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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 8 hours ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


    'Debunked from unreputable sources'?  What about your fellow Texan (an actual virologist) talking about this paper:


    "This is a list of generally discredited hypotheses that have been tested and disproved," said Benjamin Neuman, biology professor at Texas A&M University and chief virologist of the university’s Global Health Research Complex. "This seems to be a piece of deceptive writing from what appears to be a non-expert. It isn't science."


    By the way, I've read the paper and commented on in Post #114 in case you missed it.  I don't know enough to critique the 'mask dangers' part in detail, but the mask efficacy part is misleading, in my opinion. 


    Also, it appears to be a 'pay-to-publish' article.  For a mere $1850, you or I could maybe get our own 'scientific' paper!



    and for free, ($0) Benjamin Neuman got nothing for you mentioning is critique. My point is, 'science' is comes at a price. A cost. Somebody pays for science. It's funded. And that somebody generally gets the data & report to lean their way. Believe me, Neuman is making bank. He's an instructor. A teacher. Albeit a Professor but still a teacher. A wonder what was his last laboratory testing and who funding it. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, d9704011 said:

    You say something nice for a change then go and ruin it with your mask (and money) foolishness.


    I'm a nice guy. Ask my Mom. 🤣 

    Shutting down golf courses is absolute foolishness. That tactic is a sign of a control freak. What a shame for our friends in Canada. 

    • Like 6
  3. 41 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

    Send your extra doses north to Canada if you could please. We got less than 2 million for the entire country last week.  The US gives 3.5 million a day. 


    It all comes down to vaccines in Texas.  They are “mask free”, and the results show.  Like you said these tough measures will be intact until more get vaccinated, and the cases go down. If enough aren’t vaccinated when the lockdown ends, we could be in the same position again. 


    I think you're government should have opened their wallets to buy vaccines much like the US did. 

    • Like 3
  4. 48 minutes ago, d9704011 said:

    The population of TX is about double that of Ontario.  Your daily new case rate is bumping along at about 3,000/day right now.  Here, ours is well above 4,000!!  Fairly easy to see why some tough measures have been put in place.  Let’s hope the next few weeks bring about a significant downturn.


    But we dropped facemasks & opened up a month ago.... is what I'm attempting to convey. I think there is a different mdethod or tactic that could be used. 

    • Like 3
  5. 46 minutes ago, jean87510 said:

    We have a problem in our country with obesity that starts unfortunately at a young age with poor choices of eating habits and sedentary lifestyles.  Even if the CDC posted this with 36 font on the website, people would ignore it. For the record, I know there are people with thyroid issues (I am one) and it is difficult for weight loss.  I am talking about takeout and doordash as opposed to a healthy home cooked low cal meal and exercise instead of a couch potato.


    and don't forget how prescription drugs cause weight gain. Big pharma is fattening up America too.

  6. 20 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

    In Ontario right now your bubble is your immediate house hold. You are not to gather with anyone else.  You are not supposed to leave your house for other reasons except for groceries, medical appointments and work.  The government is imploring people to work from home if they can. 

    The situation with golf courses overall is people are not playing with just those from their house, not wearing masks, and not staying 6’ apart. Last summer when the province was having nominal cases it didn’t really matter but now with variants running rampant the province said no.  No tennis, basketball, baseball are not allowed either at this time. Kids sports are not happening now, and nor did they last summer. 

    I’m a member of a club and have seen it first hand.  I have also seen on FB photos of people I know together at clubs standing with arms around each other’s shoulders for group photos. They were not from the same household. It’s not everyone who is doing this but with a stay at home order for 6 weeks golf was added to the list this lockdown. Skiing was during the last one, and relaxed to be allowed after the lockdown was over. 


    Wow. What a shame. I feel for you man. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, ArthurUSCG said:

    The media has said about being overweight or obese raises risk factors, but an obese person often  has other underlining medical conditions that are also on the list.

    I know Dr. Fauci has done multiple interview where he discussed obesity. Here's one.


    I guess you're right. But early on everyone was talking that age was a factor and that breathing (lung issues) was a problem. I must admit, that I have completely stopped listening to Fauci. He speaks and too often changes directions. He's a visual mouthpiece and blah, blah, blah is now what most folks hear these days. His 15 minutes of fame expired months back.  

    • Like 3
  8. 9 hours ago, coffeebean said:

    Masking in a restaurant when you are moving around, such as entering, exiting or going to the restroom is not cosmetic theater. It's all about being stationary while sitting and for people to be able to maintain a proper distance. When moving about, distancing becomes more difficult or unsuspecting. It makes sense to me why masking in a restaurant when someone is on the move is necessary and safer to take off the mask when a person is stationary while sitting.


    Thank God those days are gone. Restaurants are finally wising up. They of course like all business' followed local and state requirements to remain open and obtain revenue. But finally here in Houston most business' have adopted the 'masks are now optional' which is how it should be.  

    • Like 4
  9. 9 hours ago, coffeebean said:

    Well, let me just say this. It depends on the source where you get your information. This is truly BS. These theories have been debunked by reputable sources, including the scientific community. Believe what you like. I will stick with reliable sources for my information.


    Masks have been used for more years than I have been alive (that a LOT of years)  in the medical field as source control. Why, now would they become ineffective and cause psychological and physical problems among our population. Why???? because what you have posted is BS. That's why.


