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Should I take rolls on a snorkling excursion?

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I was thinking of taking some hard rolls to feed and attract fish but will I attract something I don't want to attract


If you're referring to sharks, probably not, as sharks are attracted to the scent of blood in the water. If you were splashing frantically in the water, you may get their attention if there are any close enough, but MOST sharks are not maneaters and are generally afraid of humans.........note here that I said MOST, not ALL.

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You can bring rolls. Cheeze Wiz is also a traditional attractor for fish (and is much less messy).


You don't have to worry about sharks etc. Their diet is small fish, not large people. Shark attacks happen in murky watter, when the flash of a hand or foot is mistaken for a fish, or in places where seals are normal shark food, and people dress up in wet suits making them look like seals.


Shark attacks in clear water (not murky), where the person is not dressed as a seal, and is not spearfishing, are virtually non-existent. You can even safely swim with Great Whites with no protection (see

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  1. Feeding fish causes them to stop eating algae which then covers the coral and kills it.
  2. Feeding fish promotes aggressive species like yellow tail and Sargent majors which quickly dominate the reef and kill off the other species.
  3. Feeding Fish causes them to swarm and and attach snorkelers looking for hand outs.
  4. Feeding fish causes them to get Fat since they can't digest the starch. The result is bloated over sized fish that lose their natural coloring and just hang around looking for hand outs.

Please do not feed fish. It is just as harmful as touching the coral.

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  1. Feeding fish causes them to stop eating algae which then covers the coral and kills it.
  2. Feeding fish promotes aggressive species like yellow tail and Sargent majors which quickly dominate the reef and kill off the other species.
  3. Feeding Fish causes them to swarm and and attach snorkelers looking for hand outs.
  4. Feeding fish causes them to get Fat since they can't digest the starch. The result is bloated over sized fish that lose their natural coloring and just hang around looking for hand outs.

Please do not feed fish. It is just as harmful as touching the coral.


I didn't know that.Thank you for sharing some valuable information


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ehfl: You can bring rolls. Cheeze Wiz is also a traditional attractor for fish (and is much less messy).



1. Feeding fish causes them to stop eating algae which then covers the coral and kills it.

2. Feeding fish promotes aggressive species like yellow tail and Sargent majors which quickly dominate the reef and kill off the other species.

3. Feeding Fish causes them to swarm and and attach snorkelers looking for hand outs.

4. Feeding fish causes them to get Fat since they can't digest the starch. The result is bloated over sized fish that lose their natural coloring and just hang around looking for hand outs.


Please do not feed fish. It is just as harmful as touching the coral.


I am also going to add to that.

It is illegal to take any foods off of the ships that are not pre packaged.

The fish are fine as they are. Please do not kill them, or the coral with your kindness. ;)

They will survive without the Cheese Wiz.

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I have heard that some places you can purchase bags of Kibbles (pet food ??) to feed the fish when snorkling . Not sure if a little extra food will stop fish from eating their regular food sources.


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I have heard that some places you can purchase bags of Kibbles (pet food ??) to feed the fish when snorkling . Not sure if a little extra food will stop fish from eating their regular food sources.



If one person does it, every half an hour per day, that is 20 people who add to the "food" to the fishes diet. (I'm sure more people actually do it, and that is a 10 hour day, some days are longer). It can add up quickly.


Back in the day people were allowed to feed bears in National Parks. That practice was stopped long ago, but the bears still look to humans as a source of food. Now there are bears that will break into peoples houses looking for something we use to provide to them. I believe it was in Aspen, CO a lady was killed by a bear who was looking for food.


Some short sighted decisions can have a long lasting effect.

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I'm someone who used to bring a couple of rolls off the ship to feed the fish when snorkeling. Once I had two in my hand and was walking out into the water and inadvertantly put my hand in the water and I got completely attacked by dozens of fish. They started biting at the rolls so much that they ended up nibbling my fingers. It was a FABULOUS way to be really up close with the fish.


Then I came to these boards and realized it's not good for them so I stopped.


This is interesting though...someone just a few days ago asked about this and someone ELSE said that they should bring one of those mini boxes of HOney Nut Cheerios off the ship (like from the WJ). Someone else, of course, said how unhealthy it is to feed the fish.


However, my sister has a koi pond with like 35 kois and goldfish and a couple of catfish. She was told by the fish store that those fish LOVE Honey Nut Cheerios so every day, along with their fish food, they get about 10 handfuls of Cheerios which they do seem to LOVE.


