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Cruise Value Center agency went under...

Moonlight Beach

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From http://www.national-anthems.net


November 12, 2008


The 14-year-old cruise retailer Cruise Value Center in East Brunswick, N.J.,

shut down abruptly, leaving cruise lines dealing directly with clients left

suddenly adrift. Royal Caribbean International had set up a special 800

number for customers to call. "We're going to have to handle those bookings

internally to make sure they get the vacations that they paid for," said

Vicki Freed, senior vice president-sales and trade support at Royal

Caribbean International. She said the cruise line has to determine if it has

received the payments and deposits Cruise Value's clients had made. Freed

said that Richard Smith, managing director of the agency, had called her to

notify her that the agency was closing. Marilyn Conroy, senior vice

president of sales and marketing for the Americas, Silversea Cruises, said

that Silversea did not have many bookings but was working with clients to

make sure all bookings had been fully paid. Like many in the others, she was

astonished that the business had shut down. "They were giants in the

industry," she said.


Jeff Kivet, Cruise Value's founder and former CEO, had sold it last fall to

Travel Holding Entity, which merged Cruise Value Center with Cruises of

Distinction. Kivet had been working for the company as a consultant, but did

not know what had happened.


"They shut the doors and the phones are not working," he said. "It was my

baby for many, many years. It ran right and now my employees are calling me

in tears." At the time of the sale, Cruise Value was generating between $60

million and $70 million in cruise bookings.




* TravelPulse

- http://www.travelpulse.com/Resources/Editorial.aspx?n=48099


Contact info for "travel Holding Entity"




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Can you please let us know all the other names that CVC goes under?


Also, can you find out EXACTLY when this agency was sold last year? I wonder if anyone who booked originally with the old owners has any recourse against them?


The takeover took place sometime in October of 2007. Cruise Value Center also did business under the name Tour Value Center. The operating company, Travel Holding Entity, also operated Cruises of Distinction. They were operated separately with separate staffs, but I believe they are also out of business, but I do not know for certain.


You may have used a number of different lead services to make a reservation with Cruise Value Center, but any confirmation you would have received would indicate that you made a reservation with Cruise Value Center.

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Insolvency happens to many companies. On another note......I will not be purchasing any retail gift certificates or gift cards this holiday season. Many retailers will be hanging on by their fingernails until the holiday season is over. Inventory on Jan 31, then anything can happen!

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You comment is not correct if you have done your due diligence and found a good travel agent. To book with an agent solely based on the CHEAPEST PRICING ... OBC'S ... PERKS ... OR WHATEVER means you are looking at something that is too good to be true and we all know that if it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true. Think of all the stores in your area that GUARANTEED the cheapest pricing and would price match with a 10% discount ... they didn't/don't stay in business very long.


When you book through a travel agent you are truly doing yourself a favor because a good agent will provide you with the BEST LEGITIMATE pricing, personal service and good advice about the cruise that best suits your needs and pocket book ... IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR AGENT BOOKS DIRECTLY WITH THE CRUISE LINE.


I am a certified travel agent specializing in cruises and if you make a cruise booking through me the money does NOT go in my checking account but DIRECTLY to the cruise line and I don't get anything until yuo have sailed and the cruise line pays me directly. When an agency deposits your money in THEIR checking account they may be in the financial prediciment of having to borrow from Peter to pay Paul and your booking may be the one they borrow from. The agency in question here had questionable business practices and problems for quite a while before they left travelers in a lurch with more than 1.5 MILLION DOLLARS in deposits and final payments that they did not follow through on.


Additionally, it is never a good idea to pay cash or check for a cruise or for any travel because you have no recourse if something like this happens.


If you have a deposit with HAL and you have paperwork to prove it, HAL should honor the booking. You reserve the right to ask that the agent of record be changed (you need to do this in writing and it can be faxed) and you can take it over yourself or you can reassign it to another travel agent but you cannot expect that the new agent can or will give you all the discounts and perks that the subject agency was promising ... and why do you think they promised those things???? They needed cash flow and they said or did anything to get that cash. As agents we all pay the same thing for the cruise and NOT ONE OF THE CRUISE LINES approve of discounting or rebating and in fact may discount your commission if you publicly try to do that kind of thing as it is a poor reflection on the industry as a whole when an agency discounts and rebates. You ALL talk with one another and you know how you feel when someone tells you that they paid much less and seemingly got much more for their money on the same cruise don't you? But, if HAL doesn't show your deposit or final payment you cannot expect them to honor something there is no proof of and hopefully you purchased travel protection insurance that covers the vendor closing their doors at the time you put your deposit down because then you have additional resources to help work out your financial issues.


Regarding $25 for Pier check-in ... That is NOT standard HAL or any other cruise line practice that I am aware of. As long as you have proper documentation and you KNOW your name is on the manifest you don't even have to have copies of your pre-cruise documentation (although, as an agent I recomment my clients take copies of all their paperwork). It is the same with the airlines. If you don't have copies of your tickets or E-Tickets you can go to the check in counter and they will find your reservation with your name and issue you documents and boarding passes.


When something like this happens not only are the travelers left holding the bag but all travel agents are effected as it is a bad reflection on the industry as a whole.


I am an agent as well and feel very sorry for all of your people caught in this mess.


I wanted to say. It is very normal for HAL to charge $25.00 for pier pick up as they are one cruiseline who issues paper tickets and will only mail them direct to the agency for them to mail to guests. If you try and vary from that policy they charge $100.00 to mail to guest direct. They require tickets to check in. Everyone please make sure you have your tickets or you will have problems at the pier.


Good luck to all.

