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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. 1 minute ago, c-leg5 said:

    That is a very naive assumption.

    Unfortunately many medical staff in Texas have chosen not to be vaccinated. You have no idea if the staff that are treating you or your family have been vaccinated or not.


    I think you my friend are the one being naive. While what you say holds some truths, you can bet your bottom dollar if a member of my family was covid infected from medical staff it would be found out in the 'Discovery' process. 


    And suddenly.... now that vaccines are about us... we are now hearing that individuals in the medical field can ignore the same science that we've been lectured on for a year. pfft. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, cruiselvr04 said:

    Wow some of you are really against the rights of medical people.  Just because we’ve decided to make our life’s work for others doesn’t mean it’s right to force something on us.  Individuals have their reasons even if you don’t think it’s valid.  I’m very glad the hospital I work for is not forcing it’s employees to get the vaccine. I’d hate to see even a few leave the their profession over a shot. Even if they “just don’t want to get it” that’s their right and freedom and their conscience but it should not be a legal matter. We do live in a free country last I checked. A business like a cruise ship can dictate who it will let onboard as long as you set forth the rules before you take their money. ( I can see some balking and wanting their deposits back which I believe would be fair.)


    Almost all the staff I work I with has been immunized.  I have cancer and am currently undergoing treatment which makes the decision of getting the vaccine a hard one for me. I want my treatment to fight my tumor not work on immunity to Covid.  I’ve been on medical leave and isolated so it hasn’t been an issue.  Now that I’ve been back to work a few weeks and have had discussions with 2 oncologist I feel I’m ready.  It’s not because I’m afraid I’ll give covid to anyone.  Except for work and doctor appointments we don’t leave the house.  So I’m at no risk to others.  It’s others I’m worried about giving it me.  I’m just saying don’t be so quick to judge. 


    I don't think anyone is judging the medical field in general, but specifically, if one goes to a hospital or is administered to a nursing home, the hospital has a responsibility to keep one safe from all viruses. The last place I would think I'd be getting covid is at a hospital or Dr.'s office. If so, someone is liable if they allow their patients to be around their medical personnel that has covid. 

  3. 1 hour ago, ONECRUISER said:

    Wow, Interesting. In "Texas" By State Law a Company can force an Employee to take this "Emergency Authorized Use" Vaccine? Like said even a month ago in Detroit area some Hospitals was up to 40% Medical Persons declining, some as wait and see... In Military I was received couple Vaccines, w/o choice, these were Experimental not even authorized for Civilians, guess different now


    Texas is considered an 'at will' state. Basically meaning they can discharge you for any reason. They can't actually 'force' someone to vax up, but they can force someone to make a decision to be employed or not.   

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  4. Just now, ONECRUISER said:

    That's the thing even Medical Groups, Drs/Nurses/Techs 20% and some up to 1/3 declining Vaccine. Think it's the Legal issue. Our star Poster on here mentioned as it's Emergency Use Authorized, until it's officially Licensed 100% don't think they can force them to take it. Also read that's why with US Military it's a choice now with 1/3 Service Members declining Vaccine. Even then not sure. Agree scary knowing many turning it down, the ones that work with most vulnerable. My 4 Grandparents in Nursing Homes passed over last 6yrs but feel for others and their worries...Got my first, second in few weeks to protect people around me.


    In Texas, unless the employee is an 'contracted' employee, the employer may force the employee to take the vaccine. It has already been discussed. Of course it will go to trial eventually.  But to have an employee under my watch that refuses to take the vaccine and then by my directives or procedures to allow them to mix within the residents, there is grounds for a civil case against my decisions. Somebody will be paying somebody dearly for a failed policy. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Mapleleafforever said:

    And just how effective is the vaccine in the elderly??? 9 of 17 is over 50% infection rate in fully vaccinated individuals...this can't be glossed over no matter who they contracted it from. 


    You go right ahead and preach your sermon while ignoring the real deal. ALL 17 residents were confined to the same building, same kitchen, same people, same employees. This would be just like a cruise ship. Absolutely nothing different. Nothing. EXCEPT... that on a cruise ship EVERY employee and EVERY passenger would be vaxed. Thus minimizng the effectiveness of covid. 


    All it took was just one of these three to pass the virus. All because of their selfishness. If that was my family, I'd be moving them out post haste and contacting a lawyer. 

    • Like 6
  6. 2 minutes ago, Mapleleafforever said:

    Oh i caught that. But still what's glaring to me is something that's supposed to have a 95% efficacy rate had 9 of 17 catch it anyway....and all in a certain demographic. As it pertains to cruising this is pretty important info. 


