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NCL Freestyle not so Free.


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I wasn't on this cruise, so I have no intention of "agreeing" or "disagreeing" with any specifics related to it. However, I do agree with a few things in regards to the ship design: Getting to the main floor of the aft dining room is absurd; we didn't eat in the main dining rooms at all, but I did encounter a mass of passengers crowding up the stairs while waiting for the dining room to open at dinner. Not terribly safe or efficient, IMO. Dead-ending at the bottom of the stairs into the dining room makes little design sense, again IMO.



Check out the deck plans, and you'll discover why it is the way it is. The main dinning room galleys are located between the main restaurants. One galley for two dining rooms, how more efficient can they get?


If they included an aisleway between the restaurants, they would lose hundereds of square feet of galley space.

The only ship left in NCL's fleet with the ability to walk between the two main restaurants on the same deck is the Majesty. You have to walk through the Coffee Bar along the port side, which consumes a significant amount of square feet that the galley coulld use. Luckily, the Majesty can only carry ~1500 passengers, all the other ships in the fleet can carry ~1000 more passenger. That's an additional 3000 meals per day. Maybe, just maybe, NCL needs that extra square feet for the galley on the other ships to prepare and cook those 3000 more meals.

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I would like to read the story you are referring to, can you let me know where it is posted and/or located? Thanks.
I'm not evilmillie but I do believe she's referring to the Royal Champions threads on RCCL boards.
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The OP needs to understand that you never never never post anything negative about your cruise on this board. the cheerleaders will attack like a swarm of bees. After reading the story about another cruise line who paid people to post positives on cruise critic, I wonder if these people are vying for a piece of the action.



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I'm not evilmillie but I do believe she's referring to the Royal Champions threads on RCCL boards.


Exactly and it hurt the credibility of not only RCCL but this board as well. The story mentioned that cruise execs have the opportunity to remove negative posts from cruise critic. I am sure this will get removed shortly. All in all, the story's basic warning was not to come here if you want the full, unfiltered truth. After a few years reading the posts I have to agree. Ladies and gentleman, this is a commerical for your particular cruise line.

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I had figured that out for myself, but I think in the middle there are also people like me who end up giving some true stories... ;)

The thing I have noticed is that whenever someone asks for an opinion there is allways the suggestion of buying the extra card, trying all the speciality restaurants, booking the most expensive cabin, going to the casinos... :rolleyes: And the thing that striked me is this type of posts allways ends with a personal tip: "I remember you can see the dolphins better at 4 am from deck 6..." It sounds like a "formula" post: allways suggest the most expensive stuff, give high praises of everything, complain about something silly and end with a personal suggestion that only a true traveler could give.

But maybe I'm paranoyed.

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I had figured that out for myself, but I think in the middle there are also people like me who end up giving some true stories... ;)

The thing I have noticed is that whenever someone asks for an opinion there is allways the suggestion of buying the extra card, trying all the speciality restaurants, booking the most expensive cabin, going to the casinos... :rolleyes: And the thing that striked me is this type of posts allways ends with a personal tip: "I remember you can see the dolphins better at 4 am from deck 6..." It sounds like a "formula" post: allways suggest the most expensive stuff, give high praises of everything, complain about something silly and end with a personal suggestion that only a true traveler could give.

But maybe I'm paranoyed.


What you say has validity. It took me a while to figure it out and after reading the article on this, it became crystal clear. This board has become persona non grata for anyone with a negative experience. And it's the usual suspects who actually believe that just because the negative experience didn't happen to them, it could never happen to anyone. And if you pluck down 3 grand for a trip you should be greatful for the opportunity and not complain about anything.

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As I have been want to do over the last few weeks, I will post what I can only humbly refer to as "Mike's Guidelines" ... just my 2 cents on things, take them for what they're worth:


1) It is the JOY OF CRUISING that is most important, and NOT which particular cruise line you happen to be on. I know plenty of people who LOVE ezcruise, and others who won't go near them with a 3 meter pole.


2) There will be cruises on NCL that you'll love, and others which you'll hate. The reasons you hate a cruise may seem like pit-nicky or serious to you, and not to others. Same for the reasons why you love a particular cruise.


3) If the food on the ship is even slightly better then edible, my wife and I are happy. If it happens to be better ... great, but that is NOT the reason why we cruise.


4) As long as the hired help do their jobs in a professional manner, and basically leave us alone ... or deal with us only when WE want to deal with them ... then my wife and I are happy.


5) Give us a deck chair with a view of the ocean passing us by. Could be on our balcony ... on the top deck ... or anywhere else. There is something about the salt air, and blue skies that refreshes and revitalizes.


6) Isn't being on a cruise about being with the ones who you love ... a spouse, a child, a parent, a dear friend? Keep everything in perspective.


