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Swine flu updates from Cruise Critic

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Does anyone know how they are handling rescheduling the cruise if this is what you chose? Is there a time limit to when you have to reschedule?


Looks like you have to wait until tomorrow:


In the unlikely event that our new itinerary options are not to your clients liking, we will give them the opportunity to reschedule their cruise at a later date. Those details will also be made available tomorrow.

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We should be doing a better job at airports and border crossings. This passive response we are undertaking is a joke. Not enough screening is taking place. Other countries are screening passengers better than the US using thermal screening, etc. Containment at this point is impossible. Up to 64 confirmed cases in US now. I wish this wasn't the tip of the iceberg. Sorry..that's a really bad word to use in a cruise forum.

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Looks like you have to wait until tomorrow:


In the unlikely event that our new itinerary options are not to your clients liking, we will give them the opportunity to reschedule their cruise at a later date. Those details will also be made available tomorrow.


My question is:


If we have/choose to reschedule, will we owe the difference in fares if the cruise we reschedule to has a higher rate? I chose my May 11 sailing because it was the last cruise of the "off-peak" season and the fares were more affordable.

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My question is:


If we have/choose to reschedule, will we owe the difference in fares if the cruise we reschedule to has a higher rate? I chose my May 11 sailing because it was the last cruise of the "off-peak" season and the fares were more affordable.


Time will tell. I would think more info will be coming out tomorrow.

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Now, if only Princess would follow suit with what Carnival is doing. It apears as if our cruise for this Sat on Sapphire Princess may very well be going to Catalina/San Diego/Ensenada, or perhaps to SF - won't know until they tell us.


What bothers me is the amount of money we paid for our cruise - and if they re-route us to the ports above, well, we could have booked a cruise to those ports for about 1/4 of the cost per person....so if they don't let us cancel/reschedule, I think that they need to do some price adjustments, give OBC, something to compensate for the difference in prices comparatively.


I would be much happier with 7 days at sea, as long as we are going somewhere WARM, rather than go to SD/Catalina/SF....simply for the fact that living in So Cal and Nor Cal for as many years as I did - there is NO way I would ever book a cruise to any of those ports....especially at the prices that we booked this cruise at....


I would hope that Princess gets smart, and does what Carnival is doing, by letting the passengers affected by the changes reschedule/cancel the cruise within 24 hours of notification of the itinerary changes. If they do that, we have already found flights/hotel rooms in Maui for the week for LESS than we paid for the cruise, so we could change the vacation completely


just my 2 cents...

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We actually chose this cruise more for the extra sea day than any of the actual ports so I'm not too bummed about not going to Cozumel. Now here's your glass half FULL point of view. If you miss out on the Mexican ports this time around, it gives you a reason to cruise again. :p


It looks as if it'll be an extra day at sea for us, which would be 3 days at sea after Grand Caymen unless they make a stop at Key West. We actually used to live in Fort Lauderdale and loved going to Key West, but haven't been in years so that'd be cool too.


Either works for us, just give me my balcony view and I'll be happy. :D

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My question is:


If we have/choose to reschedule, will we owe the difference in fares if the cruise we reschedule to has a higher rate? I chose my May 11 sailing because it was the last cruise of the "off-peak" season and the fares were more affordable.

I honestly think they will just give us the same cruise (ship, itinerary, room grade, ect) at a later date. I think having to deal with price differences and such would be way too much trouble. That is just speculation! My question is....will they give us a time limit to when we have to reschedule by?

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I honestly think they will just give us the same cruise (ship, itinerary, room grade, ect) at a later date. I think having to deal with price differences and such would be way too much trouble. That is just speculation! My question is....will they give us a time limit to when we have to reschedule by?


that if they change your itinerary before your scheduled departure, Carnival is supposed to alert you as to the change in your ports and give you 24 hours to decide what to do.


I did see earlier that you could cancel without penalty but have also seen in the most recent update that you could change your reservation without penalty so not sure which it'll be.


From many past posts, you would have to pay the difference from what you currently paid to the going rate for a different cruise. If it so happens that you choose the same ship, itinerary etc but for a later departure date. You may be lucky enough to have it come out the same price wise, but I wouldn't count on that.

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Well our cruise was all Mexican Riviera and they changed the ports to San Fran, Seattle and Victoria. No thanks, we already live in the Northwest. Looking for something else now and we only have one date we can go on due to work vacation schedules.

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Well our cruise was all Mexican Riviera and they changed the ports to San Fran, Seattle and Victoria. No thanks, we already live in the Northwest. Looking for something else now and we only have one date we can go on due to work vacation schedules.



Sorry for you CrusinAgain, I'd be looking to cancel if I was looking at your new itnerary. With mine, I'll still be in the warm sun of the Caribbean. I love the sea days etc, but not when its sailing into cold climates.


