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Everything posted by TowandaUK

  1. Our new phones have the new C usb, it’s easy enough to get a small adapter to fit the C into the A.
  2. It seems Cunard also refer to passengers as Cunarders. On their social media page they announce a Cunarder of the week - the passenger who has taken the best Cunard photograph.
  3. I’m in the UK. As you have said- In My Cunard there is a link in the booking summary section to pay your balance online (for bookings made directly with Cunard). Most annoying that the link doesn’t work in Oz.
  4. Thanks to @ronpes and @techteach for the recommendations. I usually prefer to read a book before seeing a film so the book is now winging its way from Amazon. It’s also in my Netflix wish list. Love a recommendation - there’s nothing worse than spending time to read a few chapters before discovering it’s not worth continuing.
  5. Have to agree about All Creatures Great and Small. A delightful series, such a change from the numerous dramas that abound that are full of violence, aggression and upsets. Having said that the recent series of Time has been excellent - thought provoking, well acted, and a revelation.
  6. Still no info from Cunard about Queen Anne themes.
  7. What is a postman? They are an endangered species here. Lucky if they venture out once a week, and are then loaded down with the backed up post!
  8. Just picked up a couple of masquerade masks at our local garden centre Christmas display.
  9. Yes this is our dilemma at the moment. Our first cruise is on Anne on May 10th. We are torn whether to book now or wait until we get onboard to get the benefits of doing it that way. The danger is that if we wait that prices may have gone up. At the moment we are trying to nail down the type of room we will go for and narrow down which cruises we may be interested in and monitor prices.
  10. Thank you for your detailed reply. We booked our first Cunard cruise only 3 months ago so still have a lot to learn about Cunard. We are hoping to book another cruise before long so your information is very useful.
  11. Can you explain why please? The price difference is quite big so I am curious how they justify it.
  12. Looking at the difference between Britannia and Club rooms. Can’t see a lot of difference considering the extra cost for Club. I know that Club has a separate dining room with an assigned table just for you. Is there much difference in the menus in these two categories? I can see there is a lot more on offer to those in Grills, but is it worth paying extra for Club rather than Britannia?
  13. We too were in Cornwall at the end of September for our son’s wedding. Lovely weekend at Mawgan Porth.
  14. We too are booked for May 10. Looking at the recent YouTube tour I had to wonder how on earth it will be a fully functioning ship by then. However I choose to believe all the major things will be in place and will try to go with the flow with any glitches. As we are new to Cunard we booked by choosing itinerary and date, and only realised later that it was only the second voyage. So looking forward to it. Not many on the roll call for this sailing yet.
  15. This info shows up in the thread kindly posted by blue marble which details the daily programmes. Coriander is advertised as $25 cover charge.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions. I think it’s quite possible that covid may have put a stop to it. The roll call could have been a good idea but there are very few on ours and I seem to have been the only one posting on it for quite a while. I’ll probably leave it until nearer sailing and see if the roll call has livened up by then. Thanks all.
  17. I think I read a while ago that some sailings have a book club. This intrigues me. Is this just for specific voyages such as transatlantic crossings or on all sailings? Are books announced beforehand? I’m not a rapid reader and may need to have a head start if participating.
  18. Hi Jim. Spoken with you a few times on the Celebrity forum. We are booked on Queen Anne next year on our first Cunard voyage. Good to see you here.
  19. I’m afraid I don’t have the answer for you. We are sailing next May and have not got details of themes yet.
  20. We have had all our vaccinations as they have become available. I know 4 people who died from covid, so am well aware of how serious it can be. However, I now tend to treat it like flu ( yes that can be fatal too). I treat covid with respect but not fear. Despite masking up and avoiding crowds on our 2022 cruise (masks were still common then) we developed covid within days of returning home. Something that can happen anywhere, anytime. It’s still around and with new variations - 2 of my grandsons currently have it. I don’t plan on wearing a mask unless there is a widespread outbreak onboard. What is the current protocol onboard if you pick up covid during your cruise?
  21. Thank you Pushpit for the clarification. As you surmise this is my first time on Cunard (although not my first cruise) so am not yet got CWC benefits. Hopefully anyone who already has the option of buying at a cheaper rate can now do so. Fingers crossed that it will be available to all soon.
  22. When I log into My Cunard it is the first thing that comes up.
  23. I don’t plan on entering into an argument so will leave it there.
  24. I might not know what Cunard was charging on past cruises, but I know what it was quoting me yesterday was more than it is quoting me today. Didn’t plan to get shouted down when I posted. My only concern was to alert folks who may also benefit from this price reduction.
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