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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. Take what you read and heed with the proverbial grain. It's not bad or good because I say so. It won't tickle your fancy, scratch your itch or ruin your day because Marvin and Maive could or could not decide what the hell an IV is all about, or how to navigate the maze leading to Eden. I have heard that bacterial fermentation is more prevalent on "M" class ships while 'S' class vessels are now wooing "old money" and the senescence that goes along with it. So, where do you go? What do you do? I say, go where you wanna wanna go, do what you wanna wanna do. All the while knowing that CC posters indeed control your destiny...if you let "em.
  2. Nice! Hopefully, the enjoyment of the first leg will continue to build right on through the completion of the second leg. You do realize that you now have a hand in how ship-shape the shape of the ship will be when we step aboard on 12/12.
  3. DW and I will board Equinox on 12/12, the first time on that ship. The Southern Caribbean itinerary is great and presents some of that region's most beautiful islands. We have spent land vacations on all, but Martinique and we look forward to returning to some of our favorite places, while enjoying the amenities that Equinox has to offer. Seems as though Equinox has started you off with a "cruising high." Good to know. I'm sure that it will only get better.
  4. Because one is Elite, why should one get anything at all? That is a valid question and not as easy to answer as you might think. Would you cruise with X as any status if you got nothing at all? On the other hand, would you cruise with X if you got everything you thought you deserved, even if you didn't?
  5. I am a Gen X, Y, Z cruiser with high mileage that qualifies me for Social Security benefits and RMD. I am a "traditional" cruiser, whatever that is. To me it means that I cruise the oceans on a ship - the typical conveyance - rather than on an AAV, an RIB, a wooden raft, or in a bathtub. So you see, we are all traditional cruisers. Within those traditional cruisers we have conformists and non-conformists, and we all know what they are. I am accepting of the new Celebrity E-Class ships and enjoy them for what they are intended to do and provide. In a word, I am a conformist. Those of you who will not get onboard with me are non-conformists. I am okay with that. It just means that on S & M Class ships, we will sail away together. On E-Class ships, I will leave you at the dock shouting at me to open the window to my faux balcony. I will leave it closed of course in order to block out the noise. To conform or not to conform. Happy cruising either way.
  6. Not so, if you tell FBC which seats you want. See post #27.
  7. If you mean "Find My Trip", yes it does when logging in with last name and AA Record Locator Number.
  8. As previously mentioned, situational awareness is key and however long it takes for you to become aware of your onboard experiences will determine how long it takes you to become comfortable with your daily activities and actions. If it seems right for you, it is. Act accordingly and realize that as additional experiences and cruises occur, your comfort level will become more acceptable and subsequently your peace of mind.
  9. My experience. I book all flights, domestic and international, through FBC. I fly on American or Delta. I go to airline website, find the flights that fit my needs including seat selection. I then call FBC give the information to the customer service rep and in five minutes I am ready to go. When using a foreign carrier seat selection is not possible until after full payment and sometimes not until you check-in at the airport.
  10. I noticed in a previous post you said that you like a "wheated" bourbon. If given the opportunity, try "Quarter Horse" wheated bourbon. Quite smooth, with perhaps a Shetland pony kick.
  11. Just curious. What, if anything, could possibly be considered over-the-edge on a E-Class ship? Only thing I can think of, the earth is really flat and the captain refuses to turn the boat around. And that could possibly be the ultimate shore excursion. Of course, someone would probably complain about that.
  12. Seems like you are looking for encouragement and yet someone to blame should you decide to take another "BORING" Celebrity cruise and not enjoy it. Okay, although baseball season is over, I'll step up to the plate. Get on that X ship and have a tedious, monotonous adventure just like your last Celebrity cruise, all the while knowing that the cost is reasonable. You are already pre-disposed to what Celebrity has to offer so why not do something that you are familiar with, at a good price. Sometimes the lack of excitement and enthusiasm is not the fault of the destination(s). Rather, it could be the lack of creativity and adaptability among the travelers. Go for it! I will take full responsibility.
  13. JC, my post number 78 is certainly not trivializing the lack of sleep and causation for that. In all seriousness, indeed it can be debilitating. Unfortunately, "sounds and noises" are a constant part of the cruise ship itself, not just the people and activities onboard. Point being, it can't be fixed, so one must do their best to adapt, which I'm sure most, if not all folks, do.
  14. But JC, the ship and I have an understanding. That nightcap is a toast to her and the good day that she provided us all with. Her reply ensures a safe and restful night with the promise of new things to come. Are you suggesting that I endanger that relationship by not letting her have her say?
  15. I’m pretty sure that there is no fix for a cruise ships creaks and groans, bangs and pops. Whether older or newer, those noises are part of every vessel. Think of a somewhat flexible superstructure with stiffer paneling and fixtures as infill. Add to that, different materials that make up that infill and it is the perfect blending for a cacophony of sounds. A previous poster mentioned he/she was happy to be hearing noises. Although perhaps bothersome at times, I would have to agree. There does not have to be rough seas and cabin location won’t always be a solution. Think of it as part of the ship’s personality. Would it not be dull and boring if you couldn’t, on occasion, listen to what the ship has to say?
