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Everything posted by uktog

  1. I agree they are recipes for leak disasters and awkward to use. Thanks to Arubaaruba for the video
  2. Excellent news -maybe I won't be testing how much I can bring onboard at Miami Keep enjoying but please leave a modicum for me 🙂
  3. Can you tell me, is there Whispering Angel currently available that you are aware of for package holders on Onward That might determine what I bring onboard (appreciate stocks might get hammered between now and Miami). Also what champagne is being offered on the package? Thanks
  4. Thanks @DSfor the comprehensive update. Little concerned about your reference to procedures- are they saying they’ve no procedures documented now? Hope not! That said if it’s like any company sale it’s not a case of starting with a blank sheet. You amend the existing ones and remove references to oldco specific terms and processes and replace them. Most procedures are not unique so no copyright applies. Interesting they’re using Tony with least experience on ships hotel side to do it. Wonder what drove that decision. - new thinking? Others not available? Fitted with schedules? Last company sale I was involved in albeit not in this industry we put our most experienced person to write draft one to get all the legacy knowledge then used them plus two others one very new and another from a different point in the service delivery chain to finalise the way forward.
  5. Yes we were watching you. We had a few drone people on Journey. It was definitely marketing’s day. Understand that they couldn’t do a big off ship event but a little marker would have gone a long way
  6. I agree, they could easily have given all guests a postcard of the ships photo or even a certificate signed (digitally of course) by all four captains
  7. I have been on strenuous that were mildly active - think walking on relatively flat surfaces for a few miles and I have been on the lower level moderate that involved walking up extremely steep inclines for some distances. So the "badging" can be a little hit or miss. You might get a better response if you give us a couple of examples you are thinking of and people can chip in if they have been on them. I certainly know strenuous and hike in Greece was indeed very strenuous, not that I did one, but a couple we met were gingerly walking around the ship one evening, they were fit people as well!
  8. Oh dear, that speed is going to give me issues next week. If its too slow I get timed out of clearing the security gateways to log onto the work email system
  9. The laundry bag perk is not Onward specific it applies to all ships. What you describe is a Princess policy to maximise revenue from laundry sales
  10. Not good news. I need to do an hour or so onboard when I’m away. When the internet is so rubbish it usually takes 2 hours. That extra hour really eats into our holiday
  11. Really I had a quote and was told no. I’m fed up with this inconsistency
  12. Haha we both typed the same phrase simultaneously I think
  13. At least pre Covid you could get calls answered quickly using the RC system. Travel agents are having problems too. In these tight times days people don’t have 20, 30, 40 or more minutes to listen to nauseating marketing stuff some of which may even be out of date. Yes if you’re lucky you get a good agent but even now you cannot guarantee that and if you get someone who is not aware of the product or comes out with something you know is not correct, it tips you over after the long wait. Very nice if you can call at the sweet spot time, people who are working or helping on the school run often cannot. Remember we thought the world ended when UK calls were moved to Guatemala. Well looking at it today, Guatemala was five star compared to what we have now. I have live bookings with four lines just now, Azamara is by far and away the absolute worst for call handling and response times (eg Special needs form still not acknowledged it’s not a big thing for us, but for others it could be a significant need) They could reduce their call volume if there were not conflicts in information sent to guests. That’s a simple non IT fix Time to sort out non IT driven workarounds Azamara. You’re driving customers and agents away from recommending or using you. Its all jam tomorrow at present both in terms of fixing onboard issues on some of the vessels and sorting out shoreside. I wonder how much patience the investors will ultimately have?
  14. Transfers usually have to be done within 30 days of booking
  15. I fear the ban on alcohol sales might be the tip of the iceberg in this tournament in terms of issues some groups of the fans could face. I really hope the football shines through and Scotland wins 🙂
  16. Unfortunately no, it really isn't a great experience. One hint if you call and get to the menu option click you want to book a new cruise They seem quicker answering that line - I wonder why 🙂
  17. No a travel agent cannot handle a payment for a cruise bought direct. I feel your pain!
  18. Did they say where they were doing it on Onward?
  19. Wonder if they’re holding back higher categories for the “ special people” doing the full voyage
  20. I would not focus conversations on the internet - that avoids them looking at what they really should be talking about for where they are pitching the line - free internet for everyone (OK I know they have had infrastructure issues, but that excuse has had its 7th birthday.......)
  21. I think the challenge as we often mention on these boards is that the operating model of UK travel agents is very different from that which applies in the USA and Canada. Because a very large percentage of UK holidays involve foreign travel , travel agents primarily focus on selling pre packaged fixed price holidays where there is little if any interaction with the customer after booking except to pass tickets on. They are not set up to handle cruises and things like price drops. There are specialist cruise agencies but my experience is that they too are not engaged in getting price drops for customers. It is work that brings no benefits for them and even can bring reductions in commission. People do not build up the personal relationship with one agent compared to that in the USA. So all in all, its not about a "good agent" or a less good agent. Bottom line, you have to monitor things, if you think there is a better deal now being offered you have to ask for it. What happens then, it is in the lap of the gods
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