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Beginning 1/1/09, Shareholder OBC will be combinable with............

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I emailed the investor relations dept. today and got this response:


Your right...........as far as I see it we no longer get any benefit for being diamond. We get to choose one thing just like a first time RCCL cruiser can. Seems like the Loyalty Program has taken a dive!!!

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I emailed the investor relations dept. today and got this response:



Hi Char: I see you and The Bobster are still cruising - we were on the TA /Brilliance NOV '06 together - thanx for the info you posted... Like Patty, I am very disappointed in these changes - I loved buying the Future Cruise Cert's for the OBC benefits - because they then honored that OBC with the Diamond Balcony discount... because we are Diamonds, it's a shame they took that privilege away from us. To say "all" of us are disappointed is an understatement - what's going on with Celebrity? do they have OBC's and balcony discounts? how do their privileges compare to RCCL, since I know you sail on Celebrity often... Corkey Carol

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My past three cruises on RCI have been 14 plus days. I have gotten $250 OBC for owning stock, $200 OBC for booking while on another cruise and $300 balcony discount as a Diamond.


Of the $450 OBC, $300 went for tips. The rest was spent with the exception of our last cruise we did get $100 back in cash the last day. We are not drinkers, big gamblers, art buyers, bingo players, shoppers,or spa users. We pre-purchased our excursions and alternative dining.


Here is what is going to change for me if these new policies stay in effect:


I will NOT be buying a Next Cruise Letter to keep in my file in case I want a quick getaway at the last minute. RCI loses $100 float (puns intended).


I will NOT be pre-buying excursions or alternative dining so I can use it from my OBC while on the ship. RCI loses $400-$500 float.


I will NOT be booking while on another cruise (sometimes almost a year out): RCI loses $900 deposit float. Added bonus for me--won't have to buy insurance within 21 days of deposit to get pre-existing waiver--$300 or so in my bank account longer.


I WILL probably dump my stock when/if it gets to what my cost average is since I most likely will get the better deal from the Diamond balcony discount than OBC for owning it. No regrets about owning the stock, though. It has given me a good return--$1,500 in tax-free on board credits with another $500 coming in this year for cruises booked prior to 12/31.


I don't think I am that unusual a cruiser so bottom line is RCI will lose over $1,000 of my money they would have in their pocket for five or six months longer than necessary for me to pay out.


Another loss for RCI, I will be checking out other cruise lines since the economical advantage crusiing with RCI has dwindled down considerably.


Tucker in Texas


Well put! My thoughts exactly except that I'll hang onto my stock since it provides a nice tax-free dividend with the OBCs.


I've changed my whole approach to cruising thanks to recent changes at RCI - for example I just booked two weeks on a Princess cruise. That's around $6,000 in revenue that RCI missed! I'm also planning on booking last minute cruises from now on to get the most bang for my cruise buck. When I do cruise with RCI, I'll forgo my balcony discount, go for an ocean view or inside, and use my shareholder benefit with RCI Visa points.


From where I sit, as a Diamond C&A Shareholder, looks like RCI is trying to write the book on "How To Drive Off Your Most Loyal Customers"


There's more than one ship on the sea.

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OK There are alot of pages to this thread and I admit, I have not read them all.

I am not a shareholder nor diamond but I do admit-for months now I have carefully been watching RC stock. The market is unsteady and crashing to say the least.

From reading all pertaining to this for the year or two I have been a member, I learned many bought 100 shares in RC because of the great deal with OBC. With all due respect-it seems many did not buy for market investment reasons. It was purchased for the sole use of OBC. For many-I'm sure it worked great for a while. Today it is at $12.35-two weeks ago it was at $5.25. I believe RC saw the crash long befor many did and had to stop this combinable benefits because they look at a company much more different then many on this bb do. I read somewhere that someone was glad they sold when stock was at $42.00. That to me was a wise decision in a tanking market.

Heck-the small investment I would of made in the RC company when it was at $5.25-man I could of racked up OBC, stock holder perk and the list goes on. By that time-RC already decided to stop all that.

I believe RC made a business decision that they feel is the bottom line best way to go.

Yes, folks that have been Diamond and stock holders for a long time will not be happy but RC had to, simply put-reel in some freebies.

I really thought when stock was at $5 and change-I would of bought it but this new non-combining had the writing on the wall. At that time-most of the bb was not sure they were really going to do it. Well, they did.

So-I'll just cruise with them and often possibly-non-stock holder, non- diamond yet and hope they keep cruising prices down.


Point-I am sorry this has happened to loyal diamond and stockholders but did you really think with the economy going the way it is, it would be business as usual at the RC offices? Did this really come as such a shock to so many?

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We bought the RCI stock high but have recouped most of it through OBC.


When it bottomed out at $6+ we bought another 100 shares. Today it closed at $12 something. We're still ahead. :) I'll hang onto at least 100 shares just in case we want OBC. Sometimes you can get more OBC with the stock than with a Diamond balcony discount. :)

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We bought the RCI stock high but have recouped most of it through OBC.


