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Not Safe to Fall Asleep on the Glory?


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I wouldn't want any monetary solution. I would want to be put somewhere on the ship where I wasn't subjected to fumes.


I don't know how long they were varnishing on my cruise but we were all sleeping and inhaling these fumes while we slept.


I for one had a massive headache and like I posted earlier in this thread that is exactly what DCL did for us. I would expect CCL to do no less.


I don't believe for a second that every cabin on every deck was occupied. It would be quite unusual for not 1 family to miss the cruise due to unforseen circumstances.




bill i dont want you to think that i dont care that your family had to deal with a bad and surely intoxicating smell i am just confused at the people that want a free cruise out of the ordeal, yes i would have demanded a different room also and im such a hard ass that if the smell was that bad i would have grabed some sheets from my room and made a tent right in front of the pursuers desk and had my wife and kids livinging in it like we were homeless telling everyone who walked by what was happening, i havent seen anyone on these cruise ships big enought to make me move either, maybe our government should make these u.s. companys register in the u.s. and stop hiding behind these foreign countries so when they are liable they can be held liable instead of just ignoring the problem all together like they do,

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bill i dont want you to think that i dont care that your family had to deal with a bad and surely intoxicating smell i am just confused at the people that want a free cruise out of the ordeal, yes i would have demanded a different room also and im such a hard ass that if the smell was that bad i would have grabed some sheets from my room and made a tent right in front of the pursuers desk and had my wife and kids livinging in it like we were homeless telling everyone who walked by what was happening, i havent seen anyone on these cruise ships big enought to make me move either, maybe our government should make these u.s. companys register in the u.s. and stop hiding behind these foreign countries so when they are liable they can be held liable instead of just ignoring the problem all together like they do,



How ridiculous. This is a solution?!

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It's not a solution but a way to get them to deal with you instead of blowing you off likw you are making this stuff up.


In 20 cruises luckily I've only had to deal with the pursers desk twice for complaints.


Once for the terrible fumes and the other for missing luggage. It is very frustrating dealing with CCL's staff.


My luggage went missing and after the ship sailed I went and told them that our luggage hadn't shown up and the steward said all the luggage has been delivered.


The girl at the pursers desk said she couldn't do anything until 7pm and to come back then if it still was MIA.


After I went back at 7pm with no luggage I talked to the same girl so she would have some knowledge of the situation and to my surprise she told me I had not talked to her previously.


Anyway after explaining the whole thing again she said she couldn't help me.


Lucky for us that the purser standing next to her overheard our conversation and said my bags were back in the office.


ON DCL they just smiled and took care of the problem the first time. What a contrast.


So while the OP's statements are hard to believe with his track record I do believe there is some truth in there and some embellishment.



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bill i dont want you to think that i dont care that your family had to deal with a bad and surely intoxicating smell i am just confused at the people that want a free cruise out of the ordeal, yes i would have demanded a different room also and im such a hard ass that if the smell was that bad i would have grabed some sheets from my room and made a tent right in front of the pursuers desk and had my wife and kids livinging in it like we were homeless telling everyone who walked by what was happening, i havent seen anyone on these cruise ships big enought to make me move either, maybe our government should make these u.s. companys register in the u.s. and stop hiding behind these foreign countries so when they are liable they can be held liable instead of just ignoring the problem all together like they do,


The Passenger Vessel Services Act forbids any passenger vessel from being registered as a US Ship unless that ship was built in a US Shipyard and is staffed with US crew. That act was passed by Congress many years ago to PROTECT the US passenger vessel fleet AND the US shipbuilding industry from foreign competition.!!!!!!!!!!


Another in the long, long, long, list of sagacious Congressional decisions!:rolleyes:

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The Passenger Vessel Services Act forbids any passenger vessel from being registered as a US Ship unless that ship was built in a US Shipyard and is staffed with US crew. That act was passed by Congress many years ago to PROTECT the US passenger vessel fleet AND the US shipbuilding industry from foreign competition.!!!!!!!!!!


Another in the long, long, long, list of sagacious Congressional decisions!:rolleyes:


Which makes me think of how well Congress protected the Delta Queen.:(

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I have a greater trust in the cruise lines than I do congress. At least the cruise lines have a commitment, an investment and an interest in making money. All congress does is make problems and spend money.


Who's lined up to buy a green car from government motors?

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If nothing else you gotta love the amazing degrees of opinions here. Very entertaining. But that is why we are mostly here I think, in truth we love the banter.