    I do believe you are a bit confused. The 95% efficacy rate is NOT that 95% will not catch the virus Covid, but rather the 95% efficacy rate reduces the need for hospitalization and death. It weakens the virus and thus minimizes the effects of the illness. This is exactly why EVERYONE on a cruise ship needs to be vaccinated.  

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, ArthurUSCG said:

    This is why the CDC guidance haven't changed for even fully vaccinated nursing homes. The close quarters leads to high exposure due to time exposed.


    BTW, the 17 residents were discovered to have Covid because of mandatory testing in nursing homes, two times per week. What is shocking is that 3 employees were not vaxed. More will come from this I'm pretty sure.... but I hope we don't find out that these three employees 'chose' not to be vaccinated. This nursing home has some explaining to do. 

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  8. I think what some are missing is that 3 employees of said nursing home were NOT vaxed and as a result, even w/ everyone vaxed up, 17 residents caught the virus. This tells me that, if everyone was vaxed up, including the three, the spread would have been minimal, if at all. None of the 17 residents are in life threatening ordeals as of right now. The vax is working. 


    Get vaxed peeps. 

    • Like 2
  9. I can only imagine what would happen if RCL did not mandate vaccinations. This situation screams that everyone should be vaccinated. 


    BRENHAM, Texas – Seventeen residents of a Brenham nursing home contracted coronavirus after being either partially or fully vaccinated against the virus with an inoculation created to prevent people from developing a severe illness.

    Officials at Focused Care at Brenham said Tuesday that nine of the 17 residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 were fully vaccinated, while the remaining eight had received only the first of the two doses.

    Nanette Riedell-Mendez said her 95-year-old mother, Francine Riedell, received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine Jan. 28. She said she got a call March 1 from the nursing home telling her that her mother had tested positive. She said her mother collapsed Sunday and had to be hospitalized.

    “She seems to be doing well,” Riedell-Mendez said. “Recuperating and she’s not intubated. She’s not on oxygen, from what I understand.”

    In addition to the residents, six staff members have also tested positive. Two of the six had received one dose, while a third had received both doses. The remaining three had not been vaccinated.



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  10. Just now, ace2542 said:

    Masks will worn on ships forever imho. In the short term to protect the staff who are not vaccinated when sailing resumes and will not be vaccinated for some time. And in the longer term to prevent Covid, Flu, Cold and Noro outbreaks on ships. Cruising will never return to the way it was in 2019



    You can bet your bottom dollar that all staff will be vaccinated.

    Wearing a mask for the flu and common cold will not be mandated. 



    There are portions of the cruise industry that will never be like 2019...i.e. Windjammer buffet.

    • Like 6
  11. 1 hour ago, not-enough-cruising said:

    It’s a very dangerous path to be going down. Efficacy of the vaccines is inseparably linked to a very specific dosing schedule. Variance of this schedule could have a negative effect. 


    I think the UK is using a different vaccine than the US. Perhaps the vax that is bring used there will permit a wider span for the 2nd dose. But it's definitely a different approach. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Heymarco said:

    Some cruise lines are already offering this. They also said that their target demographic is generally around 70. 

    I don’t understand the fear. if you were vaccinated, why worry about an unvaccinated person? Even the CDC says it’s no big deal for those that are vaccinated, it’s more of a risk for those that aren’t. In this case, children aren’t at risk to begin with. Sorry, my brain is very logical.


    I don't believe the 'fear' is because one might get sick w/ covid, but because of a cruise being altered, cancelled, quarantined etc due to a non vacinated passenrer getting Covid. The risk for planning, organizing, and dropping $$$$$$ on a cruise w/ non vax passenges is strictly a financial risk... at least for me. And I recognize that something like this might occur otherwise, but cruising with vaxed crew and passengers mitigates and limits the amount of financial risks. 

    • Like 7
  13. 11 hours ago, lizzius said:

    Most people that follow you won't be able to retire at the rates that your generation could, so cool story bro.


    And yes... Kids and the younger working classes stayed home to slow the spread of a disease they're orders of magnitude less susceptible to for the sake of the older people we love. Thankful that the retired people in my life understand that sacrifice, and aren't out spouting some of this nonsense and demanding the ability to travel *without us* while we continue to wait for our vaccines. I'd link to a few old threads on this site (where dare I say some of the names may look awfully familliar) that were simply outraged cruise lines temporarily banned older travellers before shutting down. Irony is dead.


    Thank you for your sacrifice. LOL...


    But seriously... I really want to get this right and not misunderstand your post...

    So if the CDC guidelines to the cruise industry states that cruising can begin as long as all passengers and crew have been vaxed... are you saying then that Royal or any cruiseline should not offer ANY cruises to ANYONE until a vax for kids has been developed?  

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