When it bottomed out at $6+ we bought another 100 shares. Today it closed at $12 something. We're still ahead. :) I'll hang onto at least 100 shares just in case we want OBC. Sometimes you can get more OBC with the stock than with a Diamond balcony discount. :)

I'm with you Nancy...............bought high and have recouped my investment though OBC and dividends. Plus the OBC is tax free money to spend on board as we like.


My hubby bought another 200 shares, like you when it was low. We buy it for the investment.......the OBC is just an added perk.

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Like some of you on this thread, I am a Shareholder and a Diamond Plus member. I, too, am very disappointed in the change in policy which results in my inability to combine the S/H OBC with my D+ balcony discounts.


I purchased the Stock because I believed that RCI was a forward thinking corporation, capitalizing on and rewarding their repeat business, while seeking to further attract new business with their remarkable innovations. (I did not purchase the Stock for the OBC benefit, but will readily admit it was an added incentive.) I should add that before I purchased the Stock, I read the fine print stating that the benefit could be canceled at any time, at the discretion of RCI.


I achieved Diamond Plus status because I have cruised (with one exception) exclusively on Royal, most often booking Suites. Over the years, I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of advancing through the ranks of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and FINALLY, Diamond Plus. (Though, to be honest, I haven't really seen any big difference between Diamond and Diamond Plus, other than the "onboard amenity"...Not a big wine drinker, and the RCCL beach towels are nice, but how many does one really need?)


My beef is this:

When new-to-Royal customers can realize nearly the same discounts as me, both a shareholder and one of RCCL's best customers, sadly the time has come to start researching other Cruise Lines. Especially in light of the reduction of the onboard coupon books, food quality, etc.


I've lost count, but over the years, I have persuaded / convinced / cajoled at least fifty family members, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers to try cruising, and to try it on Royal Caribbean. I have been a free "spokesperson" for this company...a "walking advertisement", if you will. I imagine a lot of you have been the same.


Needless to say, my enthusiasm has waned a bit. The recent change in policy has definitely impacted my future travel plans...Since the change, I've booked an all-inclusive land based trip and am seriously considering a Norwegian sailing.


At least I'm sailing on Indy in about a week, using both my S/H OBC and D+ balcony discount, so I can enjoy a last "hurrah" before I "reposition" my family!!!


As a final thought, I find it quite ironic that RCCL's recent change in advertising (i.e. "GET OUT THERE" to "WHY NOT?") coupled with its change in discount policy has most of us S/H's and Loyal-to-Royal folks feeling like we've shifted into Reverse...AKA:




Best regards,



P.S.U. Hiya Shirl! Hope all's been well with you and yours!!!:)

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I totally regret buying Next Cruise certificates.


We agreed to the terms offered at the time of purchase. Now they are doing the ol' bait and switch.


RCCL should grandfather those who bought Next Cruises before the changes were announced. If not...


I want a refund! :mad:


I totally agree w/you!

We were on NOS last month and it is the 1st time that I did not get a NC because I knew changes were coming......

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Well put! My thoughts exactly except that I'll hang onto my stock since it provides a nice tax-free dividend with the OBCs.


I've changed my whole approach to cruising thanks to recent changes at RCI - for example I just booked two weeks on a Princess cruise. That's around $6,000 in revenue that RCI missed! I'm also planning on booking last minute cruises from now on to get the most bang for my cruise buck. When I do cruise with RCI, I'll forgo my balcony discount, go for an ocean view or inside, and use my shareholder benefit with RCI Visa points.


From where I sit, as a Diamond C&A Shareholder, looks like RCI is trying to write the book on "How To Drive Off Your Most Loyal Customers"


There's more than one ship on the sea.


You are so right!! We have only sailed Princess once and all other cruises have been RCCL. Now, I am just looking for the best price because RCCL is not giving me the benefits that I want and that they have given to me in the past. Why should I say Loyal??!

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About the only thing that will tip the balance to RCI now is the Diamond lounge for pre-dinner drinks. Prices (with OBC for owning stock vs. balcony discounts fed in) and itinerary being all the same, then I will feel it is time to look around.. I, also, have Carnival stock so I need to check out what their incentives are. I remember back a long time ago I completed a cruise on HAL before I realized that Carnival owned them. I asked my TA if I could get something back on the cruise and lo and behold, $100 credit turned up on my credit card. Certainly will be putting the pencil to the paper.


Tucker in Texas

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You are so right!! We have only sailed Princess once and all other cruises have been RCCL. Now, I am just looking for the best price because RCCL is not giving me the benefits that I want and that they have given to me in the past. Why should I say Loyal??!


And, being positioned on the mid-Atlantic coast, I can easily get to most any East Coast port on short notice. It no longer makes any sense to be a Loyal Royal when there are so many cruise lines that I can sail with AND take advantage of last-minute deals.

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As a platinum member count me in as someone who is now very seriously considering Princess and HAL. Previously I would only look at RCCL because of the combinable offers/loyalty ptogram. Now there is no real incentive for me to book as my loyalty is no longer a perk as NEW cruisers get completely EQUAL savings with the recent promotions. I just got a letter from Royal in the mail thanking me for my recent cruise and giving me a $50 coupon for a future cruise. It is not combinable so therefore that coupon is completely worthless to me and like pouring salt in a wound. I can get a better deal with any of their offers available to new cruisers or just use my platimum balcony discount or shareholder discount instead. Rather than feeling good about Royal like I really used to be, I am completely ticked off they have taken most of "my" benefits away.

