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Cruising The Conquest June 1st - 8th

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OOOOO WEEEEEEE!!! This is sooooooo goooood!!!

I love your style and your cruise!!! I'm taking notes... ONLY 92 more days for me!!! But I get to see you in person tonight!! I'm the lucky one!!!!

So... I see you didn't stop into Diamonds International!!! That's my hang out for shopping, especially after tequila shots... AHA TORO!!! BUT youre RIGHT... BARGAIN!!!! It works EVERYWHERE!!!!

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I'm loving this review! You and your family are the type of people that I enjoy cruising with. You have fun. You don't take things to seriously. It is all about the memories and the company. Thanks for adding the pictures. It brings us right into the action (if only I had $1 Corona) :D

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Hey Sheri

HOw's things in Midland?

I'll be home Mon or Tues, when do you leave for London?


Hey Julie! We actually got some rain this morning! We can always use that!:) I leave a week from today, the 27th, and I am nowhere NEAR ready!:eek: Jordan got back today so she and i are going shopping this weekend! She told me I'm not allowed to shop by myself...:eek: :rolleyes: :D

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I keep checking back hoping you've added to your review. I am so excited about our cruise on the Conquest in September and this is making me so happy. Keep it coming!!!!

Thanks, I'll be adding more to it this evening.

I am meeting one of my CC Crazies friends at a BBQ at 6, so when I return from that I'll get busy.

You'll love the Conquest!!

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Thanks, I'll be adding more to it this evening.

I am meeting one of my CC Crazies friends at a BBQ at 6, so when I return from that I'll get busy.

You'll love the Conquest!!


Yea you might not be in any shape to type when you get done at the bbq/pool party

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Cozumel/Part 4

Well we are safe and sound back on our ship in plenty of time to enjoy our last sailaway from our balcony.


Iryl did not let us down, she had our balcony dividers open for us and ice packed in the cooler.


Tara laid down for her afternoon siesta and hubby made a quick trip to Lido for some munchies for us for sailaway.


Todd and Jodi decided to do sailaway on Lido, so it was just me and hubby, it was quiet and relaxing. Kinda bittersweet knowing it was the last one.:(


It didn't take very long after sailaway for Iryl to come and close the dividers. She told us that it was going to get a little rocky so she had to go ahead and close them.


After Tara's siesta we got ready for dinner


and then headed to the Casino Bar for a drink and a little music before dinner.


We always loved this time in the evenings. There is a bartender named Ramon whom we met last year.


He always is doing tricks with the kids and then makes Tara flowers out of bar napkins, always gives extra umbrellas and whatever else she wants in her little virgin pina coladas. He spoiled her rotten, as if she needed anymore help in that dept. lol!!


So it's off to dinner now. Our waitstaff had it pretty easy tonight as our tablemates decided to eat the buffet, so Bosco and Allen only had the 4 of us.

We had extra special TLC, it was great.


Once again the food was wonderful and we ate way to much.

I forgot my camera so we have no dinner pics tonight, but Tara did once again fall asleep after she ate.

We finished a little early this evening since there was only the 4 of us, but we stayed until the waitstaff did their thing, we always enjoy it so much.


So full and miserable we're off to the room for Tara's jammies, then Camp Carnival here she comes.


Our nightly animal



Hubby and I went for our stroll on Lido then off to the casino for his blackjack and my slots.

By the way at this point hubby is playing on about $250 of Carnivals money!!:p


I was also play on about $500 of Carnivals money, so that made it even better.

I love the Wheel of Fortune machines, and then there are some other ones like those where you get to spin, those just always seem more exciting to me and they were good to me!!!!:D


While I was sitting at the slot machine I began to notice some rocking, or it was more like swaying.


At this point I'm thinking okay momma you've had enough to drink, then realized that wasn't it.

It never bothered me at all, never sick or anything, it was just noticible to me.


So we head off to Camp Carnival to collect Tara then off to bed.

