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latisse anyone???

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just started on latisse, sat feb 28th paid $99 for a two month supply; will keep you all updated on results. Doc said to use one applicator for both eyes: even though pkg says one per eye;.... So far no side effects, only 3 nights, so no results, have a friend who's been using it for 8 weeks, (same doc) her lashes are incredible right now!!!

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I've been using mine for 3 weeks, and I feel that I can tell a difference already. My dermatologist gave me the same advice about the brush ;-) I haven't experienced any irritation or other side effects.

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It's great if it works for you, but as soon as you discontinue use, you will go back to your regular eyelashes. I use Lumigan, the eye drops from which this product was developed, for a medical condition. I have not yet had anyone comment on my thicker lashes, but they do comment on my eyes, which are two different colors. Again, I would never use this product if I did not need to use the drops to keep my vision. It will take a while to notice side effects; please be very careful with the brush.


I posted the part below in response to klauer's first question on another thread about this product:


Just a warning about this product. It was developed after an opthamologist noticed that his patients with glaucoma, developed thicker lashes as -a result of the eye drops they were using to treat the condition. He developed Latisse using the ingredient in the drops that caused the lash growth.


I use these eye drops. One side effect, and it is very common, is that this medicine, and Latisse can cause hyperpigmentation; you can develop darkened skin around your eyes. Also, it can cause the pigment in your eyes to darken; I now have one dark brown eye and one light brown eye, and while this can be a conversation started, I probably would not choose to have two different colored eyes.


This ingredient certainly does make your lashes thicker, but I have not noticed them seeming to be any longer.


I use the drops because I want to keep my vision. I am not sure would use Latisse.


Latisse is made by Allergan - a drug company. It's main ingredient is a drug, not a cosmetic.

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I have glaucoma and when I started on my first eyedrops the doctor told me they might make my eyes darker and eyelashes thicker and longer. It definitely did both--my eyes are now a much darker green/gray, and my eyelashes were great--thicker for sure, and maybe a little longer. I do have to say that no one ever seemed to notice.


I'm not using this particular eyedrop anymore and I do miss the lush lashes. I don't think my eyecolor has gone back to the original. I probably wouldn't use this unless medically necessary, but if you're willing to keep up with the treatment and put up with the possible eye color change , I think you will see a difference in your lashes. According to my doctor neither color change or lashes happens to everyone. I had never heard about the darkening of pigment in the skin around the eye, but I do think this happened to me also--I definitely have more shadowing in the inner eye area. I'd just put it down to aging!


It sounds like the Latisse may have some other ingredients besides the medication, so maybe that forestalls some of the side effects.

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I already have dark brown eyes, so I'm not worried about their color. As far as darker pigment where you put the Latisse, I can't see that as a negative. You apply the product like eyeliner along the top lashes only, with a special brush, so I think that only a miniscule amount would get into your eyes (not like eye drops).



This is my one splurge in a very stressful life, so I'm looking forward to good results!

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I have glaucoma and when I started on my first eyedrops the doctor told me they might make my eyes darker and eyelashes thicker and longer. It definitely did both--my eyes are now a much darker green/gray, and my eyelashes were great--thicker for sure, and maybe a little longer. I do have to say that no one ever seemed to notice.


I'm not using this particular eyedrop anymore and I do miss the lush lashes. I don't think my eyecolor has gone back to the original. I probably wouldn't use this unless medically necessary, but if you're willing to keep up with the treatment and put up with the possible eye color change , I think you will see a difference in your lashes. According to my doctor neither color change or lashes happens to everyone. I had never heard about the darkening of pigment in the skin around the eye, but I do think this happened to me also--I definitely have more shadowing in the inner eye area. I'd just put it down to aging!


It sounds like the Latisse may have some other ingredients besides the medication, so maybe that forestalls some of the side effects.


The warning label on Latisse warns of the same pigment changes that Lumigan does, but as you aren't putting it directly (one hopes) onto your eye, and I think avoiding getting it on your skin, would be easier with Latisse then prescription eye drops.


I am always the youngest person in my opthamologist's office, so can't put skin color change down to aging quite yet, but there is definately a difference. We all make our choices, but as stated, I wouldn't use this product. But look at all the people who use tanning beds. To each her own.

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I spoke to my husband's opthamologist about it. He's a very well known glaucoma expert. Unbeknownst to me, he was one of the doctors who did the trials on the cosmetic use of the product.


He told me that the product is successful in 80% of the people that use it. There are no harmful side effects and the skin discoloration goes away if you stop using the product. Also, the eyecolor change generally occurs in people with hazel eyes, not blue or brown eyes.


The key ingredient in the product is Bimatropost.

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I'm sorry . . . I haven't a clue what ya all are talking about but sure does sound interesting! Help . . . :p



A product, called Bimatropost, used for people w/ glaucoma had an interesting side effect in that those that used it grew longer and fuller eyelashes.


