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Beware of the ship sailing when last names of travelers do not match!!!

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Hello all my cruise critic friends, I am back and semi enjoyed a 3 out of 5 day cruise.... Where shall I begin??? Can you imagine this: the emotion of getting to the Port 3 hours ahead of schedule for your 4:00 sailing, checking in your luggage, taking pictures..., laughing and then during check-in taken aside and told you can not travel??? Wait it gets even better, my best friend and her sister get on the ship without realizing what is going on.... Are you feeling this yet? You are traveling with your 14 year old daughter that carries a different last name than yours. You have all the normal travel docs required & of course your passports, then you are told that you can not travel without an ORIGINAL birth certificate to establish a relationship between the 2 of you!!! (new regulation as of a week ago) What do you do?? Me, the Notary, thought out all my options, First, request to fax right? NO!! how about a sworn affidavit from my friend who can acknowledge? NO!!! Told only acceptions could come from headquarters, on the phone with resolution department and they even spoke with the captain to accept faxed birth certificate !!!! Given the fax number at 2:30, son leaves work to fax copy, rings on his end but does not go through, wow what a surprise, someone turned the fax off, I realized and HAD THEM TURN ON FAX AND WAS RECEIVED AT 3:12. At that time, FULL OF MIXED EMOTIONS, we gathered OUR belongings, preparing to board and THROWN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE and told it would not be accepted!!!! Desperate and in tears, (as the ship started to blow its horn for departure) called resolution, spoke to security, every supervisor and final highest in command & told me point blank that I was unable to travel because I did not have the ORIGINAL!!! Myself, my daughter and our luggage were then escorted out by security (as we were the only people left in the building) & cried like a baby as we watched our perfect vacation sail away!!!! With my best friend still on board!!! To make a long story short, booked a flight to Bermuda with my daughter and checked in while at port. New procedures have taken from my experience and am working on a timeline to the CEO to make him aware of my ordeal and hopefully get reimbursed for all my extra expenses.

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How awful for you! That is one of my nightmares before a cruise - to forget a key piece of id.


I knew some of the travel documentation was changing, I've been after DH for several weeks to get his frequent flier account changed. Easier said than done.

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Hello all my cruise critic friends, I am back and semi enjoyed a 3 out of 5 day cruise.... Where shall I begin??? Can you imagine this: the emotion of getting to the Port 3 hours ahead of schedule for your 4:00 sailing, checking in your luggage, taking pictures..., laughing and then during check-in taken aside and told you can not travel??? Wait it gets even better, my best friend and her sister get on the ship without realizing what is going on.... Are you feeling this yet? You are traveling with your 14 year old daughter that carries a different last name than yours. You have all the normal travel docs required & of course your passports, then you are told that you can not travel without an ORIGINAL birth certificate to establish a relationship between the 2 of you!!! (new regulation as of a week ago) What do you do?? Me, the Notary, thought out all my options, First, request to fax right? NO!! how about a sworn affidavit from my friend who can acknowledge? NO!!! Told only acceptions could come from headquarters, on the phone with resolution department and they even spoke with the captain to accept faxed birth certificate !!!! Given the fax number at 2:30, son leaves work to fax copy, rings on his end but does not go through, wow what a surprise, someone turned the fax off, I realized and HAD THEM TURN ON FAX AND WAS RECEIVED AT 3:12. At that time, FULL OF MIXED EMOTIONS, we gathered OUR belongings, preparing to board and THROWN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE and told it would not be accepted!!!! Desperate and in tears, (as the ship started to blow its horn for departure) called resolution, spoke to security, every supervisor and final highest in command & told me point blank that I was unable to travel because I did not have the ORIGINAL!!! Myself, my daughter and our luggage were then escorted out by security (as we were the only people left in the building) & cried like a baby as we watched our perfect vacation sail away!!!! With my best friend still on board!!! To make a long story short, booked a flight to Bermuda with my daughter and checked in while at port. New procedures have taken from my experience and am working on a timeline to the CEO to make him aware of my ordeal and hopefully get reimbursed for all my extra expenses.


