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Everything posted by GeezerCouple

  1. An example would be to have your cursor hover over *your* own name on the left side of your post. You'll see the number of posts (perhaps rounded) plus the category (just another measure of the number of posts) and then... something about "badges"... but that seems to be blank all the time. Or, at least, I don't remember ever seeing anything listed there. GC
  2. The magic word will be "layers". 😉 I'd bring a sweater/cardigan (button or zip, not just an over-the-head) in case it's needed. Maybe one very light weight, especially if you have a lot of sleeveless tops, and perhaps one heavier. You might want to carry one of them with you to the dining room (or wherever else you go) in case you need it, especially at the start. After a while, you'll have a better idea of how the temps (and humidity) are, although that could always be a surprise in common areas. And don't forget that on outdoor decks, it may be breezy or actually windy, depending upon the speed and direction of both the ship and the wind, regardless of the actual temperature. And of course, average temperatures are just that, "averages". What *you* get could be similar or not so much... At least in April, you shouldn't have to worry about hurricane season. (That can always make for a lively cruise!) Hopefully, the weather will be mostly wonderful. The Caribbean has a "reputation" (a nice one, to be sure) for a reason. Bring along extras of any meds, in case of any delay, and bring OTC meds, too. They may be hard to find or very expensive (especially if purchased on the ship), and you also don't want to waste time searching for some common headache med. And ALWAYS (!!) keep any meds in carry-ons. NEVER pack those in luggage to be checked, especially if being separated from them will interfere with your trip. There won't be a CVS on the next corner 24/7 (thank goodness!). If you haven't already, look for the "Roll Call" for your particular cruise and sign up. On the main Table Of Contents page of CC, look for "Roll Calls", then your cruiseline, and then the date/destination of your cruise. There will be others on your cruise starting to interact, perhaps planning to share some excursions, or meeting on board at the beginning of the cruise. And start browsing the excursions, whether they be sponsored by the cruiseline, or private (that won't be on your cruise itinerary, of course). Some of the best ones may fill up before the cruise sails. You can also find more info on the Ports Of Call section of CC.... look for each city/port for discussions of "what to do", etc. Enjoy! 🙂 GC
  3. We would strongly suggest that travelers explore travel insurance policies from a travel insurance professional. We use www.TripInsuranceStore.com (also mentioned above by klfrodo. https://tripinsurancestore.com We also suggest that you (or anyone) CALL them, and not rely upon online summaries of policies. Travel insurance (probably any insurance?) policies include some very important "fine print", and some of that fine print uses terminology that may not be the same as in "everyday life". ("Pre-existing condition" is one term where there can be unfortunate confusion, possibly leading to claim denial because the coverage was never valid in the first place.) A travel insurance broker can explain these issues with the traveler, and also have additional discussions that help one to get a policy that matches their particular trip and insurance needs. They will deal with more than one travel insurance vendor, and help each client to get the best match for their particular needs and preferences. Not everyone has elderly/frail family members at home. Not everyone has "pre-existing conditions" as defined in the policy, but some do... Not everyone realizes that plain Medicare rarely covers foreign medical care, and that most add-on policies have a $50k *lifetime* limit. Some travelers don't want coverage for trip costs, such as for cancellation or interruption; others do. Etc... We've used TIS for quite a few policies since learning about them here on CruiseCritic. We've had several claims, including some large ones. All were paid without any nonsense. The policy that we get may or may not be what is best for other travelers, etc. We were fortunate to learn about these complexities before our first major trip; DH had a medical emergency less than 2 weeks before our planned departure date, when the penalties were 100% of our pre-paid non-refundable costs, which were considerable. Our only travel for several weeks was for medical care, and there were many times when we mumbled to each other, "At least we won't have to pay AGAIN when we reschedule this trip!" Had we not had that insurance, we may have had such an unpleasant "non-experience" with what was to be our first big trip that we wouldn't have planned another. Instead, we've had many truly amazing trips. GC
  4. [emphasis added] Best wishes to both of you. 🙂 I have to ask: Is one of you actually arriving in a wedding gown? I HOPE SO! That would be the most festive thing to see when boarding a ship! BIG GRINS (either way)! GC
  5. Are you referring to that large almost rectangular Therapy Pool (if that's the name?) on the Spa Terrace? We love that! However, that's on the Riviera, and this thread has "Marina" in the header. To avoid confusion, or disappointment, as far as I know, the Marina still has two smaller hot tubs instead of the larger "Therapy Pool" that is on the Riviera. I'm sure we'd be happy with the hot tubs if the Marina had an itinerary we preferred, but that larger Therapy Pool is a favorite of ours. GC
  6. We STRONGLY suggest that anyone planning to use (or possibly use) any new medicine while traveling TRY IT AT HOME FIRST. If you are going to have any kind of reaction, find that out while you are in the comfort of your own home and also near your regular medical care. It doesn't matter if "most people don't have a reaction" or not. You are just one person, with your own biology/etc., plus whatever types of meds (or even foods) that you take. No one else is exactly the same. Hopefully this will also save you from wasting some time during your trip finding out what you could have found out at home in advance. Or something worse... GC