7) If in doubt, always refer to items 1-6 above.



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I had figured that out for myself, but I think in the middle there are also people like me who end up giving some true stories... ;)

The thing I have noticed is that whenever someone asks for an opinion there is allways the suggestion of buying the extra card, trying all the speciality restaurants, booking the most expensive cabin, going to the casinos... :rolleyes: And the thing that striked me is this type of posts allways ends with a personal tip: "I remember you can see the dolphins better at 4 am from deck 6..." It sounds like a "formula" post: allways suggest the most expensive stuff, give high praises of everything, complain about something silly and end with a personal suggestion that only a true traveler could give.

But maybe I'm paranoyed.


I can't comment on whether you are paranoid since I haven't done a scientific study. But I can speak for myself. I am what is often called an NCL cheerleader and don't deny it (though no one has ever offered me anything for it - LOL). I do get upset when I see falsehoods or exaggerations told for the sake of bashing NCL. On the other hand, I never hold back if I have something negative to say about NCL.


What I can say for sure is that I do NOT always recommend the most expensive options. I enjoy some of the specialty restaurants, but feel very strongly that you can have a great cruise without ever going to one - I have. I usually book independent excursions, if any, over NCL's. I love the spa, but think it is an extravagance that I will probably pass up on my next cruise and have only ever gotten a 1 day pass, feeling the cruise-long pass is too rich for my blood. I have said inside cabin and feel oceanview is good enough for me. And, the only money I have spent in the casino is when NCL offered me a free coupon so I figured what the hey - I am NOT a gambler. And, as I say I have not done a scientific study, but I think a lot of the NCL loyalists here are great at passing on ways to save money - there have been a number of very popular threads on the subject.

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I'm also not picky but can't stand small shrimp - reminds me of turtle food or fish food or something. :p We are in a boat, not an aquarium, right?!

I'm not sure if all NCL ships do this, but on Majesty, you can go to the buffet when it opens for dinner and get some large cocktail shrimp. I don't mind the baby shrimp, but I much prefer the larger ones. I didn't know Majesty served the large shrimp until a friend told me recently. Thankfully, I'll be able to get some in a few weeks. :)

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Although I also might add that after reading bad reviews about every single boat I was planning on taking (specially MSC) I decided to take a look at the reviews about the boat we had taken last year. Oh my! Glad I hadn't read them before departing, otherwise I would have canceled my trip as another person has said. I had had a wonderfull unforgetable trip and was amazed at how much bad things people had to say about paradise... ;)

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Although I also might add that after reading bad reviews about every single boat I was planning on taking (specially MSC) I decided to take a look at the reviews about the boat we had taken last year. Oh my! Glad I hadn't read them before departing, otherwise I would have canceled my trip as another person has said. I had had a wonderfull unforgetable trip and was amazed at how much bad things people had to say about paradise... ;)


It happens all the time. Glad you had a wonderful time!!!

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I do get upset when I see falsehoods or exaggerations told for the sake of bashing NCL


This is what I don't understand. How in the world would you know if the person is exagerating or lying unless you were with that person? And why would you get upset? Why don't you allow people who paid good money to go on a cruise tell their story? It may not match your experience but you are in no position to tell them that it didn't happen.

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I do get upset when I see falsehoods or exaggerations told for the sake of bashing NCL


This is what I don't understand. How in the world would you know if the person is exagerating or lying unless you were with that person? And why would you get upset? Why don't you allow people who paid good money to go on a cruise tell their story? It may not match your experience but you are in no position to tell them that it didn't happen.


There is a difference between fact and opinion. If someone says they didn't like the steak, I don't care even if I may have loved it. And I not only "allow" them to tell their story, I would encourage it if it were my place to do so. I like hearing the good, the bad and the ugly. But if they state something as fact which is erroneous (such as the specialty restaurants add a huge gratuity to your bill), then that is misleading to people who come here for research. Are you saying you believe something like that happened to that one person that one time on that one cruise simply because a stranger tells you it is so on a website? I get upset for the newbies who will be misled and because unnecessary negativity bothers me in general, especially when pertaining to the luxury of vacation. And what I don't understand is why it upsets anyone for those of us who had a good experience to share that.

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Basically it's the same with cruising as with many other subjective things in life - YMMV (your mileage may vary). I will continue to post comments when I have something to contribute. Our experiences over 20+ years on NCL have been positive - otherwise we wouldn't continue to spend our cruise $$ there.


Everyone's opinion is just that - their own opinion whether positive or negative. However, I do agree and often shake my head at the amount of totally incorrect information that is posted on this and other cruise forums that I belong to. Whenever I read something that starts with "it didn't happen to me but I overheard, yada yada, I tune out. Share your experiences and I will share mine - but don't pass along anything that you personally didn't experience and I will always strive to do the same.