On the subject- I believe it absolutely did happen to the OP. That said, I also believe about every story the OP has of events in life are full of stories like these- things that do happen but do not get the appropriate level of attention to the OP. So the OP then escalates it in thier own mind and to those around him until the level of attention reaches an appropriate level in thier mind. If it fails to reach that point then the story gets exaggerated until they satisfy thier need. The mind is very powerful and we tend to change the memory to fit what we want it to be- kind of like selective hearing, except it is selective memory. Things like not seeking the medical advice, or comments like these that were made are big indicators, as are the conflicting posts elsewhere:


" I have to sleep with a breathing assist device and my mother takes blood pressure medication. I explained that we are both very susceptible to this hazard and wanted to make sure it was safe." right after this was said "Despite feeling very ill, we decided to proceed ashore and join the tour group we paid for. This tour included some strenuous activities (climbing waterfalls) and when we arrived at the location, we decided that we were not able to participate safely as both of us, as well as the rest of our party, were feeling light headed and not breathing properly"

then the exaggeration sets in with: "I would have called the police the second day and filed an assault charge" and "At least on Friday we did not wake up in gas chambers again." and to start off with "People do not 'fall' off of ships, the jump or are pushed... On the otherhand, there are plenty of ways these folks put us in danger and you trust them at your own risk."

Do these things happen? Sure, how can they not when you are in a mobile city of 2-4,000 people that rarely sets at land. Does CCL take appropriate actions to ensure our safety- with out question. Can breakdowns occur- yes, it does in every business. But to think that complaints/customers are ignored because they are at sea and we can't do anything about it- plain shows your ignorance.

The cliche "there are two sides of a story" absolutely applies to posts like these, but it is good to hear these stories to remind us that cruises are not perfect like so many want them to be.

And yes I did bring enough to share smiley-eatdrink033.gif

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Ok lets say this happened. I assume it did, even though all the back and forth about dates, times ports, rooms, mothers and best of all foul smells.


Lets just say this happened just like the OP said. Not saying it did not but lets examine it.


So he had a bad smell. Chemical Smell. At 8 am or later. In his cabin in port. If he had an excursion scheduled why was he in the room. GO GET OUT> Take on the day. CARPE DIEM. You should be on the deck, and I am sure that is what they were thinking. Not lounging about smartily in the second lowest deck of the ship looking for mermaids out the porthole they call a window, if you even had an outside room. Better in fact they could have been working in the spaces above you on deck three. Fixing or cleaning something in the Galley. Something that effects more than 8 people. That is the total effected isn't it. 8. Seems like they had a maintenance issue and for some reason between 8 am and 8 pm they needed your permission to work. Do you work? Do you need to ask someone if it is ok to work. If for example you paint your house, do you ask your neighbors, the guy down the street? What if he smells your paint, are you going to offer him $120 because he was on his day off and had to smell your paint?


Carnival must maintain the ship. They have a responsiblity to the 4000 people on board, the 2900 that are on vacation and the 1100 or so that work on board to keep you safe, and happy with little drinks and tours and such.


I am so very sorry you were inconvienced. IT SUCKS. What I really want to know, and you have yet to answer is why we should care. If Carnival does nothing, other than what they have offered then good. I do not see that you were so inconvienced or had the vacation ruined by Carnival. To do that it took you and your ? Family ? to worry about it constantly and let it make it bad for you.


Sorry but that is how I see it from here.



I never usually sign in to CC. - it keeps me from yapping off at the mouth to stupid people. You win. I never got to the end of this thread and don't intend to do so. CC can ban me if they wish, and here goes - you are not nice, your coments suck (your words, not mine) You should take that Carnival funnel out of your mouth and use your mouth to be nice and not a "not nice" cruiser.

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I never usually sign in to CC. - it keeps me from yapping off at the mouth to stupid people. You win. I never got to the end of this thread and don't intend to do so. CC can ban me if they wish, and here goes - you are not nice, your coments suck (your words, not mine) You should take that Carnival funnel out of your mouth and use your mouth to be nice and not a "not nice" cruiser.


I understand where you are coming from, but you know when people put threads out there that are over the top, others are going to react in the other extreme. It is not necessarily someone cheerleading. It kinda goes both ways. Some put things out there to just get a reaction, like I believe the OP did.

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bill i dont want you to think that i dont care that your family had to deal with a bad and surely intoxicating smell i am just confused at the people that want a free cruise out of the ordeal, yes i would have demanded a different room also and im such a hard ass that if the smell was that bad i would have grabed some sheets from my room and made a tent right in front of the pursuers desk and had my wife and kids livinging in it like we were homeless telling everyone who walked by what was happening, i havent seen anyone on these cruise ships big enought to make me move either, maybe our government should make these u.s. companys register in the u.s. and stop hiding behind these foreign countries so when they are liable they can be held liable instead of just ignoring the problem all together like they do,



Exactly- they are registered in the Bahamas so they don't have to comply with US employment laws, OSHA regulations and the like. They can do what they want and the customer is supposed to suck it up.