  7. Almost all travel insurance for medical costs requires the traveler to pay for the services/supplies and submit receipts for reimbursement later. We always travel with several charge cards with high credit limits (our regular cards, nothing special for travel, but we take several with us, if for no other reasons in case one goes missing or gets compromised, etc.) in case ... There are some insurers who may help with payment guarantees (or perhaps in the moment?) if it's required, but that's not common - but neither is the need for ultra-high cost care. We saw one overseas ER, obviously an English-speaking tourist area, where the billing office had a sign displaying something like, "Cash or credit card only. No travel insurance unless it is <and the names of a few major travel insurance companies>." I handed a credit card over, while DH was being taken to the ER from the ambulance. When we had to have a hotel call a physician to see me, and then come back again, and then direct the hospital to call an ambulance, he (physician) required cash on the spot. So we had to ask the hotel to help us with local currency in the middle of the night, which they did. But the physician wouldn't take charge cards or check, etc. Just cash. He gave us a "receipt" that was just a statement of what he had collected and the date, on a piece of his letterhead. That was accepted without issue by our travel insurer. But you *NEED* to have RECEIPTS! That isn't always thought of in the moment. (I forgot when tipping a taxi driver. We had a receipt for the fare, but not for the tip. Small amount, no problem, but it reminded me of the importance of receipts.) In the section I quoted, it sounds like the travel insurance was "secondary", meaning it REQUIRES that you get a denial (for all or part) of the costs before they'll pay anything at all. We get "primary" insurance coverage, so nothing needs to be submitted elsewhere first. NOTE: For those with some Medicare add-ons, there is a $50k lifetime limit for foreign care. Much better to have primary travel insurance and *not* need to use up any of that $50k. Also, apparently Medicare can be slow to issue the denial, so you can't collect from the travel insurer until that denial arrives. GC
  8. I doubt they'll just "take it" out of your luggage, or just take anything at all out. That would be inviting theft charges (bogus or not). They'd more likely hold the luggage for you to retrieve from the "naughty room". Then you can either pay the corkage fee, or have the wine returned to you at the end of the cruise. GC
  9. Which category suite? At least in the past, on Dawn, DOS got unlimited softdrinks, including water. We drink a lot of San Pellegrino, and asked our Butler to leave extras on the counter so we could keep replacing the cold ones we removed from the little fridge to drink. I don't think all suites get that. On other ships, other suite categories, including in Haven, did not get unlimited water. (Our Butler would occasionally bring us an extra or two; we kept asking him for more to purchase, and he brought those, too. 🙂 ) ETA: Before someone else chimes in with this, Yes, the suites have running water... 😁 GC
  10. Heh. If the seats were really hard, perhaps you should have just used that air mattress, and snuggled in... ... and soon pull out a couple of extras for sale. 😉 GC
  11. Is the patient admitted to a hospital as an inpatient? Is there an airfield nearby for fixed wing aircraft? And of course, is the patient stable enough for a full medevac aircraft? If yes, then why not? They let the client select the hospital, but it might need to be in home country... but if one has MJA, isn't that what one would want? GC
  12. I really do hope that you realize that it is almost certain that "the toilet paper truck" (or "the vodka truck", etc.) is not meant literally? However, "liquor supplies" or "paper/hygiene/cleaning supplies" might indeed be meant literally, but not whether each individual item has its own "item truck". 😉 As for the TP quality... ah, yes... 😱 It would be tempting to bring some along, but we aren't eager to clog up the systems more than they tend to do without any help from us.... OTOH, I'm not sure that's the only reason for the particular choice of the flimsy stuff. I assume at least some of the choice is based upon cost.... GC
  13. We don't have experience with charge card travel claims, even though we might have been eligible for some coverage. That's because we always get third party travel insurance that we *know* will cover what we might need (which might include something related to a pre-existing condition, for example). The "trip interruption" coverage (as distinct from "trip cancellation" coverage) includes payment of covered expenses up to 150% of the original amount of the coverage (100% is what "trip cancellation" would pay). This would go much farther if one needed to buy new airline tickets, for example, or exchange for higher-priced tickets. It would also help cover some of those return expenses in addition to covering any lost non-refundable pre-payments for travel services not yet taken that will be forfeited. And everything covered is paid in cash, no "credits" that require using a specific travel vendor or with any deadline. The fact that we get coverage that doesn't exclude pre-existing conditions also means that the claim might be processed more quickly; there'd be no need to scroll through any medical records to double check that no pre-existing condition was involved. We've had quite a few claims, including some large ones, and have never had a claim denied. GC
