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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 2 hours ago, yogimax said:

    "Let the business police themselves"?


    Yeah, we gave a great record with that...

    Let the businesses dump waste into lakes and rivers...

    Let the businesses spew as much toxic air as they want into the atmosphere...

    Let the business discriminate in hiring practices...

    Let the businesses cover up the sexual harassment of their officers and management...

    Let the drug companies set their own prices...

    etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 



    It's still about choice. You have the choice to not eat in a restaurant that does not require a mask. Use it wisely. Stop telling others how to manage their lives. Their are stores, restaurants, businesses etc that cater to you. Use them. Stop complaining about those that don't. Just don't go there. 

    • Like 2
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  2. 1 hour ago, flyguyjake said:



    I don't know why death has to be the boogieman here. Shouldn't every life matter? Do you those over 70 were at the bars, nightclubs, house parties and other reckless activities? We all know many of those over 70 were in nursing homes where they paid dearly for a "safe" place to live out their lives. We failed our elderly terribly and that is certainly nothing to be proud of. At no fault of their own covid was brought in by people under 70. So because many can't be bothered with the covid restrictions our elderly die. That's horrible.


    Well a huge chunk of those deaths can be attributed to poor decions made by the governor of NY. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, yogimax said:

    "Let the business police themselves"?


    Yeah, we gave a great record with that...

    Let the businesses dump waste into lakes and rivers...

    Let the businesses spew as much toxic air as they want into the atmosphere...

    Let the business discriminate in hiring practices...

    Let the businesses cover up the sexual harassment of their officers and management...

    Let the drug companies set their own prices...

    etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 



    What does any of this have to do with a cruise ship? Cruising?



    Just another one of your political rants.  

    Please stop. Take a break from the boards. Re-group. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Pratique said:

    When I lived in Florida we had a very strict homeowners association. They fined me for not properly edging the grass along the driveway. They forced me to get approval to repaint my house the exact same color. And on and on. The rules were there because if you give someone an inch they will take a mile. The rules don't bother me if I am going to follow them anyway. The rest of the rules are because of abuses by others, like parking broken cars on their front lawns, which I would never do.


    You also had a choice to move into the neighborhood w/ an HOA. Bad anaolgy

    • Like 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, LXA350 said:


    This is the biggest mistake, which actually was done as well in the US. Letting the population believe the virus is not serious. We shuld not all get into panic, but everyone needs to be caucious especially with hygiene measures and mask wearing in public, together with social distancing. Only these things help to keep things under control and not to get things going out of control. Best examples, where this happened would be France and Spain in Europe and Israel in the Middle East for instance.


    I disagree. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Pratique said:

    All of the rationalizations here make my head spin. Some people see what they want to see and ignore the rest. If Florida has got this all figured out while other places are going back into lockdowns for the fall, then I'll eat my hat.


    Look. Florida will spike. It'll happen. Every place that has even partially re-opened has spiked. The difference is that Florida is opening the lives of people. People can now move freely about. Go to Little League, go to church, have a birthday celebration. People can go back to work. The world has tackled covid and learned a great deal on how to survive it. The Covid death count is extremely small these days as compared to the numbers of the infection rate. The curve was flattened.  The fear that was instilled in us will take many years to subside. For some it may never.

    We just all need to be responsible. What works for my family may not work for your family due to the elderly around us. Because of this, your personal level of restriction or mine.... may be different but no doubt required. All of have to be responsible our loved ones. That includes providing for them.  The #staysafe #stayhome mantra of a few months ago can not be the mantra we live by. #beresponsible is the new #stayhome

    • Like 8
  7. Details matter. 

    200,000 deaths... over 50% are 70+ yrs of age or older and are from nursing homes

    Age 0-69 have 99. 97% survival rate

    Age 0-20 have 99.997% survival rate

    Kids are not dying.... teens are not dying.... college kids are not dying.... 20yr olds are not dying....30 yr olds are not dying....40, 50, and even 60 yr olds are not dying....


    Yes, someone will no doubt post someone, somewhere about someone within the ages listed above that died of covid. Well that sucks, but people die every day in these age groups for many, many reasons. But the chances are amazingly great that you will not die of covid. In fact they're huge. 


    So be responsible, stop the fear mongering. Instead of complaining about a state opening or the number is spiking up or going down... tell us what's in the numbers. Who's getting infected? Who's dying? What are their ages? If you don't know them, stop discussing them. Do better. Do your homework  So if you're not posting real numbers, you're posting fear mongering materials.


    Do better.  

