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Celebrity Cruise (Nightmare)


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I understand that you must be frustrated.


I would suggest that you shorten your letter by about 4 pages (down to 1 in other words).


I would agree with that. There is way too much extraneous information there.


Please understand they deal with thousands of complaint letters every week. They only want the "bottom line", the facts only that are pertinent to their failure.


Lugguge lost on your conveyer belt - spent a total of X dollars (have receipts for all) - want to be compensated X amount. Please advise - of course, couched in a business like fashion.


In the future if you ever need to write a letter, skip everything except the vital details and names of those involved. You have a better chance it will be read.


And to the other poster - YES YOU CAN CARRY YOUR OWN LUGGAGE ABOARD - I have done just that, my last few sailings, because as an Elite Member, I found it infuriating my luggage would never show up until nearly dinner time - so much for priority anything. Carrying it myself was easier. I could shower, change and be unpacked while everyone else was still waiting on luggage.

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You are obviously not a lawyer. Fine print means nothing. Easy to get around all of this jargon. File an inexpensive small claims court action againt Celebrity and it's carriers, agents, and associated companies (just send to Celebrity). In the meantime right a short Offer to Settle Without Prejudice letter to Celebrity and just say that you are willing to settle this matter for such and such amount because of lost luggage and give them a deadline to respond. No need to go into too many details. File complaints with their Resolution Dept. and keep calling. Complain to the Travel Industry regulators.

As far as the fine print: all people say in court is: they aren't a lawyer, they didn't have time to read all the small print, they didn't understand it, they didn't know at the time who was handling their luggage (they relied on Celebrity) and that Celebrity has contracts and pays for the dock services, so they are in essence party to this claim, as the dock and baggage handlers are agents connected to Celebrity in one form or another. And you can argue Celebrity did nothing to assist you. As one respondent mentioned, usually the cruise lines give you free tux rentals, laundry, toothbrushes and amenities that are for sale on the ship right away.


Find other people on the internet with similar complaints against Celebrity. Print them out and send them with your Offer to Settle.

It is time someone stood up against the treatment of some passengers by these mega cruise lines that offer no Customer Service. But if you put a cabin on hold on the internet, you will sure get attention as they will call you day and night and hound you to make the payment and book it. All of their resources go into grabbing your booking, not helping customers later.


Good luck and remember, most people who bash you regarding your complaint on here, are usually working for the cruise line and monitor the sites and bash anyone that doesn't conform to only writing about the giddiness about their upcoming cruise. :)



Are you kidding me?!! "MOST" people commenting about this OP's complaint work for the cruiseline???? :rolleyes: Now THAT is a ludicrous statement. Probably more so than the comment that they should sue, if even in small claims court. How bout they start by writing a letter to X that makes sense and isn't filled with a myriad of useless and telling details about their emotions,choices and behaviors in handling the unfortunate circumstance. If every person that had lost or delayed luggage sued for their "disastrous" vacation ...:eek:

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From CathyCruises:

..."The 'letter' makes several references to being young. It sounds like, to me, that they thought they could take advantage of the situation by being a little extreme in their purchase of 'necessities' and are unhappy that those costs are not being reimbursed. "...


There's an example of useless. Reading their mind and determining they were up to no-good.


Regardless of what anyone's opinion is, they didn't have the original poster's experience. Every situation is unique as is everyone's experience. The way I would react to something going wrong now is very different than how I reacted thirty-three years ago on my first cruise. I recall upon the completion of our first cruise (on the original Carnival Mardi Gras), our honeymoon, we boarded the flight from MIA to LAX to find that our seats had been changed and we weren't seated together for the five plus hour flight. That was a really big deal to us then...now, not so much.


I do agree that any complaint/comment letter should be no more than one page and that cross packing is always a good idea.



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From CathyCruises:

..."The 'letter' makes several references to being young. It sounds like, to me, that they thought they could take advantage of the situation by being a little extreme in their purchase of 'necessities' and are unhappy that those costs are not being reimbursed. "...


There's an example of useless. Reading their mind and determining they were up to no-good.


Regardless of what anyone's opinion is, they didn't have the original poster's experience. Every situation is unique as is everyone's experience. The way I would react to something going wrong now is very different than how I reacted thirty-three years ago on my first cruise. I recall upon the completion of our first cruise (on the original Carnival Mardi Gras), our honeymoon, we boarded the flight from MIA to LAX to find that our seats had been changed and we weren't seated together for the five plus hour flight. That was a really big deal to us then...now, not so much.


