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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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On my last cruise,last month ,two men were dressed as women on and off the ship.Not normal attire but as Shirley Temple or Annie or other famous females.

On a Celebrity cruise that stopped in Key West we got off early and were just wandering around, actually we were looking to rent a golf-cart like vehicle to go wandering.... we rounded a corner and almost ran into 2 "gents" that were dressed... in dresses with "Easter hat" like hats, gloves and high heels. Yep, dudes for sure, one had a beard, the other had not shaved that day(or maybe the day before), adam's apple sticking out, looked hung over for sure... BUT the dresses fit, the hats, gloves and shoes were all matching. It was obvious that this was not a spur of the moment thing, or some sort of bet that was lost, nope this was their everyday clothes, most likely out to get a bite to eat and some "hair of the dog".


They never noticed us (or anyone else that stopped and did a double take), it was KEY WEST after all... never will forget that.

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On a Celebrity cruise that stopped in Key West we got off early and were just wandering around, actually we were looking to rent a golf-cart like vehicle to go wandering.... we rounded a corner and almost ran into 2 "gents" that were dressed... in dresses with "Easter hat" like hats, gloves and high heels. Yep, dudes for sure, one had a beard, the other had not shaved that day(or maybe the day before), adam's apple sticking out, looked hung over for sure... BUT the dresses fit, the hats, gloves and shoes were all matching. It was obvious that this was not a spur of the moment thing, or some sort of bet that was lost, nope this was their everyday clothes, most likely out to get a bite to eat and some "hair of the dog".


They never noticed us (or anyone else that stopped and did a double take), it was KEY WEST after all... never will forget that.


That sort of thing only concerns me if they are prettier than I am. :D

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That sort of thing only concerns me if they are prettier than I am. :D

You have no Problem with those 2... they in no way were trying to be in "drag', they were just men in dresses, everything matched and fit well... I guess just their choice of "dress"...

Edited by bobsfamily
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  • 2 weeks later...

On our first cruise with our three daughters, we were all together in a crowded elevator. Suddenly, we got a whiff of something vile. There were two teenage boys acting funny and they quickly got off. Afterwards, I said that I thought one of those boys must have dealt one. Everyone laughed and agreed. When we got back in the room, my nine year old confessed that it was her. We still laugh about it three years later. (Of course we also had a talk about what not to do in elevators)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very funny stories. I thought I'd add a couple of my own.


1. We were cruising on Carnival out of Tampa. I wanted to make sure I had as little to carry off the ship as possible so I packed everything I could. I did leave myself clothes to wear but forgot to leave out a pair of shoes. So I got off the ship in my socks. I wasn't concerned but my sister was apparently embarrassed and felt it necessary to explain to everyone on the way out that I packed my shoes.


2. About 10 years ago we were on Carnival for a family reunion cruise. After dinner one night my niece, my sister's boyfriend and I decided to go to the cigar lounge after dinner. None of us smoke but we wanted to hear the piano player. He was a young guy, maybe 19 years old but he was phenomenal. We were sitting in club type chairs facing the piano and directly behind us was a table full of 50-60 year old folks smoking. At one point my niece stood up to adjust her skirt and pulled it down so far it slipped off her butt and there she was mooning the table of smokers. She pulled it back up and sat down quickly but I was laughing hysterically at that point, so much so I could barely catch my breath. My sister's boyfriend looked over at me and calmly said "I take it I missed something?". That niece is about to get married now and I don't think I've ever told her fiance that story. They are planning a cruise for their honeymoon. I think I should warn him about this behavior of hers. Hmmm.

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Very funny stories. I thought I'd add a couple of my own.


1. We were cruising on Carnival out of Tampa. I wanted to make sure I had as little to carry off the ship as possible so I packed everything I could. I did leave myself clothes to wear but forgot to leave out a pair of shoes. So I got off the ship in my socks. I wasn't concerned but my sister was apparently embarrassed and felt it necessary to explain to everyone on the way out that I packed my shoes.


2. About 10 years ago we were on Carnival for a family reunion cruise. After dinner one night my niece, my sister's boyfriend and I decided to go to the cigar lounge after dinner. None of us smoke but we wanted to hear the piano player. He was a young guy, maybe 19 years old but he was phenomenal. We were sitting in club type chairs facing the piano and directly behind us was a table full of 50-60 year old folks smoking. At one point my niece stood up to adjust her skirt and pulled it down so far it slipped off her butt and there she was mooning the table of smokers. She pulled it back up and sat down quickly but I was laughing hysterically at that point, so much so I could barely catch my breath. My sister's boyfriend looked over at me and calmly said "I take it I missed something?". That niece is about to get married now and I don't think I've ever told her fiance that story. They are planning a cruise for their honeymoon. I think I should warn him about this behavior of hers. Hmmm.



To funny

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  • 2 weeks later...

The wife and I were on the Destiny two years ago, and heard about this "Adult" part of the ship. We searched for a few days but couldn't for the life of us, find where this section was. One night, we decide to take a walk on one of the upper decks to explore, totally forgetting about our hunt. We come to this one door, and open it up to find...


Approx. 20 people, in and around their own private pool...ALL BUTT ASS NEKKID!!!!!


