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No Bag tags or Transfer Slips?

Cal Cruiser

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Heather, normally I agree with your point of view but theis time I'm pretty offended by this post. First, like I always say if you are not interested then don't read the thread. It is not mandatory! Second, is this the end of the world....of course not. I'm not "stressed out" about these tags. It's just one more hassle I could do without. My day is filled with how am I going to get everything done I need to in a day...and I just can't keep up with it. Again....I'm out of the house 12 hours a day.......doesn't leave much time for anything else. I'm also trying to hold on to my job through this recession.....not sitting on my money pile at home wondering what to do all day with all my time. So.....I do have much more stress then luggage tags to worry about and it offends me for you to make such a comment.


You're offended? That seems a little strong. I'm sorry ... truly. Because one thing I make a point of doing is not offending a group of people.


I'll be honest. I'm offended by an overload of thread titles bemoaning the fact that instead of receiving a blank tag to attach to your bags they are instead attaching a printed tag very quickly to your bags at the pier. Where is the stress and hassle?


I'm the first one to criticize HAL about a lot of things. But when everyone gets on a tear about something so insignificant then I think it's time for people to wake up and smell the coffee.


I stand by my post and it was meant as no personal offense to anyone. It was a statement, not an attack. Personally I'm thrilled when we can gather the $$$ to go on a cruise and how they handle the bags getting to the cabin is at the bottom of my list of hassles.


As I mentioned, there are at least THREE theads in the last 5 days on this topic alone. At one point yesterday (when I posted) they were all on the front page .... so not very difficult to find. In fact my confusion lay in the fact that I had posted on one explaining how worry-free and easy the process was. So of course I was confused when I couldn't find my post to read the most recent.


So I agree ... we can move on to other posts. But this was a subject I had information on so I thought I would contribute. Getting "stressed" or considering this baggage tag situation a "hassle" is, forgive me, losing all sight of reality. Hassle and stress is some people trying to figure out how they're going to live out the balance of their lives without going on welfare, not worrying about their bags at the pier.


One last thing .... why pick on me? Have you seen all the posts on all 3 threads making fun of the nonsense? So why me? I think I can guess. I'm easy .... they're not.

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I've been going over in my mind the whole arrival at the dock procedure, trying to figure out why people are so upset about having the porter put on bag tags. You drive up, take your luggage out of the car, and give your bags to a porter. Stop right there. Give your bags to a porter! In other words, no one ever just left their bags unattended. You have a porter come over and physically take your luggage whether or not you already have tags on them or not. So the only difference now is that the porter will put a tag on each bag and he will certainly have the tags with him. They always had them in their hand even when tags were mailed to you. You will see him do it. It will take a minute or less. How can this be a hassle of such proportion to invoke all this discussion, or any discussion for that matter?

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. So the only difference now is that the porter will put a tag on each bag and he will certainly have the tags with him. They always had them in their hand even when tags were mailed to you. You will see him do it. It will take a minute or less. How can this be a hassle of such proportion to invoke all this discussion, or any discussion for that matter?



As I have posted previously:


We cruised Maasdam in June from Black Falcon Cruise Terminal in Boston.

We had baggage tags but observed fellow guests who did not.


What Peaches just described is exactly how it was handled.

Porter, WITH BAGGAGE TAGS IN HAND, approached them. Asked how many suitcases they were checking. Read their names off their personal baggage tags on their suitcase or asked their name. Entered cabin number. Accepted the proffered gratuity and wished them a good cruise.


Bingo... that was it! Done, finished, get on your way into the terminal


Could not have taken more than 10 seconds per tag.


Please don't stress about it.

If you don't wish to make your own, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO.


Have a great cruise.

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Indeed, you are as a refreshing oasis of consistency in the parched, sterile marketplace of ideas. More, we all appreciate that your admiration for HAL extends well beyond its crew and personnel. And why not? This is a HAL board after all.





Isn't it good to have a few consistencies in life? :D You can count on me to continue my praise for HAL (assuming they maintain the core of what we love about them.) Thunder would clap and ice would melt the day I no longer eagerly scamper across gangways of blue hulled ships with HAL Officers/crew/staff aboard. :D





Smooth sailing to you...


And smooth sailing to you, as well.

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You're offended? That seems a little strong. I'm sorry ... truly. Because one thing I make a point of doing is not offending a group of people.