I do agree that any complaint/comment letter should be no more than one page and that cross packing is always a good idea.




You will note that I said, "it appears to me". Obviously a statement of opinion. Given the language used in the letter, the reference to "tots", and the overblown reaction, I think my conjecture has a valid possibility of being accurate. But it is just that: a conjecture. I am certainly not saying that everyone who is young has issues, it just seems like a reaction you would get more frequently from less experienced travelers.


And to the poster who thinks we all work for Celebrity or are too blindsided by our upcoming cruises, what are you smoking? I can only speak for myself, but believe me, they don't have many cruiselines operating from 6500' high up in the Rocky Mountains, and I have -zero- cruises booked with any line. I do believe that we are all entitled to form an opinion of the situation based on what the OP recounted and the 'letter' he included.



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Actually, the threads that end up closed are due to unnecessary bashing and negativity from people who seem to have nothing better to do.


Weren't these boards established to exchange helpful information and not pass judgement on complete strangers:confused:


Before you post, how about you think for a moment, is this really helpful to the thread or I am just venting for no good reason? Just a thought...:)

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I feel so bad for you what a terrible mess. I know how we felt when we had to leave our luggage behind in San Juan to make the ship but we did receive it the next afternoon, one night was horrible but 5 terrible. What I do not understand if all of those bags were left at the port why didn't they just put them on a plane & have them flown to meet you in your next port? That would be one of the question I would of wanted to be answered. Please post when you get a response.


Heck..the 1st port was KEY WEST...they left from MIAMI...X could have put all the bags left at the pier in a VAN and DRIVEN them to key west....not like it's far...just a few hours....:eek::rolleyes: sounds like a typical RC corporate foul-up!!

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Thanks! :) It's our first and we're very excited.

Just popping back into this hopeless thread to say 'Congrats to Susie and Dan'!!! That is so great!!! :D I just had my 4th grandchild last Thursday. My older DS's second daughter. Pay attention, because he/she will be here before you know it, then grown and gone..........it happens way too fast!!!! :eek: Just remember to have lot's of fun inbetween.......... :p

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I just got back 2 weeks ago. My girlfriend and I went on a 5 day cruise with Celebrity Century. This was my first cruise. It turned out to be rough. The cruise ship lost my girlfriends luggage. We didnt get it back until we got off the ship. The only compensation we got was a $200 ship credit and free laundry service on the 2 outfits my girlfriend had to wear for 5 days. The luandry service didnt happen until Wednesday. We boarded on Monday. The concierge kept giving us the run around. Please give us a day it usually shows up. We waited and waited and finally Thursday came aorund and they told us they found the luggage in Miami. What kind of crap is that?


We couldnt do any of the dinners because she didnt have the proper attire. No matter what my GF refused because she had no make up nothing at that time. I'm sure you ladies can understand that regarding a formal dinner.


The swim suit was a huge issue. Once we got to Keywest we had to rush and get a swimsuit on the island. We had an excursion at 10:45am. It wound up being 2 small and her tots were all over the place. She had to wear one of my t-shirts because she felt uncomfortable.


I had to spend over $400 in Key West just in toilettry and basic necessities for her and I. Now corporate is giving us a hardtime stating regading the reimbursements. We had to fill out all sorts of paper work on the cruise ship. We spent 2 hours each day battling with the front desk people trying to get answers. It's tough to understand a lot of people that work on the ship. A lot of them are from different countries. They're programmed to say specific things.


Theres much more I can say, but I feel this was the main down fall of the trip.


I feel like I need another vacation


MikeS, thanks for sharing this. Sorry for the trouble GF experienced. I think it sucks, period. It has nothing to do with buying insurance or luggage going tumbling over and missing the conveyor. What happened isn't acceptable and it appears X was not sympathetic to your plight even if the problem occured with the porter. Poo on them. As for the letter, tell X what you want in in the first couple sentences and shorten your overall complaint. And, coming to CC to gripe is just a waste of time. Some of the old biddies around here clearly don't mind being treated like crap and expect you to do the same. Tell X what you want, (action, apologuy, money whatever), be clear about it and be accomodating with a time frame you expect a response. The worst thing that can happen is X tells you they won't take responsibility for the incident, take it up with Port of Miami, etc. Whatever you do, don't let the incident turn GF off from cruising. Best of luck to you.

