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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 12 minutes ago, ReneeFLL said:

    You sure do like to put your own spin on other peoples words. If Royal requires a vaccine for US passengers it’s because they are trying to protect the passengers and themselves. By trying to protect the passengers and not have a major outbreak also protects them from more loss. Major outbreaks could set them back which I’m sure they are trying to avoid. Bottom line is they are trying to protect themselves aka $$$  and in order to do that they have to try to protect the people first.


    Btw, you can put the spin on the part regarding my finances verses safety any way you want. Your credibility in asking questions is 0%.

    I guess you haven’t read the posts where people have said they would prefer not to have their vacations interrupted if possible by unvaccinated people. 


    I didn't spin anything. I just repeated what you posted. In fact... I've read posts from some that wish to go cruising badly enough that they hide behind the need for a vaccine because of health/safety reasons and then others want the ship vaxed up because they don't want their vacations interupted by the mean old virus. 


    My response to the first is don't go cruising if you're that scared and my response to the latter is fly to Nasua or St. Marten!  

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  2. 33 minutes ago, At Sea At Peace said:


    Actually, one cruise line has submitted a plan and have not received the answers.




    Norwegian Cruise Line Wants an Answer from the CDC

    April 15, 2021


    "..... said it strongly believes that by requiring mandatory vaccinations for guests and crew on initial voyages, in addition to comprehensive protocols including universal COVID-19 testing...."  


    'Initial' is a key word here... and it's strictly my opinion, but I feel like if once start they start the requirement of vaccinations, it will not end.  

  3. 8 hours ago, Pratique said:

    It's not just "we," it is also the obligation of the cruise line under international law. So they can and should have the final say in this matter. We don't get to decide for them what is best for us.


    Wait. What? Did you just say that a business gets to decide what's best for us? LOL You should really stick to complaining about missing cookies from your 'Welcome Aboard' amenity. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, mek said:

    We were there three years ago on another TA that ended in Dublin.  The old town looks very much the same as it did back then.  When we left the port in the evening I was up on deck looking back at the buildings, thinking about the passengers looking at the same view - which was for many of them, their last view of land.


    This will be one of our port stops on our next scheduled cruise. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, Iamcruzin said:

    Logic tells me that just like the flu vaccine, the covid vaccine isn't 100%.   Even enough mild cases can end a cruise or put it into quarantine. Why raise the odds of disrupting your vacation by allowing those who aren't vaccinated to board?


    As of today, this moment, with what we know now, if I was to go on a cruise ship, I too would want everyone vaxed up. Yet, this still may not be good enough as you posted. I do believe by the time my next cruise comes to date, our world will be, look, and feel completely different than today. We have our next cruise set for July 2022. We shall see.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Ourusualbeach said:

    Norwegian has.



    Silversea has as well.  While not nearly as large or with the number of US sailings they still have US departures and more importantly are part of  RCG 



    Meh... I just don't rank them as a ctuise shipcategory, probably due to the size of their ships. 

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  7. Just now, ReneeFLL said:

    You can't compare apples to oranges. If I go to a movie it's not going to be cut short because someone has covid. I also didn't pay big bucks for it nor did I take my vacation time for it. Hugh difference. I don't know why people can't understand such things.


    I fully undestand it. So to get this right, you're only concerned over finances and not covid or health/safety issues, correct? Because RCL is putting on the fsce that their caribbean cruises that are vax required are for our health. Our safety. 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 minute ago, ReneeFLL said:

    At the expense of others? Really? Don't like the rules if that's what RC decides to do then don't cruise. It's a luxury and not a necessity. Who has said they want non-vaxxers to stay off the ships forever? I only want it until covid gets under control. The sooner it's under control hopefully the sooner things will start to get back to somewhat normal.


    You do realize that you're arguing for others to support a rule that doesn't even exist! LOL

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, ReneeFLL said:

    They have every right to do it if they want to. Look at the other lines that are doing it. Their rules if they choose to. Play by them or don't cruise.


    So far there is not a single cruise line that has stated vaccines are required when cruising resumes out of US ports. If RCL does NOT insist on all passengers to be vaccinated will you get on the ship?

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, cured said:

    Just this week I have canceled my existing cruises and have not booked anymore, so not for my selfish wish to cruise.  I am not jonesing to cruise like so many.


    I have said over and over again that I support everyone's right to choose whether or not to get vaccinated. 


    But if you want that respect, you also have to respect the rights of a business to make the choice that is best for them.


    What's sad is that you simply do not understand nor care to understand those that wish to be vaccinated and enjoy a fully vaccinated ship... only for your selfish reasoning of enjoying yourself on a cruise ship. And sir, you are in the vast minority. 