Not only that but when you come here to tell people about what happened you get bashed again by the fanatics who think that if you save all year for a vacation and someone ruins it for you, it's obviously your own fault! :eek:

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Exactly- they are registered in the Bahamas so they don't have to comply with US employment laws, OSHA regulations and the like. They can do what they want and the customer is supposed to suck it up.

Not only that but when you come here to tell people about what happened you get bashed again by the fanatics who think that if you save all year for a vacation and someone ruins it for you, it's obviously your own fault! :eek:


Not exactly, again the P.V.S.A. REQUIRES that in order to be a US registered ship it must be built in a United States shipyard. At the present time the US does not have a shipyard capable of building a mega cruise ship. And it must be crewed by a US crew. Also, ANY ship that calls on an American port is subject to US and USCG health, and safety laws. Also ships are subject to international SOLAS standards. An example; The ships Doctor is required to be there for the CREW, not the passengers!!! And the crews on the foreign registered ships are paid according to Maritime Union scale. It is ONLY the "hotel staff" that are paid small wages supplemented by tips. ALL others are paid the same as they would make on a US registered ship.

No different than a land business, if a customer has a complaint and is dissatisfied with the good will offer from that business, they can complain to the BBB, on line, to the media, or sue. There is no Federal or State agency that can force that business to do more than it wishes.

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Roughly 34 million people cruise each year. Probably as a result of encountering 34 million people each year they can recognize the people out for a free ride.


Cruise lines would not survive if they didn't make the vast majority happy. Nor could they survive if they gave too many free loaders free cruises. They couldn't build more and bigger ships and fill them if they p'o'd too many people.

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I never usually sign in to CC. - it keeps me from yapping off at the mouth to stupid people. You win. I never got to the end of this thread and don't intend to do so. CC can ban me if they wish, and here goes - you are not nice, your coments suck (your words, not mine) You should take that Carnival funnel out of your mouth and use your mouth to be nice and not a "not nice" cruiser.



Please take this as it is intended. I do not know you, do not care. I see what the OP is doing as a blatent attempt to extort more than the general cruiser would receive in the same situation. Specifically he is using his sad story :( to attempt to extract some sort of revenge from Carnival's perceived actions or inaction. When this happens in a public forum, I do not think I am being nice or not nice when I point out what I perceive as the truth.


Many others have said the same thing, I just have chosen to do so in a way that specifically addresses those issues in particular.


I do not see you making personal attacks against them, or making general irrational statements against them. Sorry. Again this is just the way I see it. YMMV.


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Simply make/replace ventilation grids -and everything nearby-

out of durable white plastics that never require painting (-ever!).



Surely ship designers need lighter-weight stuff up high, where air-vents usually are?

Keep the heavy,rusty steel bits for lower down, huh? :cool:

Mr.Farcus, are you hearing me?

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I just read this and wanted to say we were on Glory 9-27-08 and had a similiar occurance. Our stateroom became filled with a very strong odor that smelled like paint thinner or remover. We called and were told they were doing some sort of work and would make sure the area became better ventilated or stop the work. Dispite their promises the smell returned the next day as strong as before. We called but I dont remember what they said this time. Being an interior cabin we couldnt escape it so we spent the day on deck to avoid it.


I just wanted to tell my story and say that I do believe this could occur as the poster stated. I got a headache from the odor, it was VERY strong. We didn't ever file a official complaint or anything so I dont know how Carnival would have handled it.

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Not exactly, again the P.V.S.A. REQUIRES that in order to be a US registered ship it must be built in a United States shipyard. At the present time the US does not have a shipyard capable of building a mega cruise ship. And it must be crewed by a US crew. Also, ANY ship that calls on an American port is subject to US and USCG health, and safety laws. Also ships are subject to international SOLAS standards. An example; The ships Doctor is required to be there for the CREW, not the passengers!!! And the crews on the foreign registered ships are paid according to Maritime Union scale. It is ONLY the "hotel staff" that are paid small wages supplemented by tips. ALL others are paid the same as they would make on a US registered ship.

No different than a land business, if a customer has a complaint and is dissatisfied with the good will offer from that business, they can complain to the BBB, on line, to the media, or sue. There is no Federal or State agency that can force that business to do more than it wishes.


Norwegian Cruise line has the Pride of America and the Pride of Aloha, both US regd and both built in Germany..

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Norwegian Cruise line has the Pride of America and the Pride of Aloha, both US regd and both built in Germany..