I just thought that was interesting. I'm not sure if there's a difference in what's healthy/unhealthy for kois and goldfish vs. fish in the Caribbean, so take it for what it's worth...

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I have heard that some places you can purchase bags of Kibbles (pet food ??) to feed the fish when snorkling . Not sure if a little extra food will stop fish from eating their regular food sources.



There are several things in this thread that people are trying to bring out.


1. To protect the coral that is very fragile. To dump Cheese Wiz and other unknowns on it is not recommended. :(


2. We are NOT ALLOWED to bring food off of the ships to feed ourselves, unless it is pre packaged. That prepackage does not include Cheese Whiz in a can, or rolls for the fish. :D


3. If the snorkeling tour is selling fish food, buy it and feed all the fish you want. They are not going to hurt their livelihood, or the fish and coral, by feeding them something bad.


4. Leave the food on board the ship for the passengers and the fish and coral will be better off.

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It's.........it's.........it's..........NOT FOOD!!!!


Gosh, sorry to burst your bubble. :D


This is no lie. :eek:


One surprising use for Cheez Whiz® is as a homemade stain remover for grease-based stains. Certain natural enzymes found in Cheez Whiz have the power to break up organic greases and oils, so a number people have been known to use Cheez Whiz® as a pre-wash cleaning agent. A generous supply of Cheez Whiz® should be worked into the soiled area and allowed to sit for ten minutes before washing. Even if Cheez Whiz® is not destined to be a pantry item, it can still be kept with other laundry supplies in a utility room.


And they say it is no good. :p

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DO NOT FEED THE FISH. I have learned over the years that if I want to see lots of the beautiful tropical fish in Caribbean waters I swim to an area away from other people or near any groupings of rocks or coral and then just sort of "hang" there, fairly motionless, and in no time the fish come out and I am surrounded by them - it's often quite a nice experience. Splashing around scares them away and it is really not a good idea to feed them.

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This is no lie. :eek:

"One surprising use for Cheez Whiz® is as a homemade stain remover for grease-based stains. Certain natural enzymes found in Cheez Whiz have the power to break up organic greases and oils, so a number people have been known to use Cheez Whiz® as a pre-wash cleaning agent. A generous supply of Cheez Whiz® should be worked into the soiled area and allowed to sit for ten minutes before washing. Even if Cheez Whiz® is not destined to be a pantry item, it can still be kept with other laundry supplies in a utility room."



And they say it is no good. :p



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Just for the record, it is not illegal to bring food off the ship. Ships do not want you to do it. Grand Cayman, in particular, does not have a ban on bringing food off the ship. In fact, I was just there for a week long visit and took my own food through customs where it was inspected and passed. The only requirement is that you not bring unpackaged meats, vegetables, fruits. This does not include breads, cereals, cheese, etc.

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Just for the record, it is not illegal to bring food off the ship. Ships do not want you to do it. Grand Cayman, in particular, does not have a ban on bringing food off the ship. In fact, I was just there for a week long visit and took my own food through customs where it was inspected and passed. The only requirement is that you not bring unpackaged meats, vegetables, fruits. This does not include breads, cereals, cheese, etc.


The Islands themselves do not want us to bring any foods off of the ships that are not pre packaged. If you cruise as much as your signature shows, you should know that too. ;)


They do not want their crops ruined by some insects that we might bring off of the ship in the fruit for instance.

So yes, the ships tell us not to. They are warning us. You can get a hefty fine on the Islands if you are caught bringing in foods that are not supposed to be taken off.

I call that illegal.

What happens when you land vacation is not what we are discussing here.

I also travel right here in the US where I can not take fruit across from my state of Nevada to California. If I did and got caught, I would be in trouble. It is illegal.

But I don't and I won't.

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quote "So yes, the ships tell us not to. They are warning us. You can get a hefty fine on the Islands if you are caught bringing in foods that are not supposed to be taken off. I call that illegal."

;)Please note exactly what I did say:

I DO know that bringing in unpackaged meats or fruits and or vegetables is prohibited but NOT other food items.

You can continue to assume the ships tell you not to for whatever their reasoning--IMO they are doing it for their own purposes.

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The Islands themselves do not want us to bring any foods off of the ships that are not pre packaged. If you cruise as much as your signature shows, you should know that too. ;)


They do not want their crops ruined by some insects that we might bring off of the ship in the fruit for instance.

