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Everything posted by sogne

  1. Hong Kong was dropped some time ago when the Chinese government had entry restrictions etc.
  2. Force 8/9 west winds on beam to harbour approach
  3. sun rising behind unidentified Aegean island enroute Istanbul to Catania with QV
  4. sogne

    Queen Anne

    https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/inspiration/queen-anne/captains-log/march-2023 seems we will be getting more frequent updates now
  5. sogne


    3 emails so far from TA's so far this morning for winter 24/5 voyages on sale WC 15th March (UK)
  6. He would have 100 in june this year family reunion in Trondheim with QV North Cape cruise.
  7. Crew changes & stores came from Lowestoft.
  8. like many of his generation he said little most of what i know i i found after his death from historical archives
  9. I forgot that feel free to disregard this for your data base.
  10. My home waters are the UK east coast, my father was born in Larvik on the north shore of Sognefiord, he crossed the North Sea in June 1940 aged 17 joined Norwegian Navy and later RN. My mother born in Bergen was already in UK working at the embassy although they did not meet until after the war. I still have relatives in both Bergen and Larvik/Sogne areas. Hopefully QA will get there next year,
  11. sfred and u have the right reason but wrong location. It was much nearer to my home waters.
  12. QV at anchor but where and why? This is a designated anchor site.
  13. Sobers Viv Richards is from Antigua
  14. not just which port but which terminal?
  15. Yes that is it incidently QE was first ship to use the new cruise berth at Portland.
  16. I recognise the historic sailing vessel at Anstruther but it's name escapes me.
  17. have we had this ? a maiden call
  18. https://www.cunardcruceros.com/cunard Cunard Spanish site find your cruise then click map tr o see times
  19. sogne

    Queen Anne

    We have done 31 cruises on QV & QE and are well acquainted with their prom decks I am only stating what I was told and are not wholly convinced.
  20. sogne

    Queen Anne

    the WC rep told us they are on this forum and was well aware of the concerns of prom deck I was not wholly convinced but it is deck 4 which is obstructed by lifeboats. I ask myself why would the rep have so strongly stated that the prom deck would be similar to QE and QV knowing the expressed concerns. Even so I not totally convinced.
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