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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. Many posts in this thread were posted and meant to be very political in nature. Whether you like the Gov of Florida or lean towards him politically should not be presented in this thread or your arguement. 


    If you chose to be vaccinated, that is your personal choice. You choice was based on your best needs. Your protection. Likewise, if someone else chooses not be vaccinated then so be it. It is their choice. It is their lack of protection. Limiting someone to attend, eat, drink, relax, shop, vacation etc should not be based on vaccines. Remember, if you're vaxed up, you're protected.  I'm vaxed up. I'm good to go. My DW has decided at this time not to have the vaccine administered. I respect her choice and her decision.  Today,  all retailers, restaurants airlines, etc, have no working knowlege if I, my wife, or you are vaccinated. Nor should they either. They can require me to wear a mask if they like, but not to present a ofrm of identification of whether the vaccine has been administered. Please keep in mind that this vaccine has NOT been approved but for emergency use only. 


    We can all agree to disagree but bringing your political point of view into this thread is wrong by the standards of Cruise Critics and they should be removed and future posted of this nature stopped immediately. There is no room for it. I have reported each and every post that has done this. I'm very curious to see which direction the admins and moderators take. 

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  2. Just now, Iamcruzin said:

    I agree but where does it say that the CDC considers cruising essential? That was the basis of my original comment. The CDC is still issuing a travel advisory.


    You stated that leisure travel is not essential. I corrected you. My point of contention is that the CDC is the judge and jury of what they think is to be considered 'essential leisure' travel. Which is pretty much a joke these days. The CDC uses 'scientific' data when it's to  their benefit and then discard it when it works against them.  With each passing week, the American people are slowly but surely seeing what a joke the CDC really is. It seems like the NE or mid-atlantic states and a few in the upper midwest will be the last to see and comprehend this. I'm somewhat puzzled to this too. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Iamcruzin said:

    When Royal released the itinerary that leaves from Nassau I gave up hope for any sailings out of the US this summer. They just flipped the CDC the bird and found a loophole that could serve the U.S. passenger.


    And rightfully so too. IMO, they would not have instituted a cruise from Nassau or St.Maarten if they thought there was a chance to cruise out of a US port. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Pratique said:

    Yes that is the hope, that things will improve. But right now the trends are leveling off when they should be continuing to decline. Since the vaccines appear to be effective, that must mean unvaccinated people with covid fatigue are dropping their guard prematurely and slowing the rate at which the numbers are dropping.


    Someone suggested that the CDC data is untrustworthy, so it is ignored


    There has always been regional differences. Right now the south is doing better than the northeast. Up here things are getting worse and the states are warning us to not drop our guard just yet. That's all I'm saying, we're not out of the woods yet.


    I am. 

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  5. 23 minutes ago, Pratique said:

    When you say hospitalizations are "way down," way down compared to what? January? What you say the networks don't talk about deaths anymore, which networks? Seems like generic statements.


    Jokers to the left, Clowns to the right, here we are stuck in the middle with you.

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Pratique said:

    When you say hospitalizations are "way down," way down compared to what? January? What you say the networks don't talk about deaths anymore, which networks? Seems like generic statements.


    Hospitalizations? You can go with January if you want... it won't matter. 

    Networks? Another 'pick one'. 

    The goal posts just keep moving. The objective of what to measure continues to change. 


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  7. Deeper. Dig deeper. Throwing up generic numbers don't fly, at least w/ me. 

    1.What age group is experiencing the increases?

    2. Geographically speaking, where are the increases occurring?

    3. How many deaths occurred in these two weeks?


    The gloom & doom days of covid are gone. So "variants' seem to be the newest fear tatic. 



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  8. 4 hours ago, paulh84 said:

    Not holding my breath. In the past 2 weeks the 7 day average case count has increase over 18%. 


    Gotta dig deeper. Deaths & hospitalizations are way way down. That increase is in the age category that some states just started vaxng up.  In fact, the death count is so low now that the Death Countdown clocks are gone and the news networks never mention deaths any longer. Even with the incoming southern border flow, since Texas 'opened up', covid cases are actually decreasing. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

    I wish I could say that I agree with you, but I don't. Are you familiar with the phrase "give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile"? Well, as one who likes to dress for dinner and expects others to do the same, I find it tacky and borderline gross to come to dinner in the MDR and see people in slovenly pool attire. It just puts me off. More to the point, it encourages an already disturbing trend of "look at me" that is rampant in our society, which explains the proliferation of reality TV shows, social media-obsessed people, and egotism. Now, is it possible to see people in fine attire misbehaving? Sure, just as there are also people who dress down for dinner who behave in a respectable manner. But those are outliers. In my opinion, having no dress code sets a bad tone that, if it doesn't encourage rudeness, it certainly says "we don't care." I recently read on here about a woman who was clipping her toenails at the pool and when asked not to, replied "I'm on vacation, I can do what I want."