After an eyeful of body parts, and an awkward silence, we said "Sorry to bother you all", and closed the door!


We still laugh about that one to this day....

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During karaoke, an otherwise inconspicuous lady decided to sing KC & The Sunshine Band's "Shake Your Booty"


Everything was normal, until she got to the chorus. Up came the rear of her dress and exposed a rubber behind. Which she proceeded to shake.


You could tell she's done this before. There was no way I could have kept a straight face through the bar and intro knowing what I was about to do..


Haha that sounds hilarious. How did the other people react?

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I've got two. Neither really compares to the wild stories I've read here, but they sure entertained me.


1: The Love Boat


I was on a Princess cruise to Ensenada. The Mariachi band was playing on the bottom level of The Piazza which, for those of you not Princess-enabled, is a 3-story open area containing the shops, bars, and customer service type stuff. The jewelry sale was taking place on the third floor, so tables and sales people abounded.


The guitarist/lead singer for the band was, in the words of Steve Buscemi: "The biggest Mexican I've ever seen." Dude was easily 6'5" and 3 bills. Didn't need amplification to be heard singing. The guitar looked tiny in his hands.


I noticed that he never looked at the audience. In fact, he appeared to be looking at... the ceiling?


Oh... he's singing to that really cute jewlery sales girl on the third level...


and it's working.


For 40 minutes, he sang song after song to her, and whenever she wasn't tied up with a customer she watched him intently, batting her eyes and making kissy-face.


I've seen guys with game before. I've never seen a guy with game so strong it worked from two floors down.


Where-ever he is now, I assume he had a pleasant cruise that trip. :-)

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I've got two. Neither really compares to the wild stories I've read here, but they sure entertained me.


2: Dancing in the streets


I was on a Royal Caribbean ship going to Victoria, BC. Night after night, we would run down to the British-pub-themed-bar to get good seats for the guitarist. I forget his name, but he was a heavyset Irish gentleman with incredible guitar skills and an amazing, resonant voice. It was kind of like listening to Morgan Freeman talk about penguins and dolphins, but with alcohol.


He wasn't vulgar, but he certainly wasn't family friendly. He'd often comment that he "Spent 6 years at The Royal Music Academy to sit up here, get druink, and sing you songs about d*cks and t*tties..."


It was late, he was getting ready to close up for the night, and the pub was mostly empty. All of a sudden, about 20 people dressed in their finest clothes (real tuxedos and ball gowns) came in and sat down. It wasn't formal night.


He stopped mid song. He stared at them, they stared at him. Finally, one of them revealed that they were a ballroom dancing group. They had planned to go dancing, but the dance floor on the ship was far too small, and tied up all night with the pop-music band.


He thought for a moment... "I know a waltz or two..."


They jumped up. The bar was far too small, so they took over most of the Promenade outside the bar.


He played "Tenessee Waltz", and they waltzed in the hallway. He played a few more songs, and they danced away, spreading through the hallway like some flock of black and white birds.


The rest of us could do little more than sit and stare in amazement.


He left the ship mid-cruise, and I felt bad for the kid who replaced him. No matter how good the new guy was, he just couldn't fill the first performer's shoes.

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It was late, he was getting ready to close up for the night, and the pub was mostly empty. All of a sudden, about 20 people dressed in their finest clothes (real tuxedos and ball gowns) came in and sat down. It wasn't formal night.


He stopped mid song. He stared at them, they stared at him. Finally, one of them revealed that they were a ballroom dancing group. They had planned to go dancing, but the dance floor on the ship was far too small, and tied up all night with the pop-music band.


He thought for a moment... "I know a waltz or two..."


They jumped up. The bar was far too small, so they took over most of the Promenade outside the bar.


He played "Tenessee Waltz", and they waltzed in the hallway. He played a few more songs, and they danced away, spreading through the hallway like some flock of black and white birds.


The rest of us could do little more than sit and stare in amazement.


He left the ship mid-cruise, and I felt bad for the kid who replaced him. No matter how good the new guy was, he just couldn't fill the first performer's shoes.

Now that would be something to see! Did they all just fade away as the last song ended? Never been on one of the RCL ships that have the inside Promenade but have thought about it, now you got me thinking penguins Waltzing down it!

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Now that would be something to see! Did they all just fade away as the last song ended?!


I seem to recall they came back and had a few drinks...


Never been on one of the RCL ships that have the inside Promenade but have thought about it, now you got me thinking penguins Waltzing down it!


I really like RCL, even if most of my ship time is on Princess. The promenade is one of my favorite features...

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OK, one more, genuinely strange.


Princess ship, leaving Seattle to Alaska. We'd just left Seattle, and the weather was appropriately miserable. Foggy, cold, windy, and a tiny bit of rain.


DW and I are exploring the ship after dinner. So, it's foggy, rainy, windy, and DARK on the deck.


We get up to one of the higher "sports deck" type areas, and I see... something... on a bench near the railing. I also hear... something...


As I get closer, I realize what I'm seeing is three people, women, wearing thick "double stuffed" down coats with hoods drawn over their heads, sitting on the bench. They are sitting side by side, shoulder to shoulder, facing the ocean.