When I layed down I could really feel the movement.

I loved it, it was like being rocked to sleep, plus I opened the balcony door and the sound of the waves crashing into the side of the ship, it was peaceful, blissful slumber.

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Saturday/Day 7 A Fun Day At Sea (and a sad one too)


I was up very early this morning, had coffee on the balcony, by myself.

I loved sitting there taking it all in and remembering everything from the past 6 days.


I tried to take notes in my head so I wouldn't forget anything.

I now know that I should have taken notes on paper, cuz I'm not as good as I once was!!


We had breakfast at the buffet, our usual spot. It really did not get old cuz we changed it up a little each day, hubby liked the omelets the best. Tara's was the french toast and pancakes.


After breakfast it was off to Camp Carnival for Tara, then Lido for us.

We got soooo lucky today and got lounge chairs right in front of the band, which is also right there by the pool and hot tubs.


It seemed warmer today than it had been so we spent some time in the pool.

I love to sit on the edge where the water rolls up on you, get some sun and stay cool too!!!


We weren't about to give up our chairs, so at 11:30 hubby went and got Tara and then she was off to the pool/hot tubs.

It's funny how all the little kids are in the hot tubs, but I'm sure it is because they can touch. The pool says it's is only 3ft 8in, but I beg to differ.

I'm only 5ft and that water comes up to the top of my chin.

That's why I always try to tell people if you have little ones, don't forget the arm floaties!!!!


Hubby volunteered for the afternoon pool contests. It was the diving for rings, then who can hold your breath under water the longest.


He retrieved 16 rings out of 24 (I think).

A girl won, she got 21 rings.

As for the holding the breath thing, hubby thought he was at a disadvantage because he had just done the diving thing and then went right into the other so he did not last too long.


Once again that same girl won. She was good!!

It was fun, he got a medal.

Tara was all excited, she was telling everyone, that's my daddy!!!


I did not want to leave, knowing it was my last time there, but we had to.

We had a busy afternoon.


Tara went back to Camp at 2pm. She was going to be in the Camp Carnival Talent Show that afternoon so they had their last practice.


We had a 2nd Cruise Critic Slot Pull at 2pm. We all met back in front of our Wheel of Fortune Machine.

Once again it was a blast!! We did not have quite as many people as Monday but still had a bunch.


At 3:30 we had to get Tara from Camp and then head to the Degas Lounge for the Talent Show.

I highly recommend Camp Carnival, the girls loved it!! and we did too!!



They were just finishing up on the Art Auction when we arrived at the Degas.

We were able to get a front row seat, which of course we were thrilled since we had a little star in the show.


It was sooo cute, kids from 2 or 3 up to 18.

Tara had decided she was gonna sing You Get The Best Of Both World's, by Hannah Montana, aka Miley Cyrus. She practiced all week.


I was really surprised she did it cuz she does tend to get shy in front of people.

Her friend Chelsi got up there with her and another little girl was dancing behind her.

Tara said that made her feel more "comfortable"


Then they got their age group up there for the cha cha slide



It was a great little show. Get your kids to do it, they will have so much fun, and what memories for them.

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At 5pm we went to our 1st Past Guest Party. It was held in the Toulouse Lautrec.

We had received our invitation in our room the night before, along with the past guest pin. It was pretty cool, kinda makes ya feel special.

They served several different kinds of appetizers, one of which was a tuna and crab ball. Hubby told Tara it was a chicken nugget, I gave him a dirty look.

She took one bite and looked at her daddy and said, it's tuna,:eek: surprisingly she ate it and got another one.

They kept the drinks flowing, and had punch for the kids.

My hubby was chosen to go up on stage and participate in a contest.

It involed a long piece of rope and a spoon. There were about 10 people, 2 groups.

Each group had to take the spoon and the rope and basically weave it through everyone's clothes. So it started with my hubby, going down his shorts, through the leg, then up the womans dress, out the top, and so on and so forth.