Didn't think it was a new requirement, i thought that you always had to prove parent or guardianship. Sorry you missed your sailaway, but at least you were able to catch up and enjoy the remainder of your cruise

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Hello all my cruise critic friends, I am back and semi enjoyed a 3 out of 5 day cruise.... Where shall I begin??? Can you imagine this: the emotion of getting to the Port 3 hours ahead of schedule for your 4:00 sailing, checking in your luggage, taking pictures..., laughing and then during check-in taken aside and told you can not travel??? Wait it gets even better, my best friend and her sister get on the ship without realizing what is going on.... Are you feeling this yet? You are traveling with your 14 year old daughter that carries a different last name than yours. You have all the normal travel docs required & of course your passports, then you are told that you can not travel without an ORIGINAL birth certificate to establish a relationship between the 2 of you!!! (new regulation as of a week ago) What do you do?? Me, the Notary, thought out all my options, First, request to fax right? NO!! how about a sworn affidavit from my friend who can acknowledge? NO!!! Told only acceptions could come from headquarters, on the phone with resolution department and they even spoke with the captain to accept faxed birth certificate !!!! Given the fax number at 2:30, son leaves work to fax copy, rings on his end but does not go through, wow what a surprise, someone turned the fax off, I realized and HAD THEM TURN ON FAX AND WAS RECEIVED AT 3:12. At that time, FULL OF MIXED EMOTIONS, we gathered OUR belongings, preparing to board and THROWN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE and told it would not be accepted!!!! Desperate and in tears, (as the ship started to blow its horn for departure) called resolution, spoke to security, every supervisor and final highest in command & told me point blank that I was unable to travel because I did not have the ORIGINAL!!! Myself, my daughter and our luggage were then escorted out by security (as we were the only people left in the building) & cried like a baby as we watched our perfect vacation sail away!!!! With my best friend still on board!!! To make a long story short, booked a flight to Bermuda with my daughter and checked in while at port. New procedures have taken from my experience and am working on a timeline to the CEO to make him aware of my ordeal and hopefully get reimbursed for all my extra expenses.


Hi Denise,

Welcome to Cruise Critic.


Did you have cruise insurance? If so, maybe that will come through for you on the extra expenses.


When we cruised on the Voyager of the Seas out of Galveston over last New Years Eve we brought along our niece and her 3 year old daughter. They have different last names. They both had passports but I made sure she had a letter from the childs' father as well as the birth certificate because I remember reading on the RCI website that there had to be a connecting document between a parent and a minor child with a different last name.


Are you sure this is a new policy?


We often bring friends of our children and always make sure we have the proper documentation and letters.


I guess I can understand the reason for the policy.


I am sorry you had to go through all that. I can imagine how upset you would be.



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What a nightmare. But thanks for posting. This is a great heads up. I suggest you copy this and post it on the cruising with families boards so that it gets some more exposure.


A similar thing happened to my sister in law 10 years ago. We took the car ferry from Seattle to Victoria Canada. My SIL, her son and aunt drove off the ferry behind us. Three hours later they had still not turned up at the hotel that was 6 block from the dock and we went back to find out what had happened. The authorities did not want to let them into Canada because she had changed her name back to her maiden name on her passport, so she and her son had different last names.


They ran some sort of computer search (which would probably be a lot faster now) of police records to make sure there were no complaints that she might be abducting her son, and finally let her into Canada after 3.5 hours. It did not help that we would vouch for her or my husbands aunt would vouch for her because we all had different last names from her son.


The sad part of this story is that in those days I don't even think you needed to show a passport to get into Canada. She happened to be well traveled so she brought their passports.

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Adam Goldstein, CEO

Royal Caribbean International

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, Florida 33132


Re: Grandeur of the Seas - August 8, 2009

Reservation: #3065913 – JS-7650 - $3,971.32


Mr. Goldstein,


Hope this letter finds you well. I am not the typical complainer and never documented a situation in the past for any reimbursement or compensation of any sort but the ordeal that I endured was devastating and completely ruined my vacation. At the time of my vacation, I was burned out mentality from a long tax season and really needed to just get away from it all and dedicate down time with my 14 year old daughter.