  14. Several years ago (it was less than 10 years ago, and more than 5, in case that precision is of any help! 😉 ) a group we were vaguely associated with sent out a notice that there would be the chance to have lunch aboard the Riviera while it was docked nearby for the day during a cruise. We hadn't yet been on Oceania, but we were hoping to have a chance, so we were *very* eager to take a look. There was no charge, but we did have to submit all sorts of ID information, such as passports, and it was checked very carefully before we were let on. I replied almost instantaneously; the number of slots was filled really fast, that first day. They were supposed to let us see a sampling of different levels of cabins and suites. However, everything was running very late, so we got a minimal peak in what was probably a regular balcony cabin not too far from the MDR, and that was it. Very few of members of the group were travel agents. I don't remember the "why" of this particular invitation, and we've never had any offer like that again, unfortunately. The meal was excellent, no surprise. And of course, the MDR was looking beautiful. Waaay back, in the summer of 1968, I spent the summer in mid-town Manhattan, and one day we wandered over to "where the ships were", and had a chance to go aboard what I think was a HAL ship. This was in the day when there apparently were regular "sailaway parties" with friends who were not sailing. There were mutiple announcements about "leaving the ship", etc. I was absolutely fascinated. My actual cruising started a few years later. 🙂 GC
  15. What kind of "other illness" quarantine, and how long is it likely to last? (If it's Monkeypox, I think the contagion time is longer than with Covid. Is there something else specific of concern?) This would depend upon your specific policy. There is rarely anything that is uniformly "how travel insurance companies" do things. As long as they clearly specify the terms and those terms are in compliance with the state's insurance regulators, there's likely to be variation in coverage. GC
  16. Hmmm.... well, when I wrote what I wrote, I didn't realize that those powders triggered the TSA scanner... Maybe that changes things; I have no idea. What the port screeners detect may be different. Good luck, and let us know. GC
  17. We *always* make our own air reservations. (For long-haul, we use awards and fly in comfort, but to get to another domestic port city, we just buy the tickets and keep an eye on things, including the weather. It's not worth risking the entire vacation...) Do a thought experiment: How would you feel, next April, if it turned out that the Cheapie Tickets that NCL got for you were some connecting flights, however silly that might seem now. They're going for "cheap", NOT "convenient". ... and then if there is bad weather (not to mention another wave of Covid or a Pox of some sort, or perhaps locusts 😠 !?), and things are very delayed or a flight is actually cancelled and there's no availability on "the next flight or the one after that", etc. ... and then you're thinking, for less than $800, we could have controlled our own reservations, "and be there already..." Of course, there's no guarantee that even with you controlling your own air reservations, there won't be some sort of snafu, but... I'd certainly prefer those odds, including the ability to make any changes if necessary. GC
  18. We went to the Curacao liquor factory. It was so much smaller than we were expecting. They had some really interesting flavors of their liquor, ones that we have not been able to find anywhere since. We got several assortments of their tiny bottles, and everyone we gave them to *loved* them... and asked about getting more. Nope. We even tried to have some shipped to us, but because of liquor control laws, that's not possible. Even a neighborhood liquor/wine store couldn't do it. They'd have had to go throught a major importer/wholesaler type of company, and we couldn't possible use the quantities they'd have required. We also walked around town a bit. We try to get private tours when we are at ports, so we can spend our time the way we want, and decide to spend "more time here and less time there" if that seems right... and especially if it's a place we may not get back to. GC
  19. Ooops, yes I missed that part! Duh on me! Obviously, we've never had the pleasure of interacting with Naughty Room Festivities. 🙂 GC
  20. They screen luggage that is *leaving* the ship?? GC
  21. This looks to be still at the port, not on board. How does someone know they need to check here before boarding? (I had always imagined the "naughty room" to be on board the ship, and one could go there "whenever", even after sailaway. But one wouldn't have any of the other contents of that piece of luggage until one did that, of course.) Thanks. GC
  22. Take a photo of the label of the original container. Tape a copy to one of them (or even several). My guess is they won't even be noticed, especially in a regular screening device. That's not what they tend to be looking for with those (usually more like liquids). I'm not sure how different it would look under a scan than, say, a container of talcum powder, for example. We bring meds, lots of meds (alas). And we bring them in tiny ziplocs for the length of the trip (plus extras!), each with an original pharmacy Rx label. We request these extras a week or two before a trip, so the pharmacist isn't rushed. And we've never had them questioned. If they were ever even noticed, we are unaware of that. (And yes, the collection includes a controlled substance, but the rest are not. There are two epi-pens, and another injectible. We've never been asked about any of them, not at ports or at airports.) They'd probably do better going after "other substances" with sniffer dogs, although that's only a guess. Relax, but "just in case", be prepared to continue the cruise without them. One never knows for sure. GC
  23. What does your insurance policy say about this? Either it's covered.... or not. (When we purchase policies when traveling with others, we make sure that all of us would be covered if any of us got sick; this includes pre-covid days, and also covid.) If you aren't sure from reading your policy, ask your travel insurer or the agent you purchased it from. And make sure that you know exactly how you'd need to document it all, if it is covered. Hopefully, you won't need it! GC
  24. It definitely does on at least some ships. (Perhaps not all NCL ships?) Having the power shut off left a very warm suite, especially if it was a side where the sun was shining... Our Butler suggested leaving a card in the slot for this specific purpose. (I don't remember which ship that was on; it may or may not have been NCL, but I think it was.) GC
  25. The TSA screening at airports is quite different from the screening when boarding NCL (or most other cruise ships). GC
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