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As a platinum member count me in as someone who is now very seriously considering Princess and HAL. Previously I would only look at RCCL because of the combinable offers/loyalty ptogram. Now there is no real incentive for me to book as my loyalty is no longer a perk as NEW cruisers get completely EQUAL savings with the recent promotions. I just got a letter from Royal in the mail thanking me for my recent cruise and giving me a $50 coupon for a future cruise. It is not combinable so therefore that coupon is completely worthless to me and like pouring salt in a wound. I can get a better deal with any of their offers available to new cruisers or just use my platimum balcony discount or shareholder discount instead. Rather than feeling good about Royal like I really used to be, I am completely ticked off they have taken most of "my" benefits away.


Exactly, I got the same letter, when I called yesterday to ask for my Diamond balcony discount, I asked if I could use the coupon, I was told by C&A sorry one one the other, the C&A discount was $100 and the coupon was $50, so I took the discount. C&A told me that they are noting everyones complaints and would be passing them on. I told her, if RCI stopped sending these coupons out to Plat + members, then they could save some money and lower overall cruise prices:D:D

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I am also the proud owner of 2 "Useless" next cruise certificates.


SO AM I..... I hate this and I believe that RCL will suffer for it.....tried to use one......"NO, too close to sail time...." So tried to use stock benefit.......uh oh, nope, u got a diamond+ discount on your stateroom...

give me a break.....trust me, they will regret....

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When we were deciding between RCI and Princess for our Baltics cruise last year, we ended up on the Jewel of the Seas because, in spite of the initial higher price, after all the discounts and OBC were factored in, the cruise was the same price per diem (12 nights instead of 10). That was true for our Caribbean cruises as well.


So RCI got our business because we like the product just a teensy bit better. But we don't like it $450 better, which is what we give up on a longer itinerary if we can't combine onboard booking/shareholder/balcony benefits, so Princess (and other lines). So, hello, Princess (and other lines), let's have a look at you!

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sure hope RCCL is reading these posts, and that the new program or whatever it is that is supposed to come out later in 2009 makes us all a little, if not ALOT, happier.


I think we can all appreciate the economical reasons RCCL thinks it has to make all of the changes. Sounds like RCCL will find out how some loyal passengers will make their own changes based on their own economical reasons.

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When we were deciding between RCI and Princess for our Baltics cruise last year, we ended up on the Jewel of the Seas because, in spite of the initial higher price, after all the discounts and OBC were factored in, the cruise was the same price per diem (12 nights instead of 10). That was true for our Caribbean cruises as well.


So RCI got our business because we like the product just a teensy bit better. But we don't like it $450 better, which is what we give up on a longer itinerary if we can't combine onboard booking/shareholder/balcony benefits, so Princess (and other lines). So, hello, Princess (and other lines), let's have a look at you!



Hey you, traitor! :D


Before you abandon ship book the Mariner on April 18, 2010.




Dirtgirl is on it, so are we....



Say hi to Don and your critters (I reckon they were OK while you were gone).

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The Shareholder Benefit Q&A section now says:

9.Combinability?Please note that as of December 31, 2008, the Shareholder Onboard Credit is no longer combinable with other Onboard Booking Credits, Loyalty Programs and/or other Reduced Fare Offerings. For bookings made prior to December 31, 2008, the Shareholder Onboard Credit is combinable under certain conditions. Please direct queries to InvestorRelations@rccl.com, and a prompt response will be forthcoming.


Has anyone heard what those "certain conditions" are now?



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The Shareholder Benefit Q&A section now says:

9.Combinability?Please note that as of December 31, 2008, the Shareholder Onboard Credit is no longer combinable with other Onboard Booking Credits, Loyalty Programs and/or other Reduced Fare Offerings. For bookings made prior to December 31, 2008, the Shareholder Onboard Credit is combinable under certain conditions. Please direct queries to InvestorRelations@rccl.com, and a prompt response will be forthcoming.


Has anyone heard what those "certain conditions" are now?



Andrew, I bet if you sent an email to Investor Relations..............they wouldn't have a clue.:(

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You are so right!! We have only sailed Princess once and all other cruises have been RCCL. Now, I am just looking for the best price because RCCL is not giving me the benefits that I want and that they have given to me in the past. Why should I say Loyal??!


I can remember when Princess stopped giving people unlimited free internet onboard as a perk, and you only got a $100 package worth now. People were just as upset. Makes me wonder if it hurt their bottom line, or people just forgot or got over it?


That being said, Id like my platinum balcony discount back, what does that have to do with owning stock I don't know??!!

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Hi Patti and Jim,

I have sent an e-mail to them and I will post any response that I get.


Thanks Andrew.


I can't wait till you post this response this ought to be a good one.

Oh my.............maybe we should all send an email and see how many different answers we get.:)

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