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Royal Champions


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Thanks for the glimpse into the data mining -- haven't had time yet, but it is one area of interest I hope to learn more about.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, getting a Royal education


You're quite welcome!


These programs are often misunderstood, even by people within the company sponsoring them. I'm not surprised that a front-line, or even escallation, customer relations person wouldn't have heard of it. Especially when the program is only a couple years old. That doesn't make it "secret", just something that isn't on the average employee's radar. (Of course, the current bruhaha probably put it on a lot more radar screens!)


On the disclosure front, the benefits to the program are minimal - the occasional invite to a special event, and the "Shiny Badge" that allows you to claim "I 'r' one" - even compared to a mid-tier frequent cruiser. I feel that if you don't require disclosure about one, you shouldn't need to disclose the other. Both are award programs based, nominally, on "things you're doing anyway". Both are designed, ultimately, to bring in more business. They just reward different activities.


- Woody -

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hazence raises some very good valid points.

I, too, am joining the Royal Chumps.


When I first began posting on CC's RCL threads, I was appalled by the flaming received by those who were even slightly critical of RCL. I spoke out against it in a few threads in defense of those who had issues with RCL.

Well, now all those flames make sense. I initially thought these people were just rude and mean. I honestly came to the conclusion that CC was one of the most meanspirited sites I had ever been on. Now I see that they were being rewarded for their behavior. Shame on you.


And shame on RCL. Businesses need to know where they can make improvements and where their business model is failing. How about subtly influencing your customers by addressing their concerns? Or do they no longer teach that in MBA courses?


RCL has a very good product. Why would you want to sully it w/ an underhanded marketing ploy? Your marketing people s/b fired. This is not Facebook.... we are not 19 y/o (at least I am not :)).


Your post has really made me think. I too was appalled at the bashing on the RCL boards of anyone with a critical observation and the extreme Carnival haters when I first joined CC.


It also had a subliminal effect that I am ashamed to admit. It made me feel like I was substandard for cruising Carnival and I wasn't a "real" cruiser until I sailed with RCI. I'm not putting the responsibility for that on anyone else, I'm just saying that in retrospect I can see that is how I felt and was influenced. It shames me at myself because I would have said nobody, no one could do that to me.


I feel viralated!


Royal Chump, charter member!

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Thank you im proud of what i have dont on CC over the last 2 years. I was not an original member so i was 14 when i got the invite. :D


You have the Mariner Inaugural 2009 cruise on your siggy, did you get this as a free cruise? If so, since you are a RC how could you go without your parents - is one an RC also?

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You have the Mariner Inaugural 2009 cruise on your siggy, did you get this as a free cruise? If so, since you are a RC how could you go without your parents - is one an RC also?

No that cruise and everything my family had to pay for. The invite was addressed to me but i would assume my dad would just share the title with me.

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Yes, I do like "Royal Chum" as well. Excellent use of the nautical theme.


As for this Royal Chum or Chump, I'd like RCCL to know that, for me, the signature "Royal Champ" alerts me NOW that these folks fit some unknown "profile" and that the utimate target of that profile is Chumpy me!


It is the Internet answer to the high school letter sweater...swanning through the threads...a designation designed by RCCL to impress me and influence me to THOSE "team spirit" views over those of others.


Sure there are tweaks of negativity. But the "monitoring" has shown the Champs are returning the investment. THAT was stated by the Loyalty Marketing Manager. It's her FIELD, her area, her JOB to know!


That marketing program cost money after all. RCCL is happy with the money spent to identify these Champs....for a variety of purposes RCCL has not fully explained. No such thing as a free cruise. At marketing seminars...out of the earshot of the cruising public...RCCL marketing is crowing about the "results" of this program.


And the initial gift of free cruises for a few... was enough to put the scent of promise on this Board as well. Posters, eyeing Oasis, thinking maybe if I post in this flattering way, maybe if I become a Royal defender...maybe, maybe, I could rise from Chump to Champ and get the free cruise, the letter sweater, and special, special invitations as well.


Many of the Champs think this is just fine. They read the comments and had....no comment. That speaks volumes as well.


I'm waiting for the free cruises to be handed out...the next special invitations. It will be very interesting to see how, in light of what we know now...those gestures rewarding OTHERS for influencing us Chumps...will be received.


Hazence..Royal Chump

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You may not like my referencing other threads, but I ask that you keep in mind that several previous threads, some deleted, some locked, had truly vicious and nasty things posted on them about RC's collectively and individually. It has been a cumulative "piling on" and you are seeing the reaction only on this thread.


I have to say I'm very disappointed, Merion Mom, to see you referencing a post I made days ago as an example of slanderous and mean-spirited towards the RC's.


I never, at any time singled out any RC. I said I didn't like the idea or concept of the program, and that I felt as if RC had to bribe people into continually writing positive reviews. I stand by my post as I think it's well written and doesn't degenearate into baseless name-calling like so many of the other posts on this thread.


I will continue to sail RCI, but I don't think I'll bother reading this board anymore.