    • Like 14
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  8. 1 minute ago, not-enough-cruising said:

    No doubt, if a place makes 51% of their revenue from prepare food (restaurant) they can be open, otherwise they can not (bars) even in restaurants the bar area is still closed 


    I was just sitting at a bar on Labor Day! Believe me, there are places open legally that you can 'belly up to the bar'. We have a new spot that recently opened w/ a decent menu called Walk-Ons. Good spot. Wear a mask to be seated... remove it once at a table or the bar (if you can find a seat) One of many!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, grandgeezer said:

    a business also has a responsibility to be ethical and stand behind the done deal you agreed to when you accepted final payment. Believe it or not, that is a binding contract. If you have to cancel do to circumstances that makes it unavailable is one thing, to do it to make more money is probably illegal. They get away with it now, they set a precedence and what’s to stop them from doing it every cruise? As the ships fill up, why not just cancel the people who booked at a lower price and resell it at a higher price?

    I don’t think the loyalists and early birders would stand for it, at least in this “me” attitude which seams to reared it’s ugly head during this pandemic.




    Perhaps I have conveyed my thoughts wrong. I never said or meant raise prices... my example was to select who gets to cruise on the fully sold ship. 

  10. 4 hours ago, grandgeezer said:

    If they have to cut travelers because of capacity limits. Priority to sail should be the passengers who have paid in full, not the ones who paid the most. If they have to cut fully paid passengers, it should prioritized by the who paid the earliest sail.  That's the fairest way. My mistake, I forgot who is going to have to make the decision, the answer is who paid the most.


    If I'm RCL, and I'm hurting financially, I have a respsonsibility to the share holders. I cancel out all inside cabins and go up based on the most paid. Several things happen when I do this... I empty inside cabins, I empty living spaces that depend on ventilation for air. I maximize the gross dollars per living (rental space), all the while I'm making room for social distancing. For temporary purposes brand loyaltists and early birders won't matter during a pandemic that is creating a a hemoraging financial disaster. 


    But that's me. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 19 hours ago, firefly333 said:

    Someone needs to get judge Jenkins onboard. I dont think we are open that much and havent read plans to. I'm in dallas


    You are correct.  The Governor has set the state standards but he has also allowed countues to establish what they feel might be best. So while one county of small rural population can open up a bit further, another county w/ a larger population may not able to do the same because of the County Judge's rulings.  

  12. On 9/23/2020 at 7:33 AM, K.T.B. said:


    In answer to your questions:


    1. Yes. BUT I'd have myself checked out prior to leaving for my cruise to make sure.  As everyone should do nowadays, for your safety and others'.  To not do so would be inconsiderate and possibly dangerous.  (Odds are, though, you'd be fine.)


    2.  Nope.  Nor could they without your permission.  Because in doing so, that could put you at greater risk.  IF they forced it, I'd want all sorts of assurances that me and my wife would be safe wherever they moved us and that we'd be WELL compensated for the inconvenience.


    3. They're going to charge double.  Please provide proof (legitimate proof, not hearsay) that this has happened.  Besides, I already only book excursions through the ship when I do take them.


    4.  As always, I'd book a cruise I could handle financially.  If they increase the prices, so be it.  They're like any other business and have the right to charge what they feel they can get from the consumer.  


    Finally, if people don't want to wear a mask, then don't cruise.  Don't be selfish.  This isn't about you, it's to make sure everyone is protected.  (Even IF it may not be needed eventually, why take the chance?)



    #1 is a given. I'm pretty sure most people will not fly or even drive to a port w/o knowing if they test positive.

    #2 is pretty laughable. If they're moving you, it's to protect others, not you.

    #3 if you only book through the ship then you just don't know. Ship prices are double, give or take a few dollars in both directions. Fact. 

    #4 Meh...pretty uch eveybody's thoughts on this. 


    Sounds like you MIGHT have a wonderful cruise. Stay safe & cruise on. 

  13. 19 hours ago, Covepointcruiser said:

    Have heard of many more false positives than negatives.   I have also read that our tests are too sensitive and you may get a positive but still have too little of the virus to infect others.   Still, I would rather anyone testing positive skip the Cruise.   The airlines are looking to get the quick test in the terminals to prevent positives from boarding.   This will be the new underclass unable to travel.   


    Wow. Knowingly & accepting that tests can be false positive and you would rather have people 'skip the cruise'. That's pretty selfish which is a shame. I wish this on nobody. I can't imagine my wife & I flying to Amsterdam, testing a false positive and not being allowed on the ship after dropping $10K.  

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