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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 4 minutes ago, jelayne said:

    Much like airline Loyalty Perks (free checked bags, boarding priority, etc)  if your flying in the Main Cabin your loyalty perks are good  not as good as those flying 1st Class and paying more.  


    As it should be. To reach Zenith or for that matter any loyalty status level, one has to take a large number of cruises. And within that number of cruises, the cruiser not only receieved the benefit of a vacation, they were swooned, serviced & pampered along the way.  It's unfortunate but Loyalty Programs create a 'kiss the ring' mentality among most the loyals, in this case, cruisers. The "I'm a ________ . " (fill in the blank loyalty level) always seems to be within reach when an issue goes that does not favor them. Bottomline, if you want the suite life, buy the suite life. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 11/12/2020 at 9:54 AM, ECCruise said:

    Pretty weak analogy, IMHO.

    I pay school tax and watch children which I don't have become educated.  That is a big win for me.


    Paying for someone's booze package so they can overdrink, not so much.  Or so they can go on an overpriced and not as satisfactory shore excursion, ditto.


    Over 30 =X= cruises and putting hundreds of thousands of $ in their pockets but unless I can find a way around this pricing strategy, no  mas.


    Retired at the age of 44 by never spending stupid money.  Not about to start now to go on a cruise.




    Just want to thank you for all those drinks! 

    • Haha 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    We do it and no we don't charge for it. And yes, I am "supposedly" a physician. My comments were directed toward the ridiculous type of documents that were suggested we produce.


    What you don't like seals? I like seals. I haven't raised one but I've been to the circus and they look like the learn tricks fast. 

    • Haha 2
  4. 7 hours ago, bouhunter said:

    Wearing a mask on a ship you can barely (if at all) get off of doesn't sound like an "adventure".


    Sounds like a Judge's sentence. 


    Judge:  "I sentence you to solidarity confinement no less than 3 days confined to a ship. At all times you must wear a mask, social distance, use the stairs and drink through a paper straw. You will not be allowed to partake in any shore excursion not offered by the ship. Even then you must fall into a single file line and follow the leader. Testing for Covid will be done prior to embarking & disembarking. If you test positive after the ship sets sail, you will assume the role of sea food for the ocean. Do I make myself clear? Are there any questions?" 


    Me: "Yes your honor I do have a question. Do I get Crown & Anchor  points?"


    Jusge: "Bailey, take him away"



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    • Haha 6
  5. 5 hours ago, excitedofharpenden said:

    No I wouldn't. Would you?  The question you ask has no answer and certainly can't be used to change anyone's mind. We all have our own circumstances. Not least our own health situation. So it's meaningless. 




    No... I wouldn't grt on a ship today. For the record, I'm not trying to change your mind or anyone's mind for that matter. I'm attempting to get a 'feel' from the real cruise enthusiasts on how they're feeling about cruising in today's world. Perhaps it's meaningless to you, but not to me. So just deal with it and move along. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/9/2020 at 3:45 PM, hcat said:

    Many Open questions....


    Do we try and get a test at home before the cruise?  If so, what type and where? Who pays?


    Do we get tested in the port pre cruise..how soon pre cruise,?,  where and what test,  who pays? (  entity at Tampa Airport offers   tests , not sure what type,  expensive and not an instant result afaik...)


    Will pax be tested at boarding time?  If positive, then what?


    Will pax with vaccination certifs ( when the time comes) still need tests?


    Will this be worth the trouble?   Can we get cash for our fcc if we are done with cruising?


    I csn only answer one of your questions w/ confidence...


    Who pays?  

    You can bet your bottom dollar that the passengers will be financially responsible for testing. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. We have all read & in some cases re-read the suggestions of changes that RCL has sent to the CDC. Knowing what we know today.. and add to it the latest news of another uptick of covid infections across 40+ states and across Europe as well, would you get on a plane & fly to your RCL ship to take a 7 day or longer cruise today if you were allowed to?  





  8. On 10/26/2020 at 9:23 AM, DaCruiseBug said:


    No, actually flying is NOT dangerous.


    "a new study finds that when masks are worn there is only a 0.003% chance particles from a passenger can enter the passenger's breathing space who is sitting beside them"


    Let's stop with the fear mongering.


    Then why can't foks go to worship?

  9. On 10/26/2020 at 6:49 AM, Cruise a holic said:

    Actually, covid seems to be getting worse in many US states.  I understand that most of us are getting covid fatigue, but it is important that we stay put for now.  Flying can be dangerous, and airports not great- going into a high risk states not a good idea. We need to keep the faith and until we all are successfully vaccinated stay home.  They were able to find a successful immunization for polio, DPT, etc.  We need to be diligent for the sake of ourselves and others.  Listen to science.


