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Everything posted by NHProud

  1. When is your 25 th anniversary ? I would use your inside cabin as one big closet . There’s a law of physics that states nature abhors a vacuum . That “closet” would not go to waste. There is never enough closet space.
  2. @Luckynana So sorry your cruise ended so abruptly and painfully for your husband. I hope , he heals quickly. Yes , Canadians are very hospitable people . Good luck dealing with the insurance forms. My husband had an unpleasant surprise from a Dallas hospital after being treated there after an incident at DFW airport.
  3. When someone recommends a hotel consider their travel style . Their standards may not be yours . I looked up the hotel in Travel Weekly which was the reference manual ( now online ) when I took the TA classes. Your hotel has a 3 rating while the Doubletree has a 7 rating . It is a good idea to check reviews, also. I took the TA classes just to be an informed traveler . Never used it otherwise.
  4. Listen to Linda and wear your sling ! Was your new iPhone delivered before you left ? Great review as always .
  5. My SIL and BIL are so excited to have their flights booked to London for King Charles’s coronation . They are fans of all things British. Every year my b’day card has been bought in London . @BonTexasNY Last week we spent 6 hours in the ER. When we arrived there were 4 patients in the waiting room . Patients arrived and were seen and there we sat and sat. After 4 hours , I went up to the desk and asked if they had forgotten about us . He then explained to me how they triage patients . They see hundreds of patients . My niece is a 50 yr old ER doc and is burned out . @LucasLikesToCruiseLucas , so very sorry about your mom . I hope , you get the help you need.
  6. We once drove 12 hours and my husband fell asleep driving. We almost ended up in a creek . We were in our 20’s at the time . I think , we’ve had this conversation before.
  7. There is at least one San Diegan on here . I’m not a baseball fan however our HOA president works for the Padres . So , there’s that .
  8. That looks delicious ! It is the same recipe that you would use for chocolate bark except for the stick of butter . I’ve seen it with 1TBS of shortening or none at all . You can add crushed candy canes , M & M’s , or dried fruit for the holidays. Spread to desired thickness.
  9. What a great kitchen and a terrific location , too. You’ll have to post some pics of your sumptuous meals by your chef par excellence.
  10. Waiting with anticipation to hear all about your celebrations in Venice when you return to Israel in February. Where will you be staying ? Sounds wonderful !
  11. Won’t you be celebrating your 50 th anniversary, then ? How romantic is that ? Will you be there for Carnival or Valentines Day ? You must be having fun planning every detail of your trip . We stayed in Mestre and took the train into Venice . Such great museums and the food , you’ll have a fantastic time . I’ve been to Wagner operas that have lasted 4+ hours so I can see your hubby’s point of view .
  12. I’m with Graham on this . You will be celebrating your 25th anniversary and your attention should be on each other . Linda can speak for herself, though.
  13. Great review , Greg ! You’ve done a lot of work putting it together and it shows .
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