I'll be honest. I'm offended by an overload of thread titles bemoaning the fact that instead of receiving a blank tag to attach to your bags they are instead attaching a printed tag very quickly to your bags at the pier. Where is the stress and hassle?


I'm the first one to criticize HAL about a lot of things. But when everyone gets on a tear about something so insignificant then I think it's time for people to wake up and smell the coffee.


I stand by my post and it was meant as no personal offense to anyone. It was a statement, not an attack. Personally I'm thrilled when we can gather the $$$ to go on a cruise and how they handle the bags getting to the cabin is at the bottom of my list of hassles.


As I mentioned, there are at least THREE theads in the last 5 days on this topic alone. At one point yesterday (when I posted) they were all on the front page .... so not very difficult to find. In fact my confusion lay in the fact that I had posted on one explaining how worry-free and easy the process was. So of course I was confused when I couldn't find my post to read the most recent.


So I agree ... we can move on to other posts. But this was a subject I had information on so I thought I would contribute. Getting "stressed" or considering this baggage tag situation a "hassle" is, forgive me, losing all sight of reality. Hassle and stress is some people trying to figure out how they're going to live out the balance of their lives without going on welfare, not worrying about their bags at the pier.


One last thing .... why pick on me? Have you seen all the posts on all 3 threads making fun of the nonsense? So why me? I think I can guess. I'm easy .... they're not.


Heather I completely agree with you...Your post was in no way offensive..


I've been going over in my mind the whole arrival at the dock procedure, trying to figure out why people are so upset about having the porter put on bag tags. You drive up, take your luggage out of the car, and give your bags to a porter. Stop right there. Give your bags to a porter! In other words, no one ever just left their bags unattended. You have a porter come over and physically take your luggage whether or not you already have tags on them or not. So the only difference now is that the porter will put a tag on each bag and he will certainly have the tags with him. They always had them in their hand even when tags were mailed to you. You will see him do it. It will take a minute or less. How can this be a hassle of such proportion to invoke all this discussion, or any discussion for that matter?


Agree with you Peaches..I too, don't understand the aversion to having porters at the pier, put tags on your bags..These men are professionals who have been doing it for years...They know what they are doing...

Has anyone ever had an Airline mail baggage tags to you? Of course not! Yet these same porters at very busy airports (CHI, JFK, MIA, LAX etc) check in passengers for 15 or more flights at one time & place tags on your bags... These men are handling 2,000-3,000 passengers in a matter of a few hours for different flights..

Ships Porters, many of which once worked at Airline terminals, are only handling one ship of 1200 to 1800 passengers & have many more hours to handle your baggage...Your luggage is more likely to get lost on an Arriving Airline than at the pier..


Perhaps I'll be flamed for this, but have to say it!..Some mention they are much too busy working to spend the time downloading their cruise tickets/ baggage tags..

I worked for many years in a very stressful job with an International Airline...Left the house at 7:30 a.m., picked up DH at the RR station, we got home after 8: p.m., & I cooked dinner, helped Son with homework & did laundry & cleaning..DH & I were both on call for emergencies or flight delays...Weekends, were spent visiting my Mom in a Nursing Home & spending time with DH & our Son.. Yes, we were busy, but made the time to prepare for our vacations.. I'm still out of the house most days, & find that I spend more time than I should on this board..My stats indicate I have 1.19 posts per day..That's a lot of time spent on this board!:o

However, several posters stats are double what mine are & they claim they can't find the time to download their cruise documents or tags, which could be put on at the pier..:confused: A statement like that baffles me..


Maybe we should give you the benefit of the doubt, only because many of you may not realize that your cruise documents & Tags can be downloaded & printed simultaneously, while you are chatting with us on Cruise Critic..After setting it up, your printer's memory, automatically takes over & will print your Docs. while you are on-line with all of us "Cruise addicts":)...You don't have to watch your printer..

Why don't you give it a chance, before you knock it!



P.S. Why is it when I edit a post the font changes..(see above) Just deleted one sentence, the size of the font changed from a 3 to a 2..I normally use size 3 font because it's easier to read, but everytimne I edit it auto changes to size 2 font! Drives me bonkers..Boytje if youy are reading this & can you help me again..Thanks BL

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...............Maybe we should give you the benefit of the doubt, only because many of you may not realize that your cruise documents & Tags can be downloaded & printed simultaneously, while you are chatting with us on Cruise Critic..After setting it up, your printer's memory, automatically takes over & will print your Docs. while you are on-line with all of us..................L


An excellent point!!!! Everyone seems to have plenty of time to linger on CC getting all frustrated by a simple procedure, but too busy to print out baggage tags.


