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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. Best inside cabins are the four on Deck 13. Quiet, easy stroll to the outside sports deck and the elevators and the lookout above the bridge. No feel of motion either. As to views, if you feel the need when in the cabin turn of the telly and watch the bow camera. Best view on board as the seas wash over the bow in rough waters.
  2. Glad you love the QV. Back when she was first launched and put into service she arrived with no drawers. Who would have thought to put a grand lady out in public with no drawers but there she was for all to see and titter.
  3. Find it difficult to understand why anyone would pay for "I have a ten hour drive ahead of me and need a Starbucks coffee when general coffee offerings in the complimentary food places was just as nasty.
  4. Your personal stateroom will be your sanctuary if you need quiet. Beyond that it is peaceful if you stay on-board while the hordes invade small counties. There is no way any ship with 4,ooo plus passengers can offer peace and quiet. The name of the game is get them drinking early and keep them drinking late.
  5. Those piers were not built for The likes of returning WWII troop ships so they will always be chaos when the NCL Barges dock.
  6. Wanted to try Shanghai noodles but it was always mobbed on the Jan 20th Getaway cruise. Reminded me of a similar layout experience having lunch in Hong Kong at a working man's Chinese restaurant. Entertaining in Hong Kong not remotely on board ship. Looked like feeding in the KC cattle yards.
  7. Background: I sailed as an almost 84 year-old solo passenger, that years ago vowed never ever to sail NCL. My last time with NCL was in 2006 when they were headed seriously down scale and it was not at all fun for solo males. Over the past several years, they have made an effort to provide a better experience but----. The cruise was the olny one out of NYC at the time I needed one soooo knowing my trepidations going in I booked. So die hard NCL fans (I would estimate about 75% of the consist) read this as you will. Ship: Pristine clean all around inside and out. Attractive décor but with 4,000 passengers pawing all over it, one does not get to really appreciate that aspect of the voyage. As to stability, we had very calm seas most all of the time and the ship still rocks and rolls. Pity the passengers that get into a real ride of over 8 foot seas. Staff: Excellent level of enthusiasm and they did their best at service. Difficult in the complimentary restaurants as the kitchen appeared woefully unprepared to handle the number of diners at most and hour. But as one was not going anywhere, the 15 - 20 minute gap between courses was not an issue for me. My cabin steward was the best I have ever had on any line. Always attentive, Cleaned like a wizard and made a sincere effort to find disposable bags for an incontinence issue. He told me NCL has eliminated those disposal bags from their inventory. That will pose serious health risks to the cabin staff if they have to deal with more personal fluids from passengers or the passengers may take to using the toilet to dispose of the items. Either way Foolish on NCL's part. Staff language difficulty was a bit of an obstacle as I never was able to understand what they said on first try. Many times they had to repeat the statement three times before I got what they were saying. And their understanding did not seem to go much beyond words used in what ever position they had. ie: The dining room staff was ok with menu words but could not carry on a conversation based on even the weather of the day. Food: I did not go to any of the pay to dine places, so I have zero idea if they were good or bad. The one comment I would make is that by allowing nasty smoking in the casino, the stale smoke drifts down the stairs into the for pay Bistro and people dining in the so called patio (read right in the traffic aisle to the complimentary restaurant and the fake art gallery had to breath that stale air for their entire pricey meal. I had planned to play some Blackjack while on board but could not deal with the smokers so never did win from or leave money with the casino folks Evidently NCL believes that smokers gamble more than non-smokers or gamblers like to smoke. Tropicana: Looking over the free places before sailing I thought the large main dining room would be the place to dine every evening so I made a reservation for 7:30 pm the first night. Major error. The room is large but with a low ceiling and very load out of tune band music, and rushing staff and load large tables of passengers, it was not a comfortable experience and I never went back thee. The service stations for the waiters are tiny and three or four waiters are expected to use each station which is the size of half a deuce table. So chaos was the norm. Also, the section I sat in vibrated from engines deep in the ship throughout the entire meal of two plus hours. Food was good. Taste: Found this delightful small restaurant with breakfast the first morning and remained with the place for all of my meals except when it was closed on post days. Being a solo passenger that wore a blazer every evening and became known for a better than average level attire at all times, I was provided with instant seating though others who would also be using a two top had to wait. Most every morning and other meals I had a coveted window table. Did have one minor experience when I bit into a stuffed mushroom and felt a large hard object in my mouth that was not supposed to be there. Not wishing