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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. There's alot to digest here... but I'll try. You booked a cruise this past Oct 24th to go on a cruise less than two months away on Dec 14th. It was canceled by RCL. So you then booked another cruise two months away from that date for Feb 1st.  So in summary, you have booked two cruises in the last 4 months that was to sail within the last two months.  


    Each to their own but in the middle of a world wide pandemic to book these cruises and then complain about the process of cancellations and subsequent refunds falls on deaf ears for me. 


    I recognize it's frustrating. But the frustration was brought about by your own decsions and the action you took on those decisions. While I agree that RCL should not be selling cruises two months out during a pandemic, you also have to be much wiser how you position yourself in the post covid cruising world.  Inmany states across this country, during the months that you thought you were going on a cruise, you couldn't even sit down and order a meal at a restaurant. How you thought you were going to go on a cruise is beyond me, 


    I hope it is all resolved in your favor. I also hope your post will educate all that buying space on a cruise ship during a pandemic is on us as adults and consumers, not the seller or the cruise lines. 


    caveat: I just booked a cruise this week. But it is for 20 months out and I paid the difference to get a fully refundable deposit. 

    • Like 8
  2. I've been known to stop at a bar on the way back to the cabin & just order a 'neat' shot of bourbon, then save it for later.  But for the aft cabin folks, who doesn't make at least 4 to 40 returns to their cabins?  I do this a time or two a day or as I feel and then I'm set. 


    • Like 3
  3. 3 hours ago, ace2542 said:

    On some lines you can. We have got a bottle of Drambuie onboard QM2 through the x-ray machine in the carry one bag at Southampton. Security must have seen it on the x-ray there is no way they couldn't see it.  And it has never been an issue. And I have been gone back to the cabin to get my a father and drink and he has drunk it in the Chart Room bar with staff walking round and the staff have never noticed. It is long rumoured that people drink in the cabin on Cunard. 


    But on Royal if they catch you smuggling drink onboard you get kicked off the ship with no refund don't you? That is what I have heard. And if they catch you sharing drinks package they cancel it keep the money and you pay for every drink? Is that also true.


    No & no


    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Hogbay said:

    Looks like this man



    We saw them on the Liberty. They were in the opening night show & pretty good. As I recall though, she struggled that night as she clearly sounded muffled, not sure if it was her mic or whatt. But she sounded like she had marbles in her mouth. But she had on a beautiful blue dress. On the other hand he was brilliant. His funniest line was, "I did not text that woman." The place erupted in laughter.   Good times! 

    • Haha 3
  5. I like it. Smart move on their behalf. I have had a few TAs that aren't worthy and I bet about right now they are no longer in the biz these covid filled days. That's good for us cruisers. On the other hand, I've had two TA's that are golden in their profession. I bet these two could use a helpinng hand and I hope they apply and are taken care of. That'd be good for us too. 

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, Ulsteinvik said:

    26 May 2022 is also empty. These 2 cruises will be 12 day Scandinavia & Russia cruises.


    You're so correct about the May 26th. I missed that one! 


    Could be that you're right about another S & R cruise. As this date would allow for three different types of cruises in a B2B or even a B2B2B scenario. But for the same reasoning, the July 20th may very well be a 12 day British Isle Cruise. As it would then allow for another three different cruises in a row. 


  7. 12 minutes ago, LGW59 said:

    I was just checking 2022 pricing on APEX.  Currently have a RS Aug 2021 for 12 day Europe.  Looked at a TA also on APEX for 15 day April 2022, in a higher category suite and it is actually $2,000 LESS than the 12 day cruise in 2021.  For a $450 deposit, count me in! 


    Yep.... I really like that APEX TA... it has a port stop in Paris as well. New ship, long cruise, w/ a stop in Paris... there's not much to NOT like about it. 


    • Like 1
  8. If you have an overnight port stop, are you permitted to get off the ship and remain overnight off the ship?  A particular cruise we're looking at offers a stop overnight in Cork, Ireland which would afford us the time to take in the next county over and enjoy the Ring of Kerry. We wish to stay over night on land, is this permissable? 

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