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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 12 minutes ago, boscobeans said:



    You may have been exposed to and contracted COVID  and a test won't show positive for up to 14 days...




    Then nobody cruises! I mean right now people are being quarantined for 14 days due to contact tracing. If the cruiselines can not prove to everybody that we're all safethen we shouldn't be allowed to cruise. That's just the way it is. 

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  2. 24 minutes ago, hallux said:

    So you're saying that if I cruise and decide to follow the rules, I should then be forced to self-sequester in my cabin because I've seen others NOT following the rules and not being forced to do so?


    RULES ARE FOR ALL!  They don't apply only to some because others choose not to follow them.  You can bet your tail that if we're ever on a ship together with a mask requirement, you WILL get reported if I see you without a mask.

    well let’s discuss this. First. What rules? They haven’t been established. Next. Why should I be subjected to wearing a mask? I mean why should I believe that you aren’t a carrier of Covid? Why should you believe that I am or that I’m not? My point is, if we’re properly documented as to not being a carrier of Covid and everyone on the ship the same.... what are the masks for? None of us have COVID. So why are you subjecting next to wearing a mask 12-14 hrs a day other than to make you feel good about your rules. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, hallux said:

    @Goodtime Cruizin I get what you're saying.  However, if you know in advance of booking that there is a requirement to wear masks just as there is on land then you can make the decision to simply not cruise.  Just because wearing a mask outside your cabin is "not my type of vacation" does not give license to ignore the policies.  Just as you did, everyone else paid money to be on that ship but that doesn't give anyone the right to put the health of others at risk just because they don't want to wear a mask.


    Well let's deal with it straight up.... just like at home, you're subjected to what others do and don't do. You have the choice to decide whether to leave your home or not. Your choice, like mine and all others should not prevent others from enjoying a cruise. If one has a Medical reason to not wear a mask, then so be it. Science has then spoken and we must learn to accept it.  Choices. We all have them. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ravbo said:

    Medical exemptions SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.

    If allowed, this will only lead to many problems and many people trying to game the system.

    "if he doesn't have to wear a mask why should I have to wear a mask".

    If you cannot wear a mask, then you cannot go on the cruise.

    Cruise lines make the rules and everyone needs to respect the rules.

    No Mask = No Cruise. PERIOD.

    End of discussion.


    I knew Richard Fain was on these boards! 

  5. 7 hours ago, hallux said:

    Except that they CAN!  Just as stores can force people to wear masks while inside, so can cruise ships.  Cruise ships are a private entity and can enforce whatever rules they want in order to allow you to remain on board.  If you don't follow the rules as laid out in the cruise contract you can certainly be sequestered to your room or disembarked at the first opportunity.


    The Captain rules the ship, it is not a democracy...


    Of course they can force you to. But think about this for a moment. If each time you walk outside your cabin you have to put on a mask. Sitting by the pool...mask on. Sitting in the Schooner bar, mask on. Sitting in the Promenade, mask on. Sitting in the casino, mask on.  Sitting in the Windjammer, mask on.  Sitting in the Diamond Lounge, mask on.  Sitting in the Concierge Lounge, mask on. Bingo, mask on. Why? Why would anyone wish to subject themselves to this type of vacation? It doesn't make much sense to me. In a 24 hr day, I probably spend at least 12-14 hours on the average outside of my cabin. I recognize that the cruiselines have the disgression to enforce the wearing of masks, but for me personally, I just can't fathom wearing a mask that many hours a day while chilling, eating, & drinking. Because whether we wish to acknowlege it, that's what we do. We chill. We eat. We drink. In between these things, we get off the ship and explore which will require more masking up. So while yes, RCL has a right to do so... 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, cruisegirl1 said:

    They didn’t take away the lounges. They are still on the ship. Most ships have a diamond lounge, and either a concierge or suite lounge.  A few ships (Majesty/Empress) don’t have any lounge, but never did.  

    All diamond,  diamond plus,  pinnacle and suite guests  still have access to at least one lounge on ships that have lounges. 



    Don't it always seem to go... that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?