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These are the Terms and Conditions. I know it is different from the one received in 2007 upon deposit, but I have not had the chance to find the differences.


Terms and Conditions


Cruise Value Center is a brand name used by Travel Holding Entity LLC (T.H.E.) and/or one of T.H.E.’s affiliated companies. Customers of Cruise Value Center are advised to read fully all terms and conditions set forth below. These terms and conditions constitute a contract between Cruise Value Center and the passenger and/or purchaser, both on his/her behalf and on behalf of any other person or persons, including children, for whom the reservation is purchased (herein after referred to as the “Passenger(s)”). All parties acknowledge and agree to be bound thereby by accepting this contract.

Cruise Value Center works with several other travel organizations such as cruise lines, hotels, airlines, tour operator, etc. in arranging travel packages. Such organizations will be referred to as “Suppliers” elsewhere in these terms and conditions. Suppliers are considered any travel organization(s) which Cruise Value Center works with, purchases from, or otherwise deals with in the arrangement of travel packages.

Cruise Value Center requires payment(s) on the due date(s) indicated in any of it’s written statements and/or verbal notification given to the Passenger. Cruise Value Center reserves the right to consider non-payment or partial payments as a cancellation. The Passenger’s reservation is accepted when Cruise Value Center receives the correct deposit/initial payment and has sent an invoice confirming the price of travel arrangements to the Passenger. The specific terms of the reservation are subject to change by Cruise Value Center or the Supplier(s) until the correct final payment has been received. Further, Cruise Value Center reserves the right to correct an error in the brochure price, advertised price or invoice price until the Passenger’s account is paid in full. Every reservation is also subject to the conditions imposed by Suppliers of any other independent contractors who provide services for the travel package.

Occasionally factors outside the control of Cruise Value Center may force them to ask for additional surcharges. Cruise Value Center cannot guarantee prices because Suppliers reserve the right to impose surcharges or change their prices.

Cruise Value Center reserves the right to impose a fee, which will be due from the customer without condition, the amount of which will be up to the full purchase price of the vacation package (including airfare, cruise fare, hotel rates, pre and post cruise packages, shore excursions and other charges) as stated on this invoice or statement, less the amount already received from the customer, for changes to or cancellations of travel arrangements requested by the Passenger. These fees, if charged by Cruise Value Center, will be in addition to any penalties assessed by any other Supplier. Cruise Value Center reserves the right to impose fees for travel changes and or cancellations regardless of the date of the change/cancellation. Cruise line Suppliers generally require cancellation notification 60 to 120 days before the date of sailing to avoid penalties. Other Suppliers may also have cancellation penalty schedules. It is passenger’s responsibility to refer to the most current specific Supplier brochure for their cancellation policy.

Passenger(s) also agree that any insurance proceeds received, regardless of who paid for the insurance, as a result of a Supplier default or insolvency shall be first used to satisfy the referenced Cruise Value Center fee. Passenger(s) further agree to cooperate in achieving such insurance recoveries including allowing for Cruise Value Center or its successors, assigns, and/or secured debt holders to receive funds directly from the insurers and to remit any surplus fund to the Passenger(s) after deducting fees authorized by this Agreement.

Cruise Value Center does not own or operate any of the hotels, transportation companies, sightseeing attractions, cruise lines or other Suppliers who provide goods or services for the Passenger’s trip. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for the negligence or willful acts and/or omissions of these Suppliers, their employees, agents, servants, or representatives and Cruise Value Center is not liable to refund fully or partially for any unsatisfactory services from any Supplier. Cruise Value Center is not an agent of the Supplier nor the Passenger.

Without limitation, Cruise Value Center is not responsible for Supplier overbooking or conditions/accommodations. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for flight or other Supplier delays or cancellations, missed connections or any other condition beyond its control. In addition, Cruise Value Center is not responsible for any act or omission, whether willful or negligent, of any person not its direct employee. Nor is Cruise Value Center responsible for any act or omission of any third party, whether negligent, willful, criminal or otherwise. Without limitation, Cruise Value Center is not responsible for criminal activity, acts of God, the consequences of strikes, industrial disputes, union unrest, terrorist activity, food or water poisoning, illness, political upheaval, acts of government, war, civil unrest, riots, fire, lockouts, weather conditions, dangers incident to the sea, lost/damaged/delayed luggage, closure of airports/seaports/hotels/train stations, computer problems including but not limited to failure of services therein, or anything else beyond its control.

The fare includes only the items (as specified on the Cruise Value Center invoice/receipt) and may include some but not all food/refreshments. Spirits, wine, beer, sodas, mineral water and other food/drink items as defined by the Supplier may require additional payment. Prices may vary and Cruise Value Center does not guarantee the lowest price. The Supplier and Cruise Value Center reserve the right to increase fares without notice. In such an event, Cruise Value Center will notify the Passenger by sending a revised statement of the prices.

The issued tickets are valid only for the voyage/air transportation/shore excursion and for the person or persons named as Passenger(s) which are specified on the Cruise Value Center statement and cannot be transferred without the Supplier’s written consent. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for reimbursement or refund to Passenger, either fully or partially, for lost or stolen tickets/documents or for wholly/partially used tickets. Passenger waives the right to use any statute or other governmental regulation to the contrary. Supplier reserves the right to cancel any scheduled port of call, interim stop or itinerary location for any reason at its option at any time without previous notice to the Passenger and without liability to the Passenger for any loss, damage or delay whatsoever, and Cruise Value Center is not liable for these Supplier changes/cancellations. Cruise Value Center reserves the right to alter the itinerary from that printed in its materials and to substitute itineraries or accommodations as deemed necessary by Cruise Value Center. In such cases, the change will not result in eligibility for a refund.

