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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 6 hours ago, Stallion said:



    Even Abbott's own medical advisory board admitted that they were not consulted about opening up Texas. It was a political decision


    Of course it was. He stated it clearly that government was removing itself from the equation. There are more issues of opening the state than just the medical. Sometimes leadership requires looking at more than just one direction. 


    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Stallion said:

    Those were waiting lists for the large venues such as Fair Park. Nobody wants to go to those large facilities 20 miles away when all their friends tell them they got their vaccinations at the corner pharmacy after a 10 minute wait. The pharmacy program has been widely expanded with great success. Eventually it will slow down because a segment of the population believes in conspiracy theories, evangelical nonsense and vou-dou medicine--it will be quite illuminating I'm sure. I still believe we can reach herd immunity relatively quickly


    There will be a slow down, in fact the first sign of it has already appeared in Houston. Starting Monday, one can set their own time, own place etc. There will be now waiting in line etc. Why? Because for the first time there is more vaccines available than arms. I expect we'll be able to witness the slow down by thew numbers coming pretty quick.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Pratique said:

    Gov. Abbott said, and I quote, "Today's announcement [lifting the mask mandate] does not abandon safe practices that Texans have mastered over the past year. Instead, it is a reminder that each person has a role to play in their own personal safety and the safety of others."


    And I played my personal safety and the safety of others... I got vaxed! 

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  4. 4 hours ago, harkinmr said:

    Hogwash!  Wearing a mask to protect others is common courtesy.  I wear one for that very reason.  I am fully vaccinated, but will continue to do so in public areas until the guidance changes.  


    It is my  opinion that if you're vaxed, you shouldn't wea a mask. And when you do, you're actually prolonging the pandemic. Because we've been told that wearing masks protects people and if you're protecting them then you'e also preventing herd immunity. People will either need to get vaxed or need to catch covid for herd immunity to work. 


    So be a good neighbor... speed up this damn thing and stop wearing your mask if you're vaxed. 

    • Like 7
  5. 3 hours ago, broberts said:


    It's truly sad that so many are determined to prolong the pandemic by refusing to get vaccinated.


    I'm vaxed friend but I respect other's points of view. For every one person vaxed these is at least one other person that does not believe in the vaccine. For whatever reason. This isn't sad to me. We could be. like S. Korea and just knock on doors arrest people, haul them away and force innauculations. That would be sad.  

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, firefly333 said:

    I'm in dallas where we have many control freaks. I dont go anywhere that doesnt have a mask sign and I'm tired of it. Ready to move out of their control. It only shows down herd immunity requiring the same from those vaccinated as those not. I cant think of but one place, taco Buenos, a couple older men had no masks so I took mine off. First ever time. It was so refreshing to not see lock step. For no reason!!


    You just gotta do it. Keep the mask in your pocket and just go. 

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, harkinmr said:

    Hogwash!  Wearing a mask to protect others is common courtesy.  I wear one for that very reason.  I am fully vaccinated, but will continue to do so in public areas until the guidance changes.  


    What is so difficult for you to understand that guidance did come in Texas? I refuse continue to wear a face covering to protect anyone any longer. Vaccines are readily available across the state. If people want protection they can get it.  Why is it that you do not understand this logic? I take it that your state is in a bad way or something and as a result you are in a completely different state of mind when discussing anything regarding covid.


    So let's make this deal...you follow your governor and let others follow theirs. 

    • Like 6
  8. On 4/17/2021 at 8:37 AM, harkinmr said:

    There have been some metrics given.  I have seen 75-85 % of US adults being fully vaccinated. We’re not there yet. I have seen a barometer of less than 10,000 cases per day for at least 14 days. We’re not there yet either. What no one can account for right now are variants and their impact.  I have seen a number of well-substantiated estimates of full return to normalcy by October.  Will that make people happy? This incessant need that Americans have for immediate satisfaction is a large part of why our country has struggled with this pandemic. 


    Immediate my ass. And you can absolutely forget about getting to a level of 75-85% fully vaccinated. That will never happen. 

    • Like 4
  9. 7 minutes ago, harkinmr said:

    It's too bad common sense and courtesy can't be mandated.


    If you want to wear your mask in Texas, you can. Heck, you can even wear two masks at the same. And even while you drive. Texas does not prevent you from making your personal decision to wear masks in public. It's the way it should be... in every state. Restaurants are wide open, 100% capacity.  I feel no issues or worries anymore and it feels very very refreshing.  

    • Like 8
  10. 13 minutes ago, harkinmr said:

    Exactly.  But everyone wants to be able to throw off their masks in all public places once they get their second jab.  There is absolutely no patience at this point, notwithstanding that folks have been told that guidance will change once we have achieved the target vaccinated population (not there yet folks!) and we understand fully what the impact is of the variants on vaccines and cases.  I understand the frustrations that people have, but I think the vast majority of us understand why we need to continue to take precautions.  It's the whiners that I cannot tolerate.


    There is no WANT to do this.... I did do this.  There is NO mask mandate in the state of Texas. Most public places do not require them any longer. And when they do I'll do it or leave. Like I posted earlier, there's only been one place in the past 3 weeks as asked me to put on my mask.  One. Out of approximately 35 locations. I go out daily. 

    • Like 6
  11. 34 minutes ago, d9704011 said:

    Are you suggesting that the greatest benefit of being vaccinated is being able to remove your mask and circulate freely in the local grocery store?  To me, the benefit is related to a reduced chance of becoming infected and ill from CV-19.


    Greatest beneift? Illness and death for me. It's why I got vaxed up. Not to go on a cruise or no longer to be required to wear a mask etc. But I no longer wear a mask anywhere at anytime. I carry a mask w/ me but have had only one store/restaurant that has asked me to put on a mask in the past 3 weeks.  And I go out daily. 

    • Like 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

    I'm already hearing if there is no benefit to being vaccinated why should I bother getting it. If you cant go maskless into a grocery store and there is no benefit, no thanks. 


    The cdc needs to realize there should be a benefit. A incentive, unless they dont want this to end. Dallas has cleared their wait lists. There are no waiting lists any more. We have more doses than people willing to sign up. Give it another couple of weeks and I'm sure so will other places be having a excess. People say let someone else have my dose and laugh and walk away. 


    The same in Houston too. One can set their appt at anytime, any place. No more waiting. Basically, they're running out of 'willing' arms these days. Aprroximately 36% of people that live in the greater Houston area have been fully dosed.  

  13. 7 hours ago, ReneeFLL said:

    I really can’t believe you just said that. So you think you should be able to do everything someone else can do? Do you feel your freedom is being taken away? Never mind answering. I already know what you’re going to say. 🙄🙄🙄


    Privilege and Freedom are two different things.

    You really need to chill out a bit and simmer down. Not everyone is wrong in life because they disagree w/ your social & political thoughts.  Deal w/ it. 

    • Like 3
  14. 9 hours ago, yogimax said:

    "having Covid19 is not special or unique or even worrying." 


    Is this a joke?  This is totally insulting to families who are losing loved ones every day.


    I see his point. People die each & everyday for many reasons. Car accidents, Cancer, Heart attacks, yet these three happen daily and have for many, many years. It is not insulting at all. There are far more people that have had Covid and lived than there are that have died. 

    • Like 8
  15. 23 minutes ago, lovelife said:



    We also stopped in Cobh on a Serenade TA a couple years ago and the departing view was eerily beautiful.



    Can't wait to see this and for this cruise. But I guess I'll hve to. It isn't til July 2022 so we have a lot of time between now & then for the CDC the cruise industrty to kiss and make up. 

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