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What Not to Wear- Stacy London

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I agree. They teach the women what works for them in terms of color and silhouette. And while not too many of us can spend $5000. at one time, the women will now have a great wardrobe to build on.


I think it would be a mistake to insist that the women buy only budget priced clothing.


They give them hairstyles too that they may not be able to afford, yet I don't think they should force them to have their hair styled at the local chain salon.


You're around early tonight.:)


Anyway, I'm assuming you are referring to me so if the shoe fits...well sort of...I'll wear it.:D


I'm not insisting that the woman buy only budget priced clothing or advocating forcing them to do anything.


There are plenty of woman that can and should, for various reasons, "follow the rules" with high priced investment pieces, I was just saying that also, for various reasons, some can't or won't be able to. Therefore, what's wrong with showing them that it is possible to have clothes that fit properly, are stylish and of a quality that will last but not necessarily at the price point that some of them are.


I have no problem with the high priced pieces they buy in NY and I understand that it's a good foundation to build on. It's a good learning experience for some of them to see what makes a quality garment so they then, are able to go home and look for things in their price range that come close.


Are we cool with this? ;)

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You're around early tonight.:)


Anyway, I'm assuming you are referring to me so if the shoe fits...well sort of...I'll wear it.:D


I'm not insisting that the woman buy only budget priced clothing or advocating forcing them to do anything.


There are plenty of woman that can and should, for various reasons, "follow the rules" with high priced investment pieces, I was just saying that also, for various reasons, some can't or won't be able to. Therefore, what's wrong with showing them that it is possible to have clothes that fit properly, are stylish and of a quality that will last but not necessarily at the price point that some of them are.


I have no problem with the high priced pieces they buy in NY and I understand that it's a good foundation to build on. It's a good learning experience for some of them to see what makes a quality garment so they then, are able to go home and look for things in their price range that come close.


Are we cool with this? ;)


There is no way I could keep up with such a high end wardrobe on a teacher's salary. Having a few classic investment pieces that will last for years is one thing, but I couldn't fill my closet with that sort of thing. Though if the WNTW folks want to give me 5 grand for high end stuff, I certainly wouldn't turn it down! The idea is to know what looks good on your body and go with it as best you can. :cool:

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There is no way I could keep up with such a high end wardrobe on a teacher's salary. Having a few classic investment pieces that will last for years is one thing, but I couldn't fill my closet with that sort of thing. Though if the WNTW folks want to give me 5 grand for high end stuff, I certainly wouldn't turn it down! The idea is to know what looks good on your body and go with it as best you can. :cool:


I wouldn't turn down the $5,000 shopping spree either. Although I think I might actually be more excited to spend the day with Stacy and Clinton. I love their personalities. I tune in to QVC every time Clinton's on air. :)


Houndmom- I've been meaning to tell you that I love your avatar picture. Every time you post I love looking at your avatar. What a great looking dog!

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I wouldn't turn down the $5,000 shopping spree either. Although I think I might actually be more excited to spend the day with Stacy and Clinton. I love their personalities. I tune in to QVC every time Clinton's on air. :)


Houndmom- I've been meaning to tell you that I love your avatar picture. Every time you post I love looking at your avatar. What a great looking dog!



I'd love to meet S & C too. I wonder if they are as much fun in person as the seem to be on the show. :)


Thanks for the compliment on the pic. That is my greyhound, Sirius Bloo. That pic has won two photo contests. I guess the guy is just photogenic!


Sooo.... when do we get to see the Puggle in Iluvmypuggle? :D

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I'd love to meet S & C too. I wonder if they are as much fun in person as the seem to be on the show. :)


Thanks for the compliment on the pic. That is my greyhound, Sirius Bloo. That pic has won two photo contests. I guess the guy is just photogenic!


Sooo.... when do we get to see the Puggle in Iluvmypuggle? :D


Wow congrats on the contests.. Your dog is definitly photogenic. Mine is so quick it's hard to get a good shot of him, but my BF just got a real digital camera (not a point & shoot) so we spent an entire day taking updated pictures of my puggle!!! They're not uploaded yet, but here's a pic from his birthday. AND, i might have a new puggle to add to the family on Thursday.


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You're around early tonight.:)


Took a writing break! :)


Anyway, I'm assuming you are referring to me so if the shoe fits...well sort of...I'll wear it.:D


I'm not insisting that the woman buy only budget priced clothing or advocating forcing them to do anything.


There are plenty of woman that can and should, for various reasons, "follow the rules" with high priced investment pieces, I was just saying that also, for various reasons, some can't or won't be able to. Therefore, what's wrong with showing them that it is possible to have clothes that fit properly, are stylish and of a quality that will last but not necessarily at the price point that some of them are.