    Exactly. And many, many MANY times I have read on Cruise Critic of people who were called out by the maitre-d' or other diners about showing up for dinner with cutoffs and a wifebeater and becoming belligerent, saying "I'm on vacation, I can wear what I want." Hey buddy, news flash: it isn't all about you! Have some respect for others. But I confess that, as someone who had to wear a tie and dress clothes to high school, I appreciate the saying "manners maketh man."

    Now I await the avalanche of the judgmental critics among us. 😉


    "...expects others to do the same."  When your level of expectations exceeds the managment of the venue, it is you sir that has issues. 


    "...it puts me off."  If it bothers you to a level that it changes your emotion to enjoy a nice dinner and the conversations that most often flow with the meal, then you really need to assess the value the venue gives you. 


    "... the disturbing trend of 'Look at me' that is rampant in society." With all due respect to you, it is my belief that you are attempting to set the standard of the 'be like at me' and if you can't, then you expect others to just go away. 


    I'll stop there. To answer the O.P., yes do pack a pair of slacks. I have found that each region or type of cruise that we've enjoyed has a different type of vibe to it and this naturally tends to be witnessed in how we dress accordingly. For example, on our European cruises we've noticed that the style and elegance at even the business casual seems to be a notch above other cruises. Likewise, wearing shorts on our Alaskan cruises just didn't seem to fit the landscape or season. I can't imagine the desire to wear shorts at dinner on this type of cruise.  But take the care-free, laidback mental aspect of a Caribbean cruise with surf, beach, and sun, I can see wearing shorts as something others would do. 


    Having said this, I've never worn shorts to the MDR and never plan to either. Likewise, I only carry a tie on a cruise if we are in Europe. A Blazer w/ an open collar is more my comfort level personally. But to be concerned with what others are wearing to a point to even have an opinion about it and then discuss is rather lame at best. There are far too many other great things to enjoy and discuss at dinner. 


    I once again fall back to the venue and it's management. It's their job to expect it and enforce it, it's my choice to accept it and enjoy it. If I do accept it, I enjoy the food and company. If I don't accept it, I simply do not go. But to go knowing the expectations of management and then complain... is well... weak sauce. 



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  10. 5 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    Thank you!  Very interesting!  Casinos run on sovereign land of Native Americans.  Are any on the ocean?  They could open up their own cruise ports and not come under the CDC.  Good find.


    "Officials say there are no tribal citizenship, employment, state residency, or registration requirements."


    Looks like all one needs to do is host a 'vaccination clinic'. RGP can pull this off w/ the help of the county & state governments. Dock the Adventure in a Florida port, open up free tours w/ a vaccine and 'BOOM'... vaxing the crew is set. 

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  11. It seems so 'old school' to worry about dress codes these days. I just never understood how people can go to the MDR or Specialty Restaurant and worry about what others are or are not wearing.  I just don't get it.  And for some to actually stoop so low as to take pics or video is just so mind boggling to me. We're talking about adults being all wrapped up in what others might be wearing. Sharing conversation and enjoying the food that is brought to me is my only concern. I just don't let the little things in life that shorts at dinner bother me. Seems so immature, meaningless, self absorbed. If someone is wearing shorts, well there is probably a good reason. And that reason is not my concern. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Suncoastsailors said:

    If they are so rich with cash then why wait 45-60 days for refunds? Why sell cruises they know will be cancelled? Why delay official cancellation for cruises they know are cancelled? Why do they often delay cancellation until after final payment? Borrowed money in your bank account does not make you wealthy. They are using future cruise deposits to pay refunds on cancelled cruises. While they hold onto refund money as long as customers will tolerate. 


    Somebody aint happy. And...well that didn't take long. Each of your posts escalated to a full on fuss. 

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  13. On 3/27/2021 at 8:40 AM, TeeRick said:

    Royal Caribbean and Celebrity are offering cruises out of St Maarten, Bahamas and Greece early this summer.  All passengers 18+ must be fully vaccinated by two weeks before boarding a ship.  And all Q&A and information on these cruises state "fully vaccinated crew".  So how, when and where will that take place?  Presumably to meet the timelines- they need to start soon.  Cruise lines have opened booking and are taking deposits.  They must have plans to quickly vaccinate crew.


    I am not looking for speculation.  I am looking for facts and verifiable information from the RCG corporation, Travel Agents, or official sources.  It would be great if any crew members who read these boards could give us information on what is happening with them vaccine-wise in order to get cruising started by June. 


    Well here you go. No speculation at all. RCG just needs to host a 'vaccination clinic' like they're doing in Oklahoma.  I like it! 



  14. 1 hour ago, Auntiemomo said:

    That's basically what I said.  The vaccine will not immunize you like the polio or the small pox, etc.  You are still are susceptible to catch covid after the vaccine -- just limited affects if one was not vaccinated. 


    Actually... it is an 'unknown'. And I wish folks would understand and realise this. Pfizer & Moderna vax was NOT tested for immunization results. But early return of the known data from the field studies show that Pfizer is at a 95% clip of immunizations.  

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