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feeling bad about taking a 13 month old :(


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i've seen so much bad feedback about taking a 13 month old on a cruise. i'm really beginning to question my decision. i know i should just ignore it, but can someone with experience reassure me that this wasn't a huge waste of money!

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HUH :confused: Who gave you bad feedback? If it was someone in real life, they are just JEALOUS, they WILL get over it...lol.


I always hear the "You are going on ANOTHER CRUISE. When is enough enough?"


Yeah, have you ever heard anyone say "You are going to the beach again for vacation? When is enough, enough?" Nope, never.


If you saw bad feedback on the main board, CC is only 1-3% of the cruising population. You will NOT experience bad attitudes from other cruisers once you get on the ship. The baby will be treated like royalty, I assure you.


I wouldn't keep doing cruises if my kids were treated badly. ;) One started cruising at 8 months, the other at 2 years.


Do NOT feel bad.

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We just got back from a 2 week Alaska cruise with a 14 month old. I was told NOT to consider this cruise with a baby by folks on the Alaska forum. The folks on the family board encouraged me to plan ahead, research, and go for it. I did - and we all had a BLAST. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Will the baby remember the glaciers and whales? Probably not, but my husband and I will never forget her taking her first steps on board her first (but not last) cruise. Take your baby and make some memories - you won't be sorry!

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You should have no second thoughts. Take the baby. Last cruise we took my GD who was 6 months and my GS who turned 3 the first day of the cruise. It was his third cruise too. Next year, 4 and forth. I'm seeing a lovely pattern. :D Even though she won't remember it, at the very least she got some great stamps in her passport. My GS talks about wanting to go back to Australia all the time.

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took our son when he was 9 months old and then again at 11 1/2 months old...and next month we are going again and he will be 15 months old. I never hesitate to take him..he will always go with us...both times were wonderful!!



Cruisinmama made a good point....no one ever questions why someone might go to the beach twice a year ....but it seems unheard of to have a family vacation on a cruise ship every year?? Believe me, I get that reaction at work all the time...but I just shrug it off and know that they are missing out on the best value vacation ever!!



I say go with your toddler and don't worry about what others say. You will have a wonderful time!!

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We have taken our daughter on vacation since she was 10 months old. She is now 4 and has been more places than I can count. She loves vacation and seeing new places.


Yes there are good days and bad days at that age but for the most part they just like to explore. There is such a multitude of people on the ship and almost everyone loves babies. Cruising is in my opinion great for families. We wished we had discovered it earlier.


Go ahead with the cruise, don't listen to the naysayers and have a great time!

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I'm unclear if you mean bad feedback from people who don't want little ones on board, or bad feedback from parents who took cruises with babies/toddlers...


I can give you specific feedback about taking a 13 month old on a cruise. I took my twins on their first cruise at 13 months and it was a dream. Every friend and family member of mine thought I was nuts to go on a cruise by myself with twin toddlers and tried to discourage me (isn't it too much trouble/too dangerous/too lonely, etc., etc., etc.). I also saw the negative remarks on the main boards here, but found enough tips and encouragement that our trip was a huge success and, like lots of people here, my children have a number of cruises under their belt at 3 years old.


Not only is it not a waste of money, the time I spend on a cruise with my girls is priceless.


Have a great time.

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We can not wait for Nov. 29 lol... my dd is 9 months old and I've been potty training her for the last month and a half... I want to make sure she can use the H2O Zone :) things are going well... As for our DS it will be his 4 cruise... we love it... there will be 14 of us going including 4 kids...


We plan on beaching it during the day and babysitters at night:D .


The only thing I'm worried about is them getting sick pre-cruise and paying the $25 second bag fee each way for sand toys:rolleyes: .

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thanks everyone. i realize it won't be a honeymoon, and i WANT a family vacation. i can't wait to see my baby discover sand, water, try new things and just be him/her. i figure worst case scenerio, the halls are so long that we could kill several days just walking around! we are booked, with insurance in case we have to cancel, and i'm now determined to tune out the naysayers! THANKS!

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thanks everyone. i realize it won't be a honeymoon, and i WANT a family vacation. i can't wait to see my baby discover sand, water, try new things and just be him/her. i figure worst case scenerio, the halls are so long that we could kill several days just walking around! we are booked, with insurance in case we have to cancel, and i'm now determined to tune out the naysayers! THANKS!