Where shall I begin? Can you imagine this: the emotion of arriving, after a 2 hour drive to the Baltimore, Maryland Port, arriving 3 hours ahead of schedule? Anxiously awaiting your 4:00 sailing, checking in your luggage, taking pictures..., laughing and then during check-in taken aside and told you cannot travel??? Wait it gets even better, my best friend and her sister get on the ship without realizing what is going on.... Are you feeling this yet? You are traveling with your 14 year old daughter that carries a different last name than yours. You have all the normal travel docs required & of course your passports, then you are told that you cannot travel without an ORIGINAL birth certificate to establish a relationship between the 2 of you!!! (New regulation that was adopted after my initial booking) What do you do?? Me, the Notary, thought out all my options, first, request to fax right? NO!! I was told not acceptable.

How about a sworn affidavit from my friend who can acknowledge? NO!!!I showed them pediatrician documents that I happened to have in my daily planner that showed me as the Parent of a minor, I also told them that my daughter had already sailed with me in the past and they could verify that as well. I was told that the only acceptations could come from headquarters, I was on the phone with resolution department for a good 2 – 3 hours and they even spoke with the captain to accept a faxed birth certificate!!!! I was given the fax number at 2:30; my son left work to fax a copy. I could hear it ring on his end but for unknown reasons on the port end the fax was not ringing to receive.

After my son resent various times, what a surprise, someone turned the fax off. I then HAD THEM TURN ON THE FAX AND IT WAS RECEIVED AT 3:12. At that time, FULL OF MIXED EMOTIONS, we gathered OUR belongings, preparing to board and one of the Royal Caribbean employees THREW THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE at me and told me it could not be accepted!!!! Desperate and in tears, (as the ship started to blow its horn for departure) I again called resolution, spoke to security, every supervisor and final highest in command & told me point blank that I was unable to travel because I did not have the ORIGINAL!!! I, then approached Tonya Valentine, from Australia, the person who while I was on the phone with Nancy at the resolution department, told the rest that they could notarize the faxed copy, then denied it all and point blank told me to leave that I was not going to sail. I, my daughter and our luggage were then escorted out by security (as we were the only people left in the building) & I cried like never before in my life as we watched our perfect vacation sail away!!!! To make it even worse, my best friend was still on board the ship!!!

All of the phone calls I had with Nancy from resolution and my planner Tamar at the Miami Corporate are documented and a timeline of events are also documented to explain better the situation and explains the cynical way that I was treated.

To sum up the rest of the story, I was devastated to say the least to have been led on for hours with false hopes. I understand that if I was instructed to bring the needed documents, and for own negligence I did not have, that would have been totally my fault. In this case, I and a lot of people were not aware of the new regulation. Some people that needed travel letters were written and notarized in the Port but it was written and notarized without the person being present. I saw faxes coming through the fax for other families in the same situation and they notarized them so they could board the ship!! Rules and regulations should be true to all or none.


Also, as I mentioned earlier, I am a Bilingual Notary Public & IRS Acceptance Agent here in Pennsylvania and the owner of “Denise’s Centro de Servicios” for 9 years now. I am considered in the community as an advocate and help many clients with daily challenges that you and I take for granted. I am about options and finding a way to make things work. That was not the case with the pier staff and this has been very difficult for me to get past the way that I was treated.




Initially, I was going to give up on the idea of booking another cruise but from persuasion, of my emotionally distraught friend, still on the boat, I flew out of Philadelphia airport to Bermuda. We traveled via taxi to the other side of the island to board the ship on Monday, August 10, 2009. I was told in resolution that the ship’s staff would be waiting for my arrival. Unfortunately, that was not the case, the room cards were not ready, my sign and sail credit card information was not on file and there were no usual amenities that we are accustomed to.


