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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. On 9/20/2019 at 9:38 AM, BNBR said:


    Why are you acting so childish? Did I say such things to you when you disagreed? 


    You can also just get The Key for better seating if that's important.  I've always been able to get seat backs at AquaTheater without waiting in line. Just need to get there when they open up seating. Which again, point remains, it's easy to avoid crowds on Oasis class. Which makes the ship less crowded. 


    The question was if the Oasis class feels more crowded. It doesn't. And part of that is because it's so easy to avoid crowds due to the ships design. 


    You are right though, I have to admit, it's shockingly uncrowded on Freedom....







    I felt less crowded in the pool area on Symphony vs the smaller ships. But in all fairness, those pics are deceiving. Your Freedom pics looks like something is happening around the pool such as the Belly Flop contest. No one is in the pool, everyone is standing, no one is sitting and everyone is staring in one direction. 

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  2. This thread just goes to show how different each of us are and how alike we are when it comes to cruising. I could not tell you anything about the Windjammer on the Symphony as we never stepped foot into it. We ate breakfast at two different locations and lunch at the Solarium Bristo & the Park Cafe. We never had to wait in line. Although, as the cruise went on, we did notice the Bristo was getting a tad bit more crowded by the day. 

  3. We had reservations for 8 at dinner & shows every night. We went to the maitre'd as soon as we got on board and matched dinner reservations (including 3 Specialty Dinners) to our shows times. I big time suggest this be done. And at each show there were people lined up to get in that didn't have reservations. We walked right passed these folks and sat right down. The line w/o reservations were not allowed to get in until 10- 15 mins before the show started. 


    BTW, while at home, when we go to a movie and buy an online ticket, even then we know to arrive early. 

  4. We just got off Symphony. It wasn't crowded. Embarkation to Disembarking. To be honest, I was concerned about it.  Even read the pools would be the most crowded part of the ship. Comparatively speaking, they weren't. The breakfasts, lunches, and dinners were not crowded either.  The shows were spread out so it wasn't crowd there either. We've been on 10 cruises and only one of them was on a mega ship. I'm telling you it wasn't crowded. I just wish these ships to cruise to some ports throughout the world. We're going to the Greek Isles on our next cruise and I hope I wasn't too spolied by Symphony. 


    But watch, someone will tell me my opinion is wrong. 😉 

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  5. For some reason I was under the impression that the Texas tax per bottle was for Texas residents only. The last time we cruised out of Galveston, we bought 3 bottles and it was a little over $8. Perhaps it was the types of liquor etc. On a different note, the bottles were in the RCL supplied carboard travel container and therefore we were 'noticed' and directed to a certain customs line. Our friends on the other hand packed theirs in their luggage and wasn't directed at all. So pack them away and no one will even know. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, johnjen said:

    Spot ON, brother. These armchair "lawyers" in here tend to get a bit out of hand. You're an honest business owner and I would welcome your services anytime.


    Well if you ever cruise out of Galveston and fly into IAH, I do runs to the cruise port often. PM me. I'll get you there even w/ a service dog if you help me protect the interior. 😎

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Don'tNeedAName said:


    I suppose you are using the "royal you" in your post, because I do not have a service animal.


    However, as noted previously, a person with a disability cannot be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the dog is not housebroken. 


    Furthermore, people with disabilities who use service animals cannot be isolated from other patrons, treated less favorably than other patrons, or charged fees that are not charged to other patrons without animals.


    This is the law.  Don't like it?  Then don't operate a public accommodation.


    Thank you.

    As the public accommodator ...

    I also get to say what's out of control and whether a animal is house broken. Which takes me back to my first post on this subject. Kennel, Crate, or Leash, and Blanket. 


    Mic drop. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Don'tNeedAName said:


    Requiring a person with a service animal to provide a blanket to cover the seat in your vehicle and then refusing to serve them if they do not do so is discriminating against people with a disability if you do not require that from all others.  If you would like to provide your own cover, then you could certainly do it.


    Just because others have complied, and no one has actually complained does not mean you are right.  If you do not want to be required to make reasonable accommodations for those needing service animals as required by law, you are opening yourself up to risk.  I see in another reply you have used the "so sue me" language.  It's fine that you have a cavalier attitude about it.  However, you may feel differently if you do receive a complaint, or should you ever require a service animal yourself.


    If you believe the law is wrong, then write your congressman.


