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Everything posted by BND

  1. Everyone's tastes are different and between allergies and dislikes, you're going to get 1000 different opinions. For example, I'm allergic to shrimp so I would never recommend seafood, even though that might be the best thing on the menu if you can eat it.
  2. We're not always aware of passengers leaving for medical reasons because some leave in ports after self reporting to medical so there's no alpha call for them. We had one cruise out of Baltimore where we had one evac before we got to the Bay Bridge. That particular cruise had multiple aplha's and a few evacs. So, the reality is, there are always more than people think there are.
  3. The laundry question has been discussed before. They will not keep the laundry rooms.
  4. Jewel was in the NE/Canada and Caribbean in Oct and Nov where she currently is out of San Juan. The TA was before that. We were on her Oct 20 and Oct 30 for the Canada (Quebec City) cruise and after ours ended Nov 9 she proceeded to San Juan. Anyway, there was a slot pull held on ours a couple of times and all I can say is they took over an area, and were yelling and encroaching on those trying to just play at a machine. Not a fan at all.
  5. I never said it was because it just a link. I just said I was waiting for it to be approved. Not sure how you read what you did. The RC blog links has now been approved and if you go back a page or so, you'll find it now.
  6. A couple of hours ago I posted a link to the RC blog that is about this on this thread and I'm STILL waiting for it to be approved. Where are the admins today?
  7. I'm guessing you never worked in the service industry in any capacity. Regardless, you act as if they have no choice. Please as I said, look up the education and experience requirements to apply for jobs on a cruise ship. I think you'll be surprised. You need to be more concerned about the living conditions of the people in their home countries if you really care. Or, if you really want to send a message, boycott the cruise industry. That'll show 'em.
  8. I'm amazed when someone thinks it's their business. The crew chose to work. They are not enslaved and in fact, they are free to go at any time. The only caveat to that is if they don't complete their contract, they have to pay their own way home. I just can't with these posts by people who "think" they know about the crew. If it was so horrible, why would they keep coming back. We've had a waiter tell us that he'd been on Royal for years and loved his job. He sends money home to his wife and she runs their business while he's gone. All you have to do to see how competitive these jobs are is read the requirements for the positions. The listings are out there if someone cares to look.
  9. Here's a take on the WC from the RC blog that basically says there is little difference in the UWC and a regular cruise and how some of these social media people have jumped on the bandwagon even though they aren't on the cruise or in some cases, have never cruised. https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2023/12/30/9-month-world-cruise-drama?fbclid=IwAR0xVD1xBezqO9GK0hLltchy8nuKfqNYSRbi8wHiZwaErPhUn-M0xFgrK-k
  10. I would gladly make a big variety, but DH is pretty picky about food. I rarely use a recipe and when I do I make changes. But, that said, most people on a cruise repeat items at home all the time.
  11. And the ones that think they speak for everyone onboard. On Jewel in Oct/Nov, a woman actually asked after Halloween when the decorations were coming down because no one liked them and they needed to go. She basically got shouted down by everyone else in the room telling her that no one but her had an issue lol. The second leg of our b2b started on Oct 30 so they had decided to make it a Halloween cruise which meant the decor stayed up the entire cruise.
  12. Most people eat the same meals over and over again. I know we repeat a lot of things every couple of weeks. Who doesn't repeat items once or twice a month at least? I know when our kids were growing up we had spaghetti once a week. At least if you get tired of a particular menu you can go to the WJ and make a big salad or something. And, you're not cooking.
  13. She has the pinnacles and those doing the entire world cruise mixed up. She uses them interchangeably. Pinnacles always have perks that others don't. She said they had a private meeting and were given the opportunity to see the Northern Lights, which we all know hasn't happened on this cruise so far lol. She is all over the place with her comments/complaints that she got supposedly from someone she knows onboard. And, those doing the UWC have perks that those doing segments don't. There's a reason the entire UWC costs more than the segments. I wonder why MSNBC chose to focus on her when there are plenty of others who are actually onboard doing tik toks and YT videos. I know, sensationalism to get viewers. She also mentions there's drama and there's going to be more drama some people have already left the ship. Then, she proceeds to say some for medical reasons and other's she doesn't know why. LOL. Why even mention it then? As for the few people who aren't friendly, etc. That's every cruise.
  14. Of course the floor in the solarium is tile. They all are. Due to sentence structure it read as the JS having a tile floor. Either way, all Vision class JS with the exception of the few on deck 7 are under the pool deck which includes the Solarium. Do you hear some noise? Of course you do, but it's never bothered us. The ones under the solarium aren't really considered less desirable than others on deck 8. In fact, to some people they're very desirable as it's just a quick walk up the back stairway to the Solarium. Under the pool area it's just as noisy. Heck, on Vision class, the GS and OS are under the WJ. For us, less desirable is aft or forward as we prefer midship, but others fight to get the aft facing JS. The fact two people didn't like being under the Solarium doesn't mean anything in terms of a gty. Our experience is they all book very quickly.
  15. The app has changed a lot in the last few weeks. You can't look up your muster station anymore either.
  16. One on Jewel was broken, but I don't think we ever saw anyone playing.
  17. A tile floor? Leftover from Covid days, maybe? I have never heard that and we've been in JS on GR 6 times, a couple of times under the solarium. Cabins were all the same. The JS on GR are all under deck 9 (on deck 8) with the exception of a few aft JS on deck 7. Yes, we always book our own, but we have met those that have booked gty.
  18. Other cruise lines don't do 9 month world cruises. Princess does something like 111-116 nights which makes it much more affordable. And, yes, it's a media sensation, but it is a limited customer base. It's great advertisement for Royal overall. BTW, I only said what several others have said. I said there was speculation.
  19. There's lots of speculation they won't as it didn't sell out. That's good for the cruisers, but not the cruise line. They probably need to rethink the length.
  20. I always make my scrambled eggs at home with milk, 1 tbsp per egg. It makes them softer and fluffier.
  21. One contract (5 months). He's returning to FL for all of 2024. He normally cruises out of FL. I did say "similar" which means not exactly the same. If you follow him, you know he does his best to stay close to his girls. He also goes to the UK to visit his family there.
  22. True. They bring a lot of fresh eggs onboard so why would they make omelets with fresh eggs, but scrambled eggs with powder or liquid eggs? Makes no sense does it? I do think they add something to the eggs for consistency, but they are real eggs (so are powdered when you get right down to it.) My DH says the scrambled eggs taste fine, but they have a different consistency.
  23. If people think thieves are looking only for large diamonds/stones, they are mistaken. The gold it's mounted in is worth a lot and sometimes more than the stones. As I said earlier in this thread, I wear it because i have it, but I don't wear my best ashore unless I'm going directly to a jewelry store to trade in a piece which we have done several times. I wear my best onboard, but I still wear my 2 ct solitaire engagement ring and 1 ct band ashore, except on some excursions. We also don't tend to go off wandering on our own like we did when we were younger.
  24. My DH gets omelets there a lot. It sometimes depends on how busy the station is. I get around the crappy scrambled eggs by getting a completely plain omelet.
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