Cruise Value Center has made no representation nor promise with respect to the arrangements described in brochures or advertisements except as expressly set forth in its literature or in a written agreement signed by an officer of Cruise Value Center. Cruise Value Center and/or supplier reserves the right to decline a Passenger for any lawful reason including disruptive behavior or inability to take the trip without undue restrictions. The only obligation of Cruise Value Center shall be to refund to any such Passenger that portion of his or her payment(s) allocable to unused services after any and all penalties issued by Cruise Value Center or the travel Supplier(s) have been paid. Refunds are otherwise not granted for unused services.


Cruise Value Center’s responsibility shall never exceed the usual amount of liability to which Cruise Value Center is obligated under applicable law. No undertaking, guarantee or warranty is given or shall be implied as to the fitness or condition of the Supplier’s accommodations or any food, drink, medicine, or provisions supplied. In no event shall Cruise Value Center be liable for any accident which occurs ashore, on board ship/in dock, on tenders, on shore excursions, in hotels, in resorts, on airplanes/in airports, on buses/in bus stations, on trains/in train stations, or during any mode of transportation encountered during the trip, resulting from equipment or any other cause. The Passenger admits a full understanding of the nature and character of the mode of transport and assumes all risks of travel, transportation and handling of passengers and baggage. The Passenger assumes the risk of, and agrees that Cruise Value Center is not liable for injury, or death to, or delay of the Passenger; loss or damage to, or delay of the Passenger’s baggage, personal effects, or property arising from, caused by, or in the judgement of the Supplier, rendered necessary or advisable by reason of any act of God or public enemies, arrest, restraints of any government or rulers of people, piracy, war, revolution, extortion, terrorist actions or threats, hijacking, bombing, threatened or actual rebellion, insurrection, civil strife, fire, explosion, collision, stranding, grounding, perils of the sea, rivers, canals, locks or other waters, perils of navigation of any kind, lack of water or passageway in canals, theft, accident to or from machinery, boilers, or latent defects even though existing at embarkation or commencement of the travel package, desertion or revolt of crew, seizure of ship by legal process, strike, lockout or labor disturbance.

Passenger is also bound by all Supplier defined rules and restrictions regarding baggage allotments and charges for additional baggage. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any excess baggage charges incurred by the Passenger. Passenger is responsible for all Supplier defined cancellation/interruption penalties. Cruise Value Center is not liable to the Passenger for the refund of any monies for Passenger cancellation or trip interruption. Cruise Value Center recommends Passenger purchases travel insurance to cover losses as defined by the travel insurance carrier. Passenger accepts all financial responsibilities for cancellation, interruption, medical attention needed during the trip, loss of baggage, missed travel connection(s) due to flight or other travel delay/cancellations from weather or mechanical difficulties as well as all other financial charges arising from events during the trip. Cruise Value Center is not liable for costs arising from personal injury or death of Passenger. Suppliers may or may not carry physicians, surgeons, barbers, hairdressers or any other individual providing personal services. Passenger is responsible for charges incurred by using these services, if available. Cruise Value Center is not liable for costs associated with Passenger’s use of medical or personal services which are not included by the Supplier as free services. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any loss due to Passenger’s gambling and is not responsible for any purchases made while on the trip including services or products purchased while on shore excursion, auxiliary trips, tours, etc.

Cruise Value Center recommends that all Passengers be in good physical and mental health and have medical approval to travel. Any physical disabilities should be reported at the time of reservation and Cruise Value Center will investigate amenities and/or special accommodations offered by Suppliers. Passenger is required to provide his or her own personal or individually prescribed devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, or similar devices. If more than minor assistance is required, the Passenger must be accompanied by a companion or helper who is capable of, and totally responsible for, providing such assistance. Cruise Value Center shall be held harmless for any claim relating thereto. Cruise Value Center and/or supplier reserves the right to reject any Passenger because of any mental or physical condition or disorder. Suppliers reserve the right to refuse or revoke passage to Passengers who, in their judgement, may be refused admission into a port or landing or into the country of destination. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any costs resulting from this action.

Suppliers reserve the right to change the departure date from the original scheduled or advertised date. The Supplier reserves the right to change the method of transportation from the method originally advertised, or to change the hotel/accommodations. The Supplier reserves the right to deviate from the direct, customary and/or scheduled route or itinerary for any reason, without limitation and without notice, in the interest of Passenger(s) and/or the vessel. Cruise Value Center is not liable to Passenger for full or partial refunds due to Supplier date, vessel, hotel and/or itinerary alterations.

In cases of quarantine, Passenger must bear all risks, losses and expenses caused thereby.

Suppliers reserve the right to change berths/cabins and or hotel rooms for any reason deemed necessary by the Supplier. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any refunds, full or partial, for these types of changes.

Passenger is responsible to have all passports, visas, travel and health documents required for: passage to ports of call, on board ship, or entering/exiting a country. Failure to have the proper documents may result in delay, refusal of passage, or fees to Passenger. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any charges associated with Passenger failure to procure and have on their person the proper travel documents. Cruise Value Center is not required to inform Passenger of the necessary documents. Cruise Value Center recommends the Passenger consult with the appropriate domestic and foreign governmental agencies for the current document requirements. The Passenger shall be liable to and shall reimburse Supplier for all damage to the vessel and/or hotel and/or other accommodations. Cruise Value Center is not liable for costs incurred by Passenger in these situations.

