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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. The area is fenced with cattle panels and is 75% covered with more panels. None of the cats has ever tried to get out. We can cover it more if needed but this gives my husband room to clean the gutters. They do love it out there. They are only out during the day and we lock the cat door before dark.
  2. In the spring there are a lot of turtles and tortoises that get hit by cars. Sometimes it is just a glancing blow and the refuge can patch them up. If someone brings them in. Most of the time we get dog attacks, string trimmer accidents and the occasional paint job. There is a respiratory illness that turtles get and we get several of those each year.
  3. @Husky1987 I liked your post because the dogs looked so content. I am so sorry about the fire and resulting wait to get back to your home. I am very happy that no one was injured and the insurance is coming through for you.
  4. Samantha, Annabel, and Elmer wanted breakfast on their patio. It is a nice 70F this morning. We need rain though.
  5. Help please! My nickname is plant killer so I am thrilled that I have not killed my orchid yet. It bloomed and I cut the stems back to a node. Now one stem has what looks like leaves coming out and the other has what looks like another stem maybe coming out? What do I do? Also, the roots don't look to huge so do I need to try to repot it yet?
  6. When we had new tile floors in our house in Texas we had the installers seal them. Much easier to clean and the grout stayed nice. We had a new tile floor put in other rooms later and sealed them ourselves. We got the product at Home Depot and followed the directions on the bottle. It was easy enough to do and the results seemed the same.
  7. Put the crackers in a zip lock bag and roll with a rolling pin. Don't over fill the bag. Better to do a few times rather then all at once.
  8. My preparations for our cruise is June is to bring a wide variety/quantity of OTC meds for any eventuality.
  9. My husband is out of town so we agreed to watch Jeopardy tonight and watch Survivor when he gets back. I am rooting for Carson or Carolyn.
  10. We have checked in for our June cruise. I even have the app! which shows the boarding passes. I plan to do the health thing on my phone and the muster thing too. How do I get luggage tags? I would rather already have them on the bags instead of trying to do them at the port.
  11. I guess I thought it would just pass through with salmonella and not necessarily help with immunity. Thank you for letting me know. I find it fascinating that with all the bad germs and bugs out there the human race is still chugging along.
  12. I do like the Cherokee purple tomatoes. Amish paste are good too. I think next year we will do three beds of tomatoes with a few eggplants. We are giving okra one last try but it isn't looking good. Things that did so well in Texas are just not as happy here. Little by little we are finding the things that do well here. I am having a lot more success with tomatoes here since in Texas it would get hot so early and the season would be over quickly. Here we get tomatoes a lot longer.
  13. Salmonella is bacterial so no it did not improve your immune system. I had noro once from a land based restaurant 40 or so years ago. I don't think I have ever gotten ill on a trip.
  14. @Momof3gurlz Our travel plans include: In June we have a cruise out of Tampa. In July a weekend with friends. In August a quick trip to Texas to see friends and put flowers on my parents graves. In September a trip to Universal. In October a girls trip to SAFF (fiber fest). In November there is the wedding. Your trips sound like a lot of fun.
  15. So far we have harvested 1 large tomato, 3 green tomatoes, several cherry tomatoes, and handfuls of strawberries. My neighbor's watermelons are about cantaloupe size. Have you raised the pineapple tomatoes before? I am always on the lookout for different varieties that are good.
  16. I just wonder if any of you ate dirt or drank out of a garden hose growing up? I figure a few germs now and again just keep my immune system humming along which is why I haven't gotten sick with anything for any years.
  17. I will be thinking about your family tomorrow and hoping that as time goes by they will have healing and better times.
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