    Can you explain your comment "Actually, covid seems to be getting worse in many states."  Specifically... how is it getting worse? and where? 

  10. Can you prove the numbers aren't sketchy?

    Can you prove that the numbers weren't 'wildly' inflated for profit sake?


    And your comment regarding awareness, testing, social distance, early treatment and mask wearing are slightly off.  I mean the infection rate is going up while the death rate is going down. My point is the things you mentioned did not slow the death counts, they did though by all reports slowed the infection rates. 


    I'm fearlessly careful. I wish everyone was as well. 



  11. Just now, yogimax said:

    This is from the article you cite...


    "Patients in the study had a 25.6% chance of dying at the start of the pandemic; they now have a 7.6% chance."


    So yes, the death rate has diminished, but would you want to wake up tomorrow knowing there was a 7.6% chance it would be you last day on earth?


    What do you think? Seriously? What kind of question is that? No one wants to die. But given the odds from this past March, I'd say our odds have improved by 18%... from the date this article was written. Which is damn good. I'm thinking it's even better now. And I'll go further to say that the odds are much much greater if you aren't fat, unhealthy, smoke, have diabetes, heart problems, etc. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Susan in Maine said:


    Please cite your specific source regarding extra payment to hospitals for Covid patients.


    The reality is that many hospitals are having to cut staffing and services due to the resources sucked up by Covid patients. Medicare and Medicaid don't pay proportionately for ICU care the way they do for so-called "elective" surgeries - hip replacements, knee surgeries, carpal tunnel, and the like. It's the elective surgeries that are the cash cows for hospitals, NOT acute care patients. If (and that's a big IF), hospitals are getting any more money for Covid patients, it's because they cost so much to treat.


    One click is all it takes. This was the first of many that are out there. I don't make this stuff up. 


  13. 20 minutes ago, yogimax said:

    I believe this the "Facts Only" thread...


    REPORTER: What do you say to those folks who are making the claim without really any evidence that these deaths are being padded, that the number of COVID-19 deaths are being padded?

    FAUCI: You will always have conspiracy theories when you have very challenging public health crises. They are nothing but distractions.


    OK... fair enough... you want facts. Here you go.


    Hopsitals are paid addtional funds from the US Government for Covid patients reported as being in Intensive Care, and also for Covid patients they report as death by Covid. 


    Spin that.  


    Bottomline... 'You get what you reward for' or 'You get what you pay for'.  And I'm pretty sure that every hospital across our nation is as honest as Fauci. 😉


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  14. On 10/25/2020 at 9:42 AM, not-enough-cruising said:

    So the heroin overdose I saw in the ER would not have died if she had not had COVID? 

    The motorcycle rider with the closed head injury at my hospital would have miraculously survived his subdural hematoma if not for the Covid in his body? 


    It is infuriating when the un-informed such as yourself make ridiculous comments about a topic you clearly do not understand. 

    it has been stated millions of times all over the web “there IS a difference between dying WITH Covid, and dying FROM Covid” The published numbers are not a fair representation of either cohort. 


    I don't have any idea if these people (patients) would have died or not, but the hospitals would not have been paid as much. The coding of Covid is a very, very, important revenue stream for hospitals these days. 

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  15. 8 hours ago, nocl said:

    If churches had the same ventilation systems as modern airplanes do they would probably be opened as well.


    According to a recent study, a fairly large one run for the DOD, if everyone on the airplane is wearing masks there is very little chance of virus entering another passengers breathing space, even if the plane is full.  The reasons is because the airflow in modern aircraft enters at the top of the cabin and exits at the bottom. The air flow is downward away from passengers breathing area.  Also the study indicated that virus injected into the cabin was cleared within 6 minutes.  This compares to 104 minutes inside of a standard home.




    At this point, I think there are folks that will find some report or create some report to justify actions or activities that are acceptable for Covid.  

  16. On 10/21/2020 at 3:52 PM, LGW59 said:

    But people can still go out and stay within 3 miles of their homes, and in small group with one other household, but not in their own backyards.  I read today that US is about 1 week behind Europe, so we will probably face something similar again.  And where I live, Boston just announced back to 100% remote learning starting tomorrow, no more indoor classes.


    Not many flights, but the ones that are... are flying pretty full. Three seats across per side, but some towns, cities, counties do not allow one to attend church services. It's a weird world we live in these days.  

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