    Funny you ask about the mundane day to day life things. Just last week on our local nextdoor group, I saw several requests by different people asking for recommendations for vaccinated plumbers, floor installers, and kitchen remodeling professionals.  So yes, it is a thing and becoming more so as more people become vaccinated.




    You should never ever assume something. I'm fully vaxed. And have cancelled two cruises so far..  And your 'several requests' on a next door social site is pretty lame. So you never answered...do you require a movie theater to be 100% vaxed? Your cashier at your local drug store? Speaking of drug store, do you require them to serve only vaxed customers? How about your grocery store? Do you demand that they serve only vaxed folks?  Your server at the restaurant... do you ask to be seated and served by a vaxed wait staff?


    Didn't think so... with that. I'm signing off. Peace to all vaxed and non-vaxed. 

    • Like 4
  11. 8 minutes ago, cured said:

    Who is forcing the cruise lines to require vaccines?  Not the CDC so far.  The cruise lines made those decisions on their own. 80+% of people polled have indicated they want fully vaccinated cruises. Vaccinated cruises are good business right now.


    If you don't want the vaccine, that is absolutely your right to choose that path. But face the truth that there is the possibility that you may be limited in what you can participate in.




    Come on... don't be so naive... they're wanting people to be vaxed for the same reason vaxed cruisers want it.... to appease CDC in hopes of opening up revenue streams... all at the expense of others. BTW, those numbers will eventually shift. There is no way that the "80%" you've mentioned can support RCG. They might float a couple of ships for a couple of months, but you can't be real to think that these same 80% can keep RCG afloat w/ all their ships cruising. 

    • Like 3
  12. 15 minutes ago, cured said:

    Requiring a health and safety protocol is not even close to discriminatory practices.  Apples to oranges and sad that you think it is the same.


    If it true, then cruise lines could not forbid pregnant women past a certain date from cruising, could not forbid infants of a certain age from cruising, could not forbid people over 300 pounds from buying tickets to the water park tickets, Ifly, could not forbid short people from riding slides, and any other health protocol out there.


    It is not discrimation against pregnant women, people of size, little people, etc.  It is a safety rule.


    What's sad is that you simply do not understand nor care to understand those that wish to not be vaccinated... only for your selfish reasoning of enjoying yourself on a cruise ship. Do you extend this need to attend a movie? Have dinner out? Do you require your Uber drive to be vaccinated? How about your dentist's assistant? Is he/she vaccinated? Think about your daily life and the people that come & go within it. And then ask yourself, "Why am I demanding my cruise ship to be 100% vaxed when others in my life aren't?" 


    Dividing people into two classes is not a good thing. 

    • Like 5
  13. 3 minutes ago, CruisingHogFan said:

    Yet the CDC reinforced the level 4 warning that no Americans should board a cruise ship anywhere in the world this week....



    Great negotiation tactic.  I think they're attempting to throw it back to the cruise industry for opening cruising up outside US ports. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, cured said:

    One can just as easily turn that statement around. If you are too afraid to get a vaccine, then stay home and don't vacation anywhere that requires one.


    Royal isn't being forced into anything. Their #1 priority is their bottom line for their investors and the health of the company.  They have done their studies and the vast majority of people want fully vaccinated cruises.


    That line of excuse has been used many times for many reasons to discriminate against many people. From hotels, to lunch counters, from busses to banking. It never works well long term. 


    • Like 3
  15. Hmmmm....CRICKETS.... and just what I thought. Not many. If any business is actually objecting. I think the only objectors are those that are concerned they might have to go on a cruise with a ship that is not fully vaxed up. The Gov basically shut down the selffishness of a few in the interest of the many.  


    caveat.... I'm vaxed and ready to go and actually do not wish to spend money on a cruise that has non-vaxed folks walking around for fear of the cruise being disturbed. Yes... that's selfish of me. So I'm like most of ya'll in the respects that I don't know what to do and am learning to navigate through this mess. But I do like the Gov's line of not creating two classes of people. That's good stuff. So for at least awhile, I will not be going on a cruise. 

    • Like 4
  16. 17 minutes ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


    The point is that, by your 'can't have it both ways' criterion, the people who say 'it's OK for DeSantis to say what businesses can't do, but it's not OK for Whitmer' would also be guilty of a hypocritical double standard.


    Naw... it isn't hypocritical at all. So I can.

    DeSantis is for the protection of one's individual & personal liberties, while Whitmer  is for removing and taking away those same liberties. 

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