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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. I understand you definitely don't want them in the attic. As a last resort is there a way to block the area with some metal mesh? Squirrels can be pests and chew into things.
  2. I finished my shift at 6. Volunteers are supposed to work 4 hours. I was there 9. We got more squirrels in and an itty bitty raccoon. The lady who would normally foster the smallest ones is away for 3 months which doesn't help. It also doesn't help that our current crop of interns make me wonder about the future of mankind. Sigh. Yes there is a second squirrel season here but not a second opossum season thankfully.
  3. You might try some Irish spring soap in that location. There is also a spray at tractor supply that will discourage them. It.is called "repels all". There is a granular one and a spray.
  4. You win. Tooth problems are awful coupled with new dentist is extra awful. Hoping your new dentist is the best one you have ever had.
  5. Ugh I am not looking forward to today. It will be an almost double shift at the refuge. Second baby squirrel season is in full force. The baby board is full with most of them needing feeding every 2 hours. Our interns leave a lot to be desired and most of the long term volunteers who have a good work ethic are not in town for various reasons. Sigh.
  6. The first article mentions that a risk to public health is unclear. The second article is just one of those click bait articles. It might be healthier to avoid these types of articles and consult with your own physician if you have any concerns about travel and health. Now that all the protocols have been lifted we are back to travel as usual.
  7. Elmer is diabetic. He has been on insulin now for 3 years. It took a few months to get the right dosage. He gets 6 units twice a day. He would not eat the special food so he eats the regular cat food. The vet is happy with his weight (he lost a lot of weight before he was diagnosed) and his spot glucose readings. He doesn't mind the shots. I give them between his shoulder blades. I use 0.5ml, 8mm syringes and he doesn't seem to notice. Always make sure it is given on a full stomach. I have also had a dog with diabetes who lived a long time.
  8. It could have been a one off so don't be too concerned. Next time try not to over think it. Grab her firmly and quickly deposit her in the carrier. Do not hesitate or let her know you are concerned. One with a larger door will help. You can also wrap her in a towel first. Maybe have towel time every day so it doesn't scare her. Start slow with introducing her to the towel a little.more coverage each time with treats included.
  9. Maybe they can give you a little something to relax her before the next time. I have had cats who would put themselves in the carrier and some who would fight like it was life or death to get in one. Jade loves you and just had a I am scared and going to freak out moment.
  10. I also get a chuckle from the vet when they open it up and Coal is inside. He is still really little and they are used to seeing the Maine Coons or Elmer my 20 pounder in it.
  11. We have a "sport pet cat carrier" from Amazon. It has a big front door and I have been able to load even my most difficult cat into it. We have the large size. It also will fold for storage. Sorry the picture is sideways.
  12. The express passes will help. Last fall we could walk onto most of the rides. I like the way they do it at universal where there is a separate line at most of the rides with the express side bypassing most of the people.
  13. I love Universal. It will be hot so take advantage of the pools and waterpark. We like to get macarons after dinner at the Toothsome Chocolate Emporium. Cowfish has good sushi and burgers. The Harry Potter area is so much fun.
  14. It is rare that I find rhubarb in the store. We both love rhubarb so I was so excited to see a package at the store.
  15. Exactly. There is no way I would put myself under the control of an unfriendly foreign country.
  16. Strange tomatoes. I hope in the end they turn out. That is disappointing that they are not a variety you expected.
  17. My husband said an extension cord would be ok. He also said you could use solar power to run one. They don't draw much power. We used a fido shock with an extension cord on our melon bed.
  18. We have 14 babies right now at the refuge. Super cute and very busy. I love feeding the little ones since they are one of the few animals we can use baby bottles with.
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