to cause a scene by inspecting it at the table, I wrapped it in a piece of the bear basket paper and placed it in my posket for a look later. Back in my cabin I washed it off and it was not a part of a tooth but was a small screw. Obviously fell out of a mixer some where in the food preparation area. So the next day, I went to the Guest Service desk to report the issue and asked to speak to the head chef of the Taste. After some language issues, the clerk understood my concern and tried to reach the chef. Unable to locate this person by phone he did get in touch with the head dining room supervisor. She was very apologetic and promised to take up the issue with the chef. I never heard another word from any one but service took on a new high after that issue and over the 12 days I was "comped" at least 6 glasses of house Merlot wine. The only other issue was the waiters in two instances running my card for the $18 a glass special wine VS the House at $10.50 and not providing me with a receipt to sign. Found this out when I got home to read my e-mailed final invoice against my credit card. Rather than make a big issue with NCL of a few dollars I factored the free glasses and the knowledge that NCL and I are done forever this time, I decided not push the matter via e-mail or credit card company. Finally as to the menu, the preparer of menu descriptions takes great license and a number of items bore little resemblance to the description. However, only one dish failed and that was the badly prepared Gnoce (sp?) O'Sheenanshies (sp?) Irish pub: During port days I had four lunches there. Pleasant place with an American sports bar décor. Nothing remotely Irish about it and horrors of all horrors, zero ale available, draft or bottle, so NCL lost out on a beverage with each lunch. The Zoo - Better know as the Garden Café: I will state that this feeding place was loaded with lots of fresh appearing food, excellent service and more than enough seating during off hours. I never frequented when I assume the vast majority of the passengers on board went there for their meals. So I can not comment on how crowed it might be at those times. I fully enjoyed a prepared to order Linguini with shrimp in a cream sauce. Just the right seasonings and more than ample size. The ice cream was always good. The Library: This was a joke. open one hour in the am and one hour in the pm. Really just a bunch a shelves holding about 100 books located in the tiny card room Three tables. However given the passenger consist as observed, this offering was way to generous. They were not on board to read other than menus and maybe the daily activity sheets. Activites: Geared 100% to NCL's market and from observation well appreciated. Not so much for those of an older generation where lots of noise from out of tune musicians and loudspeakers in every seating area (Except out on the Waterside deck). There really is no space allocated for a quiet cocktail before of after dinner. Just bar after bar after bar that got loader with each passing hour. Did not even try to get into a show so no comment on those offerings. The pool area was well used during the few hours the ship was in warm waters and not docked. And these did not seem to be an issue with finding a lounge chair. Attire: I arrived fully expecting from prior postings about dress codes to find a full consist of welding overalls and gardening clothes. I was pleasantly surprised that most every one made the effort to appear nicely attired and clean. I previously stated, I wore a Blazer, wool or linen slacks, dress shoes and dress shirt plus a scarf for all my evening meals. I would say that in Taste the following attire percentages were observed. Male attire befitting the décor, linen table clothes and napkins and a uniformed staff - 2%. Totally rude attire 1% the balance ranged from the majority in Target level casual to a few in obviously better casual clothes. Female attire befitting the level of elegance etc. 85%, Rude - two people over 12 nights. The balance in more casual clothing. It is sad in these times that men can not dress to compliment their significant others desire to dress up for an evening meal. Either they were not raised to do so or simply do not care enough about their wives desires. Passenger consist. A vast mix of cultures, ethnicities but from the number of folks I spoke with almost all from blue collar backgrounds. Comfortably well off and no dust ups at the bars nor anywhere else that were observed. Just 4,000 people having fun at an inexpensive price. NCL has found their niche market and has about a generation to enjoy it. The next one coming along does not enjoy crowds, nor loud music so what the will do with all these mega barges one has no idea. But they will have a good ten year run if one does not capsize in a high sea. Three Notes: Across many of NCL's ships where there have been many comments about the ship running out of certain staples. This is fully understandable if one looks at the consist of passenger, Each culture has different wants as to food and beverage, brands and items and as the consist changes with each cruise in percentage of each culture. Stocking correctly is almost impossible. I tried to speak with as many older passengers as possible and did not find a single one who found the voyage enjoyable. Too many passengers, too loud, no comfortable lounges just bars and without a middle set of elevators and stairs as in most large ships, way too far to walk to every thing. And a final note: I was amused by the number of older gentlemen cruising with their "daughters" or even their "grand daughters" .