Upon my return to Baltimore, I spoke with a “Cynthia” and caught off guard many employees at the pier and explained to them, in a very educated manner, that the way I was treated was unprofessional and degrading and that the changes regarding documentation need to be posted or emailed to upcoming sails to avoid this from ever occurring again. They then informed me that due to my situation, there were new procedures in place. (For what it’s worth)


Attached you will find copies of my airfare and taxi transportation fare. I trust that you will research in more detail with the resolution department to verify what occurred and I am sure various people will remember this ordeal as many of your employees were very upset with the treatment I received.



Should any questions arise, please contact me at your convenience.



Thank in advance for your cooperation and assistance,

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Okay maybe yall can help me. I am bringing my sister-n-law w/ her child who is 17 - BUT has a different last name than her daughters - what all does the 17 yr. old need to bring w/ her - she has a passport, but what about a birth certificate? Also, she has an 18 yr .old son (adult I guess) who has another different last name than the sister and mom. He has a passport but 18 does it matter that his name is different since he's 18. Thanks this will help whoever can answer because I don't want to get to the ship and then have people left behind... Thanks JOY :)

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Okay maybe yall can help me. I am bringing my sister-n-law w/ her child who is 17 - BUT has a different last name than her daughters - what all does the 17 yr. old need to bring w/ her - she has a passport, but what about a birth certificate? Also, she has an 18 yr .old son (adult I guess) who has another different last name than the sister and mom. He has a passport but 18 does it matter that his name is different since he's 18. Thanks this will help whoever can answer because I don't want to get to the ship and then have people left behind... Thanks JOY :)


please post as a new thread.....you'll get better info

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I travel frequently and I always have travel letters & pasports. The past cruises I was never asked to present the ORIGINAL birth certificate. I also can understand all the new documentation but in this case, my frustration was more the fact that I wasted so much time on the phone and given false hopes. I could have had someone meet me with the birth certificate. They also did not make me aware that if all is not in order 1 hour prior, there is no possible way of traveling!!:(

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Now I'm getting worried.


I'm travelling with my children, who are 12 and 13. They have a different last name from mine and have their own passports. I will have a notarized letter from their father giving me permission to take them on the cruise. Here in Ontario, birth certificates do not have the parents names on them so even though I have the birth certificates, they don't have my name on them and I've changed my last name since they were born anyway. Should I take a notarized copy of our divorce order or will the letter from their father be enough?

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Now I'm getting worried.


I'm travelling with my children, who are 12 and 13. They have a different last name from mine and have their own passports. I will have a notarized letter from their father giving me permission to take them on the cruise. Here in Ontario, birth certificates do not have the parents names on them so even though I have the birth certificates, they don't have my name on them and I've changed my last name since they were born anyway. Should I take a notarized copy of our divorce order or will the letter from their father be enough?


Don't depend on CC for this answer although it sounds like a good idea. My advise to you is call RCCL and have them email the answer to you so you have it in writing whatever the solution may be.

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Now I'm getting worried.


I'm travelling with my children, who are 12 and 13. They have a different last name from mine and have their own passports. I will have a notarized letter from their father giving me permission to take them on the cruise. Here in Ontario, birth certificates do not have the parents names on them so even though I have the birth certificates, they don't have my name on them and I've changed my last name since they were born anyway. Should I take a notarized copy of our divorce order or will the letter from their father be enough?


I would suggest strongly you take a copy of your divorce order where you are named along with your children's name and the matter of custody. The letter from their father is essential as well but so is proof that you are their mother.

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Are these "new requirements" those of RCI or our beloved department of homeland security?


Your homeland security sets up these rules. They are the ones who say a passport to get into the US is necessary. So many Americans think it's the Canadian government when going across the Canadian/US border but it isn't.

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Are these "new requirements" those of RCI or our beloved department of homeland security?


DHS...and the part about names matching is NOT new....it has been around.


A search of RCCL's website will help.....but the onus is STILL ON THE TRAVELER to know the rules.....


and to Denise....it has nothing to do with something that someone did in the past...needing to connect the dots so to speak on names is NOT new....


