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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Winner, winner chicken dinner. It is a corn sheller. Bring your own box or container for catching. It was probably for pop corn since the opening only works with small ears. Found in an antique store in a dark corner. It now lives in my dining room. Here is a picture of the interior workings.
  2. See post 102099. Short explanation = take oil, some chemical to kill lice, put in oiler and let pigs rub against the wheels.
  3. We did not pay the prices you see on them now. 10 years ago you could pick up unrestored ones very cheaply. They are crazy expensive now
  4. They are for farmers to fill the tank with oil and chemicals to kill parasites on hogs. The wheels turn when the hog rubs against it dispersing the oil and chemical on the hog. There are various designs and we have 2. They started out rusty and dirty. My husband cleaned them up and painted them. At one tractor show there was a gentleman with a whole trailer full of restored ones for display.
  5. Second hog oiler: This one was a bear to clean. My husband had to take a file and lots of water to get all the dirt packed in the big wheel cleaned out.
  6. Back in the day on the farm when you had pigs you would fill it with oil and a chemical to kill lice. The wheels are partly in the well with the chemical/oil mixture. The pigs would rub against the wheels and get de-liced. Of course they were not painted or clean. There are a lot of different styles and we have 2 different ones. My husband worked for awhile cleaning and painting them.
  7. He is so hard to get a picture of. He is completely black and my floors are dark. When he is asleep and his eyes are closed it shows as just a black blob. Here is an ok picture of him awake and at warp speed.
  8. Our house sitters end up with Rocco, Elmer, and Coal sleeping with them. After they leave the pets keep looking down the hall for them.
  9. We have always closed the guest bedrooms off. It helps keep them clean. My sewing room is closed for their safety and my sanity.
  10. I block it in the guest bedroom which is a no cat zone. For some reason none of the cats bother my yarn while I am knitting. My craft room is also a no cat room unless I am in there.
  11. The wedding shawl is being blocked. Check one thing off my list. I will post a glamour shot when it is dry. It has silver lined clear beads that don't show up in the picture but make the shawl sparkle.
  12. That stinks. The soggy dollar is fun. We were there on an excursion from St. John. We went to the Baths first and then the soggy dollar. I hope you can find a charter to get you there.
  13. Champagne Lobster Roll is the first one. It has been my go to at Izumi all along. Yummy. I think the other roll is the Lobster Tempura Roll or something like that. It was really good too. For dessert I got the Sesame balls with red bean paste. I really like them but they are not for everyone. Izumi is my favorite specialty restaurant on the ships.
  14. What is amazing is I had no hope of that excursion being that awesome. We were about to get on the bus back to the ship at Bear Country in Ketchikan. We had not seen any bears. The guides came running up and said to head to the boardwalk. The mom and baby came down to the creek and started walking along it. Mom jumped into a pool in front of us, pulled out a huge salmon and took it and her baby back to the woods right under us. Best excursion ever!
  15. Sorry. I can see both sides. We have a wren who builds a nest and raises her babies above our back door each year. We would never think of stopping her. We have also had squirrels try to get into our attic and had to repair the damage. We then cut all the trees back so they can't get on the roof anymore.
  16. Dad did the deed and split. Mom is all on her own. Squirrels generally build 2 nests. That way they have a backup to move the babies to if needed. Doesn't always workout which is why our baby board is full. Discouraging her now before the babies are born will just encourage her to build in a more appropriate place.
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