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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 5 hours ago, Bookster99 said:

    I am sorry, and hope you are on your feet again soon. 


    This was a proper way to respond to a post of this nature.

    Someone should take notice. 


    Having said this, I too wish him the best. It's my hope that he can pick up the peices that mean the most and possible rebuild in a different direction. God speed. 

  2. 14 hours ago, davekathy said:

    Like anyone else that is laid off from their job no matter the reason or who they work for, they go and find another job!


    So let them fail. Let them 'sail away'. Let the industry fall flat. Let this board disappear too. Let your vacations be on land going forward. Then you will need to find another lifestyle/hobby. 


    Perhaps this board is the wrong board to discuss the seriousness on the economics of the shutdown/lockdown due to the CV-19. Perhaps the posters that report and follow cruise critics on a daily basis is out of touch with the reality of those that are seriously hurting financially. Perhaps many that post here have no idea of the concept of working 24/7 to keep or build a business, or to make payroll weekly. Perhaps some are insulated to the point that they say, "Go find a job elsewhere.". Perhaps they don't understand that eviction notices are about to go out. Perhaps they don't care. That's my biggest worry. People simply don't care. But hey what do I know? Not much really except the by human nature we'll strip stores of TP and then tell peeps to suck it up buttercup. 


    It's for this reason that I hope every industry out there and every individual out there gets their due when it comes to a bail out. The same peeps that are bitching about it has not witnessed increased taxes by % when GM got theirs, but yet they continue to fuss and complain. 


    Peace out all. I've got TP to find and hoard.  

    • Like 2
  3. Of course the creditors will work w them!  A cruise ship isn’t like a car, house, condo, or even a hotel. A bank just can’t flip a cruise ship. The creditors are going to ride out the storm as well. RCL might be struggling but it isn’t due to mismanagement. They’ll be fine in the long run. 

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  4. On 2/26/2020 at 9:12 PM, Goodtime Cruizin said:

    77ish, 66ish, 53ish are support levels that I see.  These I think will eventually be tested. 

    That was nice & quick short position to 52.  Im taking my initial investment back to cash and leaving the profits in a long position now. In for the Long run at 49. If it crashes here, I think the next support level is at 34ish. But I’m in now thinking it holds. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, LMaxwell said:

    I'm not suggesting that they do; we are speculating what the meeting was about.  I absolutely think for optics this administration would offer that kind of directive. 

    In certain markets I would say absolutely. The cruise lines are being slow to move on this. They have more $$$$ to lose yet at the expense of the populations. By now, RCL should have cancelled all Italy ports. They haven’t yet. 

  6. 37 minutes ago, LMaxwell said:

    Naw....really.  Totally unrelated straw man argument; nothing to do with current topic and situation developing. 


    Why are we talking about Coronavirus when fruit and vegetables are being removed from grammar school lunches?

    So it appears the deaths of multiple black men shot in Chicago is now longer a current topic and has become less important than the newest current topic of one elderly man returning from a cruise and dying of CV. 

    Kids? Veggies? @ schools? Yep that’s a winner. Commercial $$$$$ all over it! 

  7. 13 minutes ago, LMaxwell said:


    Because it's like comparing apples to llamas. 

    Naw... not really. The death of an elderly person from CV that was on a cruise ship vs the death of a young black man shot in Chicago is..... well....still death. The only difference I see is that one is hyped by the media and the later is now the norm.

    But the end results are the same. Death. 

    • Like 1
  8. This might not be the message you wanted to read but it’s the message you need.

    Let’s not kid anyone here. The young man has a serious drinking problem. And if he’s drinking 20 per day, each day, every day.... then you and other family & friends should have known about his drinking problem.  If you didn’t know...why not?  Nobody binge drinks twenty drinks per day for 5+ days in a row w/o a drinking problem. Nobody. 

    Having said this, the issue of bartenders over serving him are real. Your waiter at dinner serving him 6 drinks is an issue as well. So I recognize your situation. But bringing this to this message board is bad form in my opinion. It’s the wrong board. You need to be a board that discusses how to deal w alcoholics.  BTW, it isn’t RCL’s  problem that he has alcoholic tendencies. But it’s their problem once they discover it. This I do agree w you on.  But I have to ask you... why on earth would you go on a cruise w anyone that is an alcoholic and has an unlimited drink package? And then ask a floating bar to monitor him? 


    My questions are rhetorical... no answers are needed. 


    • Like 2
  9. I think it slowly trends downward, almost sideways for a few months to about 52ish.  It has pretty solid support there. But it’ll be a decent trading stock and/or a short position for awhile. The only thing that moves this back up is good news on CV. 

    it’s time to start watching for some serious cruise bargains too. They will be hard and fast coming soon. 

  10. 4 hours ago, lovescats5 said:

    Actually davekathy we did not stand at the door and wait and no it was not locked.  We walked right in, more than once when we were in the area, and looked around and there was only a couple people there one time.  Our purple Star Class card just opened that door right up one time when it might have been locked.  And we did not even get kicked out.  So sorry I started this.  I just thought 300 was high and now I know I was way off and I know nobody cares about anyone else achieving a new level and it seems to be stepping on toes if a person is kinda excited about their new level of success.  I guess I am glad I am not a snotty diamond who just complains about what is getting taken away instead of congratulating people who are happy about a step up.  Maybe one day we will see you in the Suite Lounge because I am pretty sure for now I will not be in your DL.


    Don't mind some of these posters. Some are rude and are so into their own little Diamond world that they don't even recognize it. In fact, I would like to think that most are really great poeple that just occasionally get wrapped up into this board a tad too much. Enjoy your Suite Lounge, and not to worry as most of these posters never travel in suites. 😉 

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  11. 8 hours ago, twangster said:


    The deals on the Anthem TA started before CV broke on the news (or became newsworthy in a slow news/click-bait cycle).  


    The only reason I didn't do a spacious balcony when I booked in mid-January is because they only had them on the port side.  I prefer starboard heading East.


    There has been nothing 'slow' about the US news cycle lately. I do think this thread may be a tad premature though. If the CV keeps spreading as it is, I do think the cruiselines will be forced to drop pricing to keep cabins filled.  When the 'scrare' reaches Europe I'll be on the sidelines waiting.  

  12. 7 hours ago, Saab4444 said:

    Honestly I find it totally inappropriate to show off with price drops due to Corona Virus here. If you find one, take it quietly. However this should not be promoted on Cruisecritic as great deals...   


    ok... cool.

    But I don’t. If I can save money I want to know. If it’s a fear factor it doesn’t matter to me. In fact... why are even reading & posting on this thread if you find it inappropriate? LOL 

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