After many tests w/ opthamologists, the product has now been approved as a cosmetic for fuller eyelashes. As opposed to using it as a drug, you don't don't put it in your eyes. It's applied with an eyeliner like brush on the eyelid close to the lashes.


You're now up to date. :)

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A product, called Bimatropost, used for people w/ glaucoma had an interesting side effect in that those that used it grew longer and fuller eyelashes.


After many tests w/ opthamologists, the product has now been approved as a cosmetic for fuller eyelashes. As opposed to using it as a drug, you don't don't put it in your eyes. It's applied with an eyeliner like brush on the eyelid close to the lashes.


You're now up to date. :)


Sounds great! Thanks for the info. I've always had short thin eyelashes . . . would love to try this product. Two questions . . . is it safe and where does one buy it . . . or it by perscription?

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Yes, it's safe.


You can probably do a web search and find out where to buy it.

There are some imitations. Make sure you get the one we're talking about here.


BTW, I had individual extensions put on my lashes last week and they look awesome. Look like they're my own lashes, only longer and fuller, and now don't need mascara.

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Sounds great! Thanks for the info. I've always had short thin eyelashes . . . would love to try this product. Two questions . . . is it safe and where does one buy it . . . or it by perscription?



You need to get it from a dr. it's rx only.


Here's my update; it's been two weeks and my lashes definitly look better! A little longer, a little thicker, when I put mascara on this morning I was like, wow! zI also run the brush on my brows after my eyelids are done of course, my brows are a little thin on the outside cornes and the dr. said this has helped patients with that problem.

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My husband is an ophthalmologist and I have been using Lumigan since the middle of November. Lumigan and Latisse are exactly the same but the reason that I use Lumigan is because my husband has sample bottles that he gives me; so far the Allergan reps have not provided him with any Latisse samples. When I started using Lumigan, I had heard it was likely that Latisse would get approval soon and I think that it was approved less than 3 weeks later. My brother has also used Lumigan for glaucoma for many years and his lashes are incredibly long, in fact so long that he has to cut them. I started seeing results in about 4 weeks and now after approximately four months of use my eyelashes are amazing. I absolutely love having thicker and longer lashes. I, too, have been somewhat disappointed that not many people have commented about my lashes. To date, I have only had two people say that they have noticed my long lashes. However, one person said that they had noticed how long they were but just assumed that they were fake so they didn't want to mention it. Several others have looked at my eyes and told me that my makeup looked "very pretty". But to me it would seem that more people would comment and they just haven't.


I was very concerned about the possibility of my hazel eyes turning brown and discussed this with my husband. He reassured me by telling me that he had not noticed that happening with his patients. He also told me to do by best to keep it out of my eyes. I decided to take the chance of getting brown eyes after what he said about his patients but I know that that doesn't mean that it can't happen. This is a documented side effect. So far I have not noticed any change in my eye color. Also you should know that the darkening around the eyes is somewhat common; some of the docs call it the "raccoon eye" side effect. You would expect to see less of this when you do not put the drops directly in your eyes since when you apply it that way the excess always runs out of the eye. So far, I have noticed maybe a slight darkening of the inside corners but it is very slight and I have also been putting the drug on my bottom lashes. The Latisse literature plainly says "Do not use on bottom lashes". But here again, I am very careful. My bottom lashes look fantastic (in my opinion). I purchased a very small brush that looks like a mini artist's paint brush. I invert the cap of the Lumigan bottle, drop two drops in the cap, then dip the little brush in the liquid and run the brush over the upper and lower lids as if it were eyeliner. (Two drops total for both eyes). Then I try to use a cotton swab to wipe off any excess liquid from my skin. I forgot to add that before applying the Lumigan, I use an under eye cream to try and cover up as much skin as possible, taking care not to get any of the eye cream on my bottom lashes. If I were using Latisse I would use one applicator for both eyes. Allergan has to recommend using a separate one for each eye to cover themselves. If you got an infection in one eye, you would transfer it to the other eye and they have to be concerned about liability. That is a risk that I would be willing to take.


If you can get an prescription for Lumigan from a physician, you can order it online for a substantial savings over Latisse. You can get a 3 ml bottle for 23.99 online and a 6 ml bottle for 47.99. A 6ml bottle should last you 2 and 1/2 to 3 months. I don't see why a physician that would prescribe Latisse would mind writing for Lumigan instead.


As far as side effects I have experienced the following: swelling and pinkness of my upper lid margin and itchy red eyes. Around Christmas I had to lay off the Lumigan for about three or four days because my eyes got so bloodshot. When I started back, I was a little more careful and since then I have taken "days off" whenever I felt like I needed to. I probably average not using it about two days a week. The bloodshot eyes seem to come and go but haven't been too bad lately. The pinkness of the upper lid is significant but it is easy for me to cover up with eye shadow and eye liner. When I first get up in the morning, my eyes feel rough. I use Pred Forte (a steroid) in the morning about every other day. My husband said to try to use Pred Forte sparingly and not more than once a day. Even though I find these side effects annoying, I love the result so for me it's worth it. I don't know if my eyelashes will get any longer or not but I am going to continue to use it for a few more months on a regular basis and then experiment with applying it less often. I would like to use it as little as possible to maintain the thickness and length.


