggage he was able to go down the line & have a van move up immediately to take us. The drive to the airport on a Saturday morning at 8am was only about 15-20 minutes.


Do you recall how much the taxi cost to the airport?


Thanks for all the helpful info! :)

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I would love a CC meet up in Copenhagen, perhaps Tivoli with its many restaurants will be a fitting place and I have a season card as well. :D


I'm not a huuuge cocktail drinker but a weissbeer at the beer garden or a smørrebrød in the restaurant called Madklubben would be a nice introduction to the more simply but famous danish cuisine.


@ roothy123


I am on the same cruise as Critterchick and like her would love to meet you.


I wonder how many museums along with a canal tour can one take reasonably in a day the then do the Tivoli. I know the Copenhagen card is a 1 or 3 day deal and my question is will we use up the cost of the Copenhagen ticket.


We will be there after the flight around 2PM probably very jet lagged and have all the next day and then the morning of the 3rd before we board the shiip. What can we reasonably expect to be able to do


Another question the Copenhagen card is good for a boat ride, right? how do we know which one to take.



We are staying at the Clarion Neptune which I understand is near Nyhavn so we have things very near us. Anyway any help you can give us would be so appreciated. I guess I am feeling a little overwhelmed between the time we have and what there is to see.


Thanks so much in advance. You are a Godsend with all your knowledge.


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@ roothy123


We are staying at the Clarion Neptune which I understand is near Nyhavn so we have things very near us. Anyway any help you can give us would be so appreciated. I guess I am feeling a little overwhelmed between the time we have and what there is to see.



Can you come back and tell us about the Clarion Neptune hotel? I was thinking either the Clarion Mayfair or the Neptune hotels.

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Arriving in Copenhagen pre Cruise for 2 days. One traveler is handicapped, uses power wheel chair. What do you suggest for transport from airport to hotel (First Hotel Copenhagen, Molestien 11). Are most buses, trains, canal boats accessible? Do you still recommend the Copenhagen card? Does it include boat rides on the canal? We arrive mid day, day 1 and leave mid day day 3 on a cruise. Is the 3 day pass the way to go or just the one day to use on day 2?

How much do you think a taxi (there will be 6 including one handicapped) will cost from the airport to the hotel?

Thank you so much.:)

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I am wondering where we can buy soda (preferably Pepsi products) in Copenhagen to have for our cruise. We would like to find 2 liter or similar size bottles. We are staying near Tivoli. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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We will be in Copenhagen for three days post cruise.

We would like to take a day trip.

Is Roskilde a nice trip?

Do you have any other suggestions?





We spent 5 days pre-cruise in Copenhagen last year. Roskilde is an easy train trip via the regional train (not the S-Tog). The Viking Ship Museum was interesting (to us). We took a bus from the station to the museum (about a 2-3 block walk). As I remember, we took the 11 am harbor "sail" then caught a 12 pm English tour of the Hall. We walked back to the train station from the museum.


Fredericksborg and/or Kronborg Castles would be another day trip option. Last year, we headed out to Fredericksborg but did not try to squeeze both into 1 day.

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I am wondering where we can buy soda (preferably Pepsi products) in Copenhagen to have for our cruise. We would like to find 2 liter or similar size bottles. We are staying near Tivoli. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



There are plenty of small grocery stores in Copenhagen. Since I do not know where you are staying, it is difficult to recommend one in particular.


However, be wearned that the prices are much higher than you are used to and that you pay a rather steep deposit on the bottle. Thus is may not be as good a deal as you think!!

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Does anyone know the cost of the 72-hour Copenhagen Card in U.S. dollars?


Also, any information about the Hotel Kong Arthur, where we will be staying this July, will be welcome.




I googled for DKK to USD exchange rates. A 72-hour card is 479 DKK. Based on today's rates, that converts to $81.13.

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@ The Viking


A steep deposit, its 3 kroner or around 60 cent for the large 1,5 litres and 2 litres bottles that you will get back and maximum 6 dollars for the large soda.



@ cal56girl


You will have to go to Superbrugsen, Irma, Føtex, Superbest and the middle eastern grossery shops and kiosks.




@ azgreatdeals



A large van will probably be around 350-400 DKK


The metro is at level with the platform and the metro station Kongens Nytorv is located not far from the hotel.


The busses does have a ramp at the middle door but i´m not sure if the driver will help pulling the handle that lowers the ramp but its just a simple pull in the red handle.



@ gwilli



The rickshaws are all over the city but im not sure if you can book one.



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@ saxndog


Roskilde is a very nice town and so is the viking ship museum.



The Frederiksborg/Kronborg combo is indeed nice and now is the museums at Kronborg included in the Copenhagen Card so its a even better option now.


And do not forget that Fredensborg Castle is located on the railwayline between Hillerød (Frederiksborg) and Helsingør (Kronborg).




@ terpla


It will also be nice to meet you :)


Some of the museums and attractions are located in clusters so i could imagine that between 3 and 5 museums on one day would be okay to do.


I have never been on a transatlantic flight so i don´t know how much affect it would have.



Its the Stromma (DFDS) canal tour that gives one trip on the card.

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