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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. I guess I'm addicted. Great collection of days. I don't know much about ninjas. I volunteer at our local hospital and for fundraising events in our community. I love blue jeans. I like the quote. We're having chicken for dinner tonight - it's so versatile. The drink sounds tasty, especially on a hot day. I hope the wine isn't too sweet or expensive. I've never been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  2. @aliaschiefAddicted? Maybe. I post every (?) or almost every morning and then occasionally read posts during the day. It's a wonderful place to be.
  3. @kazuToo bad about the scaffolding. Is that a covered bridge that they are trying to restore/maintain?
  4. @ger_77Bake more cookies and take them for your grandson. No need to tell him you didn't make them from scratch. But you did bake them for him.
  5. @Ichiban NekkoThanks for the update. Hope things continue to improve. @dobiemomHave a wonderful cruise.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting collection of days especially cookie day. Hubby asked me to bake peanut butter cookies, so I guess I'll do that this afternoon. Good quote. Good meal suggestion, hope the drink and wine are good too. I haven't been to today's port, thanks in advance for pictures. Prayers for everyone. I hope there are lots of celebrations. @MISTER 67 Have a great cruise, looking forward to hearing all about it when you return. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  7. @ger_77I enjoyed the video. I want to take the Wingard Ferry. The photography was fabulous and your narration was wonderful. Thanks to @kazufor posting the link.
  8. @grapau27Good luck with the doctor's appointment. Get those lesions taken care of and heal quickly.
  9. I'm late, our power was out for a couple of hours overnight so my sleep was disrupted. Thanks for the picture @ski ww
  10. Good morning from a windy, rainy Southern Ontario. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Great collection of days. I like the quote. I think I'll like the meal, looking forward to seeing the recipe. The drink looks good too, I'm sure I'll like the wine. We were in Iceland on a cruise on the Ryndam several years ago, I'll look for pictures. Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  11. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. A big thank you to bartenders, especially the ones on BHB. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink and wine will be tasty too. I've never been to today's port. Prayers for everyone. I hope there are lots of celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  12. Prayers for the family and friends of the deceased. I hope everyone else heals quickly.
  13. I loved Norway, lots of great scenery. But I'm not sure that it would hold a lot of fascination for a 6 year old. But I don't know your granddaughter.
  14. @smitty34877I hope the antibiotics help Tana and that you can get your hip surgery soon.
  15. Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. Welcome December! It's cold and windy here, I think I'll stay in and do Christmas cards. The Christmas lights are up. It's sad to think of all the lives lost due to AIDS. Cheers for Romania Independence Day. The quote is true and sad. The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I think I'll like the drink, hope the wine isn't too expensive. We've been to Norway but not to today's port. Thanks in advance for pictures. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  16. @Ichiban NekkoThat stinks! So sorry your DH has pneumonia, hope he is better soon. Glad you had insurance.
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