    You have to admit that is a pretty detailed scientific study and report. I think what makes it unreliable in your estimation is that the contents do not fall into your narative. So as a result, you wish to dismiss the study as unreliable, debunked from unreputable sources, and I quote, "BS".  I do not believe you even read this 'science' report and the findings. You're just another one that believes science is the be all and end all of everything, as long as the science fits into your beliefs. 

    • Like 6
  10. 16 minutes ago, yogimax said:

    I think you are confusing South Korea with North Korea.


    South Korea is not a totalitarian regime.  It is one of the strongest democracies in Asia and a staunch supporter of the United States.  


    Not confused. I know the difference between the two. But you have misread my post. I have read what & how S. Korea clamped down on their people w/ regards to virus. Their actions show us that it isn't as a democratic society as we thought it to be. They most definitely could not operate that way in this country. But that's beside the point. The point is even their strict behavior 1800 people were killed. Masks make most feel better but they simply do not work as we've been told... repeatedly... yet some are so convinced they actually believe vaxed people not wearing a mask is prolonging covid virus. The amount of ignorance is amazing for sure

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, yogimax said:

    34,430 people in Florida have died from COVID.


    1,802 in South Korea.


    Wow. You're telling us that the death of 1800 people is successful compared to other mandated masked countries. Failure!  So the mask mandate in even a strict totalitarian style regiment of mask wearing still killed 1800 people.  So far not one single country has stopped covid... your mask is only 'masking' the problem. Covid is still wreaking havoc everywhere. 


    Keep trying. Surely there is at least one country out there that has mandated mask and have been successful .

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, ArthurUSCG said:

    Given about 40-50% of the population that is overweight or obese, that putts a sizeable chunk in the high risk group. The alphabet soup of government health agencies have been concerned about obesity for a long time.


    But overweight, fat, obese appear to be the largest targeted group by covid. Yet, CDCmakes no. mention. Could it be they are concerned with offending people? and shaming people?

    I do think so. 

    • Like 5
  13. 5 hours ago, cured said:

    I am amazed at the amount of people that will believe any conspiracy theory that is thrown at them just to be able to assuage their intense fear of the virus, convincing themselves it is a huge global scam, enabling them to put their heads in the sand.  Even seeing what is happening in the rest of the world is not to be believed.


    Never in the history of the world have democratic republics, socialists, democracies, communists, authoritarians, dictatorships, and every kind of political entity, been able to work together so well to perpetuate a global scam that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not really real. They have ruined their economies and dug mass graves just to perpetuate this myth that a global pandemic exists. I wonder how many global meetings they had to have to come up with a mutual plan to stop the world's economy.  It is a miracle it is.


    Facts are pretty easy to find without resorting to the dreaded Main Stream Media (hint: the scientific community and peer reviewed studies.)


    Here is a useful article for those that are so fearful:



    I don't doubt that covid exists and issues abound. I also don't doubt that the media has used this virus to rustle up ratings and elected officials have used it to extract tax dollars for whatever the hell they can dream of. But opposite of you, my amazement is that many people completely believe anything and everything that is spouted by these two groups. Both using the word' science'  to further push it. It's a cray cray world these days. I think perhaps that NYC was hit hard and as a result that the NE coast media bias and narative has caused many small communities across the nation to seriously freak out. Some counties lost as few as 15 people to covid but are under the same restraints as those that lost 6,000. 

    • Like 7
  14. 6 hours ago, cured said:

    She is doing great now thanks. A pacemaker was installed and she now has more energy than ever.  I am finally scheduled for a joint replacement, one that was pushed off for a year due to no elective procedures.  We are down to just cases a few a week, so I am now able to schedule my surgery!!


    Those refrigerated truck morgues were heartbreaking.


    See, it is sooo different here in houston. I had elective procedure last June! Crazy the difference is. I own a business that operates in Chicago & Houston. Houston is open and flourishing while Chicago is still closed. It's like two different worlds. 

    • Like 2
  15. 7 hours ago, mjkacmom said:

    I love your aluminum hat.


    I can speak for Houston... they were never full beyond capacity. When I say they, I mean the Medical Center as a whole. Ben Taub might have reached capacity but not the hospitals as a whole.  In fact, the George R Brown convention center was made into a makeshift hospital w/ over two thousand beds and NEVER even used. It was eventually diassembled, torn down, packed back up, and ship off. 

  16. 23 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

    I believe a lot of the federal aid / covid related programs would end if they declared the health emergency to be over.      As long as we are in a Health Emergency then people cannot be evicted/foreclosed on/ can receive the additional "emergency" unemployment, etc. etc. etc.    


    This and the other 92% oif the multi-trillion dollar 'relief' funding. A lot of people got a lot of money over covid. Fact. 

    • Like 2
  17. 6 minutes ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


    I forgot to mention that he was bigger than me 🙂


    Also, for your reference,  if you're ever in a fight w/ a guy bigger than you, charge him, tackle him, get him on the ground. The ground is your equlaizer. Having said this, I hope you never get into a fight. 

    • Like 2
  18. 24 minutes ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


    A week ago Saturday, I was wearing a mask to pick up takeout from a restaurant. Crowded, indoors, no other masks in sight, including the employees.


    While I'm waiting, a guy walks over from the bar and puts his (unmasked) face literally about four inches from mine and stares at me.  I think he was trying to see if I would move to maintain social distance. 


    I didn't say a thing, just looked at him.  After awhile, he went back to his buddies at the bar.


    I'm just curious -- what do you think I should have done?


    Pulled your mask down and blown in his face. 

    • Haha 4
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