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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 4 hours ago, juncos said:

    We agreed 100%, how they do this in the Diamond club? the way it is right now there not enough room for everyone..


    Alternating days are an option. Limited slot frames per visit is another. Managing the DLs can be relatively easy. It's managing the Ds & D+s. That is the challenge. But the time to make changes is now as there is a built in excuse.  

    • Thanks 2
  2. 1 hour ago, drsel said:

    Money is neither being created nor destroyed, nor does it disappear into thin Air 



    Positively thinking,

    If so many businesses are losing income, then so many customers are saving an equivalent amount of cash also.



    If the cruise lines are losing billions of dollars every month, it's the cruisers like us who are saving the same amount of money






    I don't think we've seen the complete fall out of the economy. Billions are being paid out each week. Round One of Pandemic Relief is set to expire at the end of July.  Money is about to get real tight again. Today's prices will not be same by the time the ships start sailing.  

  3. 3 hours ago, broberts said:


    Sure there is a lot of stuff on the net that purports to be science. And, it seems that many insist science not evolve its thinking as new data becomes available. Neither of these should encourage peop!e to pick and choose appropriate behaviors. Just because there are those that, (in my opinion often maliciously), post misleading and confusing content does not give everyone license to pick and choose. 


    Science does evolve and we must adjust as new data establishes new understsnding.


    The current understanding is that asymptomatic people are infectious. 


    During this pandemic, more so than at other times, an individual's behavior has a direct and potentially deadly effect on many others. In these circumstances individuals do not have the right to behave based only on their own risk factors. The fact that people may have no intent to harm others does not relieve them of the need to behave in a manner that does not put others at risk.


    This is where the need for the slogan of #stayathome comes into play. If I go out, I'm only a risk to myself and others that are out as well. If you stay at home, most believe you're longer at risk. 

    • Like 2
  4. On 5/21/2020 at 8:06 PM, chipmaster said:


    Actually that isn't true, before they die they walk around spreading it, perhaps right on you at your local bar, beach, shopping mall.


    Take a look at the recent study of gatherings and the spreading.    


    We may have to agree to disagree on this. The world has to learn to navigate around and through this dreadful situation. The facts are that no everyone can stay at home. And while opening up means that the potential loss of life occurs to those that venture out, then so be it. It is their personal choice. But those that are concerned, or afraid they might be infected also have their personal choice of staying at home. We as a people have to understand and respect one another. So whether you & I differ on going out or staying home, we must respect one another's reasoning for doing so.  

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, davekathy said:

    I'm not seeing it for the WJ. Works great for the Cafe' promenade. Agree, limited pre packaged type Grab n Go selections would be an excellent option for those in a hurry or want to eat their selections somewhere else. All speculations on everyone's part. I'll stick with what my Magic 8 Ball says. 😉Time will tell. 


    Not sure the Cafe' Promenade could handle the volume. Again I wouldn't use it everyday,  but there have been some port days I'd have used a Grab n Go in a heartbeat as opposed to fighting a crowd in the WJ. Item selection for the Grab n Go would be the key though.  If packaged right, this would be an idea that has merit. 

  6. 2 hours ago, LXA350 said:


    It's about only taking things on your plate that you will eat and not have half full plates ending in the garbage. This is not about cruising this is about being educated with proper manners and should be applied at land and on sea.


    No. No it isn't. Cruising is a vacation. Vacations = Indulgence. Most of us eat more, drink more, relax more, and experience more while on vacation than we do in our normal daily lives. Having said this, having a mound of bacon w/ 3 eggs and multiple pieces of bread on a daily basis is not what we do daily, or at least me anyway. But while on vacation, I might if I'm inclined to do so. No one is advocating that one take more than they can eat and toss the rest away... that isn't manners and it also isn't about being properly educated.  It's called common sense. So while I'm on vacation, what is on my plate is my business using my commom sense and what is own your plate is your business using your common sense. All in the name of proper manners of course. 

    • Like 7
  7. 14 hours ago, davekathy said:

    My Magic 8 Ball say's, "very doubtful". 🎱


    IDK, this concept may work in an effort to ease the crowds and especially a time factor such as disembarking on port days. Of course it wouldn't be for everyone but I can see people would 'Grab & Go' a breakfast plate as an alternative for those in a hurry. The same concept could be used for a lunch as well. 'Grab a Box lunch'. Again, I understand that it would not be something to be used for every breakfast by everyone, but I can easily see this working for quite a few actually. 

  8. 16 hours ago, karena1 said:

    I did not think they would go away totally.  Won't be surprised at all if you make your selections and someone puts it on your plate for you vs you picking it up yourself.  I am fine with that.


    More 'cafeteria' style than a grab your own food buffet. Growing up in houston we had several chains of these. Wyatt's Cafeteria, Furr's Cafeteria, & Luby's,  

    • Like 3
  9. 3 hours ago, HBE4 said:


    Actually, as of this writing, SC is up to 407 covid-19 deaths, about 40% higher than an entire flu season, in a much shorter period of time.


    Thanks to the reopening, the estimated 700 deaths by Aug. has been upped to 1,100.  That's  280% more cv deaths than died of the flu. Stunning number for sure.




    "McMaster, a Republican, acknowledged the desire of businesses to get back to making money and people to get out of their homes. During his introductory remarks Tuesday at his Accelerate SC committee, he said he’s balancing those wishes with a need to stop the virus from spreading rapidly again

    “I get letters from ladies that are dying to go to the beauty parlor. Of course, we don't want them to die when they go to the beauty parlor,” the governor said."


    Interesting to see what just a one week delay in lock down means.  36,000 lives could have been saved across the country if social distancing measures were enacted 1 week earlier back in March. 54,000 if enacted 2 weeks earlier.  54,000 people in 2 weeks. Just to put that number into perspective, 58,000 US soldiers died in 2 decades of fighting in Vietnam.




