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Noordam - 01/23/09 - Good Nuts!


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Greg - Did you expect anything less of me? I know who my friends are. ;) Seriously tho, I thought long & hard about identifying people on-line, but then realized that a) most everyone I know already uses a pic as their avatar; b) its a long-shot photo, & faces are kind of hard to see, anyway; & c) the folks I know have already had their photo w/name shown on this website.


Am REALLY enjoying your photos. I seem to remember St. Maarten building a new pier in the harbor when we were there 2 years ago on the Reunion cruise. But it was sticking out perpendicular into the harbor, not parallel to the current cruiseship pier. Is that one finished? What's it being used for?


Oh, and any truth to the rumours of you dancing shirtless on a table? :D

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Greg, DANKUWEL for sharing the Voyage of the Good Nuts with us. Noordam is indeed lovely, with the sleek hull and classic lines, especially compared to the behemoth tied up next to her at Philipsburg. How much fun it would be to cruise with you and everyone I've come to like so much on this board.


Please keep the reports and the photos coming. You should have your own show!

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Many thanks for the excellent photos and info!


Is Captain Hans Matoboer at the helm of the Noordam on your cruise? Who is the hotel manager?


Through your wonderful photos I am reliving one of the best vacations we ever had: Noordam's sixth cruise in 2006, the April 15th transatlantic crossing from New York City to Rome. What a fabulous cruise!!


I'll raise my glass to you folks tonight! Enjoy!

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Reporting in from the ms Noordam. I'm just going to say "hi," and leave it at that. RevNeal told me today the reason I'm probably losing my posts is because I'm posting from the stateroom on the stern.


Anyway, another great day on the Noordam....today DH and I did a great shorex with RevNeal, Ruth, and 9 other Good Nuts . Now we're on our way back to Soufries (sp) to pick up a shorex there!


More later....probably when we return home! ;)

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Love the report and pics. Great as always.

If you run into the fabulous Barbies and the Bear, perhaps

the papparotzi would snap a pic or two.

Inquiring minds need to know.


Thanks again. Have a great trip.


Yeah, we're trying to coordinate that. I've never seen anything quite like it. :rolleyes::eek::rolleyes:

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That was already answered by Twinkletoes who is also posting live from the Noordam...8 and 10pm. Hope that helps.

Thanks Carol ... I missed that notation from Twinkletoes. I didn't see her thread. Yeah... another thread to bookmark and follow!!!!


Sorry to see that you and your dh were not able to make this cruise.

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This is just a short HELLO ... to check-in and say "howdy" after a long, wonderful day touring St. Lucia and an evening of dinner, drinks, and dancing (no, not on any tables or in the Lido or only partly dressed). It's late and I need to get some sleep and rest up for our Spice Tour on Grenada. :) I'll hope to write more tomorrow, and post a few pictures too.


I must say that things are going very well, indeed. I'm having a wonderful, relaxing time, and have no major (and very very few minor) complaints. Fun appears to be on everybody's menu, and the wonderful crew and and staff of the glorious Noordam are making it possible for us all.


Good night from the smooth southern Caribbean. :)

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This is just a short HELLO ... to check-in and say "howdy" after a long, wonderful day touring St. Lucia and an evening of dinner, drinks, and dancing (no, not on any tables or in the Lido or only partly dressed).


LOL...You're such a fun guy! I have really enjoyed chatting with you. Hope you have a nice day. It looks like we're going to have a sunny day, which is really nice. :)

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Just a short post to say I hope you're all having a great cruise and enjoying the warm weather. We had another 4 to 5 inches of snow and sleet yesterday. It's 23 degrees as I write this and will be warming up to 33. What a winter!

Watch out for those escargot. My favorites.:D

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LOL...You're such a fun guy! I have really enjoyed chatting with you. Hope you have a nice day. It looks like we're going to have a sunny day, which is really nice. :)


It's been great getting to meet you and your husband, too. It's been an excellent cruise, relaxing and enjoyable for all as they like it ... and that's just great. :) I really enjoyed chatting with you and your husband for a few minutes last night in the Crows Nest.