I realize that many....actually probably most.... won't be able to continue to buy expensive clothes. However, they might learn to trade up a bit. A lot of these women wear real garbage.


The current economic climate has hit me hard personally and my clothes shopping budget is currently drastically reduced. However, I don't feel like I have "nothing" to wear, because in my closet I have good pieces from when the budget was better. Sure, not everything is high end and I have my share of Gap priced items, and I'll add a couple of pieces to bring some newness to my wardrobe this spring. But I'm not buying junk. I'd rather have less, but have pieces I love, and I think that Stacy & Clinton are trying to impart that philosphy on the women. They don't give them $5000. and say "buy alot", but rather, they give them $5000. and say, "buy fabulous", which I think teaches the make-over candidate, and the watching audience, a lot more about style, fit and quality.



hearI have no problem with the high priced pieces they buy in NY and I understand that it's a good foundation to build on.


I've only seen the show about 10 times, but don't they shop in a lot of the chain stores that are all around the country, like Intermix, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, etc?



It's a good learning experience for some of them to see what makes a quality garment so they then, are able to go home and look for things in their price range that come close.


Exactly! But again, that doesn't mean that they won't buy a few better made pieces from time to time.

I've never been able to buy cheap clothes, and even in high school and shopping with money earned from babysitting, I bought expensive pieces.


Are we cool with this? ;)


Heck yeah! Why wouldn't we be? ;)

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WOW! That's a great idea!





The idea came to me a few years ago after hearing my mother complain that as she travelled around the world and would go to hair salons to have her hair "done", she was never happy with the results.


I asked her to tell me what she would describe to them and I realized that she couldn't describe her hairstyle in a way that made sense. She's lousy with details. So I told her to ask her stylist to take her photo when he was finished, and now she shows to stylists when she's away from home and she's a lot happier with the results.

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Took a writing break!

Taking breaks in between working as well....

I've only seen the show about 10 times, but don't they shop in a lot of the chain stores that are all around the country, like Intermix, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, etc?

Here's my inside knowledge of how it works, and the point that they try to make...

There are certain stores and designers (of various budgets) that are a really good fit/match for each particular person's style and physique.


They only send them to a few specific stores to shop at, as they know that those are the stores that will be a really great venue for that certain person.


That is also part of the big lesson on the show.

Learning which type of stores/designers will be the best future guideline for each person.


I think that you understand what I'm trying to say here...

Hopefully it makes sense to everyone else as well.


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Yes, of course. Makes lot of sense.


I figured that they pre-shopped the store so that the candidate would be in a suitable store. But they do use the big chain stores, not just NYC-only boutiques.

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Yes, of course. Makes lot of sense.


I figured that they pre-shopped the store so that the candidate would be in a suitable store. But they do use the big chain stores, not just NYC-only boutiques.



Yes, seems like (with their Macys sponsorship) they end up at Macys more times than not on the show. And often send the younger clients to H&M.

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Wow congrats on the contests.. Your dog is definitly photogenic. Mine is so quick it's hard to get a good shot of him, but my BF just got a real digital camera (not a point & shoot) so we spent an entire day taking updated pictures of my puggle!!! They're not uploaded yet, but here's a pic from his birthday. AND, i might have a new puggle to add to the family on Thursday.


He is the CUTEST THING EVER!!!! :) Thanks for the pic!


The WNTW crew sends an assistant stylist with the shoppers to help them out, so it isn't like it looks on TV, with the person going shopping all on their own. I found this info on the TLC website.


The stores I've seen most are H&M, Macy's, and Filene's Basement, all of which I loved to visit when in NYC.

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Wow congrats on the contests.. Your dog is definitly photogenic. Mine is so quick it's hard to get a good shot of him, but my BF just got a real digital camera (not a point & shoot) so we spent an entire day taking updated pictures of my puggle!!! They're not uploaded yet, but here's a pic from his birthday. AND, i might have a new puggle to add to the family on Thursday.


Awwww..........toooo cute! Looks like a real sweetheart. I love dogs, but just prefer them when they belong to others, as we like to travel etc.

We've got two tres adorable kitties and it's always hard not to bring home another when I hear about a stray that needs a home.


Let us know if you get another cutie!

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Jane & Houndog-


Here's a pic of the dog that we were considering adopting. Her name is Bella & she's a 5 year old puggle.. All black obviously. We have her on a "trial" basis so as long as her & Duke get along well this weekend, she's a keeper. So far, they've been enjoying each other's company so I'm pretty sure we're moving forward with the adoption papers on Sunday. EDIT* And this picture is actually her on our couch today enjoying a bone. She was living with 26 other foster dogs at this woman's home, so she's been enjoying all the attention that we've been giving her. Sorry to bore everyone with my animal photos. I'm just such a mush for dogs.