Absolutely motionless.


Not moving in any way.


But they are all talking.


Walking up closer, I can hear that they are all speaking, at the same time, in what sounds like Korean. They are speaking very quietly and rapidly, without stopping. Without pausing. Not talking WITH each other, but all just talking.


Absolutely motionless. In the dark. And the fog. And the rain.


I don't know if they were chanting or praying, or who they were praying to, but if this was a horror movie, THIS would be the moment when they turned around with blood on their muzzles and the captain's body at their feet.


My wife and I left VERY quietly.

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I seem to recall they came back and had a few drinks...


Wonderful but I can just imagine some fog machine, lighting and them fading away as he finishes... now that would have been something!


I really like RCL, even if most of my ship time is on Princess. The promenade is one of my favorite features...


We've enjoyed RCL but on/before this class. I generally do Celebrity if doing the RCL brand now but might really have to check out one of the ships. Is it just the "Oasis" type that have them?


BTW your last post, gotta agree the hairs on the back of my neck started standing straight up! Must have been some sort of chant, maybe to "beloved ones" that have gone before them?

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We've enjoyed RCL but on/before this class. I generally do Celebrity if doing the RCL brand now but might really have to check out one of the ships. Is it just the "Oasis" type that have them?


BTW your last post, gotta agree the hairs on the back of my neck started standing straight up! Must have been some sort of chant, maybe to "beloved ones" that have gone before them?


The Oasis ships have a massive "central park" that takes the promenade concept to its logical absurdity.


What I'm talking about is more like a long, tall hallway where most of the bars can be found... The RCL ship I was on was... The Mariner. Much smaller than Oasis.

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The Oasis ships have a massive "central park" that takes the promenade concept to its logical absurdity.


What I'm talking about is more like a long, tall hallway where most of the bars can be found... The RCL ship I was on was... The Mariner. Much smaller than Oasis.

Thanks! The Mariner might be more to the liking, love the "smaller" ships.

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  • 1 month later...

Strictly speaking, this wasn't on a cruise ship itself but something I saw in the sea while on the deck of Serenade of the Seas while the ship was docked in Helsinki, Finland.


A hot tub on a military patrol craft. Serious.



After I came home, did some googling, and found the webpage of Vartiovene 55 - Warship with luxury.


We were on a 7N Baltic Seas cruise out of Copenhagen Denmark, sailing to Stockholm (Sweden), Tallinn (Estonia), St Petersburg (Russia) and Helsinki (Finland). Our sailing was late May 2016. We stayed in a gorgeous Family Oceanview cabin 1054 and had a wonderful time. Follow my cruise critic review - http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2367291

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  • 1 month later...

I have been reading for days so here are a couple of mine.


On the Sovereign of the Seas I was walking down the top deck that has suites as a shortcut to the other end of the ship. I noticed all the room had the doors propped open and children and women playing around. The entire length of the ship. Turned out a sheik has the whole floor for his wives and children for the week.


In April 2014 I was taking a transatlantic cruise to Europe on the Celebrity Reflection. I hooked up with a group of about 20 to take a tour for the day in Barcelona Spain. My wife and I was seated at the back of a 20 passenger bus with another couple on their honeymoon. The man was a big guy. Anyway we go to Montserrt and I get to know the guy pretty well.

The tours second stop is the La Sangrada Familia Cathedral. We have to park about 2 blocks from the church and walk. John and I are in the back of the group walking to the church when what appears but a gypsy between us begging for money. We both ignore her and she leaves. We we get to the second block she reappears and is going back and forth between me and John begging. We ignore her and keep walking. She is on my left side and turns around and starts walking backwards. I feel two fingers from her left hand go into my left pocket. ( didn't have anything in their but her two fingers). Anyway I reach in my pocket with my left hand and come out with her two fingers and I don't let go. Now she is in deep trouble and she knows it. I can tell she doesn't speak english but I look at her and say no no those are my fingers now and give them a squeeze. She goes down and I loosen a little. A waiter on the street as has seen whats happening and comes over and starts cussing the girl out in Italian. Now our tour guide ( a 25 yr old girl ) has figured out what is happening and has come and started cussing the girl out also. So I am just standing their holding her fingers and thinking, sould I break them or not. I decide since I am not that kind of guy I won't break them BUT I am gojng to make her question her chosen profession. I then look up and say POLIZIA and she starts crying. No Polizia around so I think I will let her go but she is going to have to put ice on those fingers tonight. I give her one hard last squeeze and let her go. She runs into the street and is met by someone and runs off. I have now become the tour guides hero and a story everyone can tell about their trip to Europe.

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  • 1 month later...

I just came across this today and have been reading for at least 2 hours. I will finish all of them. We were on one of our cruises, not sure which one. We were leaving one of the islands in the Carribean. Along with everyone else waving to the cruise ship next to us. I hear everyone laughing like crazy and pointing not at the upper decks, but at the cabins about mid ship and there is a young lady walking around her cabin. I assume she was getting ready for her evening meal. She was walking around in only her underwear. Never saw anyone dive behind the bed so fast after she was the main attraction.

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