  8. In reality Five days at sea in high winds. Just got off the barge from the 12 day Carib cruise in calm seas and the ship bobs up and down and sideways worse than a cork in a washing machine. The most likely have to dock in the Bahamas to meet the US rules of touching foreign soil between beginning and ending ports. And if there are really high winds out there to re stock the barf bags.
  9. Never have seen it mentioned on their web site nor in any advertisements after the first blast two years ago. When the QE2 was sold and was taking it's last world voyage Cunard was all over the promotion.
  10. Back when Cunard announced the 2023 world cruise schedule, they were all in for the 100th anniversary of their world cruises with much planned around the world. Since then crickets. What happened? They begin in two days.
  11. While two visits a day for top notch room service may end with NCL as the year unwinds, there is no need to go towel short. Just have a chat with your room steward when you first board and tell them how many towels you will need to satisfy your entire days usage. If you shower twice a day then you will need two sets. If they fail to comply with such a simple request then one can always delete the service charge from their account. And you can visit the pool area and "Borrow" the number of towels you will need for the length of your cruise. Those seeking to feel even better than NCL with their claim of environmental savings can shower every other day or maybe just once per week.
  12. A self filed small claims suit in your local court usually resolves these matters with large corporations as it is cheaper to pay you then to send an attorney to heavens knows where in the country to contest the claim.
  13. I guess the question should be asked in the reverse. How do folks feel about someone who enjoys dressing up on vacation and is comfortable in a blazer, long trousers and dress shoes, even a tie with their dress long sleeved shirt?
  14. I know that. You misread my suggestion. The poster was asking a question about being possibly denied service if not dressed in a certain way because their luggage had not yet arrived at their cabin. Just a suggestion not a desire.
  15. I don't care what you wear or do not wear. Everyone has their own comfort level. You were the one complaining about the possibility of not being allowed in the MDR an embarkation day if your luggage had not arrived in time and I simply made a suggestion should you fear denial of service.. NCL says dress up, dress down but please do dress. So far the ultra casual has not extended to being naked.
  16. Always can wear long pants and a collared shirt getting on the ship. Not difficult.
  17. Leave the money on the table but ask for an upgrade in category. That is a win win for both parties as NCL keeps the fare and you get a better cabin.
  18. Can no understand why people who want Motel 6 fares then are shocked when they can't get better than Motel 6 perks while on board.
  19. Back in the day when NCL was more of a cruise line than a ferry service they offered a fabulous repositioning cruise from Charleston to Boston. 14 days and both sections of the Caribbean. .
  20. Not quite 20 years before the Mast but the 2022 full world cruise of 117 days could be a sequel in the making.
  21. Fully agree as long as you shower at least once during the 12 days all should be fine no matter what you wear.
  22. Depends on where you live. There is bubba's BBQ smart casual and The Breakers in Palm Beach Smart Casual. On NCL the line where one can sail for a full 12 days with nothing more than a gym bag for luggage. So relax and try not to let it all hang out.
  23. Question - Once all the check in info has been provided, How long before NCL sends the Docs? I will be out of computer and phone accessibility beginning day 20 until the day of sailing.
  24. Just came across a brochure detailing Cunard's first 80 years through 1923.(Printer in 1923)Great full color prints of all the ships in the line and a brief history of the line. A real collectors item.
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