It was hilarious!!! My hubby's group won, they all got a ship on a stick!!

They had several other games too, then they showed a short video about Carnival and the different ships.

We enjoyed it!!

Well now it is time to go clean up and get ready for our last dinner. booooohoooo!

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Julie you are doing sooooo good keep it coming I know its hard for you to do this when you are out of town and focused on shopping

Yeah and now I have a little stomach issue with I think some bad chicken at lunch.

I want to finish up with a bang, but it aint gonna be tonight. I'm fixin to crash and hope for some sleep.

Then I can finish up in the morning before my racing starts, you know how I am with my racing!!!!!

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After cleaning up for dinner we headed down for our last cocktail before dinner.


We had several people in our cruise critic group who were celebrating anniversaries on this cruise.(including hubby and I)

We planned to meet at the Casino Bar at 7pm for a celebratory cocktail and say our goodbyes.


While standing and talking to our friends I could really feel the ship rocking.

I had to hold on to the back of a chair to keep from feeling like I was gonna fall down. It was just kinda wierd for me, having never really experienced it like that before.

I was looking out the windows and you could watch as the water would be all the way at the bottom of the window, then it would go all the way to the top of the window (not literally,:eek: off in the horizon)

it was really cool to watch, but I can see where it might make some people sick!!


While we were visiting, we also got to enjoy some more music from the band, which by the way their name was

"18 Karat".

The kids got to shake their booty a little bit, burn off some more of that energy before dinner!


We said our goodbyes and exchanged email addresses with all of our new friends.

By the way if any of you read this, I promise to email my pics this week when I get back home!!!


Thank you cruise critic, without this board we never would have had this opportunity.

If your not on your roll call for your cruise, do it. It's a lot of fun!!! Lots of great people on this board!!


Now it's off to our last dinner. We had filled out our comment cards as requested and dropped them in the box as we entered the dining room.


We also deposited a tip for the maitre'd as he assisted us in our time change for dinner.

He always came by our table every night and visited with us and made sure our needs were being met. commented about our sleeping girls!!

He worked hard and we felt well deserved a tip!

Our waitstaff, Bosco and Allen were waiting by our table to greet us. Pulling our chairs out for us and laying our napkins across our laps. (which they did every night.)

Dinner was once again very good. I am going to for sure take notes next time. It's too hard to remember everything we ate and there were soooo many wonderful things and I can't tell you cuz I can't remember.

As customary on the last evening, the waitstaff sings their special song, Leaving Our Funship. I got a big ole lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. Pleeeeez don't make me leave!!!!!!

Afterwards we took some pics for our memories

Allen and the girls


Bosco and myself


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OOOOO WEEEEEEE!!! This is sooooooo goooood!!!


I love your style and your cruise!!! I'm taking notes... ONLY 92 more days for me!!! But I get to see you in person tonight!! I'm the lucky one!!!!


So... I see you didn't stop into Diamonds International!!! That's my hang out for shopping, especially after tequila shots... AHA TORO!!! BUT youre RIGHT... BARGAIN!!!! It works EVERYWHERE!!!!


Lambie, my husband says he married a gold mine!!! Cuz I am NOT a jewelry kinda girl.:eek: Don't really know why, guess I am just kinda plain. BUT now you start talkin bout Dale Jr stuff, then he could go broke there!!!!!!:p ;)