Passenger agrees that any and all disputes associated with the Passenger’s trip, either related to the airline/train/bus/car rental carrier, the cruise line carrier, or any other Supplier involved in his or her vacation, will be directed to the specific Supplier and not to Cruise Value Center. This includes requests for refunds, credits, etc. Passenger(s) must file all insurance claims with their insurance carrier. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for refunds, credits, insurance claims or any other financial resolution in response to passenger disputes.

This contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Michigan and the laws of the United States of America. The Passenger/Purchaser and Cruise Value Center agree that each may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member. Copyright RTS 04/07/08

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These are the Terms and Conditions. I know it is different from the one received in 2007 upon deposit, but I have not had the chance to find the differences.


Terms and Conditions


Cruise Value Center is a brand name used by Travel Holding Entity LLC (T.H.E.) and/or one of T.H.E.’s affiliated companies. Customers of Cruise Value Center are advised to read fully all terms and conditions set forth below. These terms and conditions constitute a contract between Cruise Value Center and the passenger and/or purchaser, both on his/her behalf and on behalf of any other person or persons, including children, for whom the reservation is purchased (herein after referred to as the “Passenger(s)”). All parties acknowledge and agree to be bound thereby by accepting this contract.

Cruise Value Center works with several other travel organizations such as cruise lines, hotels, airlines, tour operator, etc. in arranging travel packages. Such organizations will be referred to as “Suppliers” elsewhere in these terms and conditions. Suppliers are considered any travel organization(s) which Cruise Value Center works with, purchases from, or otherwise deals with in the arrangement of travel packages.

Cruise Value Center requires payment(s) on the due date(s) indicated in any of it’s written statements and/or verbal notification given to the Passenger. Cruise Value Center reserves the right to consider non-payment or partial payments as a cancellation. The Passenger’s reservation is accepted when Cruise Value Center receives the correct deposit/initial payment and has sent an invoice confirming the price of travel arrangements to the Passenger. The specific terms of the reservation are subject to change by Cruise Value Center or the Supplier(s) until the correct final payment has been received. Further, Cruise Value Center reserves the right to correct an error in the brochure price, advertised price or invoice price until the Passenger’s account is paid in full. Every reservation is also subject to the conditions imposed by Suppliers of any other independent contractors who provide services for the travel package.

Occasionally factors outside the control of Cruise Value Center may force them to ask for additional surcharges. Cruise Value Center cannot guarantee prices because Suppliers reserve the right to impose surcharges or change their prices.

Cruise Value Center reserves the right to impose a fee, which will be due from the customer without condition, the amount of which will be up to the full purchase price of the vacation package (including airfare, cruise fare, hotel rates, pre and post cruise packages, shore excursions and other charges) as stated on this invoice or statement, less the amount already received from the customer, for changes to or cancellations of travel arrangements requested by the Passenger. These fees, if charged by Cruise Value Center, will be in addition to any penalties assessed by any other Supplier. Cruise Value Center reserves the right to impose fees for travel changes and or cancellations regardless of the date of the change/cancellation. Cruise line Suppliers generally require cancellation notification 60 to 120 days before the date of sailing to avoid penalties. Other Suppliers may also have cancellation penalty schedules. It is passenger’s responsibility to refer to the most current specific Supplier brochure for their cancellation policy.

Passenger(s) also agree that any insurance proceeds received, regardless of who paid for the insurance, as a result of a Supplier default or insolvency shall be first used to satisfy the referenced Cruise Value Center fee. Passenger(s) further agree to cooperate in achieving such insurance recoveries including allowing for Cruise Value Center or its successors, assigns, and/or secured debt holders to receive funds directly from the insurers and to remit any surplus fund to the Passenger(s) after deducting fees authorized by this Agreement.

Cruise Value Center does not own or operate any of the hotels, transportation companies, sightseeing attractions, cruise lines or other Suppliers who provide goods or services for the Passenger’s trip. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for the negligence or willful acts and/or omissions of these Suppliers, their employees, agents, servants, or representatives and Cruise Value Center is not liable to refund fully or partially for any unsatisfactory services from any Supplier. Cruise Value Center is not an agent of the Supplier nor the Passenger.

Without limitation, Cruise Value Center is not responsible for Supplier overbooking or conditions/accommodations. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for flight or other Supplier delays or cancellations, missed connections or any other condition beyond its control. In addition, Cruise Value Center is not responsible for any act or omission, whether willful or negligent, of any person not its direct employee. Nor is Cruise Value Center responsible for any act or omission of any third party, whether negligent, willful, criminal or otherwise. Without limitation, Cruise Value Center is not responsible for criminal activity, acts of God, the consequences of strikes, industrial disputes, union unrest, terrorist activity, food or water poisoning, illness, political upheaval, acts of government, war, civil unrest, riots, fire, lockouts, weather conditions, dangers incident to the sea, lost/damaged/delayed luggage, closure of airports/seaports/hotels/train stations, computer problems including but not limited to failure of services therein, or anything else beyond its control.

The fare includes only the items (as specified on the Cruise Value Center invoice/receipt) and may include some but not all food/refreshments. Spirits, wine, beer, sodas, mineral water and other food/drink items as defined by the Supplier may require additional payment. Prices may vary and Cruise Value Center does not guarantee the lowest price. The Supplier and Cruise Value Center reserve the right to increase fares without notice. In such an event, Cruise Value Center will notify the Passenger by sending a revised statement of the prices.

