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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 9 minutes ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


    Several people are saying this, but does it really work as a logical argument? 


    Can't someone just reverse it and say:


    "People opposed governors telling businesses what they can't do during lockdowns, but now applaud DeSantis for telling  businesses what they can't do about vaccine requirements.  They can't have it both ways"



    I'm curious as to what other business' wish to require an individual to prove vaccination. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, SailyaCruise said:

    FYI. Per Reuters, metrics as of 4/11/21. Sort columnar data in descending order by highest percentage cases to date.  CA 1st place; TX 2d; FL is 3rd place in the nation.  I won't be setting foot in FL even for a beloved cruise. And certainly will not be taking my life in my hands by playing Russian Roulette with my health by sailing with people who on principle are ok with jeopardizing their own health and others' with contracting a potentially deadly disease that has taken at least half a million precious lives so far.  And I get my 2d Pfizer shot this Friday.  Thank God I live in a place where public spaces are banning people who refuse to wear masks at a minimum, and where everyone is getting vaccinated.  All the more reason to bring big ships up north, but they just won't budge.

    Where U.S. coronavirus cases are on the rise (reuters.com)


    I thank God you do too.

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  3. On 6/16/2020 at 9:21 AM, crewsweeper said:

    If these do get approval and do work in the real world,  they could be very helpful.

    I can see something along this line used in preboarding and for crew members.  But unless a particular port is experiencing and outbreak, or, like Grand Turk, requiring certification of no cases, not sure there's any reason to run a test on reboarding.  Supposedly this device would pick up asymptomatic cases too.


    As far as original embarkation, if you show test positive, they just don't let you on board.  Put a statement as such in the cruise contract.  Disrupts a family's vacay? Yes, but so be it.


    If I was required to do this each time I left the ship and then returned, I simply would not cruise. If they allow me and/or my party onto the ship, they have a responsibility to get our asses home as well. If they can not accept this responsibility they should not be accepting monies and cruising. 

  4. 3 hours ago, koolZip said:

    I would go so far as to call DeSantis one of the most pro-virus governors in the country. Since the very beginning of the pandemic he has been recklessly obstinate and criminally incompetent in protecting the residents of his state. From allegedly false reporting of COVID deaths and infections to blocking municipalities from instituting mask requirements to his sweetheart vaccine deal with large donor Publix, he has shown himself to be a corrupt and venal politician. If anyone can sink the prospect of cruises out of FL in the near future, he can.


    and yet after all of these allegations, Florida has been opened and business flourishing all the while Florida is in the top percentile of most covid stats when comparing the other states. When I rthink of a Governor's policy of failure to protect their state from Covid, the only name that comes to mind is Cuomo and his nursing home death scandal. Such as it is.

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  5. 3 hours ago, PelicanBill said:


    Not really true. Each cruise line operates a US based company for sales and operations.  DeSantis can't regulate the ships. But we have plenty of port regulation for that.


    What remains to be seen is if DeSantis can really tell businesses what to do, without a law backing it up, and whether he has authority over the local port authorities operated by the counties.


    Well I'm not sure about a government executive action for or against a vaccine, but they damn sure have controlled our lives w/ regards to the openings and closings of business' and mandating masks and so forth. It's kind of weird reading that a Gov should leave business' along and allow them to make their own policies when for the last year this simply has not been the case. And nationwide too. 


    Having said this, to date, there has been NO policy issued by any cruise company requiring vaccines from a cruise ship leaving a US port. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, sjg1973 said:

    Yes that is correct


    OK... so tell us all a few things.

    1. How many people have been FULLY vaccinated?

    2. How many of these people caught Covid after the 14 day period?

    3. How many of these people were hospitalized?

    4. How many of those that were hospitalized were intubated?

    5. How many of those fully vaccinted died?


    Very interested in the numbers and the percentages. 

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  7. I seriously doubt that you'll have any problems on your Sept 2021 cruise w/ face covering, i.e. masks. It'll be very difficult for Royal to enforce this type of rule when the cruise will be cancelled. Yes. I'm one that believes there will NOT be any cruises out of US ports for another large portion of time. 

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  8. 22 hours ago, BirdTravels said:

    Vaccinations is a requirement for current cruises. 

    If you test positive, even if vaccinated, you have COVID. And you will be quarantined on the ship or kicked off. 



    One can do everything today they could have done pre-covid but go on a cruise. Strange world we live in using strange rules that many assumed to be established laws. 

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  9. On 4/11/2021 at 9:12 AM, bouhunter said:

    No.  None of the vaccines are 100% effective.  Last week they had counted 200+ fully vaccinated people in Michigan who got covid AFTER the 2 weeks following the second vaccine.  And that's only the ones who were found and verified.


