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Why do we HAVE to use porters?

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Just a question....When we were on Legend out of Tampa (Feb. '09), we were not allowed to bring our own luggage into the terminal. AND the porter did wait for a tip to bring it in, my husband and I fumbled to find some dollar bills - definately didn't feel he deserved a $10 or $20 bill to walk 10 feet. Is it a security thing??:( I do remember wheeling it in on previous cruises.

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Because the scanner in the terminal is the same size as what you find in the airport. Only carry-on size bags can fit through it. Suitcases have to be "checked" per say.


Also, the waiting rooms can get pretty packed around 10:30-11:00. If everyone had all their luggage, it would be a mess.


Not to mention....the rooms are not open until a certain time. Can you imagine everyone with all their luggage on the ship? The elevators would be even more impossible to navigate.

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How much luggage did you have???? $1-2 per bag is sufficient!

They don't want everyone lugging their stuff onto the ship--it creates grid-lock and tripping dangers for all passengers. Many time, the cabins aren't ready for you and what would everyone do with their bags?

If you have "carry-on" sized bags, then of course you may carry them on...but larger suitcases (and larger quantities of bags) do go through a security scan for explosives and such.

You tipped too much!

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How much luggage did you have???? $1-2 per bag is sufficient!

They don't want everyone lugging their stuff onto the ship--it creates grid-lock and tripping dangers for all passengers. Many time, the cabins aren't ready for you and what would everyone do with their bags?

If you have "carry-on" sized bags, then of course you may carry them on...but larger suitcases (and larger quantities of bags) do go through a security scan for explosives and such.

You tipped too much!



I don't think the OP tipped that much but was struggling to find singles because they didn't want to tip larger amounts.

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Sorry--didn't read it carefully enough!

Saw the $10-20 and freaked!


And, the porters only get the bags TO the ship---they aren't the ones who deliver to your cabin, so a larger tip won't get it there any faster!

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Just a question....When we were on Legend out of Tampa (Feb. '09), we were not allowed to bring our own luggage into the terminal. AND the porter did wait for a tip to bring it in, my husband and I fumbled to find some dollar bills - definately didn't feel he deserved a $10 or $20 bill to walk 10 feet. Is it a security thing??:( I do remember wheeling it in on previous cruises.



Because someone needs to pick your luggage up, move it one foot and put it on the carriage. Certainly worth a tip. ;)

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Cant we just put our own cases on the carriage?


We always get told, dont let strangers touch your bags or dont leave them unattended, so why should be give them to people who are not employed by Royal Caribbean?


If a porter planted something in your bag where would you stand?

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We have always brought it right over to the luggage racks and then left them within inches of the racks and they still put their hand out for the tip. It feels like a shakedown for sure. I could understand if they were right there by the van when we get the luggage off the van but we bring them to the porters. We still tip, but last time he actually told us what we gave him was not enough. I think we gave him $2 and had a small garment bag and 2 suitcases.My husband actually loaded one of the bags before he told us no need to.... He asked us for more money. We gave it just to not have to start our worrying. I am sure our luggage would have arrived, but in the back of everyones minds we all think no tip no luggage, so we gave more. I thought it was disgusting to say the least.

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Cant we just put our own cases on the carriage?


We always get told, dont let strangers touch your bags or dont leave them unattended, so why should be give them to people who are not employed by Royal Caribbean?


If a porter planted something in your bag where would you stand?


they will not let you put you bag on yourself, there are union rules here. While they may not be employed by RCCL they are employed by the port. If you don't want anyone touching your bag then only bring a carry on that you can fit through the scanner, problem solved. As far as planting something, LOCK your bags then it is not an issue.

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Didn't tip $10-$20 :o-- had to hunt through wallets, pockets, etc. to find around $4. Had tipped the taxi driver and "used" up most smaller bills.


I didn't want to "board" with my bigger luggage, just wanted to wheel it the few feet into the "shed" and drop it off. I remember doing this in the past (when we were not in a large group). Just wondered if it was a "security" thing that we were no longer allowed in the "luggage area" of the terminal.:confused: Has it gone from a "you can use" to a "you MUST use"???


Don't have to use a porter at the airport. Wheel our own luggage in and turn it over.:)

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they will not let you put you bag on yourself, there are union rules here. While they may not be employed by RCCL they are employed by the port. If you don't want anyone touching your bag then only bring a carry on that you can fit through the scanner, problem solved. As far as planting something, LOCK your bags then it is not an issue.