The issued tickets are valid only for the voyage/air transportation/shore excursion and for the person or persons named as Passenger(s) which are specified on the Cruise Value Center statement and cannot be transferred without the Supplier’s written consent. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for reimbursement or refund to Passenger, either fully or partially, for lost or stolen tickets/documents or for wholly/partially used tickets. Passenger waives the right to use any statute or other governmental regulation to the contrary. Supplier reserves the right to cancel any scheduled port of call, interim stop or itinerary location for any reason at its option at any time without previous notice to the Passenger and without liability to the Passenger for any loss, damage or delay whatsoever, and Cruise Value Center is not liable for these Supplier changes/cancellations. Cruise Value Center reserves the right to alter the itinerary from that printed in its materials and to substitute itineraries or accommodations as deemed necessary by Cruise Value Center. In such cases, the change will not result in eligibility for a refund.

Cruise Value Center has made no representation nor promise with respect to the arrangements described in brochures or advertisements except as expressly set forth in its literature or in a written agreement signed by an officer of Cruise Value Center. Cruise Value Center and/or supplier reserves the right to decline a Passenger for any lawful reason including disruptive behavior or inability to take the trip without undue restrictions. The only obligation of Cruise Value Center shall be to refund to any such Passenger that portion of his or her payment(s) allocable to unused services after any and all penalties issued by Cruise Value Center or the travel Supplier(s) have been paid. Refunds are otherwise not granted for unused services.


Cruise Value Center’s responsibility shall never exceed the usual amount of liability to which Cruise Value Center is obligated under applicable law. No undertaking, guarantee or warranty is given or shall be implied as to the fitness or condition of the Supplier’s accommodations or any food, drink, medicine, or provisions supplied. In no event shall Cruise Value Center be liable for any accident which occurs ashore, on board ship/in dock, on tenders, on shore excursions, in hotels, in resorts, on airplanes/in airports, on buses/in bus stations, on trains/in train stations, or during any mode of transportation encountered during the trip, resulting from equipment or any other cause. The Passenger admits a full understanding of the nature and character of the mode of transport and assumes all risks of travel, transportation and handling of passengers and baggage. The Passenger assumes the risk of, and agrees that Cruise Value Center is not liable for injury, or death to, or delay of the Passenger; loss or damage to, or delay of the Passenger’s baggage, personal effects, or property arising from, caused by, or in the judgement of the Supplier, rendered necessary or advisable by reason of any act of God or public enemies, arrest, restraints of any government or rulers of people, piracy, war, revolution, extortion, terrorist actions or threats, hijacking, bombing, threatened or actual rebellion, insurrection, civil strife, fire, explosion, collision, stranding, grounding, perils of the sea, rivers, canals, locks or other waters, perils of navigation of any kind, lack of water or passageway in canals, theft, accident to or from machinery, boilers, or latent defects even though existing at embarkation or commencement of the travel package, desertion or revolt of crew, seizure of ship by legal process, strike, lockout or labor disturbance.

Passenger is also bound by all Supplier defined rules and restrictions regarding baggage allotments and charges for additional baggage. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any excess baggage charges incurred by the Passenger. Passenger is responsible for all Supplier defined cancellation/interruption penalties. Cruise Value Center is not liable to the Passenger for the refund of any monies for Passenger cancellation or trip interruption. Cruise Value Center recommends Passenger purchases travel insurance to cover losses as defined by the travel insurance carrier. Passenger accepts all financial responsibilities for cancellation, interruption, medical attention needed during the trip, loss of baggage, missed travel connection(s) due to flight or other travel delay/cancellations from weather or mechanical difficulties as well as all other financial charges arising from events during the trip. Cruise Value Center is not liable for costs arising from personal injury or death of Passenger. Suppliers may or may not carry physicians, surgeons, barbers, hairdressers or any other individual providing personal services. Passenger is responsible for charges incurred by using these services, if available. Cruise Value Center is not liable for costs associated with Passenger’s use of medical or personal services which are not included by the Supplier as free services. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any loss due to Passenger’s gambling and is not responsible for any purchases made while on the trip including services or products purchased while on shore excursion, auxiliary trips, tours, etc.

Cruise Value Center recommends that all Passengers be in good physical and mental health and have medical approval to travel. Any physical disabilities should be reported at the time of reservation and Cruise Value Center will investigate amenities and/or special accommodations offered by Suppliers. Passenger is required to provide his or her own personal or individually prescribed devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, or similar devices. If more than minor assistance is required, the Passenger must be accompanied by a companion or helper who is capable of, and totally responsible for, providing such assistance. Cruise Value Center shall be held harmless for any claim relating thereto. Cruise Value Center and/or supplier reserves the right to reject any Passenger because of any mental or physical condition or disorder. Suppliers reserve the right to refuse or revoke passage to Passengers who, in their judgement, may be refused admission into a port or landing or into the country of destination. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any costs resulting from this action.

Suppliers reserve the right to change the departure date from the original scheduled or advertised date. The Supplier reserves the right to change the method of transportation from the method originally advertised, or to change the hotel/accommodations. The Supplier reserves the right to deviate from the direct, customary and/or scheduled route or itinerary for any reason, without limitation and without notice, in the interest of Passenger(s) and/or the vessel. Cruise Value Center is not liable to Passenger for full or partial refunds due to Supplier date, vessel, hotel and/or itinerary alterations.

In cases of quarantine, Passenger must bear all risks, losses and expenses caused thereby.

Suppliers reserve the right to change berths/cabins and or hotel rooms for any reason deemed necessary by the Supplier. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any refunds, full or partial, for these types of changes.