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Just a short post to say I hope you're all having a great cruise and enjoying the warm weather. We had another 4 to 5 inches of snow and sleet yesterday. It's 23 degrees as I write this and will be warming up to 33. What a winter!

Watch out for those escargot. My favorites.:D


Ouch! Wish you were with us! It's been sunny and lovely here, but I got word that they had ice and snow back home!!!!

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I want to take a moment to say how wonderful this cruise has been ... how much I have enjoyed just being aboard the Noordam, relaxing, meeting many new friends, chatting with old friends from the CC Boards and elsewhere, and generally just "kicking back." It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a cruise this much as pure relaxation. Last year, in July, I was aboard the Eurodam for 23 hectic days and much disappointment at a new ship which didn't live up to the promise of a HAL Damship. A year ago this January/Feb I was aboard the Rotterdam for what must have been my best cruise ever: South America and Antarctica. However, that cruise was very full with ports I had never visited and many sights I wanted to see ... hence, I was always on the go ... go ... go. It's probably been since my Birthday cruise aboard the Ryndam in March 2007 that I have truly just relaxed and enjoyed a cruise this much.


It is for this reason that I've not rushed to the computer to post a report every day. Frankly, there's not been much to report. The ship is lovely, the ports great, the service excellent, the food good, and the friendships a blessings. At least, this has been my experience. From talking to some fellow CCers I've learned that the food choices and quality for Vegetarians is somewhat lacking and that, for a few, their service in the Main Dining Room and in their cabin is leaving something to be desired. And this should point out that each and every cruise is very much an individual experience; just because I have had a wonderful time aboard the Noordam, that doesn't mean that someone else can't have had a less-than-wonderful experience on this very same cruise; and, likewise, just because I didn't like the Eurodam nor found her service up to HAL's standards, that doesn't mean that others couldn't have had the opposite experience. And it's not just a matter of differing opinions, standards, and expectations: each person's experience is going to be uniquely their own because what happens to each will differ. From this I believe it's important for everyone to remember to always read reviews -- even those from people you know and/or trust -- with a degree of hesitation. Yes, reviewer X may have had a horrible time, but that doesn't mean that what happened to them will absolutely happen to you. Or, person Y may have had a blast on a certain ship: GREAT for them ... it may not be the same for you. Keep that in mind, weigh the preponderance of the reviews and the characters of those posting them, and then GO and enjoy the ship for yourself.


This kind of thing has been among the topics of conversation that I've enjoyed among CCers during cocktail hours, around lunch tables, on shore excursions, etc.,these last few days. It's amazing how MANY CCers are aboard this ship. And it's not just the 110 that we knew about on the Roll Call thread ... there are dozens of "lurkers" aboard -- people who read CC (some every day!) but who never or rarely post or, indeed, are not even signed up as members of CC. Last night I had a wonderful conversation with a lady who had been looking forward to meeting me aboard this ship this cruise; she has been a lurker on CC for 4 years, has read and followed my cruises and the cruises of others as we have reported "live" from these ships, and has enjoyed my photos and post-cruise reviews. When she realized -- from my signature -- that we were going to be aboard the same ship for the same cruise she tells me she got all excited about getting to meet me ... as if I were some kind of celebrity, or something! ;) Up until last night our paths hadn't crossed, but last night they did and she swerved into my path, asked me if I was me, and then gave me the biggest hug ... like a long-time friend re-found. We ended up sitting down in the back of the Sports Bar and chatting for about an hour about all sorts of things having to do with cruising. When I found out she was a lurker and had not only NEVER posted before, but wasn't even a member of CC, I encouraged her to go home and to join and, more importantly, to get involved and post. Her response was that she was afraid ... afraid of the kind of reception she would receive, afraid of being beaten up by some of the strong-willed people on CC, etc. Nevertheless, I encouraged her to sign up and post ... so ... let's give her, and others like her, a great big warm welcome. Ok? And, those of you reading along and not posting ... join in on the fun!