Maybe where you live this is true, but not in Galveston. You don't have to use the porters even if you are checking the bags. Easier to let the porters handle them especially if unloading from an auto, but you can take them yourself to drop off point if you wish. I've done it many times.

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I would bring just carry on but its hard when you are travelling with kids to keep luggage at a minimum. I always lock my bags but if someone wants into your bag you cant stop them.


I think its greedy when there is signs saying dont tip but they still ask for tips.


they will not let you put you bag on yourself, there are union rules here. While they may not be employed by RCCL they are employed by the port. If you don't want anyone touching your bag then only bring a carry on that you can fit through the scanner, problem solved. As far as planting something, LOCK your bags then it is not an issue.
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When I leave on vacation, one of the most important things I make sure I have with me, and within easy reach, is a clip of $1 bills. I am aware (and as a single 55+ woman - truly hope) that there will be many people along the way who will be assisting me, and who work for tips (or supplemental tips). I make it a point to have a couple of bucks pulled out to hand to anyone whom I ask for assistance before I ask them a thing. This method works like a charm for me, for sure. I find myself in upgraded situations and receiving my luggage quickly far more often than general chance would warrant. I just consider it as a part of the cost of my vacation - and, I would add, the part that seems to give me the most bang for the buck! One of my last stops before I leave for vacation is the bank (or, I have gone to a grocery store) to get a clip of "singles" ($1's).

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When I leave on vacation, one of the most important things I make sure I have with me, and within easy reach, is a clip of $1 bills. I am aware (and as a single 55+ woman - truly hope) that there will be many people along the way who will be assisting me, and who work for tips (or supplemental tips). I make it a point to have a couple of bucks pulled out to hand to anyone whom I ask for assistance before I ask them a thing. This method works like a charm for me, for sure. I find myself in upgraded situations and receiving my luggage quickly far more often than general chance would warrant. I just consider it as a part of the cost of my vacation - and, I would add, the part that seems to give me the most bang for the buck! One of my last stops before I leave for vacation is the bank (or, I have gone to a grocery store) to get a clip of "singles" ($1's).


You make a lot of sense.

Whichever country I am visiting I ALWAYS ensure plenty of low denomination currency for exactly the reasons stated, also, I agree with you tipping is an integral part of the holiday, and not necessarily restricted to the obvious, the way I see it, I want to be pleasant to everybody and hjope that they are pleasant to me.

My holiday in October (Cruise + laandstay + Flights) will cost me the best part of $4500 - $5000 minimum, so the way I see it, a $100 in $1 bills to make mine, my wife and everyone along the way who assists me a little bit happy is a small price to pay.

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What I wanted to add was that, porter-wise, what happened to me on one cruise was that after I handed off my singles and my bags (in that order!) to the porter, and proceeded to the terminal, I realized that my passport was still back in one of those bags! I ran back to the porter (seems like the money-up-front thing also results in our remembering each other better) who retrieved my bag in short order, even though it was by now several layers covered with other bags, and soon I had passport back in hand.


Again, for me, it's just a couple of bucks, and money well spent.

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This is one of those travel issues that we have just learned to deal with over the years. Before leaving home I make sure my husband has enough singles in his pocket to cover incidental tips. I also carry a few in my pocket or easy access area of my purse just in case DH isn't available at a particular moment in time. We learned the hard way after going through a couple of incidents such as the OP, searching for small bills and ending up handing over far too generous tips for the job.


We also resent the fact that we can't just carry our bags over to the bin, when we check bags in at the airport we are able to turn them over ourselves with no one being tipped :rolleyes: We realize the porters are not being paid a minimum wage and that they are raking in a good deal of extra income by way of tips from cruisers. But all that is not a good reason to hang onto resentment or anger us to the point of reducing our enjoyment of going on a cruise. We merely hand them a couple $ and go get on the ship.


Since we pack lighter than many people, on the way out we are able to breeze right by the porters and handle our bags by ourselves ;) We're working on packing light enough so we only have carry ons :)

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My least favorite scam is the "taxi dispatcher" who does nothing but points to a taxi sitting 6 feet away and then forcibly takes your luggage to load in the trunk. It take twice as long to get your luggage loaded this way, I already was planning to tip the taxi driver who also wants to help.


On the last return from cruise, I put my foot down and just wouldn't let go of my luggage, and body blocked the scamster to keep him away from my wife's luggage. He finally got the message to leave me alone. Of course, he still chased after the taxi saying, "Nothing for me? Nothing for me?".