Passenger is responsible to have all passports, visas, travel and health documents required for: passage to ports of call, on board ship, or entering/exiting a country. Failure to have the proper documents may result in delay, refusal of passage, or fees to Passenger. Cruise Value Center is not liable for any charges associated with Passenger failure to procure and have on their person the proper travel documents. Cruise Value Center is not required to inform Passenger of the necessary documents. Cruise Value Center recommends the Passenger consult with the appropriate domestic and foreign governmental agencies for the current document requirements. The Passenger shall be liable to and shall reimburse Supplier for all damage to the vessel and/or hotel and/or other accommodations. Cruise Value Center is not liable for costs incurred by Passenger in these situations.

Passenger agrees that any and all disputes associated with the Passenger’s trip, either related to the airline/train/bus/car rental carrier, the cruise line carrier, or any other Supplier involved in his or her vacation, will be directed to the specific Supplier and not to Cruise Value Center. This includes requests for refunds, credits, etc. Passenger(s) must file all insurance claims with their insurance carrier. Cruise Value Center is not responsible for refunds, credits, insurance claims or any other financial resolution in response to passenger disputes.

This contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Michigan and the laws of the United States of America. The Passenger/Purchaser and Cruise Value Center agree that each may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member. Copyright RTS 04/07/08


This was their past Terms and Conditions used in 2007, and earlier this year as well. Interestingly this older one looks stricter as it mentions specifics regarding cancellation fees.


Maybe a lawyer can comment, or anyone else who can find major differences as the changed language (on first post) was just made this fall when the company was about to go under.




Please read all information listed below.

Read Invoice Thoroughly. Please review this invoice in its entirety. The Client will be the only recipient of invoices and is solely responsible to convey all information listed on invoices to all travel companions, multiple invoices will not be issued. Passenger names must match the identification used for travel, it is mandatory that all documentation reflect the complete legal names. Verify ticket/documents address as noted on the front of this confirmation. Notify your Cruise Specialist immediately if changes or corrections are needed. Please allow 3 business days for processing any changes i.e. insurance, cancellations, additions, etc. Processing reissued tickets will result in delays. Suppliers may charge a substantial fee plus applicable fare increases for changes made less than 90 days prior to sailing. CVC will not and cannot accept any coupons, vouchers, or certificates unless issued by Cruise Value Center (our wholesale rates do not allow for any further discounts or concessions from the cruise line or tour operator). Coupons are not applicable on certain dates and/or itineraries, or on specific wholesale rates. Cruise Value Center reserves the right at any time to deny any coupon including those issued by CVC. Coupons are not accepted on any internet bookings. Cruise Value Center does not guarantee price adjustments and reserves the right to review them on a case-by-case basis. Price adjustments are not available after final payment has been made.

Read Supplier’s Brochure Carefully. Supplier brochures contain important information concerning your vacation. Carefully review supplier’s policies concerning cancellation penalties. Cruise Value Center will impose a $75 p/p cancellation fee in addition to any supplier’s penalties. The client assumes full responsibility for completing and sending the cancellation request in writing and correct fee to Cruise Value Center. The client also acknowledges that Cruise Value Center reserves the right to process cancellation requests up to 3 business days after they have been received. If applicable, locate your cabin to verify its location and bedding options. Dining is only on a request basis, cannot be confirmed, and is at the cruise line’s discretion. Cruise Value Center will not be held liable for any dining changes for any reason. Verify that the ship, sail date, departure date (if different from sailing date) and itinerary on this invoice match the supplier’s current brochure for accuracy. Notify your Cruise Specialist if you do not have a current brochure and require one. Brochures will be sent only upon request and are based on availability. Cruise Value Center will not be held responsible if a brochure is unavailable, and is the client’s responsibility to secure a brochure from an alternative source.

Payments. Initial deposit is required at the time of booking. If the booking is made within 90 days of your vacation, full payment will be required. If the booking is made more than 90 days (date may differ for Holiday and special sailings) prior to your vacation it is your responsibility to contact Cruise Value Center at least 90 days prior to your travel date to finalize your vacation. Cruise Value Center accepts all major credit cards, as well as cash, checks (personal checks are only accepted 90 days or more prior to the travel date), certified checks, and money orders. Cruise Value Center assumes no responsibility in regard to any charges or payments that are declined due to insufficient funds, or for any reason, including but not limited to incorrect account numbers and/or credit limits. These declined payments could result in additional cancellation fees, penalties, lost bookings, and increased rates. Cruise Value Center will impose a $50 late fee if we do not receive your final payment by the due date indicated on this invoice.

Travel Insurance is Strongly Recommended. Travel insurance provides protection for the traveler in the event that the trip is cancelled due to certain circumstances (for specific inclusions/exclusions, please contact your Cruise Specialist for a detailed insurance brochure). Travel Insurance also protects in the event of most medical emergencies, and in some instances, pre-existing medical conditions. Some other benefits may include legal assistance, emergency medical evacuation, and travel document and ticket replacement assistance. Travel Insurance is NOT automatically included.

Proof of Citizenship/Travel Requirements. Passports may be required for all sailings. Please visit http://travel.state.gov for up to date information. Non U.S. citizens must contact their country's embassy or consulate concerning specific travel documentation requirements. It is your responsibility to make certain you have the correct identification needed for your particular vacation.

Air/Sea Transportation Restrictions. If you purchase air transportation directly from the cruise line, not from Cruise Value Center, and there are delays with your assigned air carrier, in most cases the air line will be able to make arrangements for you to reach the ship. Cruise Value Center assumes no responsibility for assigned air, flights, seating, schedule, or any issues involving air travel. The cruise line reserves the right to choose the air carrier, routing, flight times, and specific city airport for each gateway city. If you make other air transportation arrangements (i.e. through a third party other than the cruise line), THE CRUISE LINE OR AGENT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY. Additionally, if you encounter delays and miss the ship, you assume all responsibility for, but not limited to, loss of time, money or property. INSURANCE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Any special requests for a customized air schedule must be done at least 90 days prior to the departure date. This service is an air deviation; charges start at $100 per person plus any fare differential. Cruise Value Center will automatically assume air deviation is declined unless otherwise stated on the front of this invoice. CVC is not responsible for any flights assigned by the cruise line.