They made a deal with Congress. They had to buy 2 unfinished hulls from a bankrupt Mississippi shipyard and the laid up ocean liner, SS United States in Philadelphia. Since there was NO US yard that could finish the ships, they were allowed to tow one hull with the other hull in pieces inside to Europe to be completed. And they have to crew them with Americans to cruise in Hawaiian waters. I believe they moved one of the ships out of Hawaii and lost its US registry. Very likely the same fate awaits the other. No profits, no casino allowed, and POOR service and high employee turnover. IF they do restore the SS United States, [i'd rate the chances of it being restored at well above 1 in a million] they will be allowed to do the exterior work in the US, then tow it to Europe to have the interior completely redesigned and done.

That PVS Act [commonly miscalled the "Jones Act"] also says that if a US built and registered ship is ever re-registered in a foreign country, it can never again be registered as a US ship. If that were ever to actually come up, I'm sure that a waiver would be granted. [for CASH and consideration, of course!]

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NCL finished the two hulls and christened them as Pride of America and Pride of Hawaii.


Not sure what kind of deal they got to get Pride of Aloha rechristened as a US flagged ship, but, it was originally the NCL Sky and is once again the NCL Sky.


NCL had 3 US flagged ships in Hawaii and now are down to one--the Pride of America. The Pride of Aloha has been rechristened the NCL Sky and I think the Pride of Hawaii has been rechristened the NCL Jade? None were actually built in US shipyards. For a while they were staffed by 100% American crew and staff.


Cruise lines cannot pay American citizens US salaries and still sell cruises at attractive rates. So, no matter what people say about wanting higher pay and US laws protecting the crew, not enough are ready to put their money where their mouth is.

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I wouldn't want any monetary solution. I would want to be put somewhere on the ship where I wasn't subjected to fumes.


I don't know how long they were varnishing on my cruise but we were all sleeping and inhaling these fumes while we slept.


I for one had a massive headache and like I posted earlier in this thread that is exactly what DCL did for us. I would expect CCL to do no less.


I don't believe for a second that every cabin on every deck was occupied. It would be quite unusual for not 1 family to miss the cruise due to unforseen circumstances.




I have a friend who is a PVP and she tells me that all the cruise lines like to try and overbook the cruises just so they are full. She said that they will average about 5 - 7 cabins that someone who has booked them do not show up. I know when I was on the Pride last October, they had no empty rooms, they were full. So when the ships are full and there are no cabins to move for you to move to, what are the cruise lines to do, I would say stop the varnishing or painting until they get to dry dock or something, or even just don't rent those rooms out for that cruise.

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I have a friend who is a PVP and she tells me that all the cruise lines like to try and overbook the cruises just so they are full. She said that they will average about 5 - 7 cabins that someone who has booked them do not show up. I know when I was on the Pride last October, they had no empty rooms, they were full. So when the ships are full and there are no cabins to move for you to move to, what are the cruise lines to do, I would say stop the varnishing or painting until they get to dry dock or something, or even just don't rent those rooms out for that cruise.


I'm good with your solution to stop the varnishing. To tell the OP you are sorry and will make sure it doesn't happen again and then the next couple days it keeps happening is counterproductive.



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NCL finished the two hulls and christened them as Pride of America and Pride of Hawaii.


Not sure what kind of deal they got to get Pride of Aloha rechristened as a US flagged ship, but, it was originally the NCL Sky and is once again the NCL Sky.


NCL had 3 US flagged ships in Hawaii and now are down to one--the Pride of America. The Pride of Aloha has been rechristened the NCL Sky and I think the Pride of Hawaii has been rechristened the NCL Jade? None were actually built in US shipyards. For a while they were staffed by 100% American crew and staff.


Cruise lines cannot pay American citizens US salaries and still sell cruises at attractive rates. So, no matter what people say about wanting higher pay and US laws protecting the crew, not enough are ready to put their money where their mouth is.


What happened was that the Pride of America was under construction and due to launch (don't remember when exactly). But there was a storm or storm surge that swamped the unfinished ship and left her listing. Because this caused the PoAm to be so far behind schedule (and I think they weren't sure how much could be salvaged, but I can't recall), NCL was allowed to rechristen the Sky as NCLA Pride of Aloha to fill the gap until PoAm could be finished and PoH could be built.


Correct, NCLA PoH was rechristened NCL Jade in 2007 (as I recall).



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I've sailed on the Ecstacy two times and it never caught on fire when I was aboard.:eek:



I'm sure this must have been your attempt at humor. I've only sailed the Ecstacy once (Feb. 2009) and it DID have a fire on the last evening - distubing and unsettling for sure. The cruise and crew were great, but the communication during and after the fire did not live up to Carnival's normal high standard. So, I have no problem believing the OP's experience from the ship's staff. It seems that Carnival does well, except at times when unique situations occur. For the record, have sailed the Conquest 3 times with 4th scheduled for Nov. 2009 and nothing but a fantastic vacation each time.

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