  7. 15 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

    Something new followed me home today. Literally. LOL. Much to Lisa’s dismay it just might drag home a few more projects as well. 😇 I already have a home for the current trailer. 


    @Goodtime Cruizin maybe you need another project dragged home as well?




    What’s in the box... 8K winch. 










    Nice! No way I buy one of those. I'd be to tempted to load it up w/goodies! 😉 

    • Thanks 1
  8. I have just got around to reading a few replies on this thread but never replied personally until just now.  I too had a few things that I've been able to do with time off and the extra money from not cruising LOL...  


    Rebuild an old bicycle I've had for years. This is a 1965 Mattel Vroom Bronco. I'll end up give it to my Grandson in a few years. 


    and then there's my fondness for a long time project... a 1953 Dodge 241 Red Ram Hemi. Finally it's completely rebuilt and it's ready to install into a 1947 Dodge Pick Up... which is NOT ready yet LOL... that's the next big project. 


    But pre-Covid these two things were only waiting to happen... during Covid, they did happen. 



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  9. 9 hours ago, George C said:

    Brilliance concierge lounge is by far my favorite lounge on any of rccl ships it was large with a real bar and a great staff, we did it for our 25 anniversary 4 years ago, had a aft grand suite 1600 which we loved. 


    Ha! We did Brilliance GS #1600 for our 40th two years ago this past May. We parked up at the bar quite often. And after a 12 day cruise we close to several couples we met in the CL that we now call friends. The CL on that cruise was the place to go. Wonderful staff, full size bar, and it offered a little outdoor area as well. We never did make it to the DL as it was very crowded and many wanted in the CL. 


    Enjoy the cruise & both lounges...and Happy Anniversary! 

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  10. 4 hours ago, Ourusualbeach said:

    Supply and demand used to be the rule of the day which is why you used to see a lot of great last minute deals particularly on unpopular last minute sailings.  It is now all about revenue maximization.  Royal knows the peak times that cruises get booked by the majority of customers and will raise their prices during these periods, this is based on time of the year and how far away is the cruise.  I have seen it time and time again where there has been very few or no cabins sold yet prices rise.  Our cruise at Christmas this year actually had more people cancelling than booking yet prices continued to go up.  Does this apply in every case....no but you also cant say that just because the price is rising that more people are booking.


    True. Seasonality I think would be the exception. Christmas, NY, spring breaks have always been riced higher, much like Caribbean cruises are typcially priced the lowest of the year during hurricane season. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

    Have you ever thought that might be used as a ploy to get people to jump onboard before it maybe goes even higher? I have been watching certain flights. One flight home has sky high pricing and the seat selection chart shows almost every seat available.


    In a word. No.

    Supply & Demand has always been the rule of the day w/ the cruiseline industry or at least RCL & Celebrity.  The difference being is that RCL usdes 'WOW' marketing sales pitches to enhace the buyer. 


  12. BTW, we're already witnessing the airline industry making changes in an effort to regain its position pre-covid. I expect the cruiseline industry to carefully do the same, thus Lift & Shift, Cruise w/ Confidence etc. Hack even alcohol packages were discounted for a limited amount of sales. 

  13. I think pricing will be based on how well the ship is being booked. As some have said, some iteneraries just fill up fast. I believe we'll see increases in those cruises. Other iteneraries which are slower to fill, I doubt we'll see increases execpt for the normal increases as the sail date gets closer. The last thing any business wants to do is price themselves out of the market. In general, cruising is now taboo. Most people would not even begin to consider booking a cruise. The cruise market has lost a tremendous amount of it's market share. It will take years to regain the public's confidence and to reach the same numbers pre-covid. So... increasing the price only compounds this problem. The industry will be walking a fine line on pricing. But to say one should expect increased pricing to make up for a shutdown IMO would not be accurate. 

  14. The Church of the Rock was a great stop. It's beauty is hard to describe. IMO, one has to be a visionary to imagine such things. We took sometime to enjoy a bit of shopping about a block away. It's always hard to find things you can actually pack in your luggage besides T-Shirts. But we found the grandson some finger puppets w/ a folding cardboard stage. Goodtimes!  

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