That's the wonderful thing about this age - they are content with the simplest of things. We did multiple laps around the deck/hallways/buffet everyday. We got our exercise and the baby was entertained. Amazing how the most everyday things provide such wonder and awe to a 14 month old! Enjoy your cruise...

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As long as you plan ahead and make sure the baby is content, having plenty of their own toys, foods and comfort items they are used to you will be fine. Making sure that the have a nap time before dinner is a huge help also. Plan for the unexpected.



IMHO there have been some negative feed back about this subject but as long as you realize that others on board may not be real happy about hearing a child having a melt down and make sure you remove the child during those moments you will be fine. Basically just making sure others rights are respected also.

HAve a good time

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i've seen so much bad feedback about taking a 13 month old on a cruise. i'm really beginning to question my decision. i know i should just ignore it, but can someone with experience reassure me that this wasn't a huge waste of money!


We took our son on our recent cruise - he was 14 mos. old at the time. We had a great time and will be taking him again next year. Do your research and planning and take an open mind.


In my experience, the naysayers usually have never cruised with a child. How much credibility does that carry?

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I think cruising isn't any more challenging then what you do for a baby on a daily basis. We took our 5 month old, 23 month old and 4 yo cruising. Any vacation would be challenging but the best part of cruising, is the food and activities are right there. You don't have to pack everybody in and out of a car to go anywhere. It was the best.

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I think it will be fine as long as you realize it will be a *trip*, not really a *vacation*, which it sounds like you do. I waited until my youngest was 3 so she could go to the kids's club, but I really wanted a *vacation* where I could just sit and read a book for awhile if I wanted. You'll get less down-time, but as long as you know your baby well and always have a plan B if he/she is just not quite up to what you planned, you'll have a great trip.

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I will be on the Liberty on the 30th of this month, my son turns 12 months on the 8th, this is our first child and 6th cruise, last year no cruise due to having him so i been planning on this trip since he has been born, just like another cruiser put it take you own food & small toys he enjoys, my son is will be eaeting 2nd dinner though i will have him down for a nap every day around 6ish while i get ready once he wakes up ju, st have to change hinm to his clothes for dinner i will post once i am back i can not wait!!!

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My son had vacationed, by car, to both coasts before he turned one - and we live in Iowa! He was always a great traveler, still is, he is 14 now. You teach them to be good travelers by traveling! If you don't get out and just do it, you'll never know if you'll love it or not. And remember, life is short, you can't put off doing the things you want to do just because you have young kids. I think you have made a great decision to take you little one along.

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Definitely go and enjoy. We took DS on a cruise when he was 23 months, and never regretted it for a second. I think most of the flack tends to come from folks who'd rather not have kids on ships at all! Of course it's a little more work with a little one - but that's no different than life at home with a little one! ;)


A lot of people would say our DS is too young for Alaska, but we don't mind. We're going for the time together, to relax and enjoy ourselves away from everyday stresses and work. Whether he remembers the trip or not doesn't really matter - WE'LL remember it, and we'll cherish those memories! :)

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You will have a great time! Sure its different than cruising pre-baby but hasnt everything in your life changed? My DD who is 2.5 years will be going on her 6th cruise in a few weeks. We cruised at 7mo, 12mo, 18mo, 2yrs, 2y3mo, and now again at 2y11mo. Trust me if we had gotten bad remarks or it wasnt an enjoyable vacation, we wouldnt have "wasted" our money so many times. We love experiencing every minute with her.


We find it exactly the opposite as what you may have heard. Its a great way to travel with a young child. You have your cabin right there if you need some downtime/naptime. there is food available 24/7. You have someone cooking and cleaning for you for your entire vacation. Sure you have the same responsibilities you would have at home with your baby but isnt it much better to be surrounded by beautiful water and having people wait on you hand and foot?


And they say that your child wont remember but after the cruise when DD was 18mo she continued to talk about the "dancing show" for months after our cruise. She went to the beach for the first time in Cozumel, ate ice cream for the first time on-board! She may not remember those firsts but I sure will. To this day, she will point to pictures and say "that was on our cruise". They do remember, even as young as a year and a half.