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You got it, garyorient. I don't have a $5 Grand budget, but that's about right per person. I can snag a bargain with the best of them, but a vacation is going to work out to about $1 G PP for a week, although I have gotten that figure down to about $800. I agree with the $100 in $1's - and best case scenario, I get a pack of uncirculated $1's. Even though I have to be careful about them sticking together (I call them "cripsy critters"), that stack allows me to peel off from the bottom, and with the bills in numerical sequential order, I then know by looking at my last bill number how many I have remaining. Also the uncirculated clip takes up less room, being thinner. I appreciate your agreeing with my method!

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My least favorite scam is the "taxi dispatcher" who does nothing but points to a taxi sitting 6 feet away and then forcibly takes your luggage to load in the trunk. It take twice as long to get your luggage loaded this way, I already was planning to tip the taxi driver who also wants to help.


On the last return from cruise, I put my foot down and just wouldn't let go of my luggage, and body blocked the scamster to keep him away from my wife's luggage. He finally got the message to leave me alone. Of course, he still chased after the taxi saying, "Nothing for me? Nothing for me?".


OMG! My experience upon disembarkation is that again, by tipping a porter up front to retrieve my bags, I receive helpful suggestions, have someone to wrestle with the bags, I get directed quickly through the customs line, then the porter takes me directly to a taxi. No "taxi dispatcher" to body block (he would just knock me over, probably!) because at this point I am dealing only with the porter. I keep back at least $5 for this part of the vacation, or more usually $10 if I possibly can. (I am a confirmed overpacker and souvenir hound/"sale" shopper so by the time I leave I've got way too many bags!)


I agree that even when confronted with overly agressive situations, it is far easier to toss a couple bucks their way than to struggle with unpleasantness and negative feelings. It's all about having the "small denominations" easily available.

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I agree that even when confronted with overly agressive situations, it is far easier to toss a couple bucks their way than to struggle with unpleasantness and negative feelings. It's all about having the "small denominations" easily available.

I see now why it is so difficult to get rid of these leeches.


Don't get me wrong .. I have no problem with porters, skycaps, bellmen, etc. who politely say, "Would you like some assistance with your bags?". I usually don't, but when I do, I tip them generously. The particular issue I have is the ones who provide no assistance really, and grab at your luggage without so much as eye contact.

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As you prefer! I would not say that I ever tip "generously." For me, it's "quickly," and before I ask them to assist me. I don't have the funds for "generously!" In my limited travel experience, I find that, as I hand someone a couple of bucks, suddenly they are actually listening to what I have to say!

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I know this will stir the pot and i'm not intending to do that but as someone who works for tips I understand that these people need to feed their family too. Don't be cheap. Tip generously. Don't be cheap, If you can afford to cruise you can help some guys who are usually dripping with sweat. They work hard...


I usually throw them a nice little tip. Just like the skycap guys. I had a college roommate who never tipped skycap and it was funny how in four years we were in college he lost his luggage 3 times from continental. I've flown continental for years and after taking care of the skycap I've never (knock on wood) have had any luggage issues.


No Tip No Luggage

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I know this will stir the pot and i'm not intending to do that but as someone who works for tips I understand that these people need to feed their family too. Don't be cheap. Tip generously. Don't be cheap, If you can afford to cruise you can help some guys who are usually dripping with sweat. They work hard...


I usually throw them a nice little tip. Just like the skycap guys. I had a college roommate who never tipped skycap and it was funny how in four years we were in college he lost his luggage 3 times from continental. I've flown continental for years and after taking care of the skycap I've never (knock on wood) have had any luggage issues.


No Tip No Luggage


Don't tease! What is, in your estimation, a "nice little tip"? I'm just an old single gal, and if, after my week of vacation, my clip of 100 $1's (put back for tips only) is gone, I figure I've done the best I could . . .

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I'm surprised at some of the anger contained in posts complaining about tipping porters a few bucks to take their luggage and make boarding and debarking from your cruise a bit less onerous, and given the amounts that you will pay for your airfare, cruise, and related expenses, to claim that the minimal tip amounts really impact your budget seems a bit disingenuous to say the least. When the airlines are charging upwards of $20 a bag for your luggage, objecting to a $1 or $2 tip to porters or skycaps seems a bit out of proportion to me. Just my opinion and YMMV.:)

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