    Get off your high horse. No pun intended. What you and others asking is that I provide you a service that has a very strong potential for me to stop my flow of income. And you're doing this with an expectation that I'm supposed to do it.  If you use a service such as Uber, you should understand the situation the driver is in. Knock that damn chip off your shoulder and come to understand that I don't have a problem w/ you... I have a problem with you expecting me to lose income w/ your request. Once you understand this you'll be in a better position to help me to help you. It isn't just about your need for a service animal as it is a friggin' blanket. It's about you getting from point A to point B and using a service to get there. I try like hell to understand your needs, the least you can do try to understand the service provider's situation too.  

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, chengkp75 said:

    From the ADA FAQ page:



    8. Q: I operate a private taxicab and I don't want animals in my taxi; they smell, shed hair and sometimes have "accidents." Am I violating the ADA if I refuse to pick up someone with a service animal?

    A: Yes. Taxicab companies may not refuse to provide services to individuals with disabilities. Private taxicab companies are also prohibited from charging higher fares or fees for transporting individuals with disabilities and their service animals than they charge to other persons for the same or equivalent service."


    So, no, the Uber/Lyft driver cannot "run it whatever manner they want to".  And since this is mentioned by the DOJ, a civil court case for discrimination would absolutely not be laughed out of court.


    Well I'll ask you to protect my interior. If you start quoting this stuff and refuse to help yourself, I'll move on. You can sue me.  

    • Like 1
  10. For the record, I have carried wheelchairs, broken down wheel chairs, loaded wheelchairs, and even assisted people w/ 'sliding' them into and out of the car. Never have I refused their service. But they don't have dog hair. For me it's common sense. My next rider expects a clean car and they have no clue what happened on my previous ride and the don't even care about my previous rider's issues. It is what it is. 

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  11. 4 minutes ago, ownedbypets said:


    I will always follow the rules but I can assure you that if I got in your car there is no guarantee that dog hair won't be left behind. I have 4 100 pound plus dogs that all have very long hair and they shed a lot.  Before I leave the house I use a lint roller on all of my clothes but I'm sure that some is left behind for me to leave on a plane seat, car seat or a cruise cabin. 


    True. But unless you're as hairy as your shedding dogs, I'll take that chance. Especially if you lent roll. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Don'tNeedAName said:


    Since when has any business been permitted to run in whatever manner the owner wants to?  All businesses must follow laws, and the applicable one here is the ADA.


    Refusing access to a legitimate service animal (note: NOT an emotional support animal) based on the lack of a blanket would not be "laughed out of court."


    Furthermore, your example is erroneous.  First, a pony is different than a miniature horse.  With respect to miniature horses, the law already provides that a business may assess whether it "can accommodate the miniature horse’s type, size, and weight."  If it won't fit, it won't fit.


    Simply because some people do not follow the law with respect to service animals (again, NOT emotional support animals) does not mean that the answer is to make life harder on those with a legitimate need for service animals.  


    Allowing a rider w/ a service animal in my car that would potentially prevent me from taking my next ride request is not acceptable to me. If that is against the law, then the law is wrong. The law is in place to prevent discrimination against those with a disability. I have no problem with this. I only have a problem with it when it prevents me from my livelihood. While it might upset some, my ability to make an income outweighs those with a disability needing my service. It is why I ask for protection. If it's provided and/or complied with, let's roll. If it's not, I move on. I've had about 7 rides w/ service animals in my car. There was no issues. The riders understood and were comfortable with complying. I only had move on one time.  Like everything else in life, it's how you handle things and treat people. I'm not a mean person or uneducated person when it comes to ADA. I'm as compassionate as one can be. I don't drive just to accompany riders with or without disabilities to their destinations. I drive to make money for cruise ships. Period. 

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  13. 18 minutes ago, Cru1s1ng2009 said:

    You are right, they wont stand behind them-Fellow Uber driver.


    Then you should know that drivers are independent contractors and not employees. It is for this reason that  Uber and/or Lyft never stand behind the drivers in any litigation. They might de-activiate my account but I don't care. As for my own ability to defend myself against litigation, I think most people would be hard pressed to sue me as I NEVER refuse to carry anyone w/ a dog. I only refuse to carry the dog if they can not assist in the protection of my asset and the ability to make money. That would be the car.  Dog hair will not get in my car. Not even my own two 50+ pound dogs ride in this car.  

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  14. 4 minutes ago, smplybcause said:


    Emotional support animals, which you are up in arms about, are a separate "system" than service animals. They're called out separately in the ADA an elsewhere. And this separation is what is allowing companies, like Royal Caribbean, to curb or eliminate their acceptance. 


    As I do not know the medical history of strangers, the only way I can "call out" someone is when an animal is misbehaving.


    But yet you call out me & others on Cruise Critic for voicing our opinions. Such as it is.