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=seagreen]Julie...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]You told us a beautiful story about a wonderful vacation with friends and family on a magical ship.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]The last night is always painful, for me at least. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]I'm thrilled that you were able to fill out the evening with memories and pictures that will last a lifetime.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]The staff of the Conquest are amazing people, always ready to go above and beyond what's required of them and I'm thrilled that you appreciated them so much.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]It does my heart good to see that 'one of ours' had such a wonderful time on 'our' ship.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]Mach[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='MO Cruzin']Julie you are doing sooooo good keep it coming I know its hard for you to do this when you are out of town and focused on shopping[/quote]
[SIZE=4]Well, now I have delayed going home by one more day, thanks to Chili's and some bad chicken.:eek: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]BUT, I'm planning on one more day of shopping tomorrow and I WILL finish this review by tomorrow. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Where is your review? Did I miss it? [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=4]How could I have forgotten this????[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]My 6y/o daughter reminded me just a little while ago, as she was reading over my shoulder (you gotta watch what ya write when those kids start to read.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Anyway, I forgot to mention that as we were going down the elevator to meet our CC friends at the bar, we got stuck in the elevator.:eek: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]We were going from 8 to 5. We heard this loud boom sound, then the elevator just stopped. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]We pushed buttons and nothing happened, so hubby got on the phone and they told him to do this and do that. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Well, it started again, but it took us up to 9. We got off the elevator and I said I'm walking down, hubby said, "awe heck, it aint gonna happen again, come on."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Sooooo, we get back on the same elevator (here's your sign) and push 5, we get somewhere and low and behold we get stuck again. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]This time it would not go anywhere. We were stuck in there for about 7 or 8 minutes. Then a worker came and he pried the doors open and we were between the 6th and 7th deck. So, one by one he pulled each one of us up and out of the elevator. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Jodi and I both said, "dear god, please don't let the butt of our pants rip out":eek: as we are being pulled up and out of that elevator!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]So, we are up to safety on deck 7, at this point I looked at hubby and said "I'M TAKING THE STAIRS."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Come to find out, they had been having problems with that elevator all day and other people had experienced the same thing. After us, they blocked it off and put it out of service. [/SIZE]
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[quote name='Host Mach'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=seagreen]Julie...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]You told us a beautiful story about a wonderful vacation with friends and family on a magical ship.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]The last night is always painful, for me at least. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]I'm thrilled that you were able to fill out the evening with memories and pictures that will last a lifetime.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]The staff of the Conquest are amazing people, always ready to go above and beyond what's required of them and I'm thrilled that you appreciated them so much.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]It does my heart good to see that 'one of ours' had such a wonderful time on 'our' ship.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]Mach[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]
[SIZE=4]I'm not done yet!!!!! But thanks, you are sooo kind. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]My review can't hold a candle to yours, but then again, nobody else's could either. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]You have a way with words!!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]The rest is still yet to come!![/SIZE]
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[quote name='WestTxCruiser'][SIZE=4]How could I have forgotten this????[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]My 6y/o daughter reminded me just a little while ago, as she was reading over my shoulder (you gotta watch what ya write when those kids start to read.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]Anyway, I forgot to mention that as we were going down the elevator to meet our CC friends at the bar, we got stuck in the elevator.:eek: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]We were going from 8 to 5. We heard this loud boom sound, then the elevator just stopped. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]We pushed buttons and nothing happened, so hubby got on the phone and they told him to do this and do that. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Well, it started again, but it took us up to 9. We got off the elevator and I said I'm walking down, hubby said, "awe heck, it aint gonna happen again, come on."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Sooooo, we get back on the same elevator (here's your sign) and push 5, we get somewhere and low and behold we get stuck again. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]This time it would not go anywhere. We were stuck in there for about 7 or 8 minutes. Then a worker came and he pried the doors open and we were between the 6th and 7th deck. So, one by one he pulled each one of us up and out of the elevator. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Jodi and I both said, "dear god, please don't let the butt of our pants rip out":eek: as we are being pulled up and out of that elevator!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]So, we are up to safety on deck 7, at this point I looked at hubby and said "I'M TAKING THE STAIRS."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Come to find out, they had been having problems with that elevator all day and other people had experienced the same thing. After us, they blocked it off and put it out of service. [/SIZE][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=seagreen]Thanks for that hilarious night cap, Julie!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57]I'm looking forward to the conclusion of your adventure tomorrow...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#2e8b57][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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