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Preventing illness on board- hand sanitizing

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Some people just don't get it, do they?


I can wash my hands every 5 minutes of the day, but that does not protect me from OTHERS who never wash.


To use sanitisers/wipes should be compulsory, not as a substitute for washing ones self, but to help protect from OTHERS.



Get off your soapbox. If making something mandatory worked, socialist countries would not have any disease! Soap and hot water is more effective at killing germs than sanitizer or wipes.

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Hand sanitizer dispensers and wipes outside any eating venue is fine.


It's getting people to use them that needs to be addressed. Next time you walk into the WJ or the MDR or anyplace that has these dispensers, take note of how many people ignore them as they walk in.

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Get off your soapbox. If making something mandatory worked, socialist countries would not have any disease! Soap and hot water is more effective at killing germs than sanitizer or wipes.




Some people just don't get it, do they?







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Hand sanitizer dispensers and wipes outside any eating venue is fine.


It's getting people to use them that needs to be addressed. Next time you walk into the WJ or the MDR or anyplace that has these dispensers, take note of how many people ignore them as they walk in.

I agree. If it isn't used, it cant' help. That's where I think Disney has it perfected. They had a Cast Member at the entrance to every venue (including reboarding) and they handed each person a wipe. You had to take it, wash your hands, and throw it away (in front of them) before you could enter. Certainly, I'm sure there were missed people and it doesn't completely guarantee clean hands, but as I posted above, I do think it is a great idea and practice!
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Next time you walk into the WJ or the MDR or anyplace that has these dispensers, take note of how many people ignore them as they walk in.

Perhaps they've fallen for misinformation that someone keeps posting on Cruise Critic.




1) A thorough washing for 20-30 seconds with warm, soapy water is the better way to guard against spreading germs via your hands.


2) If someone cannot do 1 because it isn't convenient, or they are in a hurry, or whatever, then utilizing hand sanitizer is far, far better than doing nothing.

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There are also reasons to be obssessive about NOT useing the sanitizers. The harsh drying chemicals and the residue left behind can lead to psorisis or contact dermatitis. I have had several serious skin infections that my Doctor has traced to my use of sanatizers. The sanatizers lead to cracks in the skin which leave me open to infections. His two pieces of advice to me about cruising were: don't use the sanitizers, and stay out of the hot tubs.
If you have a medical reason to NOT use sanitizers, then you should avoid them completely per your physicians instructions. But, that doesn't mean the rest of the guests shouldn't use sanitizer. In the end, using sanitizer along with diligent hand washing will still help protect everyone from spreading germs, even with a small percentage (such as yourself) exempt.
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Whether it is the perfect cure or not, I use hand sanitizers when presented with them (as well as washing my hands at every opportunity). If someone wants to say I'm stupid/paranoid/uneducated/on my soapbox: fine. But just in case you don't wash your hands after leaving the restroom or picking your nose, I'll feel safer, and there ain't nothin' you can do about it, lol.

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I have lymphedema due to a recent mascetomy. However is this going to keep me from going on my cruise? No way! I will wash my hands and use sanitizer. Plus as an elementary school librarian am always exposed to germs and never get sick! Well, except for the breast cancer and that was not due to germy library books. I am taking a cruise for fun not worry!

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Get off your soapbox. If making something mandatory worked, socialist countries would not have any disease! Soap and hot water is more effective at killing germs than sanitizer or wipes.


Duh,thats what the guy on the soapbox is saying.using them along with hand washing is a non brainer.Socialist argument is a silly one.They need early deaths to stay solvent.They would never make anything healthy mandatory

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So....not entering the pro/con sanitizer fray here, just answering the OP's question. I was on the FOS last week and they had sanitizer dispensers all over the place. They were at the entrance of each dining room level, at the Windjammer Cafe, along the Royal Promenade by the pizza and coffee places, and in many other public areas of the ship. I did see tons of people using them, too.


By the way, while my boyfriend was in one of the public bathrooms washing his hands, he saw a guy come out of a stall with a bowl of food in one hand and a spoon in the other! No word on if he stopped to wash his hands or use sanitizer. Aghhh! LOL

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On DCL, before meals, embarking, entering the kids' clubs, really ANYTHING, they gave you a Hand Sanitizing wipe that was mandatory to use (to help prevent on-board illness). Do they do a similar practice on RCI (specifically FOS)?