    Michigan? Isn't this the state w/ the Gov that continues to 'lock down' tight? Makes me wonder if the findings are even true. So much rhetoric these days...


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  10. 6 hours ago, Missusdubbya said:

    I think a predisposition to collective cooperation is cultural, rather than conditioning.

    I am very open to collectively preventing virus spread as are most Australians, and we believe contact tracing is an important part of prevention.


    A very different cultural attitude to yours (on this occasion 😁).


    I think it's because Australia borders no other country. so there is a thought process, that's it's on us as Australians to fix this. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the US or even Europe. Our borders are badly porous (sp) & international flights never stopped. Living on near the southern border all my life, I expereinced first hand the results of this border not in check. On a different note, heck one could drive across the US.... no probelms. One could take mass transit, subways, you name it. I of course can not and will not even attempt to speak for my feelow Americans, but on a personal level I could see some things happening that just did not make sense. This is the conditioning I was speaking to.   

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  11. 54 minutes ago, cured said:

    And this kind of health/mask shaming is exactly why we we can't have nice things (like cruising) in our country.  Don't be so quick to mock the precautions those across the pond have been adhereing to. At least the UK is getting cruising back this summer. 


    And don't blame the CDC. Blame the numbers, the science, and the number of covid deniers we have in this country.


    I thought the anti-science people were famous for saying "You do you, let me do me?"  Why the constant mocking of people who take more precautions than others? You have no idea why they are taking more precautions. We still wipe down our groceries. But we did that before covid due to the medical health of some of the members of our household, one a 30 year old. There is a reason this flu season has been practically nil.


    Actually the numbers in The UK aren’t much better than the US. So yes.... I’ll blame the CDC. BTW, how many ports in the UK we’re used for cruising pre-Covid? 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, jean87510 said:

    I think wearing a mask while swimming then smoking is a little ridiculous.  Also wiping groceries while in line is extreme.  If you're that uptight, have them delivered.  If you are in a vulnerable age bracket, have them delivered.  I am tired of getting dirty looks for running outside by myself without a mask.  Im tired of getting dirty looks for riding a bike outside without a mask.  I follow the rules for an establishment with mask and social distancing.  I have been vaccinated.  I worked last year with vulnerable vent dependent adults while my school was closed.  Ive seen 1st hand covid on vents.  I still think it is ridiculous to try to have a sterile environment everywhere in normal life.  And I think the US is doing well considering we are at around 20% vaccinated fully since mid December.  

    I do not & have never worn a mask outside. Hate on me... I don’t even care

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  13. 4 hours ago, misslottie said:

    Happily signed up for the contact tracing and used the NHS sign in app when we were allowed out last summer. All the better to help combat this thing ASAP.


    The way I see it is, if you carry a mobile phone you can already be tracked at some level. If you are on a contracted phone plan, someone has all your details already and all phones have built in gps these days - so why the fear of logging data via a health app?


    I would also be happy to record my vaccine status on my phone or carry a card - the sooner we can get back to something resembling normality the better!


    200ish days to my cruise - fingers crossed it stays in play and that we both get our second doses in time 😊 


    Must be an across the pond thing... 

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  14. 9 hours ago, Missusdubbya said:


    We are so different 😁


    In Australia you must scan a q code and complete personal information before you enter any bar, restaurant etc so the contact tracers can advise you if you have been exposed.


    It has worked really well at locating community spread risks. 


    I think the whole thing is based on one's conditioning...I couldn't and wouldn't want to live this way. Others are conditioned by PSAs etc to do this so it's not big deal for them. I've not heard of this app in use in Texas and most definitely do not know others that use it. Speaking of tin foil hats, occasionally one still hears about someone that wears two masks while in a car alone and wiping down every piece of goods fom the grocers. To be honest, I find that odd. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, Keksie said:

    Enjoy.  This summer we can see the big blue from the beach without masks, tracking etc.  We can go to restaurants and beach bars too.  Although we have always had balcony cabins we never really wanted to spend that much time on the balcony preferring to do things around the ship.


    Yep we have Plan B into effect. Driving the Gulf coast from Houston to Hilton Head and back on. a 11 day trip. With stops in N.O, Biloxi, Pensacola, St. Agustine, Hilton Head, Memphis, then back to Houston. First road trip in quite some time.

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  16. 53 minutes ago, kathygruvs said:

    It is nice to see a news segment about cruising that overall has a positive tone. Really hope cruises start. My trip in December was cancelled, because the ship is moving to California. 

    Not sure if I want to rebook another cruise or not until I know the US will actually allow sailings.


    I'd book it. We booked in January and the price has almost doubled since. Cruising isn't going to get any cheaper for the next forseeable future. 

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