As always, JMHO.

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The OP needs to understand that you never never never post anything negative about your cruise on this board. the cheerleaders will attack like a swarm of bees. After reading the story about another cruise line who paid people to post positives on cruise critic, I wonder if these people are vying for a piece of the action.


if you think there are cheerleaders here, try Princess and Celebrity..Just say one negative like breakfast was cold a couple of mornings and see what you get??? NCL boards are very mellow...



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Newmexico - don't want to sound "picky", but the baby shrimp in the Venetian looked like pink worms! Couldn't eat them, never mind look at them!! It was ridiculous.


you are not picky, you have your opinions and that is what these boards are about. It is too bad if you didn't try them though cause they are really good. I agree, someitmes they probably don't look all that great..I just happen to love shrimp and know the flavor doesn't vary much because of size..



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But if they state something as fact which is erroneous (such as the specialty restaurants add a huge gratuity to your bill), then that is misleading to people who come here for research. Are you saying you believe something like that happened to that one person that one time on that one cruise simply because a stranger tells you it is so on a website? I get upset for the newbies who will be misled and because unnecessary negativity bothers me in general, especially when pertaining to the luxury of vacation.


I don't know why people can't just post their differing opinions/experiences and leave it at that. Imagine how much more helpful it would be to newbies and others if when someone posted something suspect, it was followed by a dozen reports from others who had a completely different experience. No attacks, no calling motive into question, just facts. Isn't that more helpful than simply saying the OP is lying? I've said it before and it bears repeating: If the pot stirrers don't get the reaction they want, they will stop. And although I used Bermuder's quote, I am not suggesting that he is an attacker.

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Although I also might add that after reading bad reviews about every single boat I was planning on taking (specially MSC) I decided to take a look at the reviews about the boat we had taken last year. Oh my! Glad I hadn't read them before departing, otherwise I would have canceled my trip as another person has said. I had had a wonderfull unforgetable trip and was amazed at how much bad things people had to say about paradise... ;)


I like your last sentence :D I said to myself a lot during my Pearl cruise "wow, there are some picky people in the world, there's NOTHING wrong with this ship!!" but..I do have to admit...the waiting time in Summer Palace was a little irritating when we were very hungry :o One thing "bad". No bad really since the rest WAS paradise :)

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I do get upset when I see falsehoods or exaggerations told for the sake of bashing NCL


This is what I don't understand. How in the world would you know if the person is exagerating or lying unless you were with that person? And why would you get upset? Why don't you allow people who paid good money to go on a cruise tell their story? It may not match your experience but you are in no position to tell them that it didn't happen.


Actually sometimes you DO know someone is lying or exaggerating because their "review" is so ridiculous. Just a couple of examples that I remember off the top of my head:

Someone actually stated that NO meat was served in the NCL main dining rooms of the ship she was on.

Someone claimed that ALL the deck loungers on the Sky were broken and rusty and that ALL the beach towels were threadbare.


I enjoy thoughtful critical reviews that get their point across without the need to be ridiculous. I particularly like it when people supply specific details of what they liked and disliked because then I know if I would feel the same way.


Why do I get upset sometimes with reviews. Frankly I dislike untruths, absurd exaggeration, and hysteria. I think that if people choose to express themselves in that manner on the forums here, they obviously WANT a response (otherwise why not just put it in the review section where it will not be challenged). People can certainly exaggerate and even lie if they want to in this forum BUT then they should expect disagreement.

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Actually sometimes you DO know someone is lying or exaggerating because their "review" is so ridiculous. Just a couple of examples that I remember off the top of my head:

Someone actually stated that NO meat was served in the NCL main dining rooms of the ship she was on.

Someone claimed that ALL the deck loungers on the Sky were broken and rusty and that ALL the beach towels were threadbare.


I enjoy thoughtful critical reviews that get their point across without the need to be ridiculous. I particularly like it when people supply specific details of what they liked and disliked because then I know if I would feel the same way.


Why do I get upset sometimes with reviews. Frankly I dislike untruths, absurd exaggeration, and hysteria. I think that if people choose to express themselves in that manner on the forums here, they obviously WANT a response (otherwise why not just put it in the review section where it will not be challenged). People can certainly exaggerate and even lie if they want to in this forum BUT then they should expect disagreement.



Excellent post.


Sometimes you also know the reviewer is flat out lying. When you were on the same cruise and they say something like "lobster isn't served in the main dining rooms" and you know it was served twice that week in the main dining rooms.

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if you think there are cheerleaders here, try Princess and Celebrity..Just say one negative like breakfast was cold a couple of mornings and see what you get??? NCL boards are very mellow...




Try saying I'm not thrilled about having to play dress-up :rolleyes:

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