Must be something wrong with me, I rarely use sanitzers and rarely get sick, but hey I also avoid sugar overload which also weakens your immune system. I am sorry but I think hand sanitzers are part of the problem, not the solution.

And I do wash my hands!

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There are also reasons to be obssessive about NOT useing the sanitizers. The harsh drying chemicals and the residue left behind can lead to psorisis or contact dermatitis. I have had several serious skin infections that my Doctor has traced to my use of sanatizers. The sanatizers lead to cracks in the skin which leave me open to infections. His two pieces of advice to me about cruising were: don't use the sanitizers, and stay out of the hot tubs.


Totally agree with this post!!


I have extreme exczema and psoriasis and CANNOT use the gel sanitizer!!! I tried to, despite what the doctor told me prior to my first cruise and let me tell you putting that gel on my hands is like pouring pure alcohol over raw flesh-so painful you can't even imagine, made my hands crack & bleed. :( So before you decide someone is intentionally and ignorantly endangering others by bypassing the sanitizer, just give a second thought to the fact that some of us have just been in the washroom carefully scrubbing our hands with soapy water, but will be passing the sanitizer dispenser by on the way to the MDR and the Windjammer for a good reason.


I just wish all the nosy busybodies that see me pass the dispenser would stop with the rude looks and comments, believe me I would rather have no exczema or psoriasis in exchange for agreeing to use the sanitizer! :rolleyes:

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I find this funny because we actually have hand washing inservice at school once a year. I wash my hands probably 40-50 times per day at work, we follow protocol as it is taught to us...over and over.


It's simple, using soap and hot water later your hands until the bubbles get big, rinse and turn off the faucet with the towel you use to dry your hands. Use the same towel to open the door and discard it. Most people do a quick rinse, maybe some soap. How many people open the door with their hands??? Probably lots...then you pick up the germs from the door knob that were left there by someone else.





LOL. I'd love to see the hand washing training video


1. wash hands with soap n hot water

2. leave tap running while you find a paper towel.

3. wipe hands with paper towel

4. turn off tap with used paper towel

5. open door with used paper towel

6. discard paper towel in receptacle

7. damn! the door has closed on you

8. pick up new paper towel to open door

9. ignore funny looks from fellow Pax

10 etc etc :p


I can only hope that RCI ships have automatic taps or taps that can be turned on/off with the back of the hand.


Wouldn't life be a lot simpler and safer if the chair hogging/wife beating/slice-of-pizza-between-meals classes learnt how to behave? Or an I confusing Carnival with RCI? NO NEED TO RESPOND TO THAT!!

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LOL. I'd love to see the hand washing training video


1. wash hands with soap n hot water

2. leave tap running while you find a paper towel.

3. wipe hands with paper towel

4. turn off tap with used paper towel

5. open door with used paper towel

6. discard paper towel in receptacle

7. damn! the door has closed on you

8. pick up new paper towel to open door

9. ignore funny looks from fellow Pax

10 etc etc :p


I can only hope that RCI ships have automatic taps or taps that can be turned on/off with the back of the hand.


Wouldn't life be a lot simpler and safer if the chair hogging/wife beating/slice-of-pizza-between-meals classes learnt how to behave? Or an I confusing Carnival with RCI? NO NEED TO RESPOND TO THAT!!



All ships should have auto faucets.WAWA and Royal Farms do.If my last cruise was any indication RCCL cruisers can take manner lessons from the Carnival Crowd

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Instead of the same boring threads on passengers using hand sanitizers, why don't we mix it up a bit and think about the waiters who clear away everyone's used dishes, then pick up your water glass to fill it, serve your next course, replace your silverware, etc.


What about the 'unused' silverware that I have seen them remove from each place setting and throw it into the silverware bin? Does it get 'reused' without washing? Cause I touch mine when I first sit down.


What about the cooks in the back, are they all sanitizing every so often? Do they leave the line after they wipe the sweat off their face, or do they keep getting those dinners out? What about the person cutting the fruit?


What about little kids? On my last cruise, I was waiting for an omelet when the kids next to me sneezed right on all those things they mix into the omelet. I said 'next time cover your mouth'. Wonder if he did. Maybe we should require adult supervision at all buffet areas.


