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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. Thngs w/ society & covid protocals are changing so rapidly. 


    Six months ago, people were complaining their government couldn't get them the vaccine. Today you can get free donuts, lottery tickets, and shots of alcohol just to get abbed. In another 6 months things will be drastically different again. 


    With that. I'm out. Peace to all those vaxed and those not vaxed. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, zekekelso said:

    If they catch Covid watching the game, they won’t cancel the rest of the game and quarantine everybody in the stadium.  Cruising is different. 


    If this is truly your concern and I have no reason to doubt you, then you really should not get on that ship just yet. It's still too early. Because vax or no vax, covid will get on that ship. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, broberts said:


    Overblown in what way? Have not millions died in the last fifteen months? What would have been a more appropriate response?



    It's been known for more than a hundred years that mask wearing will reduce transmission of airborne diseases.



    It does seem an extreme position, but didnyou consider that some people have risk factors the require such behavior?


    Once again, the mark was missed. "The whole ordeal is being overblown big time".... is in reference to Fake Vaccine Cards. To my knowlege and correct me if I'm wrong, fake Vaccine Cards to board a cruise ship has not been used or at least a maor problem. Further, there is no policy in place that would even make this a desirable choice at this point. But here we are posting in a thread that villifes non vaxed people & accusing them of using fake cards.  Yes... it is indeed all over blown. 

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  4. 18 minutes ago, zekekelso said:

    None of those have asked me to fill out a medical history asking if I’d vomited or had diarrhea in the past 24 hours. Cruising is fundamentally different. 


    LOL... which is the biggest joke around the cruise terminal. A family spends thousands of $$$ and then gets asked these two questions  literally a minute before they cross the gang plank. These are CYA questions and we all know it. 


  5. 46 minutes ago, jtwind said:

    This post got several likes, and that troubles me.  If you want to believe that the earth is flat, fine.  If you want to believe that the moon landings were faked, go for it.  Believing in those things really doesn't affect others.  But giving people a pass for not getting vaccinated because they believe in some conspiracy theory?  No way.


    Fake cards are being sold.  People are buying them for a reason.  One of those reasons will be cruising and international travel.  We're supposed to say 'that's ok, we just disagree'?  Not in this case.  No pass should be given on this one.


    I think you're missing it....people are buying them because the government along w/ the media as set into motion that vaccinations must happen. Do you not believe your vaccination is good enough to protect you? I do. It's why I got it. As a result, I have no worries going anywhere w/ vaxed or unvaxed people. In fact, tomorrow I'm going to attend a MLB baseball game w/ two people that are non vaxed. We'll sit next to one another for the full game and then do dinner as well. I have no fear of doing this. If you are still concened or worried about being around others that are non-vaxed after getting your vaccine, you should not get on a ship. Or go out to dinner... go to a ballgame, movie, or anywhere for that matter.  

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

    Just a hunch, but I think you may be incorrect about that. In fact, the more people who refuse to be vaccinated, the protocol for proof of vaccine just may continue for years to come. I don't have a crystal ball so, surely I don't know what is in our future but I surely would like to see vaccine proof for at least a year or two.


    Has anyone ask you to prove you have been vaccinated? Restaurant? Gym? Salon? Theatre? Anywhere?

  7. 2 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

    Bottom line......It would not be a good idea to attempt to falsify Covid vaccine records. You will be caught if you become ill on a cruise ship and you have no official record of immunization.


    Is someone trying to do this? Have you heard of this happening? Who? Link?

    Or perhps you're just thinking that RCL is going to mandate the all passengers be vaccinated and therefore you assume your passion to board a ship must be the same levels of non vaxed folks to do the same and so you are just fanning the flames of that non vaxed folks are bad people and would actually try this? 

  8. 1 minute ago, NightOne said:


    So you are an expert on how long it takes to develop a vaccine? We're working with supercomputers these days and they can do things a little faster than when the polio vaccine finally came along in the 1950s.


    What just really gets me is the mentality that these people have that THEIR life is so important to the world. We are a grain of sand in the universe and mean nothing. We die tomorrow and the world keeps on rolling on. Who are these people that think THEY are SO special that there can be no risk to their precious existence.


    100 Years ago none of us were even on this planet and 100 years from now we won't be either.


    I think this vaccine has proved how self-important people think they are SMH



    I don't believe the poster thinks they are an expert. Or at least they did not express this. The lives of 'those people' that are non vaxed are just as important as the lives of those people that died because of covid. The purpose of the vaccine is to save lives and to prevent the deaths of all of 'the grains of sand'. 


    Here's another one for you... I mean since we're working with 'super computers' and everything, right? One would think by now that with the trillions of $$$ spent, and the decades long time of research, that cancer would surely have been cured by now. But it hasn't. So yes, comparatively speaking, it does make one stop to question when seeing how quickly that a vaccine was developed, approved, distributed, and administered.  

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  9. 1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

    Why your reluctance to show a vaccination card? It is not like you are disclosing your medical records. It is just a vaccination record. Being vaccinated should be something all should be proud to disclose as you have done your part for our country to reach safe herd immunity.


