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Everything posted by BND

  1. Other cruise lines don't do 9 month world cruises. Princess does something like 111-116 nights which makes it much more affordable. And, yes, it's a media sensation, but it is a limited customer base. It's great advertisement for Royal overall. BTW, I only said what several others have said. I said there was speculation.
  2. There's lots of speculation they won't as it didn't sell out. That's good for the cruisers, but not the cruise line. They probably need to rethink the length.
  3. I always make my scrambled eggs at home with milk, 1 tbsp per egg. It makes them softer and fluffier.
  4. One contract (5 months). He's returning to FL for all of 2024. He normally cruises out of FL. I did say "similar" which means not exactly the same. If you follow him, you know he does his best to stay close to his girls. He also goes to the UK to visit his family there.
  5. True. They bring a lot of fresh eggs onboard so why would they make omelets with fresh eggs, but scrambled eggs with powder or liquid eggs? Makes no sense does it? I do think they add something to the eggs for consistency, but they are real eggs (so are powdered when you get right down to it.) My DH says the scrambled eggs taste fine, but they have a different consistency.
  6. If people think thieves are looking only for large diamonds/stones, they are mistaken. The gold it's mounted in is worth a lot and sometimes more than the stones. As I said earlier in this thread, I wear it because i have it, but I don't wear my best ashore unless I'm going directly to a jewelry store to trade in a piece which we have done several times. I wear my best onboard, but I still wear my 2 ct solitaire engagement ring and 1 ct band ashore, except on some excursions. We also don't tend to go off wandering on our own like we did when we were younger.
  7. My DH gets omelets there a lot. It sometimes depends on how busy the station is. I get around the crappy scrambled eggs by getting a completely plain omelet.
  8. We like the WJ for breakfast sometimes, but I will not eat the scrambled eggs. I usually get boiled eggs. I ordered them in the MDR a few times at breakfast and even though they're not officially on the written menu, they got them for me. The first time, they brought me 3, the next time I got 2 and once I got 1. I have to be specific.
  9. Pretty sure Marc Walker has something similar in his contract except he sails out of FL, with a few shorter special event type sailings. Marc has two daughters who live in FL who are still fairly young and he gets to see them quite often when the ship is in port. He just posted his schedule for 2024, all out of FL and he'll get to spend Christmas with his daughters. I do know that crew and staff can request to be placed with spouses/SO's. Doesn't always happen, but they do try. I also am pretty sure they can apply to go to new builds and that experience counts more than popularity for those.
  10. It used to be served with an avocado cream type sauce. Originally on the lunch menu but has been added to dinner.
  11. We usually stay onboard since we cruise out of there often and have done a lot of things when we are there for a few days.. Space center, Cocoa Beach and pier, and Space Coast River tour. We also have friends who live there. One thing I would suggest is not to go to WDW or Universal. There's just not enough time for what it costs.
  12. More details than that. The machine identifies you by your seapass and pin combined so how?
  13. Her grandmother passed away. She posted a YT video yesterday about it.
  14. What's interesting is it's a prescription in the US, but in Canada it's OTC. I've used the patch when I've had surgery, but instead of removing it after 48 hours, I do around 24. I look in the mirror and my pupils are really large. We have cruised with people who removed them because their vision is blurry. Not everyone can use them. If they work for someone, that's great, but they don't for everyone.
  15. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/meclizine-oral-route/proper-use/drg-20075849#:~:text=For oral dosage form (tablets,every 24 hours while traveling. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/19358-meclizine-tablets-or-capsules This is not my opinion, but not sure why you are so bothered by the actual medical advice. BTW, where exactly did your childs pediatrician come into this? Just google meclizine and you'll see what I posted is what is the actual medical advice.
  16. So, I was 6 when it was first staged and 15 when it was in Chicago. I wonder why I didn't know the songs when we saw it a couple of times lol.
  17. Meclizine is a preventative, not a treatment for someone who is already sea sick. The fact he had zyrtec already in his system is what helped. I take one meclizine per day but if seas get rough, I take a second as that enhances the original dose which is what happened with your son. I don't want people thinking they can wait until they feel sick to start taking something. Meclizine when taken correctly and as recommended is before you travel.
  18. Definitely cheaper to use lesser known songs. That's what I thought after seeing it the first time.
  19. We've seen that on EN and/or GR. The songs are not really well known except for West Side Story. We've seen many Broadway shows and it just didn't register with me. Pretty sure they used songs that are part of shows, but just not a major part.
  20. Well, let's look at the people with small children who can afford to take them on a really long trip. Probably always give their kids what they want because they can. It would be interesting to find out something about the families traveling with children. If I have to guess, they pretty much never tell them no, unfortunately. That menu looks pretty good.
  21. Was working on Jewel in Nov 2022, but not this past Oct/Nov. I never asked about it so I don't know if it was a decision or it's broken.
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