If a person is traveling with, for instance, a minor child that is not related to them, the traveler needs a notarized letter permitting them to travel out of the country, seek medical attention, etc. That is just a brief statement.....and the cruise line may or may NOT ask for it....BUT the CL, or, more importantly customs and immigration of the US or Canada or whatever, MAY ask for it and MAY deny entrance to the country.


Again, this is not meant to be the end of the story, just a brief overview....

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This is what is listed on the RCI website under FAQ.


Family Legal Documents Should the last names of the parent and minor child traveling with them differ, the parent is required to present the child's valid passport and visa (if required) and the child's birth certificate (original, a notarized copy or a certified copy). The name of the parent(s) and the child must be linked through legal documentation.

I do not think that this is something that was just recently implemented..............but someone please correct me if I am wrong.

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Sorry to hear about your experience...that would be horrible. I will be interested to see how Royal helps. In all the years that I have cruised with my 2 children who have different last names I have never been asked for any proof that they are mine...I've even traveled to Europe and have never been asked for any other kind of proof.


I really think that it depends on who you 'get' when checking in. I hope your next vacation is more memorable for all the right reasons.

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Royal Caribbean is pretty clear on their website:


It is the sole responsibility of the guest to identify and obtain all required travel documents and have them available when necessary. These appropriate valid travel documents such as passports, visas, inoculation certificate and family legal documents are required for boarding and re-entry into the United States and other countries.


Guests who do not possess the proper documentation may be prevented from boarding their flight or ship or from entering a country and may be subject to fines. No refunds will be given to individuals who fail to bring proper documentation.


And a bit further down the page:


Family Legal Documents


Should the last names of the parent and minor child traveling with them differ, the parent is required to present the child's valid passport and visa (if required) and the child's birth certificate (original, a notarized copy or a certified copy). The name of the parent(s) and the child must be linked through legal documentation.


This is not a recent change or anything new. I went back and looked at the Travel Documents RCL sent to me last year for my November cruise; the same exact information above about Family Legal Documents is clearly printed in the Travel Documents and Identification section of the book.


While I'm terribly sorry the start to your vacation was fraught with problems, it does seem that the information was provided to you by RCL.

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At least you did enjoy the days you were onboard. Regrettably not everyone takes the time to read their travel contracts to find out exactly what they need in terms of proper documentation for their travel. I know I usually don't. It is unfortunate that you were unable to sail as planned, But ultimately it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have all the documentation you need. This is NOT a new policy. It is on their website, has been for some time and it is also in the booklet that some of us get from either RCI or our Travel Agent. I believe it is on page 11. The following is from their website:


Family Legal Documents

Should the last names of the parent and minor child traveling with them differ, the parent is required to present the child's valid passport and visa (if required) and the child's birth certificate (original, a notarized copy or a certified copy). The name of the parent(s) and the child must be linked through legal documentation.


Adults who are not the parent or Legal Guardian of any minor child traveling with them are required to present the child's valid passport and visa or the child's birth certificate (original, a notarized copy or a certified copy) and an original notarized letter signed by at least one of the child's parents. The notarized letter from the child's parent must authorize the traveling adult to take the child on the specific cruise, must authorize guardian to sign legal documentation/waivers for participation in any activities requiring them (i.e. Rock Climbing, Flowrider, Bungee Trampoline, Inline Skating, or Ice Skating) and must authorize the traveling adult to supervise the child and permit any medical treatment that must be administered to the child. If a non-parent adult is a Legal Guardian, the adult must present a certified certificate of Guardianship with respect to the child.

This is another lesson for all of us that enjoy traveling.

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When we checked in on July 30th in Baltimore, I was asked to provide both the notarized letter and my daughter's certified birth certificate. I provided her birth certificate (raised seal copy), a certified copy of my sole custody order (so no notarized letter is required), and a certified copy of my name change order (since it is different than the custody paperwork). A superior had to view the documents to ensure they were correct. ICE in Miami checked the same docs when we came back into Miami in April. We both have US passports issues withing the last year.


CrusinFeaver is correct - this is not new - it has been in place for quite some time (mid - late 2007). It is on page 10 on the printed Docs (I have mine from this July on Grandeur) and in my e-docs from the Freedom in April.

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