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Heck yeah! Why wouldn't we be? ;)

Just wanted to clarify a few things.


I'd be curious to see how some of them continue their buying. I guess it's all relative as to trading up. I once heard someone say that she was now buying at the better stores, like Pennys and Sears. For her, that was trading up. Just like there are stores that she probably doesn't know about like Ann Taylor, I'm sure you shop in stores I don't know about.:D


BTW, did I see you mention KITTIES???:)

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Jane & Houndog-


Here's a pic of the dog that we were considering adopting. Her name is Bella & she's a 5 year old puggle..


CUTIE PIE! Looks like a keeper to me!


We work in greyhound rescue, and we turn to mush also. It comes with the territory. :)

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Just wanted to clarify a few things.


I'd be curious to see how some of them continue their buying. I guess it's all relative as to trading up. I once heard someone say that she was now buying at the better stores, like Pennys and Sears. For her, that was trading up. Just like there are stores that she probably doesn't know about like Ann Taylor, I'm sure you shop in stores I don't know about.:D


You're right. For some people Penny's would be a tradeup. I think the most important thing they're taught is style and fit. Once a person understands what fits their body type, the rest can come easy if they want to learn. For example, a woman in a pair of jeans, a white tee shirt and pair of flats can look like she just walked off the cover of Vogue, while another in the exact outfit looks like she ready to tackle the yardwork. If a woman understands her figure and learns how to work with it, she can look good. She also has to accept that not every trend or silhouette is for her, even if she likes it.


BTW, did I see you mention KITTIES???:)


Absolutely you did! :) We've got two:

Molly - fat white mushball with calico markings on her face. Sweet, and dumber than dust. And Simon, black sleek, handsome, smart, fetches his toys so I can throw them and is afraid of his own shadow.


Got cats?


Ilovemypuggle....oh you've got to keep the sweet pup! I hope the two get along.

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Love the puggles! We've got one outside dog, two cats. Yankee, otherwise known as the Cheeto Bandito is a tiny Himalayan who looks gigantic because of all his fur and who can hear a cheeto being crunched three rooms away. Tyson is a gray tiger, otherwise known as the Vulture because he spends most of his time perched on the top of chairs waiting for someone to sit down so he can drape himself all over them, preferably with his head snuggled into one ear. Possibly the cuddliest cat on earth.


Yankee, on the other hand, will deign to sit on my lap if I strictly don't pet him. He also never meows, just grunts.


Oh boy, way off topic, except that Stacy has cats too!

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Tyson is a gray tiger, otherwise known as the Vulture because he spends most of his time perched on the top of chairs waiting for someone to sit down so he can drape himself all over them, preferably with his head snuggled into one ear. Possibly the cuddliest cat on earth.



What's your address? I'm coming to steal him! :D

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Oh and since this is the What Not to Wear thread, I should probably share with you all that I just opened a bottle of wine & just got in bed bc I'm going to watch some What Not to Wear. I missed last Fridays episode so thank you DVR! Hope everyone has a great wkd! :)

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Would it be allowed if we started a pet thread? I love that everyone is so excited to share their pets (including me) but I've heard that sometimes unrelated threads go "poof".

There's a pet thread in the Floataway.:)

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Would it be allowed if we started a pet thread? I love that everyone is so excited to share their pets (including me) but I've heard that sometimes unrelated threads go "poof".


Yes, a pet thread will definitely go poof....unless it's about a puppy in a poof skirt! :D

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Absolutely you did! :) We've got two:

Molly - fat white mushball with calico markings on her face. Sweet, and dumber than dust. And Simon, black sleek, handsome, smart, fetches his toys so I can throw them and is afraid of his own shadow.


Got cats?

Yes, FOUR!

Tilly, orange long hair, can be very sweet but has a temper, all fur but RULES. Phisher, gray/black tiger, Mr. Personality, always happy. RB lacks brain cells, afraid of his shadow but sweet lapcat. Gabby, does not meow, ony prrrts, retrieves. All but Tilly were self-rescued....showed up at our door.;) Plus one "unofficial" 18 pounder...neighbor's cat who wants to live with us so comes in at night to sleep.

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What's your address? I'm coming to steal him! :D


We're way out in Nebraska, but you can't have him! Love a cuddly cat--except he can be very persistant in his need to snuggle.


As to fashion, my grandkids have tried dressing him up--not a good idea. (So now, does this make this thread 'legal'?

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As to fashion, my grandkids have tried dressing him up--not a good idea. (So now, does this make this thread 'legal'?

Yes, we just need to know what kind of clothes.:D


Hi all,

I'm wondering if this will be appropriate for formal night? Is the bell too much or should I go with the traditional bow tie....hand tied of course.


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