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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 6 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

    A woman who I went to school with who was born in and currently lives in Aruba believes that a flower that grows there can cure every disease from Cancer to Covid.She said you boil the flower and then drink the liquid.


    Awww mushrooms! I remember those days... sorta... well kinda.... ok, I don't

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  2. 2 hours ago, c-boy said:

    😉  I see things in Huston are startin' to look up.


    Yes... starting Wednesday of next week the Gov did rescind some of his previous mandates. I think it's time to be honest but I am concerned about the border towns being over run now. Mandate or no mandate, the open borders and busing immigrants inland can and I think will be a problem with regards to Covid. 

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  3. On 3/1/2021 at 11:51 AM, donaldsc said:

    Why would I invite a bunch of total strangers whom I don't really care about into my room.  The worse part of it is that my wife would insist upon making the cabin neat before they came in.  




    Evidently you do not read the small print of your cruise contract.

    Page 2, Section 3, Line item B,

    All passengers must participate in an organized cabin crawl at your selected time. Said cabin crawl must be performed AFTER the orgainzed pub crawl so that all participants are drunk, unruly, and can bang on cabin doors appropriately. In addition, all passengers named DON must clean and prepare their cabin while their spouses are poolside. 

    • Haha 2
  4. On 2/28/2021 at 6:40 PM, wowzz said:

    Woo Hoo!

    For once us Brits are doing pretty well.

    Deaths down, hospitalisations down, and over 90% of the over 70s vaccinated.

    But, when it comes to international travel, it means nothing, because until France, Germany, Spain etc get their act together,  we can't travel. 

    The point is that  this virus is a world wide problem, and the speed of recovery is determined by the slowest countries. 



    Looking good. Our next cuise is the British Isles, Aug 2022. I think we'll be in good shape by then. 

  5. 4 hours ago, TheMastodon said:

    I want the tattoo instead - small barcode on the back of my neck that TSA can scan which allows me to move freely across state lines.  


    I'm not to keen on inking up as technology could change and then I'd have an outdated bar code. I'll stick to the paper method for the time being. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Heymarco said:

    If it’s not severe illness,  hospitalizations, and death you are worried about, what symptoms should stop a cruise? Exactly how is that different than any other cold or flu at that point?


    I'm not worried it. I'm vaxed up.  Except.... if an anti-vaxer crawls onto the ship, gets all messed up w/ the covid and causes my vacation to be cancelled or me to be quarantined... then I'll get a bit riled up. 



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  7. 4 minutes ago, Billy Baltic said:

    There will still likely be cases of Covid on ships. Even after 2 doses of vaccine it’s estimated around 95% effective. So with 3000 full vaccinated people on a cruise 150 people on average will still get sick if infected. 


    Yep... this is a known truth, but what seems to be missing as part of the truth, is that the vaccine is to prevent severe illness, hosptialiations, and deaths. Getting sick and death are two different things. The vax has never been presented by anyone to PREVENT the illness. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, lizzius said:

    Something like 30% of cruise passengers on RCL are traveling with children.


    Actually, in today's world it's something like 0% of cruise passengers are traveling with children.... as Royal isn't cruising. I only say this because I'm willing to bet that in an effort to get the ships back on the seas, Royal would be happy to roll w/ 70% of the customer base for awhile until things improve on the vaccine scene. 

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  9. 33 minutes ago, kidless said:

    When I am eligible for the vaccine I will take it. We will cruise even if not mandatory. People have the right to decide for themselves and weigh the risks. 


    I so agree. The right to decide is very important. My only concern is that those that do not get a vaccine can get on a ship and get the disease, and evdentualy get severly sick and/or even die. This then ruins everyone else's cruise vacation thus wasting monies and time. Dropping $8-10K on a vacation that can be spolied because others choose not to protect themselves or the cruiseline will make me re-consider my vacation. I also have to believe that a business no matter how large or small has the right to make their decisions as well and weigh their risks for doing so or for not doing so. 


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  10. 12 hours ago, FSHLOT said:

    We will NOT get the vaccine. So if they let UNvaccinated passengers on the ship, we should be there. Unless we have to wear a mask still, then it's a big NO. We wont be wasting our money to walk around a ship with a mask on. Just our preference, carry on.....


    I don't think you'll be cruising anytime soon then. No vaccine, no mask,  is most likely going to be no cruise ship too. For at least a long while.

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