    But hey, at least for 2 extra weeks, ladies were able to go to the beauty parlor




    So people are dying to get re-opened? Literally? If so, I guess it's good for them. Being it's a personal choice, their body and all.  

  10. On 5/13/2020 at 7:33 PM, mpaff said:

    I saw the interview and it was, in my opinion, concerning.  He was clearly back pedaling and misdirecting most questions.  He has no answers for the shareholders, TA or customers.  He does not have a time line to return so clearly June 12th is not a return date.  He stated only cruises to CC in the beginning so that eliminates almost everything but cruises out of FL.  No buffet? Are you serious?  Most people get their breakfast lunch and sometimes dinner from WJ.   


    The future is unknown. Whatever he says today most likely will change by the time his first ship pulls up anchor. It's too early to hold him to the fire yet. Too many unknowns. 

  11. SPB for us as well. They were mazing. We set up through our roll call a small group of 8. And it was nice. Very professional. On time etc. We actually asked our guide to take us somewhere less traveled. She asked where? We all agreed to spend about 25 minutes in a grocery store. LOL. We all enjoyed it and had a great two day tour! Try to convince your wife to use SPC. She'll be very happy. 

  12. Today's world of Covid will be long gone by the summer of 2021. It'll be a completely different vibe, look and feel of many things, including cruise vacations. Post Covid will be taking shape. Life with resume. We recently booked a cruise for July 2021 to the British Isles. I have confidence. I respect it all. But I fear very little. I can't wait to order my first Martini on that boat. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, beerman2 said:

    Or they could be putting the final nail in the coffin for some, Covid19 will pop up again on a cruise.

    To what degree remains to be seen, can't seem to rid ships of Noro or other diseases.


    Getting Quarantined on a ship has to be miserable, and that is  likely to happen once sailing begins.


    I would have to agree. But if the concern is so great that masks are to be force to be worn, then the cruiseline should not open until it's safe. 


    • Like 5
  14. Same here. I won't wear a mask to go cruising. In fact, I seldom wear one while out shopping. Today I went to a Hallmark store w/ no mask. A clerk asked me if I had a mask and I told her no. She said that I was required to wear one while in the store. I didn't make a fuss, I simply said then I'll take my money elsewhere. And I did. My point is, people are not going to wearing a mask forever. It isn't going to happen. So if you're one that thinks they'll cruise w/ a mask and so will everyone else... good luck. Because eventually,  the cruiselines will either go under or cater to the wishes of their clientelle. And cruisers will not spend all day, all night on a cruise ship w/ a face mask on. If the cruiselines enforce this, they nailing their final nail into their industry. It won't last long. 

    • Like 8
  15. 10 hours ago, WeLuvVacation said:

    So we are supposed to live like this forever cause of the virus? With all due respect to your experiences working in a hospital I didn't expect to not be able to vacation, eat out and play poker in my well earned retirement so the left could exploit this pandemic to get Trump out of office.


    No. No we're not. And not only that, I tend to think that those in the health care industry tend to see more 'dead bodies' than those that work elsewhere. If one is scared or fearful of living as we once did, they should stay out of the public, restaurants, entertainment events, and most definitelty cruise ships.  Fear is a mighty powerful emotion. 

  16. On 5/5/2020 at 3:42 PM, Dinglebert said:

    I think its the dead bodies which are telling us not to do it.  I am weary of people in denial, perhaps because my work is in hospitals.


    Elevators? Be it the dead bodies and/or talking heads... you guys can debate that all day long, but none of us will be cruising if there is concern about compliance w/ social distancing. The fact is, the ships will alll need to be re-configured and a ship half empty will not pay the bill of the cruiselines. Unless the price is doubled per passeneger. In addition, every ship to be full... it's not happening folks. So if there is concern from either the dead bodies or the talking heads, you should not be reserving space on a cruise ship, much less how the elevators will operate. 

  17. 54 minutes ago, Wine-O said:


    I would choose 2165 or 2162 on the starboard side.  You will have less noise from the pool deck above.  Smoking is on the port side, deck 14 above, and it shouldn't affect you at all.  Just to make sure, choose 2162 on the starboard side.  🍷


    Thank you! That's the info we were needing! 🍻

  18. Hi all, we sure could use a little assistance w/ cabin selection. We've selected a cruise that will place us on the Reflection. I've just used a cruise deck site that allows us to potentially determine noise level above us etc. But we're curious to know where the designated smoking areas are.  ???


    Also, if anyone has any thoughts for Deck 12, mid ship very near the elevators, Sky Suites 2155, 2165 port side and/or 2162 , 2165 starboard side. 


    Thanks in Advance!

  19. 1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

    I kinda read it as the OP really likes the RCI product.


    It's really no biggee but for me...the OP didn't say he 'liked' anything. One would assume this of course. But the OP did specifically mention the three brands... Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Alzara

    with words of huge & supporter

    Huge = big, large, alot

    Support = financially invested, dropping bucks, spending/spent money

    He considered himself to be a huge supporter. He stated he was seeking empathy. And in his mind he wanted an entitlement that was not forthcoming. There is absolutely nothing wrong in this thought process really. All of us to some level want to be thought of as special if we drop mega bucks to a company. It's a human nature. Asking for them to perhaps back off the due date because of the current situation w/ CV19 is not out of line. But IMO, what is indifferent is that he is seeking emotional assistance from this board because the request fell short of his expectations.  The fact is, that the CV19 is not the fault of either party. The decision was his to make, either fork out more money or not. He didn't want to face that decision because he has $2000 in deposits sitting in the balance. 

    Either fish or cut bait.  In this case, if he fishes, it's $6000, if not his bait cost him $2000

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