What about the bartenders who clear away the used drinking glasses, and immediately make new drinks without washing their hands. I wonder if that is really sanitary. The passenger-blaming is dull and I think we need to complain about other sanitary issues.


What about the steward who cleans the bathroom with gloves on, then puts the drinking glasses out: Do they always change gloves in between? What about touching the door handles when they enter your cabin, do they change gloves in between different rooms? I'm just wondering about all this stuff now.


Giving everyone a mandatory squirt of Purell before entering the MDR or WJ gives a false sense of security, yes it does.

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Instead of the same boring threads on passengers using hand sanitizers, why don't we mix it up a bit and think about the waiters who clear away everyone's used dishes, then pick up your water glass to fill it, serve your next course, replace your silverware, etc.


What about the 'unused' silverware that I have seen them remove from each place setting and throw it into the silverware bin? Does it get 'reused' without washing? Cause I touch mine when I first sit down.


What about the cooks in the back, are they all sanitizing every so often? Do they leave the line after they wipe the sweat off their face, or do they keep getting those dinners out? What about the person cutting the fruit?


What about little kids? On my last cruise, I was waiting for an omelet when the kids next to me sneezed right on all those things they mix into the omelet. I said 'next time cover your mouth'. Wonder if he did. Maybe we should require adult supervision at all buffet areas.


What about the bartenders who clear away the used drinking glasses, and immediately make new drinks without washing their hands. I wonder if that is really sanitary. The passenger-blaming is dull and I think we need to complain about other sanitary issues.


What about the steward who cleans the bathroom with gloves on, then puts the drinking glasses out: Do they always change gloves in between? What about touching the door handles when they enter your cabin, do they change gloves in between different rooms? I'm just wondering about all this stuff now.


Giving everyone a mandatory squirt of Purell before entering the MDR or WJ gives a false sense of security, yes it does.



Exactly, or what about the person who does use the sanitizer going into the buffet, then coughs in their hand before reaching for that serving spoon?


Everyone needs to be responsible to THEMSELVES and what they feel necessary. You cannot assume by you taking a wipe you are now 100% germ free.


I understand the hospital, or other similar places needing this level of caution, but on the other hand my daughter works in a research lab and has some differing info. The professors there will NOT use them as their research is showing that they are one of the main causes we have the superbugs that we now do.

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I will be the one you see walking past these sanitizers.


They do nothing to the common virus' you are trying to avoid on the ship, but they WILL kill the good bacteria you DO want on your hands (although people are saying it will work on the Swine Flu).


I am a hand washer, but you don't know that. Seeing a sanitizer out in no way makes me think the "dirty" ones are using it. I've yet to have found myself in a place where soap and water was not available, but a hand sanitizer was.


And the ONLY time I've gotten the norovirus while cruising was on a DCL ship, and luckily I only got "hit" coming off.

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There are also reasons to be obssessive about NOT useing the sanitizers. The harsh drying chemicals and the residue left behind can lead to psorisis or contact dermatitis. I have had several serious skin infections that my Doctor has traced to my use of sanatizers. The sanatizers lead to cracks in the skin which leave me open to infections. His two pieces of advice to me about cruising were: don't use the sanitizers, and stay out of the hot tubs.


I think that using the sanitizers regularly for just a 7 night cruise won't cause this problem. Please don't scare people into not using it!

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So....not entering the pro/con sanitizer fray here, just answering the OP's question. I was on the FOS last week and they had sanitizer dispensers all over the place. They were at the entrance of each dining room level, at the Windjammer Cafe, along the Royal Promenade by the pizza and coffee places, and in many other public areas of the ship. I did see tons of people using them, too.


Thanks for the straight forward answer!

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Be nice. People are just trying to help other people in their own way.


Being nice has nothing to do with this. I am amazed to see the amount of misinformation being spread here about wipes and sanitizers. They are at best a distant second to washing hands with soap and hot water and yet people being it up again and again.

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And then there's this: http://www.examiner.com/x-6785-Wilmington-Wellness-Examiner~y2009m6d10-Contaminated-hand-sanitizer-recalled


And don't criticize the link because it's very googleable.


Thank you.The link did mention the EFFECTIVENESS of Sanitizers and I hope the anti sanitizer zealots will not flame you for it

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