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The 2 of you that came up with "Royal Chumps and Royal Chum" need to start a poll thread so that others that are unwitting members of this club can vote on a name. Then, once you 2 founding members have a name, we'll need a thread of our own. Some thing like "Royal Chum/Chumps only" or "All things Royal Chumps/Chum of the Seas". Perhaps a roll call as well.

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Wow, knowing a minor was used in viral marketing takes this program to a new low.




Especially if the cruise was on a school day and the child attended during a school day. In my state that is against the law to miss school if you are under age 16.

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Ever step in something without realizing it and can't quite figure out where that smell is coming from? Well since CC and RCCL stepped in it big time, I can imagine that all week CC and RCCL have been scraping the bottoms of their shoes and wondering what that smell is.


Google "Royal Caribbean Viral Marketing" and see what pops up. Here's just one example:


"The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced," Royal Caribbean's manager for loyalty marketing, Rachel Hannock, told the audience, according to a blog on loyalty marketing written by the Customer Insight Group.

The Customer Insight Group blog quotes Hannock as saying the Royal Champions "are regularly leveraged for ongoing marketing initiatives" and "produce ample word of mouth and exert sufficient influence to make the investment worthwhile."

The blog also quotes Hannock as saying online posts from Royal Champions "are carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain positive and frequent."

In an interview with USA TODAY this week, Royal Caribbean associate vice president Bill Hayden acknowledged that the Royal Champions exist and have been getting perks from the line including invitations to free, two-night preview cruises. "


Champs or chumps, you be the judge? Either way, my faith in both CC and RCCL has been shaken.

That is the scary part. At least I,m glad no one is leveraging me.

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Wow, knowing a minor was used in viral marketing takes this program to a new low.




Especially if the cruise was on a school day and the child attended during a school day. In my state that is against the law to miss school if you are under age 16.


What does the first thing that you mentioned have to do with the second? Find a 7 day cruise during ANY week of the year that doesn't have kids under 16 on it.

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Yes I understand, I am just stating in my home state going on a cruise does not qualify for an absence , the child has to take a zero for all tests and exams. So the parent either has to lie and stay the kid was sick, that is in my opinion good behavior for parents to emulate.


Also there are ethical issues using minors in marketing.


Royal Chump- Charter Member

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The 2 of you that came up with "Royal Chump and Royal Chum" need to start a poll thread so that others that are unwitting members of this club can vote on a name. Then, once you 2 founding members have a name, we'll need a thread of our own. Some thing like "Royal Chum/Chumps only" or "All thing Royal Chumps/Chum of the Seas". Perhaps a roll call as well.


Excellent idea!


And on our thread...we will welcome without suspicion any new poster and their opinion. We will accuse no one of Internet double-dealing....or returning from the ashes of expulsion...or "hating business", desiring "shootings", overbearing jealousy, or (my favorite) "attacking shark survivors." Chumps don't need to carpet-bomb anyone who questions a business practice of RCCL. We believe they have a good product.. so there is no need for the "scorched earth" swarm attack. It demeans the Brand...a good Brand.


As Chums or Chumps...we will embrace other non-important folks. We haven't the "skill set" to influence anyone...(marketing tests have proven this)...so we are happily harmless.


Hazence..Royal Chump Charter Member

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Excellent idea!


And on our thread...we will welcome without suspicion any new poster and their opinion. We will accuse no one of Internet double-dealing....or returning from the ashes of expulsion...or "hating business", desiring "shootings", overbearing jealousy, or (my favorite) "attacking shark survivors." Chumps don't need to carpet-bomb anyone who questions a business practice of RCCL. We believe they have a good product.. so there is no need for the "scorched earth" swarm attack. It demeans the Brand...a good Brand.


As Chums or Chumps...we will embrace other non-important folks. We haven't the "skill set" to influence anyone...(marketing tests have proven this)...so we are happily harmless.


Hazence..Royal Chump Charter Member


Don't forget we won't accuse people of whining or cite all the cruises we have taken.




Charter Member Royal Chump

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Could be they have been advised by RCL not to inflame the issue any more ???





Scotland are doing really really well !!



You could be right - wonder would that involved another freebie lol



Opps did Ireland win lol



Originally Posted by benicehavefun

The 2 of you that came up with "Royal Chump and Royal Chum" need to start a poll thread so that others that are unwitting members of this club can vote on a name. Then, once you 2 founding members have a name, we'll need a thread of our own. Some thing like "Royal Chum/Chumps only" or "All thing Royal Chumps/Chum of the Seas". Perhaps a roll call as well.





Brilliant idea lol




Charter Member Royal Chump !!





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Don't forget we won't accuse people of whining or cite all the cruises we have taken.




Charter Member Royal Chump


Yes, that too. Or refer to certain executives by their first names only....


By the way, when the next free cruises are handed out...I think we should lobby RCCL to provide an equal number to the Royal Chumps as well as their Royal CHAMPS. Why should we be discriminated against because we lack viral marketing skills?

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And the initial gift of free cruises for a few... was enough to put the scent of promise on this Board as well. Posters, eyeing Oasis, thinking maybe if I post in this flattering way, maybe if I become a Royal defender...maybe, maybe, I could rise from Chump to Champ and get the free cruise, the letter sweater, and special, special invitations as well.