Good luck.

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I realize I am in the minority but I commend the Cruiselines for taking the action they have. I realize we have 36K deaths per year from Flu. This one is different guys. This is the very start of this "novel" virus. There is just not enough info to know what it will do. Last Saturday we had 1 country with a few deaths and 2 States with 6 cases. Today we have 159 deaths and cases in 6 countries and 9 States in the US with confirmed 40 cases. I expect cases, hospitalizations, and, sadly, deaths to possibly accelerate.. The reason the healthy immune systems are being affected the hardest is due to what is known as a cytokine storm where the immune cells basically "flood" the body and cause severe damage. I don't expect this to be over very soon and I am not the panicky type. I love cruising as much as anyone but the last place I would want to be now is on a floating petri dish. I do wish anyone on their cruise nothing but a happy safe trip. I would hope this pending crisis is stopped sooner than later but it is just too early to tell.


Cruise ships are a floating petri dish. SO..in my mind, canceling Mexico from the cruise is just to cover the cruise line's butt. With that virus uncontained, it doesn't matter where it stops. There are cases of it here in the US and if someone gets on the ship with it, it's going to spread whether the ship stops in Cozumel or not.

THAT being said, if I were CCL, I'd be doing just what they are doing...only because we live in such a litigious society.


I know that I certainly don't have a crystal ball and know the future, but unlike those who think this will get worse, my feeling is that this will disappear as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared.

I also thinhk we're going to see a lot more mysterious virus/bacterias because I firmly believe people's abuse of antibiotics and antibacterials has caused all these little life forms to morph.


My heart goes out to everyone who was counting on visiting Mexico on their cruises. I hope that in a couple weeks things will be back to normal and this will seem like a bad dream. I just missed all this mess...I cruised the Riviera last month. I can imagine the disappointment you all must feel. :(

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First US death reported is that of a 23 month old child in Texas.


One death - that should be enough to impact world markets! :rolleyes:


No less tragic than deaths elsewhere (or from "regular" flu deaths) but I know how the media eats things like this up...


btw - I jumped straight to the last page. I am guilty of not being officially caught up on this thread. :eek:



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btw - I jumped straight to the last page. I am guilty of not being officially caught up on this thread. :eek:




don't bother reading the entire thing...in this case, it's like a soap opera, just read a little at the end and you're all caught up.

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First post, First Cruise, First Pandemic Scare :rolleyes:


Fantasy, May 11th Progresso & Cozumel.


I feel bad because I am probably one of the few that chose a cruise for my wife and I solely on the port and days that I had available. I hated that it was Mexico, did my honeymoon in Cozumel many years ago, but this trip was about the Cruise experience so the destination didn't matter.


Now I am a bit torn because I would rather go anywhere I have never been than Mexico again. I couldn't care less about the Flu scare. However, for all those people that have their hearts set on the destination more than the cruise, I am pulling for you that it doesn't get changed.


Hopefully we will know something sooner rather than later. I do not think this is all going to blow over in a week though, so if I was betting, like I will be at the Holdem Tables :), I would guess we will be going to Key West.


Will probably be on these boards alot over the next few weeks. Glad I found this place.


No, you are not alone. I chose our cruise (30th anniversary- vow renewal- BIG deal!) based on the port......

I don't care where we go, but hope we do get to stop SOMEWHERE. It is DH's first cruise and he was not all that wild about going in the first place....

I guess we will see.

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First US death reported is that of a 23 month old child in Texas.


I know I just read that also. How terribly sad. I truly feel for the family and my heart goes out to them.


We leave in 26 days out of Galveston. Now that the "mild" cases have caused a death in Texas, it makes you wonder will they close down Texas too. Just wondering. I personally have never been on a cruise and would enjoy the port days.


I personally am not that worried about getting the flu from a beach in Mexico. I am a nurse and have dealt with may flu seasons. I never take the flu shot and haven't gotten the flu in many, many years. You have to take your infection control precautions. One of these is avoiding crowds. So the actual cruise would be more likely to give you the flu than the beaches. Also, Tamiflu which has been given frequently over the past couple of years works on this strain. I would be more concered if they had nothing that works.


That being said, I am a lurker around here and do realize that some posters get beat up in here. (Which by the way is uncalled for!) It should be a person's personal decision on what they feel is best for them and their family and they should not get beaten up for voicing that concern or decision. I do realize that this is a new strain and that the CDC and WHO are concered. I can read all of the news the same as everyone else. Just like with any disease process, you have to be educated and proactive in your care. Be aware of what you need to do to prevent it and know the symptoms to look for. If you do start showing symptoms, seek appropriate medical care. Maybe the cruise ships will have Tamiflu or Relenza on board to pass out to those presenting to the infirmiary. Whatever anybody decides, I hope you have a wonderful time. I personally am on a wait and see option. If it gets too bad, I'll probably get my vacation cancelled and be required to work anyway.:mad:

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This doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, so wonder if my cruise on the 11th will change to nassau...