Now ... to a few words about St. Lucia, Grenada, and Martinique.


Both St. Lucia and Grenada were new for me, and both Islands were enjoyable, lovely, and fascinating. On St. Lucia we did a tour, arranged by our TA, that took us around the Island to see some of the lovely sights, including waterfalls, the Pitons (a.k.a. the "Dolly Parton," according to our driver), and grand sweeping vistas of beach. The drive took us through poverty stricken towns where children were seen running in the streets rather than in school. They had plenty of "liquid adult refreshment" for us, including locally brewed rum and "hootch," which really did a number on some of us as we wound our way through countless hair-pin turns at break-neck speeds. It was a wonderful shore excursion and a great time was had by all.


Yes, I have a few photos to share, and yes I have approval from those pictured to post them on this board.


On Grenada we did a "Spice Island Tour" arranged by Mary Ellen with a local operator. There were about a dozen of us from the ship on this tour, which took us all the way around the Island and up 1910 feet to the Volcanic Caldera which is a huge fresh water lake. The stops on the Spice Tour included a farm and processing plant where we learned about the various spices grown on the Island, how they are processed for sale and consumption, and the history of the industry.


Of the two Islands, both of which were new for me, it's difficult to say which I liked better. Grenada has suffered greatly from Hurricanes, particularly Ivan whose eye passed right over the Island, and as a result it has taken a very long time to recover ... indeed, it's not really finished rebuilding. There were several major churches that were still lacking roofs, and a large Methodist Church had been completely blown away. However, tourism -- which is a principle part of both Islands' economies -- is helping by pumping in much-needed funds as well as awareness as to the problem. St. Lucia is, in my opinion, the more lovely of the two Islands, but that's a marginal judgment and totally open to revision on future visits.


Following departure from Grenada we sailed north to Martinique, where I didn't get off the ship. I've been to this Department of France before, and have done several tours here. Other than shopping, I didn't see much of a reason to go ashore and so I spent a nice, leisurely day relaxing aboard ship, enjoying the spa and pool areas with little competition. There is something wonderful about relaxing aboard ship on a port day, making another quiet sea-day out of it; I've done it many times.


Today we're anchored off Tortola. Yes, I said anchored. The pier already has two ships docked there and, so, for our morning operations we had to send our passengers ashore via tender. In the early afternoon (12:30 our time) one of the two ships currently docked will depart and we'll be able to move in and dock so that our passengers may re-board without having to tender. I'm not sure I'm going to get off at all. I've thought of getting off so I could photograph the Noordam's approach to the dock ... and if I had a video camera with me I probably would do that. However, since I don't, I may just enjoy the day aboard ship just as I did yesterday at Martinique.


I'll have a few photos to upload later today or during our sea day tomorrow. Selecting some from each Island, etc., has been rather tough and I had given thought to just waiting until I get home and doing them all. However, a few samples might be worth the effort ... and I've had a lot of e-mails from people requesting photos. So ... we'll see.


Tomorrow we have a glorious day at sea, with a Mariners Luncheon and a Formal Night tomorrow night, followed by a beautiful Sunday at HMC. Then, it's back to the cold, cruel world.

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... as if I were some kind of celebrity, or something!
Don't be so modest, Greg. You ARE a celebrity! :D


And yes, there has been lots of ice in North Texas in your absence. Perfect time to be where you are. It's supposed to be around 70 today and tomorrow, then 40 on Sunday. :rolleyes:


Thanks for your report. Keep chillin' as long as you can.