  16. Speaking of dress codes, on dress-up night, should I decide to glam-up in a Bronx & Banco Galaxy One-shoulder Mini Dress and Jimmy Choo Saeda 100 Candy Pink Satin Pumps with matching clutch, would that work on E-Class only or could I get away with it on S & M as well? I certainly want to look respectful with my dram of Johnnie Walker Blue and La Gloria Cubana. Not over the edge?
  17. Okay, NMT, I will honor your beseeching and rise from the mud, the blood and the - there might be a half-empty bottle of beer or two, somewhere. I will grasp the "E" battle flag, torn and tattered, bruised and battered, holding it high in the air and shouting "thou learned and wise of Celebrity, thou S & M don't tread on me." Could it be that suite guests are really not that special? Cash Cows are important in any endeavor. For the E-Class naysayers there will never be a good answer when extolling the virtues of the E-Class ships. Shall we agree to disagree, amicably of course? Surely, we grow weary of these trivial battles. I'm going to reach down here and see if I can find one of those half-empty bottles of beer.
  18. I don’t believe there is anything that I dislike on any class of Celebrity ship. In fact, between now and the end of May 2023 DW and I are cruising on Equinox, Infinity and Beyond, in that order. Having already experienced all classes we know what to expect and how best to enjoy those expectations. Although there are preferences, from one ship to another as to presentation, contemporary modernization and “old world charm”, if you will, nothing serves to lessen our enthusiasm or dampen our cruising spirit. E-Class vessels are a stark contrast to what veteran X cruisers are used to, size and passenger count notwithstanding. It is very understandable how such a dramatic change would be unacceptable to some. Add to that, a new version of product usually brings with it a higher price. Whether or not you have sailed on E-Class or simply read comments from past cruisers, perhaps the latest genre is not worth the extra money. Trepidations understood. If one is completely convinced that he/she will not enjoy Edge Class ships, for whatever reason, then by all means you should not board that X ship. I will continue to enjoy the challenges to my adaptability and the opportunities to see beyond what at first might seem unusual or different. In doing so, I will not sacrifice paying the price for the accommodations that suit me best. Celebrity’s Edge Class is not over the edge. Rather, it is the start of a new climb.
  19. Be careful folks, cruising with technology only. Do not leave the ship with your comments. Nothing else applies or is relevant.
  20. So, technology in cruising, while not making a new class system, is certainly making every effort to gradually weed out the non-compliant, correct? Whether due to being less tech savvy, indifference, or the desire not to become totally tech dependent, if you can't or won't navigate a tiny keyboard for all your needs, perhaps you should consider other forms of travel, correct? Whether subtly, or not so much, the smarter the phone, less so the user. High tech in cruising is becoming another bias against certain cruisers. Kind of like seniors and those with mobility issues, correct?
  21. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the continued evolvement of high tech carries on the pervasive intrusion into our everyday lives. There is no development of a new “class system”, social, cruising or otherwise. Rather, the widening chasm between the influencers and the influenced will determine when some folks decide to wean themselves from whatever level of dependency they reside. For some, there cannot and will not be a respite. Cruising is just a small subset of high-tech influencers using high tech influences to sway or force cruisers into a more dependent cruising experience. I very much enjoy the paper notices in my cabin and the paper menus at the dining room table. On a recent cruise, it seemed a bother for the wait-staff to provide menus as they fully expected everyone to have the electronic version. Is cruising becoming less personal and more prone to electronic manipulation? High tech is too big to pigeon-hole in to any one social media platform, the crossovers between all platforms, imports and exports influencers from one to another. Thus, life outside cruising does not remove relevance from cruisers inside. This topic is certainly impactful on the cruising community, as are the posts within this thread.
  22. Lest we’ve forgotten, Celebrity’s Edge Class Ships, admittedly, are created by and for the younger generations. While we older travelers have been oohed and aahed over the years by a more subdued ship’s presentation and environment, comparatively Gen X and Gen Y folks have been closer to the modernization and transformation of everyday life. With more innovations in technology come more challenges to those folks further removed, whether by age or other factors. Being one of “we older travelers”, my tendency is to enjoy the product as a whole with the idea that not every venue or area needs an obvious purpose or intent. Just appreciate and enjoy it, or not, for what it is rather than bad-mouth the site and its creator/designer. If something, someone or someplace rankles your mind and body that much, adapt, adjust or flat out avoid as best you can. Easy-peasy. There are too many other ships in the sea
  23. Enjoyable reading, Denny. It seems we have similar likes regarding Edge Class ships. We also are very satisfied with standard balcony cabins and have had no yearning desire to book a suite. One reason is the Butler and our feelings about having someone in our face all the time. Based on your comments, it seems that, indeed. he made your cruise much more pleasant. Thanks to your clear, concise post suite cruising may become part of our travels sooner rather than later.
  24. Not being aware of all extenuating circumstances I cannot comment to the OP's post #1. Regarding embarkation and debarkation, if passengers would arrive at their assigned times and comply with the rules instead of everyone disregarding their assignments and each other, then perhaps that would alleviate some of the problems. We know that won't happen, don't we? Always have a bottle of water handy at embark and debark. might come in handy. We know that won't happen, don't we? Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, especially when they have happened before. We know that won't happen, don't we? It's kind of like reaping what you sow. We know that will happen, don't we.
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