    Fair question. I've tried to explain my position but there is so much nasty rhetoric that I guess it gets missed. First do know that I have a vaccination card. Pfizer to be exact and from CVS. I very proud that I got the vax as well. I did so at the need for my health as I'm one that seems to get a severe nasal & chest colds every year, multiple times and they linger as well. Having said that, I did not want to get the vax as I do feel the testing has been rushed through too  quickly. I suppose the need to rush it was important but I just did not want to be that 'guniea pig' guy. But with Covid attacking the lungs, I knew if I got covid, it would not be good. So I weighed the risks/rewards and decided when the opportunity presented itself I would vax up. I didn't get the two jabs as 'doing something for our country' or to 'go on a cruise', or whatever. I feel those reasons are wrong but it's their arms, their choices. I accept everyone's reasons for gertt the vax or not getting the vax. I'm who I am. I'm vaxed up for personal reasons. I feel like that if someone is offering a service or product to mankind in general, then I should not, and most will likely not prove I'm worthy to the provider of these services. I feel the process of seperating us as a people is bad enough as it is. The only reason any provider of product and service can justify his/her refusal of service to me is their religous beliefs. Other reasons are simply... wrong. 


    I think there is a legitimate concern of those that do not want to be vaccinated. The fear factor was cranked up to a mega level to scare millions of people over covid. The fear fastor is now turning towards our fellow citizens and I do not like this or accept it. It's just wrong. I truly believe if we go down the path of vaxed and unvaxed classes of people, we'll all look back one day and be very ashamed of what we have done. So far there has not been a single place of business has requested proof of vaccination or services from me. Perhaps it's because I'm in Texas. I don't know. But I see that there are others that have been forced to get the vaccine to keep their employment, go to an office, etc. That is a shame. Prior to covid these same people were accepted, now they are not. 


    I'm pretty sure I'll have some that'll attack me etc. for my thoughts but I don't care. I'm like them, vaxed up ready to cruise but just have a different way of looking at things. 



    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, jerseyjjs said:



    Some people don't trust the hasty production of the vaccine or the unknown short to long term effects of an unproven, unapproved vaccine.  I don't think it's "selfish" to have some trepidation over getting a shot of something that once it's in you, cannot be retracted.


    I respect your point of view and I think it's important that we all do. 

    • Like 1
  11. Just a reminder it's been 8 sweeks since the Texas Rangers opening day, mask free sell out w/ a 38,000 in attendence and it was called a 'super spreader'.  There was vaxed and unvaxed in the crowd that day and no proof of vaccine was required to attend. There was no break out of covid because of this either. 


    I really think all this stuff is going to die the covid death and just slowly fade away & disappear. 

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, BOOKBOOKBOOK said:


    Krispy Kreme and Shake Shack for various free food promotions.


    Friends have told me that their private companies are allowing employees to come back and work out of the office if they provide proof of vaccination (i.e., the card). Going to the office is completely optional though for the time being, which is very similar to what cruising is.


    Cruising is not a right, and it is a vacation choice among many.


    My wife's company allows them to come to the office by choice only. They actually hired a pharmacy to come out on site to administer the vaccinations. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, BOOKBOOKBOOK said:


    Krispy Kreme and Shake Shack for various free food promotions.


    Friends have told me that their private companies are allowing employees to come back and work out of the office if they provide proof of vaccination (i.e., the card). Going to the office is completely optional though for the time being, which is very similar to what cruising is.


    Cruising is not a right, and it is a vacation choice among many.


    Sucks. Bribing this one thing but failing to service the customer is another.

  14. Just now, 3kidsncats said:

    Try doing a mock booking on available cruises sailing in the next couple of months.  I think you know very well that only vaccinated adults (16+  through end of July, 12+ as of Aug 1) are able to book, but for some reason you like to play games.  


    Why so hateful and meanspirited? You specifically posted about a policy regarding unvaccinated ADULTS.... your words not mine. I did not know of this or hear of this until you mentioned it. This is why I asked. I have looked and to my knowlege there is absolutely no policy that states this as of today.  If you don't know of it,  you don't know of it.  And yes, everything changes... we all understand this part.  

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  15. 5 minutes ago, jtwind said:

    What!?  That's the topic of this thread.  


    I recognize this but I do not think anyone will be required to show proof of vaccines by the time the US ports actually have ships sailing away w/ passengers on them in non testing cruises. I think all of this posturing will have disappeared.  Things are moving fast and it's my belief that what might matter today won't matter by then.  

  16. 23 minutes ago, jtwind said:

    For all of you anti-vaxxing conspiracy type folks who are planning on trying to sneak onto the cruises...remember, you don't have the chip that was injected when the vaccine was given.  So you WILL get caught when you are scanned.


    I get your drift but I don't think anyone will be 'sneaking' on any ship. 

  17. 20 minutes ago, 3kidsncats said:

    Try looking it up yourself — not currently booking a cruise on Royal out of a US port, so not worth my time.  And try understanding that the entire situation, regardless of embarkation port, is subject to change at anytime so for cruises in 4-6 months, whatever is the policy for the next weeks, and probably few months has potentially no real bearing on six months from now.  That’s why in an earlier comment on this basic topic, I said “at the moment”.  


    I couldn't find the 'Adult' policy you asked about. That's why I ask you about it since you posted on it. I though you knew of an Adult unvaccinated policy. I don't think it exists. 

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