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Well, I didn't mean to bring this thread so far off topic, but it's certainly happier now :)


Thanks for all the good thoughts, they are very much appreciated. It does seem that counting time in weeks makes it go more quickly!

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Thanks Usha :)


Yup, we decided we've been there and done that, so we're taking a little break from travelling. Looks like we're having a (Canadian) Thanksgiving baby!


Hi Susie, a big congrats from here too:)

Wishing you both a happy, healthy one:D

Only 7 more months, huh?;)

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Sassat, where is your sense of humor? I think it was a great idea to wear bathrobes, they are clean and VERY nice! Have you EVER lost your luggage???? We have great sympathy for anyone who loses their luggage!




Everythign was double on the Island as opposed to Illinois

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Well, you're obviously not a female. I am, and not having my stuff would definitely ruin the cruise for me.



Yes, I fully agree. I could care less if they lost mu luggage. FOr woman it's different.

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Lost baggage is always annoying and can cause extra expenses.....that's what trip insurance is for; those unexpected things that come along.


According to Celebrity's terms and conditions/passenger contract' date=' they are not liable for your luggage....you agreed to this when you booked. You should feel lucky they gave you something because they didn't have to.


Here from their website:


b. Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither

responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger’s property, whether

contained in luggage or otherwise. Liability for loss of or damage to Passenger’s

property in connection with any air or ground transportation shall be the sole

responsibility of the provider of the service and in accordance with applicable


Next time you cruise, buy insurance.


If dropping bags off a converor belt and not caring whether they make the ship anytime during the cruise is not negligent, then what would you call this situation. A good lawyer will tell you that Celebrity is responsible no matter what. I think this persons problem was handled improperly from the beginning. I would say to the original poster to keep calling and writing. Was on one of Celebrity's bleach cruises and my pants were ruined. Took alot of time and agravation but they came through. Sometimes these things take time to come to an agreement.



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While I normally do not approve of stereotypes based on a person's gender, I would also be a lot more upset by lost luggage than my husband would be.


If our luggage was lost, my husband could easily rent a tux for formal night but it would be a lot more difficult for me to find something suitable.


It is also much easier for a man to find swimming trunks than it is for a woman to find a bathing suit that will fit her well, because most bathing suits are designed for women who are flat chested or have a rectangular shaped body.

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Sassat, where is your sense of humor? I think it was a great idea to wear bathrobes, they are clean and VERY nice! Have you EVER lost your luggage???? We have great sympathy for anyone who loses their luggage!



I have lost my luggage in some pretty severe weather situations so bad in Washington DC once that stores were closed from the blizzard and we couldn't even buy additional clothing. You asked, but that's not the point.


I have a sense of humour, but a sense of humour should be metered by the environment. Maybe some of the tank top, backward baseball hat, shorts with flip flops attire often times critiqued here was really an attempt at humour.


Anyone who's luggage is lost arrived on the ship wearing something. If the ship can't or won't supply some alternative wear, then whatever they wore on the plane/car/train would be fine. Not to turn this into a dress code thread, but there is a recurring issue discussed here of proper dining room attire. Whatever they arrived at the ship wearing, I think, would be more appropriate than the bathrobe parade...unless they flew to the port wearing a bathrobe.


That's all for now.



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It is also much easier for a man to find swimming trunks than it is for a woman to find a bathing suit that will fit her well, because most bathing suits are designed for women who are flat chested or have a rectangular shaped body.


Yes. No worries on a bathing suit for men.


But rectangular shaped body??????

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Yes. No worries on a bathing suit for men.


But rectangular shaped body??????


Hi Longboysfan :)


Let me put it another way....most bathing suits are not designed for a woman who has a waist that significantly smaller than her hips and chest.

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Some of the old biddies around here clearly don't mind being treated like crap and expect you to do the same.


"old biddies"? "don't mind being treated like crap"? Shame, shame. What a terrible thing to say about X'ers. I am sorry the OP had this problem. I am also sorry X did not get their luggage to them somehow. But it was what it was and calling playground names does not profit anyone.


I may be old but I am certainly NOT a biddie! And I enjoy being treated well, which has always been my X experience.

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It's our first and we're very excited.


Hi SusieV :)


Congratulations on your expected bundle of joy. I was thrilled to hear your wonderful news :)


November is a great time to have a baby because it will make your holiday season extra special this year :)

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