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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. We switch between heat and cold all spring and fall. Once it is summer the air is on and set at 73. Once it is winter the heat is on and set at 73. It seems that 73 is our preferred temperature.
  2. It was strange. It started as just rain and then the wind started but just in the back of the house. The front yard just has a few branches down. I wasn't even this scared during hurricane Sally.
  3. Of course my husband is at a tractor show when the rain turned into a crazy storm. He will not be happy when he sees all the clean up we need to do tomorrow. At least the arch (which is the centerpiece of the wedding) only blew over and was not crushed under the tree.
  4. @Ozark_Kid She is super adorable! @sgmn Love the robin updates. @Ocean Boy That is one way to have the beach to yourself. @dani negreanu So glad DH is back to cooking. It looks delicious!
  5. After a blood test my Dr. advised me to take B12. Since I take a couple of other meds every morning I put it in my pill organizer so I don't forget. It really made a big difference in my energy levels.
  6. E!met wanted to know why I interrupted his nap to tell him it was National Pet Day since it is always his day every day.
  7. I am so sorry that is the diagnosis. I am glad that right now things are good. You will be in my thoughts and prayers that things stay good for as long as possible.
  8. The loss of the voicemail made me catch my breath. A couple of phones ago I lost the last voicemail from my Dad. It is sad and I am sorry it happened to you. Technology can make a person scream sometimes.
  9. @dani negreanu I know it will be a stressful night for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  10. There are just some things that are guaranteed to disappoint. Gas station sushi, grits from unknown sources, and Texmex not in Texas.
  11. We are booked on the Bella 2 cruise. It will so wonderful to actually meet so many of the people I have had the pleasure of virtually meeting.
  12. @h20skibumThat was such a good project for them and they look like it was so much fun. The grandkids are so cute!!! @dani negreanu Stay safe. I hope none of the unrest is close to you.
  13. If it continues you might want to see a Dr. It could be something that needs attention. Probably not but just in case.
  14. I tried that but no response. I know I was not on the original so maybe I have to wait until they have a chance first. Or something like that. It is ok and my TA is really great and going through a really bad time right now so I don't mind going with her as long as I can be part of the gang for all the fun stuff onboard.
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