Hazence..Royal Chump


I'll stick with chump, easier to explain, but thanks for liking my little attempt at being creative.


The referenced part from you post is part of the beauty of such a viral marketing scheme, no? An earlier link to the the techno lady writing a book about this stuff clearly points that out, as do some of the links here to posts where folks asked -- how do I get that free invitation?


I've been having images of the Iowa caucuses, where people get in groups in corners of the local gym, and scream to get others to move over to their candidate/cruise line. In a good economy, getting folks to come to your product is good business; in a bad economy, it's crucial. But we all can see the rub, here.

Most have a tipping point built on an accumulation of disappointments -- when reached, they may say, "you know I have always wanted to try Princess, or Holland, etc.", maybe now is the time," and then when you have moved to the other store, it has a chance to keep you coming. It is even more important to keep hold of your company's regulars in a bad economy. Frequent repeaters are far more likely to have had enough bucks to not be crying right, now (and any number of D's are ticked off). For example, I have read here in times past, folks saying they were going to use their stimulus checks for a cruise (I am just sooo jealous because I have never gotten one :)) They may now need that stimulus to make a mortgage payment or pay off a credit card that raised their interest rate because of a late payment, or to try to bolster their 401 (K) or emergency account.


Finally, I loved the letter sweater analogy. The most medaled letter sweater in my high school, I set my eyes on. He remains a dear friend to this day. Didn't marry him, but not for his lack of trying, right up to 6 am on his first wedding day. He's had three wives now; I've had one husband. Life -- it's so perverse, it can all change tomorrow.


I've been viralated, too -- loved that, BeNice


Jaxon -- Royal Chump

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Don't be so hard on yourself. I am sure that is exactly the reaction that "Viral Marketing" is supposed to induce.


On the other hand, I had the total opposite reaction. I questioned if I really wanted to spend 7 days cruising w/ a bunch of people who were so intolerant. Having never been on RCL, my July 2009 RCL cruise will decide whether I "jump ship" or not. I would rather sail on the "inferior" Carnival with pleasant people than on a "better" line with nasty people. Fingers crossed.

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Thank you im proud of what i have dont on CC over the last 2 years. I was not an original member so i was 14 when i got the invite. :D


Just reading your response leaves me in no doubt that the carefully crafted report was not of your making. You clearly lack the ability to actually punctuate & capitalise that you displayed in the earlier report.


I am cruising RCCL for the first time in April and I am already apprehensive about this cruise as a result of reading many different blogs about RCCL customer focus.


I expect that the facilities will be just great but any requests made to "Guest Relations" will be met with either disdain or a protracted debate for the remainder of the cruise. The RCCL website does not show any additional packages that I have purchased and it definitely does not show an OBC for the fuel surcharge that was removed after I paid the final amount.


I just know that I am going to be wasting a lot of my time at the Purser's desk arguing for what I am entitled to and, I have seen that re-iterated on many other sites.


CC needs to review their stance with regard to what can be included in posts. I do not suggest that they allow open advertising (they clearly carry adverts) but let people freely discuss WHO does and WHO does not provide a good deal when booking a cruise. After all, what does "critic" stand for when you are shackled by what you may or may not say.

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I wonder if any of the RC's have been provided with scripted answers to drop on specific threads? Wonder if RCCL has influenced CC to close, delete, or remove threads that they felt were too damaging or could'nt get control of by using their minions?


They can deny it, but, with a soiled reputation whose to say they are being truthfull?


I believe that for this website to regain its appeal as an unbiased web site for users to share their expieriences, they should ban the RC's. They are compensated, just like a TA, which are not allowed to post on here as TA's to drum up business. But RCCL thumbs their nose in the face of this rule to get you seperated from your cash by subversave measures. Anyone who has been beat down and flamed by these people know that they cannot be counted on for impartial advice. They are admittedly paid mouth peices for the mothership, ( hey we don't know all the facts so just thought I'd throw a little area 51 humor in there) and will pass along the jargon the cruiseline tells them too.

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The 2 of you that came up with "Royal Chumps and Royal Chum" need to start a poll thread so that others that are unwitting members of this club can vote on a name. Then, once you 2 founding members have a name, we'll need a thread of our own. Some thing like "Royal Chum/Chumps only" or "All things Royal Chumps/Chum of the Seas". Perhaps a roll call as well.


lots of smilies on this one :) --

nah, there is a thread referenced awhile back on "squashing the whiners" or something like that, allegedly had lots of RC's on it, and was started by one, as I recall the poster saying -- another with a similar theme occurred around the time of the fuel surcharge thread, too -- so we just need to hijack it!! continuing with the nautical theme, of course. :)


Jaxon -- Viralated FOUNDING Royal Chum -- Charter member Royal Chump

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Thank you.








Sorry, I don't buy the dumb act. I have explained this several times. Out of say 3000 people 50 of them might have been RCs on that first inaugural. Why are you (the pitchfork torch waving mob from the original Frankenstein movie) only interested in the RCs, the media, the travel agents, the shareholders, are not required to have this transparency? Why just the Royal Champions?


Sorry, I find nothing here but pettiness and nastiness.



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