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Trevor Fountain

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Everything posted by Trevor Fountain

  1. Don't even need to do a test now, though it is "highly recommended".
  2. I think you are probably right, but it would be easier if they just say "the following cruises will require a,b or c."
  3. Here we go again. Clear as mud. 16 nights or more and other specific cruises. So which specific cruises? They might as well say some cruises, though I accept they probably can't say that for operational reasons.
  4. Now NCL are allowing unvaccinated guests from 3rd September. They just need a negative test. Will P&O follow suit.
  5. You are of course correct about the upper market lines.The problem for me is I don't fly, and that limits my choice. I like everybody else just has to accept that things have changed. nobody forces me to cruise. I just miss what it was I guess.
  6. They used to have stewards that stood in the corridor near the cabins. You would press a button and the steward would come to your service. They would make you a snack and bring tea and coffee, all free. If you left your shoes visible in the cabin your steward would polish them, without being asked. He would assist with your bow tie on formal nights. This has long gone. The food in the restaurants really was first class including starter, sorbet, main, sweet, cheese and biscuits, coffee. A waiter would always be close to hand, no need to ask for a second bread roll, it would be offered after he noticed you'd finished your previous one, and never did I have an empty glass of water.This has long gone. Who would ever have dreamt of paying a supplement to dine in a speciality restaurant, where the product is still inferior (imo) to what it was back in the day. Midnight buffet? Long gone. Theme nights such as Race Night, Black and White Night, Casino Night. Long gone. A proper daily entertainment program, organised by fantastic cruise directors and entertainment staff. Long gone. I could go on. So in answer to your question, no it doesn't matter if my bed sheets are not turned down before I get in it, but it is just another example of the watered down product that they still call cruising. Alas there will be many who cruise today who have absolutely no idea what traditional cruising was like. Though it's fair to say that the fare reflects the changes, and now a lot more people can afford to 'cruise'. I shouldn't complain, there's always Butlins.
  7. Hence why I don't use T/A's anymore. Had horrendous time with one of the biggest trying to get money back from a cruise that was cancelled by Princess. Eventually claimed through Credit Card company.
  8. Try and make a purchase with your old card. If it doesn't work, then it won't work when P%O try and take the balance. Don't wait until final payment day, as it is possible P%O's system will cancel your booking and you will lose your deposit. So on final payment due day, just pay the balance with your new card.
  9. In summer it's easy to hang them out, in winter we have the heated towel rail. Not so easy on a ship.
  10. Indeed. Not to mention their names have the same amount of letters and syllables, and they both end in LOW, which is the same as the chances of completing the itinerary as booked.
  11. Oh no! Please don't link this card in any way with P&O. Just imagine being carted off the ship into an ambulance, you flash the card, "sorry Mr. Fountain, we've had to cancel your trip to Marseille Royal Infirmary, we are going to Toulon Geriatric Unit, due to operational reasons".
  12. Originally a flagship would be the ship in a naval group which carries the Commanding Officer. This is why you often get the Commodore on the flagship, as the Commodore ranks above a Captain. but below a Rear Admiral.
  13. Ha Ha, I was reading your post and up until the last sentence I actually thought you were praising the cruise. I think it would be great to go on your balcony at 3.00 am and find you're not moving. I'd have sat their until breakfast. As peaceful as life gets I reckon.
  14. I bet he cancels this and moves it to another t/a site. For operational reasons.
  15. I couldn't do that. I'd never be able to spell it for the sat nav. That's why I thought of Aix. 😊
  16. Is it a P&O excursion? If so they would adjust times to suit anyway.
  17. Yes me too. Thinking of driving there for a couple of weeks next year.
  18. Somebody might come on with a definative answer, but my guess would be 8.00 - 9.00 am. If you read through the P & O board, you will soon realise that there is a reasonable risk of ports being missed or swapped. I would only plan activities where you don't stand to lose money if the worst should happen.
  19. Toss of a coin for us. Eventually we plumped for Aix. To be honest it's not really long enough there, and 1 hour is a guided tour, which I hope we can skip. I really hate guided tours, I get bored and can hardly ever hear what they are saying. The prices do seem reasonable though.
  20. There just having operational issues at the moment.
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