But aside from that, look at all the time they'll save by not having to fill out the darned tags!!! No one has to print out tags if you don't want to. That's just a convenience if you feel like doing it.


Put your usual luggage tag on your bags, grab your docs and off you go. They'll tag your bags at the pier!!!!!


Problem solved.:)

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To ask that the threads become merged you should send an e-mail to one of the Hosts:


Try either Walt or Joe..


hostwalt@cruisecritic.com or hostjoe@cruisecritic.com


I agree with you, perhaps this also should become a sticky for a couple of months..




Betty, thanks. I did find this info. in the sticky and contacted Walt to merge these threads... But now there's 3 :eek::eek::eek:, which does kind of blow my mind. I think this issue calls for practical resolutions, which have already been posted on this thread.


I just keep coming back to see what funny photos our funny photo posters have come up with. It just gives me a chuckle at the end of the day! :D

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Actually no one has to make their own luggage tags. The porters have them and it takes about 6 seconds for them to write name and cabin # on them and attach to your bags. Or print them off your computer. If one insists on stewing about it and making their own at home instead of the computer printout, just take a piece of paper, fold it, put name and cabin # on it with a marker and wrap it in clear packing tape, the Scotch kind on a roll you put on pkgs you are mailing. Put a hole in it. That takes about a minute and a half to do. Good grief. Talk about stressing out! :eek:


Hey, Peaches! Thanks for the perfect solution for me. Luggage tags are great, but you have to remember to write your stateroom number on them (I didn't once—the only time I did them in advance). I'm delighted that the online version has my name and cabin number on them in very legible typeset. And I love the clear tape idea for sturdiness (I also am using card stock), and I have a hole punch. I'll make one for SIL, too!


Pipedreams, you've done it again! Great pix!

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Put your usual luggage tag on your bags, grab your docs and off you go. They'll tag your bags at the pier!!!!!


Problem solved.:)

Some posters are worried about "an entire ship-full of passengers filling out bag tags at the pier", causing "chaos and delay." I'm willing to bet that 90% or more of the people show up with the home-printed tags, and the relative few that need to get them at the pier will breeze through! :)
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Some posters are worried about "an entire ship-full of passengers filling out bag tags at the pier", causing "chaos and delay." I'm willing to bet that 90% or more of the people show up with the home-printed tags, and the relative few that need to get them at the pier will breeze through! :)


Then perhaps it's done differently on HAL than Celebrity. To be quite honest I was very concerned about the same thing a couple of years ago when we learned we would not get luggage tags and pictured chaos at the pier.


Instead, everyone arrived at the pier (the vast majority without baggage tags). We showed our E-docs and they quickly printed out the tags which looked just like an airline baggage tag all pre-printed and quickly fastened them to our bags ... there was no back-up and no problem.


So if HAL is literally having folks fill them out individually at the pier there's the possibility that could take longer, but the truth is that if you have a luggage tag on your bags all the HAL baggage tag has to have on it is your deck and cabin number. So it really shouldn't take very long.


Believe me, I hate change as much as the next guy but I just can't see this as anything to get concerned about. It's not even a close third to automatic tipping and AYW dining:D;)!

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Dear community,


Could you please mention where I can find the luggage tags print-out on its Hal web-page?


Best regards G E R D


Hello Gerd..You can only find the luggage tags after you have made a booking..When you receive your booking Number from HAL & are ready to do your on-line Check-in, go to the For Booked Guests Window & follow this procedure:

A) Scroll down to on-line Check-in Box

B) Log in or create your HAL account (if you don't have one)

C) At sign in window insert your e-mail address & Password

D) On-Line check in screen appears...Scroll down to Right Corner: insert Booking Number & Last Name

E) Scroll down to see your check-in info...

F) Just below that your luggage tags are indicated.

G) Pull up Tags: Your tag will include:

Name of Ship in Color: Followed by Cabin Number in large Numbers

Also Included: Your name(s) & Date of Departure..

H) Insert No.of tags required & hit Print..