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So glad you are enjoying your cruise,thanks for posting. If you should run into your "lurker "friend " again tell her Colleyberry said "Hi" and that her voice is as important as anyone elses here and I for one would love to hear it(read it:)) Keep soaking up all that sun and relaxation the weather here is "pooooopy"

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Hi RevNeal,


Thank you for this post. I have been on CC for a little bit and love being here. As for me, I wouldn't say I'm necessarily a lurker, but I certainly read a lot more than I post. I for one find this portion of your post very refreshing, as I too sometimes want to post questions, opinions, etc., but hesitate.


Looking forward to reading more of your "Live" posts. :)





.....This kind of thing has been among the topics of conversation that I've enjoyed among CCers during cocktail hours, around lunch tables, on shore excursions, etc.,these last few days. It's amazing how MANY CCers are aboard this ship. And it's not just the 110 that we knew about on the Roll Call thread ... there are dozens of "lurkers" aboard -- people who read CC (some every day!) but who never or rarely post or, indeed, are not even signed up as members of CC. Last night I had a wonderful conversation with a lady who had been looking forward to meeting me aboard this ship this cruise; she has been a lurker on CC for 4 years, has read and followed my cruises and the cruises of others as we have reported "live" from these ships, and has enjoyed my photos and post-cruise reviews. When she realized -- from my signature -- that we were going to be aboard the same ship for the same cruise she tells me she got all excited about getting to meet me ... as if I were some kind of celebrity, or something! ;) Up until last night our paths hadn't crossed, but last night they did and she swerved into my path, asked me if I was me, and then gave me the biggest hug ... like a long-time friend re-found. We ended up sitting down in the back of the Sports Bar and chatting for about an hour about all sorts of things having to do with cruising. When I found out she was a lurker and had not only NEVER posted before, but wasn't even a member of CC, I encouraged her to go home and to join and, more importantly, to get involved and post. Her response was that she was afraid ... afraid of the kind of reception she would receive, afraid of being beaten up by some of the strong-willed people on CC, etc. Nevertheless, I encouraged her to sign up and post ... so ... let's give her, and others like her, a great big warm welcome. Ok? And, those of you reading along and not posting ... join in on the fun!................

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Greg, I'm so happy to hear that everyone is having such a wonderful cruise and that you're relaxed. Everyone needs a time to recharge their batteries.

Of course, it's a bit bittersweet for us, but we know we made the right decision and Sam is feeling stronger every day and that's what's most important. We hope we'll be able to join all you Good Nuts on another cruise one day soon.

I stayed on board one day too and loved it. The ship was so empty and quiet.

Can't wait to see some of your pictures. Don't forget formal night.Enjoy your sea day and your day at HMC.

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Glad you are having such a great (and most importantly) relaxing cruise.


You are so right, we should always take reviews with a grain of salt. Taking bits of info here and there , but in the end go in with an open mind and seeing for ourselves.


Thank you again for your reports :)

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Greg, thanks for taking us along. The relaxing days aboard Noordam will make the "real" world easier to manage when you step foot on dry land for awhile. Don't you have an Alaskan cruise with your mother coming up? Do you leave from Seattle? How I would love to at least wave you off from the new pier! When you catch your breath, let us know about your Alaska plans, please.



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Hi RevNeal,


Thank you for this post. I have been on CC for a little bit and love being here. As for me, I wouldn't say I'm necessarily a lurker, but I certainly read a lot more than I post. I for one find this portion of your post very refreshing, as I too sometimes want to post questions, opinions, etc., but hesitate.


Looking forward to reading more of your "Live" posts. :)




Ditto what she sad. :)

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I have so enjoyed meeting you and talking with you on board...as well as all the other CCer's. That experience and fun has made it an extra special cruise for us! And, I look forward to joining you all again on another cruise!


We will miss all of you Good Nuts when you disembark on Monday....wish all of you were staying on for the next segment!


BTW, I love your "Live From!"

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I am enjoying the posts from this cruise. My last time to read was Tuesday, then the ice storms here in KY knocked out the power until last night. Good to be back on line and "enjoying a cruise" by reading the reports. May you all have a wonderful time on the rest of the voyage.:)

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