You are right - this is not something that will disappear quickly - it has not peaked yet. There will be many more infected (which we will no doubt hear about via the media ad nauseum) before it's over. But it will pass.


I feel really badly for everybody who chose their cruise because of the ports - we did too - more because it's not exactly balmy here in Southern Cal in November (though it can be at times!) and we want some sunshine and beaches without having to fly to the Caribbean this time (we've done bareboats in the BVI the last four years) -- I'm thinking by November (at least) the ships will be back to their regular itins -- but you never know!

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This doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, so wonder if my cruise on the 11th will change to nassau...


One hopes the hype will die down. This is just the flu, which we have in the US every year. Seems way overblown to me. Do I want to catch it? Of course not. I cant believe Carnival had to bow to the hype and skip ports with no reports cases of the flu. I do understand why they do though. I think the media reaction is over the top.


CNN is confirming the child that died in Houston travelled here from Mexico, isnt a US citizen. Was a case of misdiagnosis and not a American. (they seem to be leaving this out when they say the toddler died in the US, that it wasnt a American). talk about hype!!

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that if they change your itinerary before your scheduled departure, Carnival is supposed to alert you as to the change in your ports and give you 24 hours to decide what to do.


I did see earlier that you could cancel without penalty but have also seen in the most recent update that you could change your reservation without penalty so not sure which it'll be.


From many past posts, you would have to pay the difference from what you currently paid to the going rate for a different cruise. If it so happens that you choose the same ship, itinerary etc but for a later departure date. You may be lucky enough to have it come out the same price wise, but I wouldn't count on that.


The problem is that Carnival is not alerting people to the change in a timely manner where it is giving them 24 hours to decide. People are already on most of the ships that are suposed to go to Mex by 5/4.


I am scheduled for 5/10 and would like to know if they are going to change ports because to be honest, and go ahead and bash away, I would feel better if they did change ports on my cruise. I am traveling with a 2 yo and I also have MS.


To know that Carnival shares concern with their customers for their safety, instead of just pacifying the media, would show me that Carnival is not only interested in the all mighty dollar but the people who spend money over and over again every year to take their cruises.


It would cost very little to change a port, it would cost tens of thousands in advertising to lure new customers that are going to want to come back.


I can spend my vacation money just as easily at an all inclusive caribbean resort.


I would love to be able to go, but would it not be child neglect to take a toddler somewhere that the CDC is warning to stay away from????


Don't give me the, oh theirs lots of diseases you could give your child going over seas line, the CDC is not saying "stay away!" from those countries.


JMO of course.

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One hopes the hype will die down. This is just the flu, which we have in the US every year. Seems way overblown to me. Do I want to catch it? Of course not. I cant believe Carnival had to bow to the hype and skip ports with no reports cases of the flu. I do understand why they do though. I think the media reaction is over the top.


CNN is confirming the child that died in Houston travelled here from Mexico, isnt a US citizen. Was a case of misdiagnosis and not a American. (they seem to be leaving this out when they say the toddler died in the US, that it wasnt a American). talk about hype!!


This is considered a novel flu virus. The reason for caution is that the virus is still mutating and we don't know how it will effect people. Also the child may not have been an American but could still spread the more deadly form of the virus to the States.

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Cruise ships are a floating petri dish. SO..in my mind, canceling Mexico from the cruise is just to cover the cruise line's butt. With that virus uncontained, it doesn't matter where it stops. There are cases of it here in the US and if someone gets on the ship with it, it's going to spread whether the ship stops in Cozumel or not.

THAT being said, if I were CCL, I'd be doing just what they are doing...only because we live in such a litigious society.


I know that I certainly don't have a crystal ball and know the future, but unlike those who think this will get worse, my feeling is that this will disappear as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared.

I also thinhk we're going to see a lot more mysterious virus/bacterias because I firmly believe people's abuse of antibiotics and antibacterials has caused all these little life forms to morph.


My heart goes out to everyone who was counting on visiting Mexico on their cruises. I hope that in a couple weeks things will be back to normal and this will seem like a bad dream. I just missed all this mess...I cruised the Riviera last month. I can imagine the disappointment you all must feel. :(


You make some very good points. It's nice to see rational thinking. Like you, I hope this thing fades away quickly and folks can get on with their lives. The "what if" in me tells me that if this thing gets out of hand (Some would say it already has) you could see DHS banning cruises in and out of any US port for a period of time. This thing is the last thing our economy needed!

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