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You will have a great time! Sure its different than cruising pre-baby but hasnt everything in your life changed? My DD who is 2.5 years will be going on her 6th cruise in a few weeks. We cruised at 7mo, 12mo, 18mo, 2yrs, 2y3mo, and now again at 2y11mo. Trust me if we had gotten bad remarks or it wasnt an enjoyable vacation, we wouldnt have "wasted" our money so many times. We love experiencing every minute with her.


We find it exactly the opposite as what you may have heard. Its a great way to travel with a young child. You have your cabin right there if you need some downtime/naptime. there is food available 24/7. You have someone cooking and cleaning for you for your entire vacation. Sure you have the same responsibilities you would have at home with your baby but isnt it much better to be surrounded by beautiful water and having people wait on you hand and foot?


And they say that your child wont remember but after the cruise when DD was 18mo she continued to talk about the "dancing show" for months after our cruise. She went to the beach for the first time in Cozumel, ate ice cream for the first time on-board! She may not remember those firsts but I sure will. To this day, she will point to pictures and say "that was on our cruise". They do remember, even as young as a year and a half.


You have absolutely summed it up! For us, a cruise was by far the EASIEST vacation we could have chosen. We live a 5 minute walk from port, so no flights or driving involved. Food was available whenever - no waiting for mommy to cook. No clearing up involved, so lots of extra playtime. And lots and lots of firsts that we will NEVER forget (even if she does) - first steps, first ice cream, first cake, first jello, first "real" words (bird, fish, boat). On the odd occasion that she got grumpy/tired, we needed to walk all of two minutes to get back to the cabin for downtime. Best decision we ever made...

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I'm sorry, but I am a firm believer that taking a baby on a cruise is not only a waste of your money, but a deterrant to other cruisers, the baby, and certainly to the mother that might want a vacation.

Babies and cruise lines do not mix.

Change your vacation to a land vacation that is better suited to you and your little family, and will be more relaxing for you and baby.

And yes, I find other cruisers noisy "underminded" children annoying to me. Most often it is the parent fault and not the children.

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I'm sorry, but I am a firm believer that taking a baby on a cruise is not only a waste of your money, but a deterrant to other cruisers, the baby, and certainly to the mother that might want a vacation.

Babies and cruise lines do not mix.

Change your vacation to a land vacation that is better suited to you and your little family, and will be more relaxing for you and baby.

And yes, I find other cruisers noisy "underminded" children annoying to me. Most often it is the parent fault and not the children.


If you can tell me exactly what it is about a land vacation that would make it more relaxing for me and my baby, I might consider it...Would a land vacation allow me to go away without flying/driving/bus/train? Would a land vacation provide someone to cook and clean 24/7? Would a land vacation give me the option of seeing many different towns in the space of one or two weeks without me having to drive/fly/bus/train? Would a land vacation have any less people (such as yourself) who are intolerant and think folks with children should be shut away from the general public? I agree with one point you made - often the parent is at fault, not the children. However, why would that be any different on land as to on a cruise?

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From reading through many threads on this board, it appears that many just don't like the idea of being in a "closed" environment with what they assume will be screaming, out of control children. :rolleyes: Personally, I think it's more fun to be around people of all ages, but that's just me.


I wouldn't let this negative attitude deter you. I am sure your family will come away with great memories, and while your baby may not remember the details, just imagine how much fun you will have showing her the photos when she is old enough to understand. Hope you have a blast. :D

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I'm sorry, but I am a firm believer that taking a baby on a cruise is not only a waste of your money, but a deterrant to other cruisers, the baby, and certainly to the mother that might want a vacation.

Babies and cruise lines do not mix.

Change your vacation to a land vacation that is better suited to you and your little family, and will be more relaxing for you and baby.

And yes, I find other cruisers noisy "underminded" children annoying to me. Most often it is the parent fault and not the children.


29 posts, huh?

I smell a bridge, a billy goat and a troll...

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Oh puleeeease! Another child-cruising person here. Our kids have been cruising since they were 4 months old (before the advent of age restrictions), and are all the better for it.


You just have to know when/where to allow your kids to be loud and kid-like.


Disregard those other non-kid people.


We just returned from Europe on an extended family trip--kids included. I had to bite my tongue when a co-worker said to me, 'Not sure why you took the kids--they won't remember any of it."


Oh really? It think not! We had a great time, made lots of memories, and although my 5 yr old won't remember exactly the difference between Pompeii and Rome, she does know that she saw some really old historical stuff.



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