Your printer's Memory will then take over:

Tried to download our tags, erase our name & cabin No. to see if I can post a sample here, but don't know how to do it..Sorry

Good Luck..Betty

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Hello Gerd..You can only find the luggage tags after you have made a booking..When you receive your booking Number from HAL & are ready to do your on-line Check-in, go to the For Booked Guests Window & follow this procedure:

A) Scroll down to on-line Check-in Box

B) Log in or create your HAL account (if you don't have one)

C) At sign in window insert your e-mail address & Password

D) On-Line check in screen appears...Scroll down to Right Corner: insert Booking Number & Last Name

E) Scroll down to see your check-in info...

F) Just below that your luggage tags are indicated.

G) Pull up Tags: Your tag will include:

Name of Ship in Color: Followed by Cabin Number in large Numbers

Also Included: Your name(s) & Date of Departure..

H) Insert No.of tags required & hit Print..

Your printer's Memory will then take over:

Tried to download our tags, erase our name & cabin No. to see if I can post a sample here, but don't know how to do it..Sorry

Good Luck..Betty

Excellent instructions, Betty. Our hats are off to you. :cool:

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Thanks Fun Seeker(s)...I could not do it from memory..Had to hand write each step...

Now need help with posting, the scanned a picture on this thread..

Here is the problem:

Was able to scan our Bag Tag into "My Pictures" only.. However, can't block out our cabin Number & our Name, so instead I'll hand block our Name & cabin No/..Then will rescan it into my pictures..After that I'm a complete dummy, as don't know how to post the picture into this thread...:confused::confused:

If anyone is willing to give me step by step instructions, I'll try..Plesase note I'm a complete dummy on working with pictures..

Or, if someone is willing to post it for me, I'll be glad to e-mail you & include it as an attachment..

I appreciate any help you can give me..Thanks..


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It prints on 8 1/2 by 11 paper, which you fold into thirds..This is the best I could do..

Can someone tell me how to enlarge it like Pipedreams pictures...

Your Name will appear like this on your tags..

Mr. Smith John

MRS. Smith Mary

There is no comma between Last & first Name..


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Hello Betty


I just re-entered into its HAL on-line-checkin but could again not find the tags.


Please specify your position "E" and "F" because I cannot find it.




Happy cruising and many thanks






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MS Ryndam – Wayfarer – March 1997

MS Noordam - Transatlantic Island Hook - April 2001

MS Volendam - Southern Caribbean - April 2002

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MS Westerdam - Western Caribbean - April 2005

MS Statendam - Hawaii Circle - September 2005

MS Rotterdam - Vikings and Czars – July 2006

MS Veendam - Southern Caribbean – March 2007

MS Volendam – Panama Canal – April 2008


116 days - 33'054 Nm :




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Not sure, but maybe you need to complete your online checkin to access the luggage tag link.


We completed our online checkin before HAL made this change to all paper docs effective September 25, and I am able to print tags.

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If your cruise is before the rule takes effect, believe it's mid-Sept. your baggage tags should be mailed to you...

Sept 25th


Please specify your position "E" and "F" because I cannot find it.

Do you see a box on the first OnLine CheckIn page marked GUESTS, with names and Mariner numbers?


Below that there should be a box marked LUGGAGE TAGS. If that is missing, then I would say the tags are not available to you for some reason.

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Sept 25th...


Thanks for clarifying the date...For some reason I missed Camp's post which also mentioned the date..


Do you see a box on the first OnLine CheckIn page marked GUESTS, with names and Mariner numbers?


Below that there should be a box marked LUGGAGE TAGS. If that is missing, then I would say the tags are not available to you for some reason.


Thanks., jtl..Your explanation is clearer than mine.. Just altered my saved document to incorporate your explanation...

(Quote/) If that is missing, then I would say the tags are not available to you for some reason.


Never thought about that, but you might be right.. Perhaps the tags are not available to customers outside of North America..

I'm wondering about Psgrs. booked on strictly European or Trans-Atlantic cruises..

As others have mentioned, we can have tags put on our luggage with no hassle at North American Ports, but wonder how the various European Baggage Handlers will handle luggage without Tags..Check-in procedures vary in Europe...

Our Friends are booked on the "Oosterdam" Trans-Atlantic in October boarding in BCN...They are neophytes when it comes to working on-line..They've asked for my help with their on-line check in..Guess I should print up their tags too..


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