Review All Tickets and Documents. Documents will be received approximately 7-10 days prior to travel date. All documents with flights (paper tickets, not E-tickets) require signature delivery. Please contact the Document Department if you plan to leave earlier. Cruise Value Center will attempt to accommodate the client but reserves the right to deny any request. It is the sole responsibility of the client to review and verify all information printed on the supplier’s tickets, documents and/or accompanying literature. Thoroughly review the tickets in their entirety. Verify all passenger accommodations, ascertain that all names are correct and match the documentation that you will be using for identification. Many vendors require pre-registration forms completed online or via fax, these forms must be completed prior to the vacation – it is your responsibility to make certain this is has been done prior to your departure. Suppliers may charge a substantial fee plus applicable fare increases for changes made after the tickets and/or documents are issued. Cruise Value Center is not able to handle all special requests and/or certain personal service issues. Special needs and/or requirements require additional fees.

Cruise Value Center charges $50 per person/per booking adjustment for any changes. This fee will be in addition to the aforementioned Cruise Line charges. Notify your Cruise Specialist immediately if changes or corrections are required.

$50 Service charge per person for ALL CHANGES and/ or service work i.e. adding/removing air/name change, spelling corrections, etc.

$50 fee will be charged for ALL RETURNED CHECKS

$50 charge will be assessed for ALL LATE PAYMENTS

Cruise Value Center will impose a $75 per person fee for cancellation. All requests to cancel a reservation must be forwarded to Cruise Value Center in writing along with the cancellation fee payable by credit card, certified check or money order to Cruise Value Center. In addition, the supplier in accordance with their cancellation policies may charge additional fees. Client assumes full responsibility if additional cancellation fees are incurred during the processing period.

Cruise Value Center is acting as intermediary and agent for suppliers identified on the invoice in selling services, or in accepting reservations or bookings for services that are not directly supplied by this agency (such as air transportation, hotel accommodations, ground transportation, meals, tours, cruises, etc.). This agency therefore shall not be responsible for breach of contract or any intentional, unintentional or careless actions or omissions on the part of such suppliers which result in any loss, damage, delay or injury to you, your traveling companions or group members. Nor will Cruise Value Center assume responsibility for disputes between a client, credit card company, or Cruiseline in regards to pricing and/or payments.

Cruise Value Center shall not be responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses caused to any traveler. By embarking on his/her travel, the traveler voluntarily assumes all risks involved with such travel, whether expected or unexpected.

The customer by receipt of this invoice has been advised of Travel Insurance and has read all information included with this invoice. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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The takeover took place sometime in October of 2007. Cruise Value Center also did business under the name Tour Value Center. The operating company, Travel Holding Entity, also operated Cruises of Distinction. They were operated separately with separate staffs, but I believe they are also out of business, but I do not know for certain.


You may have used a number of different lead services to make a reservation with Cruise Value Center, but any confirmation you would have received would indicate that you made a reservation with Cruise Value Center.


thisworldtraveler, my credit card was charged and my supplier was paid directly (but there is an issue on the negotiated rate), however, they have my travel agent listed as "TRACY SCOTT CRUISES CORPORATION".


This corporation is NOT mentioned on my contract, either the one for the deposit from 2007 and the final sent last week. The supplier wants documentation that TRACY SCOTT CRUISES CORPORATION has gone out of business in order to take over my booking. I have not been able to google them or find out further information.


If you find out anything please let me know?

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Carnival is telling people that booked through CVC that CVC is still in operations and they can't talk to them until CVC officially shuts down.


This isn't completely correct. My brother, his wife and I are cruising 12/14... He booked long after I did and made payment in July. Carnival shows my reservation paid and everything AOK..(made final payment on 9/15). Brother's reservation had only been deposited by CVC but no final payment.


He called Carnival, gave them his credit card for the balance..and filed a dispute with his credit card company for chargeback.


Carnival took his payment with no problem...with upgraded cabin in place and no additional charges.

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I just got my mail (from UP post office) and there was a letter from the defunct travel agency. I was excited thinking that they are notifying their clients and offereing restitution. NO! It was simply the 3rd notice I have received from them reminding me that I need a visa for Australia. Interestingly enough, it is dated 11/08, the Friday before they went belly up. Apparently they were still operating as usually as late as Friday. How odd.


Well, they were for sure on Thursday. I drove up there to pick up a check. They owed me a refund of over 500.00 and I was going up that direction anyway so stopped in to pick it up. I deposited it the same day.


Will be interesting to see if it clears the bank, won't it?


It's a shame. I've worked with them for several years and have booked 8 cruises with them and never had a problem. I feel for those who have lost their jobs and for others who may have lost money with them.

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An update: I have filled out a transfer of agent form with HAL and paid my final depsit a second time. ($7000.00!!!). HAL has been very accomodating. They will not honor the price that CVC was giving me, but the difference is under $500 so it is not that big of a deal. I will lose our Pinnacle grill reservation, the photo voucher and the bottle of champagne,but again it is no big deal.


Why did HAL keep my reservation when they did not recieve the final payment when it was due on September 5? This probably occured for many passengers on many different cruises all booked with CVC. Did HAL suspect a problem? Or is this standard operating procedure?