My husband has treated many glaucoma patients with this drug and he doesn't seem too concerned about me using it. That reassures me because if he thought using it was not worth the risk he wouldn't let me use it. Also, my brother who has had to use the drug for many years for his glaucoma has had the exact same side effects that I have had. His eyes are always been brown so that hasn't been a concern for him. My husband and several other ophthalmologists that I have spoken with all agree that they believe that the incidence of red, itchy eyes and swollen lids are much higher than the 4% that Allergan is stating in their product literature.


I hope this helps you guys and happy cruising. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

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This works so well because Lumigan is a steriod.


I don't think Lumigan is a steroid. I use Tobradex ( which is a steroid) because that is the only thing that helps with my eye allergies. But the steroids can cause the pressure in your eyes to go to high which can cause glaucoma. Therefore I use Lumigan to bring the pressure down. One thing I did not like about the Lumigan the warning label that comes with it says it can cause not only your eyes to be dark (permeantly) it can also cause the skin around your eyes to turn dark.

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After checking, I discovered that the prices that I had given in the above post were for an "equivalent" that was not manufactured by Allergan. I would not buy this myself, so I apologize for the incorrect info. This site (Northwest Pharmacy) does have the Allergan product for a very good price but not as good as I had quoted above. There are many places to get Lumigan online, just google "buy Lumigan online".


The concentration of Lumigan and Latisse are equivalent.

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I spoke to my husband's opthamologist about it. He's a very well known glaucoma expert. Unbeknownst to me, he was one of the doctors who did the trials on the cosmetic use of the product.


He told me that the product is successful in 80% of the people that use it. There are no harmful side effects and the skin discoloration goes away if you stop using the product. Also, the eyecolor change generally occurs in people with hazel eyes, not blue or brown eyes.


The key ingredient in the product is Bimatropost.


Jane is correct about it only affecting hazel eyes. Although my doctor did say that it can affect very light colored eyes as well by making them darker. I, too, have mild glaucoma and when my doctor told me that my hazel eyes would probably turn brown, I opted for another brand of eye drops. I like the way my hazel eyes seem to change color depending on what I am wearing.

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It's interesting that the darkening mostly seems to affect hazel eyes--my eyes were a hazel-green mixture before lumigan, the kind that seemed to change color with what I wore. After the eye drops they are a dark green-gray. I'm really not too happy about the color change, but with something like glaucoma, I definitely will use what the doctor thinks is best.


The skin on the inside corners of my eyes has also gotten quite dark. I did love the nice thick, long lashes I used to have when I was using those eye drops. Why couldn't that change have been permanent!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for another update, it's now been apprx. 5 weeks, I can't believe the difference, my lashes are noticeable longer, a bit darker, & a bit thicker. I am really impressed when I put on mascara, it takes one thin coat & they really look great! So far, no reactions, possibly the line of my upper lashes is darkening, but it looks like liner & is a definite plus!

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I started using Lumigan about 3 weeks ago. During my last ophthalmologist appointment it was discovered that I had narrow angle glaucoma and was corrected with in-office laser surgery. However, when in the doctor's office I asked her if she would consider writing me a prescription for Lumigan - not for eye care since I had just had surgery for glaucoma - but for cosmetic purposes only. Lumigan is a great deal cheaper than Latisse (5 ounces for around $79 minus the $20 rebate coupon on the Allergan website, as opposed to 3 ounces of Latisse for around $120). The doctor had no hesitation at all in writing me the prescription (with 5 refills). She discussed the possible side effects with me but also told me that since I was not putting the drops directly INTO the eye but rather a significantly reduced amount on the eyelashes only, she did not feel that I had to be worried about the darkening of the iris, changes in eye pressure, etc. After 3 weeks of use I can say that I have definitely noticed a change in the number of lashes (really thick), but not the length YET. I have also noticed more hairs growing on my eyebrows. (Yea!) As far as the lashes returning to their original state when the Lumigan/Latisse is discontinued... why is this an issue? Isn't that the way that most things are? Believe me, I would much rather continue using the Lumigan than having eyelash extensions or fake eyelashes. Those things are murder on my lashes! Plus the eyelash extensions are expensive to maintain. I plan on brining my Lumigan with me on my next two cruises!

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BTW, I had individual extensions put on my lashes last week and they look awesome. Look like they're my own lashes, only longer and fuller, and now don't need mascara.


WOW - that is what I need! A year's worth of medication left me with thinning hair, including on my eyelashes - I have thin stubs. Maybe I'll splurge and try it! How long will your extensions last? And how do they apply them? thanks:)

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