So yes, the ships tell us not to. They are warning us. You can get a hefty fine on the Islands if you are caught bringing in foods that are not supposed to be taken off.

I call that illegal.

What happens when you land vacation is not what we are discussing here.

I also travel right here in the US where I can not take fruit across from my state of Nevada to California. If I did and got caught, I would be in trouble. It is illegal.

But I don't and I won't.


Aren't you strictly talking about fruit and veggies here? First you said, "that are not supposed to be taken off." Then you said you can't take FRUIT into CA, which most of us know...but I can certainly take pizza over state lines into CA. The person you were talking to in your post wasn't talking about fruits and veggies. I don't think there are any cRaZy fruitflies in her rolls...


I'm just sayin'...and askin'. Not flaming.

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Aren't you strictly talking about fruit and veggies here? First you said, "that are not supposed to be taken off." Then you said you can't take FRUIT into CA, which most of us know...but I can certainly take pizza over state lines into CA. The person you were talking to in your post wasn't talking about fruits and veggies. I don't think there are any cRaZy fruitflies in her rolls...


I'm just sayin'...and askin'. Not flaming.


No, I am not. gadaboutgal was talking about fruits and veggies and meats.


She is talking about a land vacation in that posting and bringing in food to that country by means other than a ship. Grand Cayman allows that for land visits to Condo owners, etc. and inspects it when it arrives. thoroughly.

We are all discussing taking food from a cruise ship.And dumping it in the waters where it could do damage to precious coral or fish or worse.

I think you should read my answer to her again. ;) I was trying to say you don't even have to leave your own country, to know what breaking the rules can do to crops by sneaking food from one state to another. And here she is telling people not to listen to the Islands and ships request.


Her answer to mine.


:Alexis: "So yes, the ships tell us not to. They are warning us. You can get a hefty fine on the Islands if you are caught bringing in foods that are not supposed to be taken off. I call that illegal."


gadaboutgal: ;)Please note exactly what I did say:

I DO know that bringing in unpackaged meats or fruits and or vegetables is prohibited but NOT other food items.

You can continue to assume the ships tell you not to for whatever their reasoning--IMO they are doing it for their own purposes.


To me she admits that she knows the ships tell us all not to.

It is posted right in the daily Compass, (or whatever they now call them.}

Anyone who cruises that much has to have read that statement a hundred times plus about no food allowed off the ship unless it is pre packaged.

Had to have seen the big signs and the boxes by the gangways with all the food and drinks in them taken from the passengers upon leaving the ships.

I just hope people realize the ships are doing the right thing for the Islands and not the one pot stirrer who thinks rules aren't meant for them.

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I could, again, restate exactly what Grand Cayman's importation of food (by land or sea) regulations are, but I do not want to continue to argue semantics and only succeed in getting this thread locked. Readers can take away whatever information they wish from this discussion. We each have our own opinion and so it does not seem that it will change by further posting on this topic:rolleyes:.

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I'm someone who used to bring a couple of rolls off the ship to feed the fish when snorkeling. Once I had two in my hand and was walking out into the water and inadvertantly put my hand in the water and I got completely attacked by dozens of fish. They started biting at the rolls so much that they ended up nibbling my fingers. It was a FABULOUS way to be really up close with the fish.


Then I came to these boards and realized it's not good for them so I stopped.


This is interesting though...someone just a few days ago asked about this and someone ELSE said that they should bring one of those mini boxes of HOney Nut Cheerios off the ship (like from the WJ). Someone else, of course, said how unhealthy it is to feed the fish.


However, my sister has a koi pond with like 35 kois and goldfish and a couple of catfish. She was told by the fish store that those fish LOVE Honey Nut Cheerios so every day, along with their fish food, they get about 10 handfuls of Cheerios which they do seem to LOVE.


I just thought that was interesting. I'm not sure if there's a difference in what's healthy/unhealthy for kois and goldfish vs. fish in the Caribbean, so take it for what it's worth...



No fish expert here, but the major difference here is that the kois and goldfish of your sister get a set and limited amount of Cheerios a day, whily the wild fish in the ocean will get uncontrollable amounts per day from the tourists. Seems to me it would make a big big difference.


Just as a side note the reason the kois and goldfish love the cheerios has nothing to do with if it´s healthy for them. I love lots of stuff that´s not healthy for me.;)

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