I have filed a claim with my credit card company. since the charge is more than 60 days old, but I was not billed more than 60 days ago, I am probably alright.

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thisworldtraveler, my credit card was charged and my supplier was paid directly (but there is an issue on the negotiated rate), however, they have my travel agent listed as "TRACY SCOTT CRUISES CORPORATION".


This corporation is NOT mentioned on my contract, either the one for the deposit from 2007 and the final sent last week. The supplier wants documentation that TRACY SCOTT CRUISES CORPORATION has gone out of business in order to take over my booking. I have not been able to google them or find out further information.


If you find out anything please let me know?




Send me an email and I will see what I can do.

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Everyone who is disputing charges with their cc company should do so in writing (they won't necessarily tell you this on the phone). Also, make sure you stress that you did not authorize Cruise Value Center to make the charge to themselves. You authorized Cruise Calue Center to make the charge, on your behalf, directly to the cruise line. This could make a difference in successfully disputing the charge. Point out that the initial deposits were made directly to the cruise line, per your instructions (give date and transaction #'s if you have them).


I got a great person on the phone at my cc company who basically outlined to me what I had to say, in writing, to successfully dispute the charges.

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I am now able to complete my online checkin with HAL. They have you read and check a box stating that you read their terms and conditions. This is one of the paragraphs. I obviously did not get the information until after the final payment!


Travel Agents: Any travel agent you use in connection with your Cruise, Cruisetour or HAL Land Trip acts solely for you and is deemed your agent. We are not responsible for the financial condition or integrity of any such travel agent. In the event that an agent fails to remit to us any monies paid by you to the agent, you remain liable for the fare due us, regardless of whether we demand payment before or after Initial Departure. Any refund made by us to an agent on your behalf is considered, for purposes of this contract, as being the same as payment to you whether or not the monies are delivered by the agent to you. Receipt of any documents or information by your travel agent, including but not limited to this contract, shall be deemed to constitute receipt by you.


It means any help HAL offers is out of the goodness of their heart, not out of a legal obligation to do so.

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Travel Agents: Any travel agent you use in connection with your Cruise, Cruisetour or HAL Land Trip acts solely for you and is deemed your agent. We are not responsible for the financial condition or integrity of any such travel agent. In the event that an agent fails to remit to us any monies paid by you to the agent, you remain liable for the fare due us, regardless of whether we demand payment before or after Initial Departure. Any refund made by us to an agent on your behalf is considered, for purposes of this contract, as being the same as payment to you whether or not the monies are delivered by the agent to you. Receipt of any documents or information by your travel agent, including but not limited to this contract, shall be deemed to constitute receipt by you.


It means any help HAL offers is out of the goodness of their heart, not out of a legal obligation to do so.


It make you think about booking directly with the cruise lines in the future.

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The only problem people will find is that this agency was under pricing HAL and I doubt HAL will just give the discounted prices. There will be more problems for those on Celebrity/RCCL since this cruise line does not allow discounting. I know of people who were promised rebate checks when they returned even though Celebrity does not allow discounting.


CVC under priced HAL by a good deal of money. Last Feb. we were booked by them on the Noordam out of NYC 10 day cruise in a Cat. VD for $957 pp including all taxes and port charges. HAL wanted almost 47% more to book direct. I for one would prefer HAL to have a policy similar to Celebrity in their pricing.

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CVC under priced HAL by a good deal of money. Last Feb. we were booked by them on the Noordam out of NYC 10 day cruise in a Cat. VD for $957 pp including all taxes and port charges. HAL wanted almost 47% more to book direct. I for one would prefer HAL to have a policy similar to Celebrity in their pricing.
Helen, my feeling, what you just said about their pricing is one of the reasons they went under. I have this before. You can cut just so much before you have no revenue to stay in business..



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Helen, my feeling, what you just said about their pricing is one of the reasons they went under. I have this before. You can cut just so much before you have no revenue to stay in business..




Nita, I couldn't agree more. I could never quite figure out how they were able to discount cruises to the extent they did. Now we know the end result - out of business. Sometimes consumers need to take a step back and remind themselves "if it looks to goodto be true - it probably is".

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CVC under priced HAL by a good deal of money. Last Feb. we were booked by them on the Noordam out of NYC 10 day cruise in a Cat. VD for $957 pp including all taxes and port charges. HAL wanted almost 47% more to book direct. I for one would prefer HAL to have a policy similar to Celebrity in their pricing.


And that's one of the interesting (and sad) things about this case. Many of the people that booked their cruises through CVC are now finding they must pay MORE than they originally booked at because CVC had priced their fares so low. At least the people that booked RCCL or Celebrity cruises (which have the no discounting policy) aren't faced with an unexpected rate increase in addition to the uncertainty about final payments/deposits like some of the people booked on HAL, Princess, or Carnival.

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I worked for cruise value for many years the business closed on 11/10 we had nonotice that this was happening nobody told us a thing till that day the company was purchased last fall by rich and ron smith of cruises of distinction or travel holding entity the business was fine until they took over they started making the payments to pay pal we all disagreed with that they did not care they just seemed like they wanted money there was an employee who stole money but that was over 2 years ago and that had nothing to do with these problems that are occuring now nor is it the economy it was just terrible managmennt by the smith brothers. There were never problems in all the years i worked there when Jeff Kivet owned the company now I am jobless just like all of my fellow employees with no warning we were supposed to be paid today and we didn't receive our paychecks I feel terrible for the people who have lost money and are now having problems and it didn't have anything to do with discounting because if you check and see the company did that for years and was fine............

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