    As a reminder... in this thread alone there was discussion of a 

    1. service horse

    2. picture of a service cat of the door of a ship's cabin

    3. posts about 3 people parading their dogs in the promenade


    Yet you wish to 'call out' me. Go for it. I don't care. I'm good w/ me.  


    I'm done here. 

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, smplybcause said:


    I have specifically stated service animal in every single one of my posts on this subject. I suggest you educate yourself about them. 


    I suggest that you form a group in an effort to get your Congressman to help stop the abuse. Until it's stopped, you'll always have people like me that question service animals. BTW, do you ever or should I say, have you ever called out someone that was abusing the system? I doubt it.  

  16. 2 minutes ago, JennyB1977 said:

    @Goodtime Cruizin certainly you are using guide dogs for the blind as an example? As has been previously mentioned, there are highly trained Service Dogs that do more than act as Guide Dogs. 


    Service Animal - From the ADA National Network "A service animal is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals.

    The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to:

    • Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks.
    • Alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds.
    • Providing non-violent protection or rescue work.
    • Pulling a wheelchair.
    • Assisting an individual during a seizure.
    • Alerting individuals to the presence of allergens.
    • Retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone.
    • Providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities.
    • Helping individuals with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors."

    Emotional Support Animal - From the ADA National Network "While Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals under the ADA. These support animals provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and sometimes help with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias, but do not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. Even though some states have laws defining therapy animals, these animals are not limited to working with people with disabilities and therefore are not covered by federal laws protecting the use of service animals.  Therapy animals provide people with therapeutic contact, usually in a clinical setting, to improve their physical, social, emotional, and/or cognitive functioning."




    I take into consideration of all things. I'm a quality driver w/ a high rating and over 5000 rides. But I follow my rules to enter my car. These rules are common sense based and If they can not be complied with, I cancel & move on. 

  17. 9 minutes ago, smplybcause said:


    If anyone is using silly comparisons, it's obviously you (seriously, bombs?). You're also using your opinion on what's "ideal" as a fact, when it's not as I'm sure anyone who needs to travel with their service animal thinks it's quite ideal to have them on a cruise or an airplane. Continuously referring to service animals as a circus is also not ideal, and rather demeaning of the work they do and freedoms they grant their person. 


    If the public wants to be educated about service animals, there's plenty of ways for them to do that. The ADA is not a new thing and neither are service animals. 


    I think those that use any animal for emotional support should be the first to be 'red flagged'. If they're too emotionaly unstable to deal w/ life w/o an animal around them, they're damn sure too emotionaly unstable to own a gun.  

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  18. 18 minutes ago, smplybcause said:


    Lots of things aren't ideal for airplanes and cruise ships, but most don't have the excuse of a legit medical need for it. 


    A service horse (or any other service animal) is way less disruptive to the public at large than a screaming child, a belligerently drunk adult, a self righteous person yelling at guest services, etc etc. 


    Not really. The fact is... kids are kids. At one time we were all kids. Drunk's can be kicked off or refused service. Yelling at anyone makes one look bad. But a service horse? less disruptive? Come on. LOL Get real. A horse anywhere gets attention. Service animals for people who think they are entitled, well..."Aren't You Special" comes to mind. 

  19. On 9/17/2019 at 3:07 AM, brillohead said:

    Life-threatening allergies, diabetes, deafness, and epilepsy are examples of "invisible" disabilities that can be helped by a valid service animal.  You're basically saying that blindness is the only "acceptable" disability for someone to cruise, and all others have to just stay home.





    I would be on board with this until you and others that truly support valid needs for service dogs band together to get a true government oversight to stop the abuse. Oversight is needed. Until then,  serivce dogs for the blind should be the only service dogs allowed anywhere, much less a cruise ship. 

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  20. On 9/16/2019 at 5:39 PM, Ashland said:

    Well something needs to be done !!


    I drive Uber/Lyft about 1,000 rides a year to pay for our cruises. Anyway, rideshare drivers are forced to pick up riders w/ service dogs. I have my rules though... 

    1. the dog must be trained. I'm allowed to ask what the dog is 'trained' for. I expect an answer.

    2. the dog must be contained. Either in a portable kennel, crate or leash. 

    3. if no portable kennel or crate is supplied, then a blanket must be used for the dog to lay on. 

    4. no answer, no kennel or crate, no leash & no blanket, means no ride. If these expectations are not met, I cancel the ride & move on. 


    I haul people. 95% of my riders are business travelers to/from airports and having dog hair in my car is not an option. I have 0 tolerance for anybody claiming to need a service dog w/o consideration for others. On the other hand, if a rider needs my service & my car, and they are also in need of a service dog, I'll go out of my way to assist them if they are considerate of my car, my job, and other potential riders.  

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